Chapter 22: Jacked Up Problem

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The day after we saved the World and school was back up I was still wearing my red clothes. Chris said "Is that your new costume?" I said "Yep I'm wearing the shirt for now on but I still have on my headphones over my cap." Jacob said "Ok then well that's cool I guess?" He whispered to Chris "He's gonna get sick of those eventually." I said "I heard that and no I'm n-." Before I could finish my sentence someone walked in. I said "Hey guy, what's your name?" He said "I'm Little Jac son of the legendary fighter Little Mac!" I said "Wow so your a fighter trainee, I'm Tyrone and that's Chris and Jacob. We can talk some more at Lunch." Bowser Jr said "Hey kid you know those guys are bullies right? They've beat me up and innocent little Miis before, the Goomba even beaten up a poor child for cutting down a tree I've heard. Little Jac said "That's terrible! I'll avenge that kid and make sure they pay!" Bowser Jr and his goons started chuckling. I said "Why do you think he's so happy?" Jacob and Chris shrugged. At lunch Little Jac sat with Bowser Jr and his goons. I said to Jacob "Do you know where Chris is?" Jacob said "He might be in flute or something. At Lunch? Ok that is true it's weird how he's not here for lunch." We heard some groaning. I said "There must be a ghost pokemon somewhere in the school vents again." Jacob said "Yeah, we should visit Chris when school is over though." I said "Ok then." After school we went to Chris's house with some soup. I said "Jacob you know how to cook?" Jacob said "Cooking is an art! A respectful art!" I said "Right, I just use some hot water, cut chicken, and vegetables and that's how I make my vegetable soup." Jacob said "Ugh, you have no dignity do you?" I said "Of course I do! Anyways we're here." The door was locked so Jacob was about to go home but I said "Wait Chris keeps a spare key on the roof." Jacob said "How is he suppose to get that?" I said "He's an athletic kid, but how are we suppose to get up there?" I looked at Jacob and looked at the ground. He said "What?" Later I was on Jacob floating to the roof." Jacob said "If Chris can get up here can't we somehow, with out you breaking my back!?" I said "Ehhhh no, now float higher I'm almost there." Jacob said "But there's a ladder right there! Couldn't you just have used that!" I said "I wish I did because then a ladder wouldn't talk as much!" Jacob threw me up and said "Find your own way to get out of this one!" I said "Buddy? How am I suppose to get down!?" I grabbed the key and yelled "Ok I found a big white puffy pillow that I can jump on!" Jacob said "Really where?" I said "You." Jacob said "Oh my Arceus." I landed on him and unlocked the door. Then I realized "Hey couldn't you just have went through the door?" He face palmed and I said "What ever were already here. Chris? You here?" We looked in his room he wasn't there. He wasn't anywhere. We left and out the key back. Then I said "Maybe he's at that nerdy club with Madison today?" Jacob said "Wait that's today?! Oh no were suppose to be talking about Lord of the coins: The Nabbit! He dragged me home and got on his Nabbit mask and put a coin in his hat. I said "Is this really necessary?" Jacob said "You wouldn't know art if it slapped you in the face!" He grabbed a paint brush and hit me with it. I said "Come on! That was the metal part and it's Winter!" Jacob said "That's what you get!" I said "Well you wouldn't know a good book if it hit you on the head!" I grabbed his Lord of the Coins collector edition will in the plastic and box. Then I hit his on the head with it and it opened." He said "Nooooo it's ruined! You monster!" I said "What's so bad about opening a book!" He yelled "It was a collectors edition!" It echoed through the halls and through the room. Else Where at the Lord of the coins office. "What's wrong Mr. Waluigi?" "I don't know I just feel a disturbance." Back to the idi- I mean our friends. Jacob yelled "Nooooooooo-." I said "Are you done yet, come on we are going to be late." Me and Jacob rushed to the school. I said "Ok I'll look on the outside, and you talk to the nerds. Jacob sighed and we split up. Jacob asked the nerds "Did you guys see Chris?" Steven said "No not after what Little Jac did to him." Jacob said "Did what?" Steven said "What do you mean?" "Oh you don't know he-." I was looking around the school and kept hearing groaning. I walked over to the sound and I found Chris in his shell. I said "Um dude?" He went out of his shell and said "Oh hey what's up?" He had a black eye. I said "What happen to you?" He said "Um..." Then he pointed behind me and Bowser Jr, Little Jac, and his goons were with him. He pulled a rope and a net trapped me and Chris in separate nets. Bowser Jr said "Ehehehe you fell for my trap I was waiting 5 hours but it was worth it!" I said "You'll never get away with th- Wait you've been waiting here for 5 hours? Didn't you get hungry?"" Of course we did so we ate Goomshroom's Lollipop." Then we all heard a floating like sound. Then they went back into the bushes. Jacob love owed at us and said "What are you two doing in a net? Here let me help you with that." I said "No Jacob please don't!" Then when he floated to us and tried untangling us but he got caught too. Then Bowser Jr came out again and said "Now that we have all of you *snap*." Then Little Jac came out and said "I will avenge all the Miis and the little kid you slated with your sword." I said "Wait what did they tell you?! That's only half true!" Little Jac said "Enough talk!" He jumped up to us and everything went black. When I finally woke up I said "Uuuugh where am I? Guys?" Goombella said "What happen to you guys? You were knocked out for about 2 hours." I said "What?! Could one of his punches do that much damage?!"
Goombella looked confused so I explained. She said "What?! Hold on let me check my book on Little Mac, his dad. Hmmm says here that he's knocked out many people in his day even Donkey Kong! He's even been featured in Smash!" I said "Wow that powerful huh? To bad Bowser Jr used his powers for wrong." "Yeah it is a shame and the fact that your headphones broke." "Yeah that suc- wait a minute what?! Well I still have the ones you got me for Koopsmas, but still! That's it! I'm getting back my sword!" I got up and woke up Jacob and Chris. I said "Guys listen we need to get our powers back!" Jacob said "Ok but let me get on my Blue wizard clothes and hat and I'll be on my way." I said "Right, these aren't my hero clothes, these are my green version of it." Chris said "Yeah your right, I need in my neon green shell. So we all got changed into our usual clothes. When we left Jacob said "Um what happen to your headph-." I said "Don't even finish that sentence. Wait a minute what happen to your wizard cap and your sunglasses? Jacob cheaked his head and said "Oh no! They took my hat while I was unconscious! How am I suppose to look different from a normal boo!? Chris said "They took my sunglasses!" I said "Ok so they all took something that stood us out from any Goomba, Boo, or Koopa, come on the forest is right here. We went through the maze and finally found it. I tried pulling out my sword to summon the flying Koopa shell and Ice Hair but it didn't work! I said "What is wrong with this thing!? It was easier last time!" Then it went white. When we woke up we were in the temple again, the Goddesses said "Dear Arceus you 3 are idiots! Listen, you can only use that sword to destroy true evil! Like robots or the villager!" I said "Ok I guess so- wait did you just say robots?" They said "Um, we've already said to much!" Then we woke up at Jacob's house. We walked all the way to World 8 it took forever! Then we finally found Bowser Jr. I said "Look it's our stuff. Let's get it then tell Little Jac what really happened. So we grabbed our stuff then told Little Jac what happened. He said "I'll teach Bowser Jr to mess with me tomorrow!" The next day Bowser Jr wasn't in school for the rest of the day but then when we went to vist Little Jac we saw Bowser Jr and his goons hanging in a net getting punched by Little Jac

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