Chapter 33: The New Prince Part 1

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Today when I went to school Jacob wasn't there. I said to Bow "Hey do you know where your boyfriend is?" Bow sai"d No I tried calling him but nothing." Dr. Mario said "So Tyrone, where's your friend?" I said "Two things, why are you asking me? And no!" Dr. Mario said "Well I'm sorry I thought you would know!" "I don't..." He kept taking attendance and after school me and Chris went into Jacob's room and saw him groaning in his bed. He was asleep so I jumped on his bed and started kicking him awake. Jacob said "Ah no! Not now dad!" I said "What? Wait your dad?!" Jacob said "Err nothing." He floated downstairs and said "Lets just go downstairs!" He floated downstairs and I said "Wow déjà vú." Chris said "Don't you realize what's going on? Jacob's dad is don't something to him. Didn't you say something about Jacob having weird dreams?" "I don't really pay attention to what people say when I'm playing Smash Bros. Not a bit, not even 8 bit!" "This is not the time for jokes! We have to help him." That night Chris stayed the night and slept on the couch downstairs. I woke him up so we could go to Jacob's dreams. Recently I went to a shop that had a fake Pill'o from Mario and Luigi's dreamy adventure. I put it under Jacob's head and then a dreamy portal came up! I said "Wow surprisingly I'm not surprised." Me and Chris jumped in and we were in the legendary Count Bleak's Castle! I dropped to the ground and said "Ugh, where are we?" Chris landed on his feet and said "I'm guessing King Boo's newest fortress. He had to hide from Mario and Luigi somehow." "I guess that makes sense. Hey look the doors are opening!" We saw Jacob opening the doors so we followed. Me and Chris hid behind a statue of King Boo and Jacob. We heard King Boo laugh and say "Now are you now going to become the Prince you were made to be?" Jacob said "No! Why do you keep summoning me here while I'm asleep!?" "Because I don't want to raise suspicion to your two idiotic friends." "Hey! They are not idiotic! They can be... Intelligent." "You know I don't like Goombas or koopas that aren't bone Goombas or dry bones! People that are dead like us!" "That Goomba saved me from Jr! Unlike you!" "That's because your a prince! You can take care of yourself without some Goomba!" Then the world started turning white. I said "Jacob must be waking up! Let's get out of here!" The dream portal started closing and I jumped in and grabbed Chris. Me and Chris landed on Jacob's floor and he started waking up so we hid under his bed. Chris said "What is Jacob doing?" Jacob started opening a closet and he grabbed a box that marked "Do not touch, that means you Tyrone." He was about to open the box but he backed away. He said "No, I'm not going back!" He floated out of his room to Bow's house with the box in his hand. Me and Chris looked through the window and saw them talking. I said "Can you lip sync it?" Chris said "I'll try. Can you take this box for me and make sure Goomba doesn't get it? What's in it? That's not important." Jacob gave the box to Bow and left Jacob looked at us and become red. She opened the window and said "I know what your doing, your not getting what's in here!" I said "So he did tell her." Jacob walked in and Chris shut the curtains and I said "Hey Jacob what was all that noise about?" Jacob said "Um... Nothing." He closed his door and me and Chris started listening. We heard him pull something out and him saying "Ghost World" 3 times. I opened the door slowly and saw a mirror. I said "Ghost World" 3 times but nothing happen. I said "Lets take this to the smartest person we know!" Chris said "I'm right here." I pushed the mirror out of the room and Chris helped me. We brought it to E. Madd and told him everything we heard. He said "Ok then, well first off find out what's in that box!" Me and Chris since through Bow's window and got the box. When we came back to E. Madd's place he had the mirror hooked up to a computer. He said "You two come here look!" When we looked at the mirror we saw the castle again! But this time there were ghosts everywhere! We heard King Boo saying something. But we couldn't hear him but we heard Jacob say "I don't have it." E.Madd said "What's in the box?" Me and Chris opened it and saw a crown! I said "What is this thing?!" E. Madd said "Ok here's a history lesson." I started groaning and sat in a seat. E. Madd said "Ok this crown needs a gem. It's called the royal gem, my father told me it's been passed down through generations of King and Queen Boos. King Boo must have the gem in his crown right now, so when Jacoboo wears the crown King Boo will give him the gem so he can become the new King Boo." I said "So how can we get to the Ghost World that mirror will only let dead people go in." E. Madd said "Here you guys wear these." He gave us a bone Goomba and dry bone costumes. He said "If you just look the part then you'll be able to go to the Ghost World. Though the mirror may not believe you so I made a portal by using the essences of the mirror." Me and Chris walked to the portal and jumped in with the crown. There was a crowd of dry bones, boos, and bone Goombas. Me and Chris made our way to the front. We heard King Boo say "My son will now become the new King Boo once my minions get the crown from his girlfriend." Jacob said "You'll never find it." Then 3 boos appeared with Bow in their hands and said "We searched the whole house but nothing." King Boo came up to Bow and said "So where is it?" She said "I don't know! It was there last night in the closet but now it's gone!" "So it just walked away?" "I never said that!" Chris threw 3 bones at the ghost and they dropped Bow. Jacob and King Boo looked at us. King Boo said "How dare you! I don't even remember you two!" Me and Chris took off the disguises and jumped on the stage and said "Your not getting this box!" Jacob said "Guys no don-" King Boo said "Enough!" The skies became darker and thunder started striking! The 3 boos surrounded us and King Boo shot a beam out of his crown. He shot me and I tumbled off the stage and Chris hid in his shel. The box landed in King Boo's hands and then the crown started floating over Jacob. Then the gem went out of King Boo's crown and went onto the other crown. The crown fell on Jacob's head and King Boo said "The new ruler of the Kingdom! Prince Jacoboo!" Everyone started clapping and Jacob started glowing. Then Jacob grew two more teeth, his eyes went from black to pink and his tongue stuck out and it was blue. Chris went out of his shell and started crawling back of the stage. Me and him got up and then there was a white glow. Jacob started laughing like King Boo does. He said "Now that you've failed get out of my kingdom!" He shot the ground and a void opened up. Chris grabbed the ledge of the void and I hung on his shell. I said "Jacob come on! Snap out of it!" He said "Leave my kingdom!" The void got bigger and Chris let go I said "Jacob I thought we were friends!" When I didn't feel anything, Chris pointed down and I saw clouds and a few lakitu planes. Chris went in his shell and I said "Hey don't leave me out here to die!" I went in his shell and I said "Wow Steven was right! It's really roomy in here!" Chris said "Get out!" He kicked me out of his shell but luckily we were on the ground. His shell was cracked now. I said "What are we gonna do?" Chris said "I can get it repaired at the Koopa shop." "No about Jacob!" "Oh I'm not sure." E. Madd was outside the house and he said "I think I can help you two." We went to his house and he gave us two Poltergust 5000s. He said "Use these two things to defeat Jacob!" I said "Can't we just free him from the crown somehow?" He said "No! The only way to do that is to break the gem!" I said "We can do that somehow!" "Wrong! You can't just break a gem like that! You have to be, "The chosen one!" Me and Chris went to the portal after that comment. We snuck around the castle and finally found Jacob. I got ready to break the gem somehow. Once all the boos left we charged at Jacob. Jacob's gem glowed and it shot us. Pit hit me but not Chris. Chris shined the light at King Boo and I tried sucking him in the vacuum! He started floating away and dragged me on the floor. He dragged me to the wall and I landed on my head. This time I shined the light at Jacob and Chris tried sucking him up. He only had 1hp left we both shined the light and then he went into my vacuum. He dropped his crown and I said "Whoa! That was pretty cool. Look he dropped the crown." We heard a few boos coming to us so we hid behind a pillar. They said "Prince Jacob? Where is he?!" Me and Chris left but I think they saw us but I just ignored it. When we got back to E. Madd's lab he said "You actually got him!? Well just put the vacuum in the machine. I put the vacuum on the machine and I saw Jacob going through it. It scanned him and it gave him back his Wizard hat and cloak. Then he got shot out of the machine! I said "Jacob are you ok?" He said "You guys saved me! Thank you!" I said "Yeah we did." E. Madd said "Look at this!" He plugged in the gem to the machine and said "It looks like my father's research was correct. Whoever where's it becomes crazy with power. But when the gem's power isn't in use the boos need someone to command them! They'll pick any one who is next in charge in the kingdom." I said "Who do we know that's next in the thrown next to Jacob?" Jacob said "Obviously no one important."
Else where
"Hey kid, do you want to be the ruler of our kingdom?" "Hmmm it depends, who was suppose to be your leader and who toke him off the thrown?" "The ruler's name was Jacob, and his friends who saved him was Tyrone and Chris." "Those guys huh? Well if I'm gonna be the prince then I want all of them to be "taken care of." "Ok then, I'll command the troops to attack immediately. By the way, what's your name?" "Me? I'm Bowser Jr! The new Prince of the Ghost World and soon to be King of the Koopa Kingdom! Mwahahaha!"

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