Chapter 34: Detention

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The next day was me and Jacob's detention but we were not letting Chris not go with us. We got Chris and brought him to the school with us. He said "Its the weekend come on guy!" I said "You just ditched us! Your helping us with this!" When we got there Bowser said "Well your friend offered to help you Huh?" Jacob said "You could say that." Bowser said "Right then, well there's been scratches on my car, someone has to paint my castle's roof, and there's a spot right there." He pointed to a hole in front of his castle. He said "Can you do that mini- I mean um... Students." I said "Yeah that shouldn't be to hard." Jacob said "I'll do the roof." I said "I'll take care of the hole, I'm getting a broom." Chris said "I guess I'll take care of the car." I got the broom and tried swiping the hole away but it sucked the broom in. I said "Oh, so we're doing this Huh? Fine hole! Watch yourself." I backed away slowly and grabbed a mop. I sucked that in to. Chris said "I think it's getting bigger?" I said "Yeah right, holes don't get bigger. Maybe it's a broken warp pipe. Jacob help me out here." Jacob had on a painters hat now but took it off and put back on his wizard hat. He said "What?" I said "Look in this hole for me." He looked and said "I don't see anything." I kicked him in and said "Are you still alive? Hm, hey Chris can you come over here for a second!" He came over and I did the same thing I said "Chris are you still alive? Do you see Jacob?" After about 2 minutes 2 hands dragged me in. When I got in Jacob and Chris were there. I said "Hey guys haha. I thought you guys died." Jacob said "Why didn't you jump in?!" I said "Are you kidding? I'm not dying tonight!" They both sighed and pointed in front of them. When I looked where they were pointing I saw huge buildings. I said "Where are we exactly?" We went into the building and when we went in it was amazing! We went through a window and saw 3 people. Jacob said "Wow look at that! They have a WII U! Those things are ancient!" I said "Did we go back in time again?" The one in the chair said "So Chris, Tyrone, and Jacob go onto a pokemon adventure and need to find Joe's pokemon, I mean we've touched all other video games like Mario and Zelda." The one on his right said "Ok maybe we can do something like pokemon snap." I said "Pokemon Snap? Why are they talking about us and our friends?" The one on the left said "No I think we should be transformed into pokemon." The one in the middle said "Hm, that's not such a bad idea but it's a maybe." They all left and I jumped off the huge dresser. Chris said "Where are you going?!" I said "I'm seeing what they were talking about! Look they have a huge device with words on it!" They both jumped down and I said "Ok brains what are we gonna do?" Jacob said "Well we can use those big strings over there to climb up there." Chris said "I think those are shoe strings?" I grabbed one and said "Lets climb!" We climbed up the chair and onto the desk where the device was. I said "Is this an IPad? This is ancient too! Get with the times am I right?" Chris and Jacob went to the device and I followed. Jacob touched it and it said "Enter password." I said "I got this." I jumped on different keys and it opened. We looked through the IPad and I said "Wait? This is all about us?" Chris said "How is that possible? We don't even know these huge people." Jacob said "Where did that hole send u-." We heard something break and when we looked next to us we saw on of the giants. I said "Um... Hi?" The giant started yelling so we did too! He yelled "Guys look at this!" We hid before the other two giants could find us. We dropped down off the desk and I said "Oh no! Run!" I hid in a huge tea cup. Chris hid in a 3DS case and Jacob hid behind a model of Pikachu. Heard the giant say "I saw, us!" Another one said "Jacob your crazy again." "No Tariq, I saw 3 minions! A boo with a wizard cap! A Goomba with headphones! And a Koopa with sunglasses and basketball sneakers!" We heard a different giant say "Ok guys lets just check Jacob's theory." One of the giants said "Ok Chris." I jumped out of the tea cup and went behind a Mario toy. One of the giants checked the tea cup, I was relived. But then the giant that saw us before was looking at me. I threw my headphones at it's eye and caught them just in time. I was out of breath! This place was to big!" Jacob and Chris came under the bed too and said "That was close, that one giant is to fast!" I said "Why do they sound and act exactly like us?" Jacob was about to say something but something grabbed all of us! It was a hand! How did Crazy and M- no wait it was just the giant. It was the giant! He said "See told you guys!" The two giants looked at us and we just stood there. One of the giants said "Cool you found my toys thanks." Jacob said "So your telling me you have a Goomba toy with headphones, a Koopa with sunglasses, and a boo with wizard stuff on?" "Good point." He looked at us and I said "Um... Hi?" The giant dropped us but one of them caught us and put us on a huge table with other Goombas and Nintendo related stuff. One of the giants said "Lets see how they react to this." I walked up to the Mega Man figure and said "Hey Mega Man big fan, how's roll doing?" Jacob walked up to a toad figure and pushed it over. He said "Guys I don't think these things are real." I pushed over the Mega Man figure and said "Your right come on let's leave." Chris said "How if they're watching us?" I grabbed a duck hunt duck toy and said "We ride! All aboard the duck hunt ride! No dogs allowed." Chris and Jacob got on and I said "Ok so you all know how to put on a seat belt right?" Jacob said "There are no seatbelts!" "Good that means it's working. Let's go!" I jumped off and pushed the duck off. It was going down and down Jacob and Chris were yelling but I jumped on the back of it and it flew over the giant's heads! I said "See ya suckers!" Jacob and Chris were still yelling but I said "Guys it's fine, they can't hurt us anymore. And we're not falling." They stopped after but then something grabbed the duck plane! Chris said "Look the Giants really want is to stay!" I said "We are going into turbo drive now!" I ran to the front and ground pounded the beak of the plane. The giant let go and we were flying again. I said "Hold on guys! I gotta bring the plane back up!" But it was to late! We crash landed onto the floor! I said "Noooo were doomed to stay here!" We hid under the bed again and heard the giants say "So I guess Video Game Land does exist? Well we should tell them what's going on." They grabbed us again and I said "No! I won't go without a fight! I beat 2 giant hands and 2 tyrants!" Jacob said "One of those tyrants were me!" Chris said "So we can take you on any day!" They dropped us in a clear container that looks like it could fit a huge lizard or something. They said "Ok so they apparently exist. How are we gonna bring them back?" I Was banging on the glass with my head and said "Let. Us. Out!" One of the Giants dropped a bag that said "Mario fruit snacks." I opened a bag and they were the size of my head! Wait... It was a head! I said "You can't expect me to eat Mario's head! You monsters!" Jacob was eating it and me and Chris were just looking at him. He said "What? It clearly states that it is made of gummy essences." I took a Luigi head and Chris took a Koopa shell he said "You don't expect me to eat this do you?" I said "I'm eating Luigi! How do you think I feel!?" Jacob rolled his eyes and kept eating. The giant grabbed me while I was eating the mustache. He said "Ok here's a quiz, who is your main enemy?" I said "Bowser Jr." "Who is your girlfriend?" "Goombella, weirdo." "Have you ever stopped a whole kingdom from processing correctly?" "Well I guess, I mean I took down a King, prince, and mini tyrant." They put me back in the container and I picked up Chris then Jacob. They said "Ok let's try something." They got us and put us next to the IPad. The guy in the middle typed in "Then I jumped." Then I started jumping I said "The heck!?" The on on the left said "Ok let me try something." He typed in "Then Jacob grabbed a pokeball." A pokeball appeared in Jacob's hand! The guy on the right said "Ok my turn." He typed in "Then Chris dyed but was resurrected." Chris said "Wait what?!" Chris fell and there were Xs over his eyes. Then he stood back up and I said "You ok?" He said "I've seen the light... It wasn't pretty." I said "Lets see something." We walked I front of the computer and saw tons of stuff! Anything important that happened in our lives! One giant said "We can't let them know they're just fictional characters." I said "No, we already know that we're just video games." He said "Oh... We'll see ya." I said "Yeah that's the thing we don't t know how to leave." He typed something in then a void appeared next to us. I said "Ok well thanks weirdos. Later!" We all jumped in and finished our detention services. The void, once we came out of it, just disappeared. Bowser said "Thank you, here." He gave us 10 coins and said "Well you did the stuff I didn't want to so I'm paying you. See you at school Monday I hope." We went home and I said "Do you think those Giants are writing about us right now?" Jacob said "Most likely." I said "Wait, then they know what's gonna happen in the future, present, and past right?" "Yeah? So?" "We could've asked them anything!" Jacob face palmed and I hit my head in the wall for 5 minutes saying "Idiot. Idiot. Idiot."

Hello everyone, this is Tariq the maker of Video Game High here just saying thank you for 2,000+ views and 100+ rates and 50+ comments! Your all the best fans I've ever had! I've considered ending this series but you all gave me so much support and even a few of my friends made their point of views! Here they are! LLOCookies11402 KarateChris12 thejakeman101 . Hopefully more chapters coming soon! Thank you to my friends Chris and Jacob for helping me with ideas and support!

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