Chapter 36: Pokemon Quest

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While me, Jacob, and Chris were walking home from school Joe stopped us. I said "Um hey Joe, what's up?" Joe just looked at us and I whispered to Jacob "Why isn't he talking?" Jacob said "He's a trainer. They don't talk that much." Joe pointed to his house so we all walked in with him. When we went in and sat down I said "Ok Joe, make us a picture of what happen?" Joe smiled and grabbed a pencil and paper. When he gave us the paper Chris said "Its just a blank piece of paper?" Joe shrugged and pointed at a pokeball. I said "Ok so something about pokemon?" He smiled and nodded then he pointed at a game of "Mario is Missing." Chris said "So Pokemon+Mario is Missing?" Jacob said "So your Pokemon are mi-." I said "Shut up Jacob I'm thinking! I got it! Your pokemon are missing!" Jacob face palmed and said "Good Job Shroomlock." I said "Thank You." Joe nodded and pointed at a pokeballs again and threw them at us. I dicked but it hit Chris and Jacob. Jacob said "Hey it's kinda cozy in here." When the part where you let the, out glowed I hit it and Jacob and Chris came out but they looked...Different? For one Jacob looked like a Jigglypuff and a boo had a baby and Chris looked like a wartortle and a Koopa had a baby. Joe gave me a hat that had a 1-up symbol on it and gave me Chris and Jacob's pokeballs. I said "How many pokemon did you lose?" He stuck up 4 fingers and so we set out to the 4 kingdoms of Video Game Land! Hyrule, Mushroom Kingdom, DreamLand, and Pokemon. Yes there are more but we went to the main 4. When we walked outside the gym in the Pokemon part of the quest it looked like it was glitching! I said "Oh No!" But then there was a Frokie in my way. I said "Oh that's it, go Chris!" Chris said "You don't expect me to kill that poor Frokie do you?" I said "Don't be such a wimp. Use Skull Bash!" He charged into it and words came up in the sky that said "Frokie f-. No it's dead, yeah you killed it. You gained 5xp." Chris said "You've made me a monster, you've made me a monster!" I said "Good Job Chris we won!" I threw a pokeball at it and caught a dead Frokie! I put Chris back in his pokeball and kept going. When we got to the first gym to ask about Joe's pokemon there was Nick! He said "Oh hey! Guess what! I found this Charzard in this pokeball! I think Joe dropped it, but you snooze you loose." I said "Nick I don't wanna fight you." I threw Chris's pokeball and he said "You?! I'm the one killing them!" I said "It was that one time!" Nick said "Wait you two killed a poke-. You know what never mind. Let's battle!" I said "Chris use Skull Bash!" Text came up that said "Chris refuses to use that move, try again." I sighed and said "Fine, use Water Gun!" He shot water out of his mouth and I said "Wait was that spit?" Chris said "What? No. I don't th- no... No." It hit Charzard hard but Charzard hit back harder! Nick said "Charzard, use fly!" I said "Chris come back! Go Jacob!" Jacob said "Oh wow you know this isn't so bad. Hey do you hear something, it sounds like something falling?" Charizard landed on him and I said "Come on Jacob get up! Kill him by using your most deadly attack!" Jacob said "Alright! So what is it? Hyper Beam? Moon blast?" "Jacob use... Sing." "Sing?" "Here catch." I threw him a pink microphone and he said "Sing?! You think that's the strongest move?!" I said "You gotta use it at the right moment, wait for my command." Nick said "Charizard use Skull Bash!" Charizard charged at Jacob at full speed. Jacob said "Um now?" I was plugging in a stereo and said "Almost." Charizard kept going and Jacob said "He's getting close!" I set up a studio and said "Hold on!" Jacob said "He's really close now!" I was eating photo chips and said "Huh? Oh right. Jacob use sing!" I put on ear muffs and Jacob started singing his Jigglypuff song and when Charizard attacked he fell to the floor. While Charizard was asleep I said "Now use rest!" Jacob said "Your the worst trainer ever!" He went to sleep and Charizard got up and poked him and Nick said "Use Flame charge!" Charizard charged at Jacob then Jacob woke up and I said "Jacob use rest again!" Jacob said "I'm fine with that now, I was having a good dream." He went back to sleep the same time Charizard hit him! When the smoke from the crash cleared up Jacob was still asleep and Charizard was on the floor. More text appeared that said "You win! Jacob gained 157xp, Chris gained 104xp, Dead Frokie gained 2xp. Choose your winnings." Nick threw me the pokeball and said "Your good with your pokemon that look a lot like your friends but I'm not here to judge." I said "Right? Anyways see ya later Nick." Next was Hyrule and I had a feeling who we would verse. While going through the gym in Hyrule I accidentally looked at a guard and he ran to me and said "I won't kick you out! If you beat me in a battle!" The world started glitching but I said "No." The guard said "What?" I said "No. Look can't I just go to the gym leader?" "No! It doesn't work like that!" "Come on! You don't even have the guts to kick me out man! Pun not intended." "Look I've been standing here for 4 hours! We are battling!" "Fine!" The world changed and I said "Go Jacob!" The guard said "Go Eevee!" Jacob said "You don't expect me to hurt that little puppy." I said "it's not a puppy it's a pokemon. Now go and make it faint for money! Oh and um, yeah Joe's pokemon, but mostly money! Use hyper voice on this fool!" I tossed Jacob the microphone again and he said "Fine." He yelled into the microphone and the Eevee fainted." The guard said "Noooo! Eevee! How do you live with yourself?" I said "Just a pokemon." "Here's 50 poke dollars." "Thank you!" We beat a few more Eevees and got to the gym leader!" It was Amanda? Gonna be honest I was expecting this one. She said "Hey guys guess w-?" I said "You found one of Joe's pokeballs and you wanna battle. We already did this with a Nick let's do this. I threw out Frokie's pokeball and because I went to a poke center he was all better. She threw out a monkey I said "That's animal cruelty! You can't use a monkey!" Amanda looked confused and said "Its obviously a mankey Tyrone, not a monkey. If you don't believe me here." She tossed me a pokedex and it scanned it quickly and said "This pokemon is a Mankey. It's the primate poke-." I interrupted and said "Its obviously a Monkey." The pokedex said "Mankey." "Monkey." "Mankey." "Monkey." Monkey." "Mankey." "Ha! I just Bugs Bunnied you!" I threw the pokedex on the floor and said "Whatever! I'm gonna make that thing faint like crazy you stupid Monkey!" "Mankey." Amanda said "Ok then let's get started, Mankey use fury swipe!" He started slashing at Frokie, I said "Frokie use bubble!" He shot a bubble at the monkey and when it popped the monkey fell to the ground. The text said "It was... Surprisingly critical! Frokie gained 567xp! You got a potion!" Amanda sighed and tossed me the pokeball for Monkey. She said "You can nickname it you know." I said "I'm naming it monkey even though that's it's name." Amanda rolled her eyes and walked away. I went to the next gym in Dream Land. When I got there the gym leader was Billy. He said "So you finally made it to my gym, Huh? Well it's gonna be that easy! Go mudkip!" A mudkip came out of his pokeball and I said "Chris use tackle. I can't believe I'm attacking a baby pokemon." Chris tackled it and it fainted. Bully Dee said "I'm surprised you beat me!" I muttered "Well that will happen if you use a baby pokemon level 5." He gave me the pokeball and I was going to the last pokeball! The last kingdom! Mushroom kingdom! When I got there I looked in all the toad houses and even talked to Prince Shroom! You know... That guy everyone thought died but didn't from that Murder Mystery thing. That was a roller coaster of emotions for me. Anyways, after about an hour it hit me! Literally! A hammer hit my head and when I looked up there was a clown copter over me. As soon as I looked up though it jet off. I said "Hey wait!" I let Charizard out and said "Ok you huge land before time rip off let's get flying!" I jumped on his back and he took off after the clown copter. We finally got to the gym, it seemed familiar. There were fire pits, fire bars, everything that was there when I battled Jr to the death that one time. You all know that one right? Of course you don't. When I got there the clown copter landed and I put Charizard back in his pokeball. When the guy got out he said "So it is you again old enemy?" I said "I'm sorry but have we met?" He turned around and said "Yes we have! Remember me! Its Jr!" I said "Jr? Hmm not ringing a bell. Of course I remember you! You tried killing me like 3 or 4 times!" "I think it was 3." "Pretty sure it was 4." "What ever! I know why your here." "Yeah so I can take back my friend's pokemon! Where is it?" "It's in there, here have it, I don't need it." "Seriously just like that?" Gave me the ball and said "Yeah. Except not really, that's a pester ball, your about to be knocked out or dead. Either one works." The ball opened and I got knocked out by green smoke. when I woke up Jr was in front of me with a Dragonite next to him. He said "Use thunder punch!" I threw my a random pokeball and out came Chris. I said "Chris use surf!" A bunch of water appeared but Dragonite punched it and the Lightning went threw the water's stream and it shocked Chris. But the water did wipe out Dragonite to the floor so that works too. So I guess I won but now Chris was knocked out too so I put him back in his ball and took Dragonit's pokeball. Bowser Jr said "This isn't the last you've heard of me!" I ignored him and waked back to Joe's house. I gave back all the pokeballs and when I went out side his house I said "Wait a minute... Did I just give him Chris and Jacob? Well they're his problem now."

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