Chapter 41: Tyrone's Goompa

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Now it was Saturday and I was planning to just sleep. Jacob walked in and said "Your just gonna sleep in?" I said "Yep." I put on sunglasses and said "Deal with it." Jacob shrugged and walked out the front door. After he left I got a call and the caller said "Hello is this Tyrone "Shroom" Goomba?" I said "Um it depends, who is this?" He said "This is Koopa the Quick, I'm just here to say. You have to pick up your Goompa." "Ok that's not to b- wait what?!" "You heard me sir. We are located on Old Mushroom Road. He's waiting right here. Goodbye." "Wait I-." He already hung up so I asked Chris if I could use the old kart that we used to almost beat Goom and the other rivals. He said "Sure, why not?" I grabbed my fake listens and took off. When I got there I said "Ok then, it's 11:00 he should be out by now. I saw him walking out I said through the window, "Hi Goompa." He said "What?" "Hi!" "What?" "Ugh, never mind open the door." "What?" "Open the door!" "Ask for more? More of what?" "Never mind." I let him in and said "Hey Goompa,ready to go?" He said "Of course, Timmy." "What? No my name is Tyrone." "Oh right, sorry Tariq." "No, Tyrone!" "Ah! Chris." "That one didn't even make sense! Never mind let's go." I started going at the least on pixel then he said "Whoa! Slow down there Goomba the Quick! Whew I almost had a heart attack." I said "But we didn't even move a pixel." "Are you kidding!? You were going 1/2 pixels per hour! Do you know how fast that is!?" "Yeah, not that fast. Let's just listen to some music." I played some Dr. Mario with lyrics by Brentalfloss and he yelled "Ah what is this rubbish!? It sounds like a toad and a poke flute had a baby!" I said "Its a pretty good game with really good added lyrics." (You can listen to it too. Watch that video now please. Give Brent some love.) He said "No! Play something more classical!" He tuned it to the Waka Waka song. I said "Its just Pac-Man eating Power Pellets." "Yes! Ah now this is my peanut butter!" "Do you mean jam?" "No! My peanut butter! Who says jam anymore, outside cat?" "Stop trying to be cool, please." We started driving and he started to calm down. He said "Stop the car!" I said "What is it?!" He said "Hmm, it took you 5 seconds to stop? That's a deduction." I said "But I have a listens which totally isn't fake." We kept going and when we got there I accidentally locked the door. I said "Goompa open the door!" He said "What?" "Open the door!" "What?" "Press that button right there!" He pressed it and opened the door and said "I didn't need you help Tommy!" Luckily Jacob wasn't home yet so I had to hide my Goompa. He sat on the couch and said "I'm gonna lay down Tommy." I said "Fine, do you need anything?" "Milk!" I went to the kitchen and Genie was there. He said "Oh hey Tyrone." He grabbed a milk carton and started drinking from it and said after he was done "So what do you need?" I said "Milk..." "Oh well that's gonna be a problem not! Shabbat!" A carton appeared on the table so I grabbed it and brought it to my Goompa. I said "Ok here's your milk." He said "Why would I want milk? I asked for Mushroom Soda!" I groaned and got a Mushroom Soda. Genie said "Hey what's going on? You couldn't have drank all that milk already." I said "My Goompa is staying with us until I can find him a place to stay." I went back to him and said "Ok here's your soda." He said "What do you mean? I asked for milk and you got me that! Stop annoying me!" He threw the milk carton at me and I threw it out. Jacob came in and said "Hey Tyrone." Goompa said "Hey." Jacob said "Tyrone? You look older." I had a plan now so I let my Goompa keep talking to him. Goompa said "Hey JamJam." Genie came behind me and said "I see what you mean now. I'll help you out." He shot a beam out of his finger to my Goompa. Then he looked younger. He had a skateboard,sunglasses, and Curley hair. He said "Sup bro? Wanna go skate?" Jacob said "What just happen?" I walked in and explained everything. Jacob said "Well I guess since he's moving eventually he can stay but how are we gonna fix this?" Genie said "I need to recharge, give me all your milk." I said "We're out." He said "Well we tried." I said "He can come to school with us until Genie recharges!" Jacob said "Ok then I guess." Goompa came up to us and said "Alright Bros! Let's do this! By the way I'm CoolShroom!" I said "I'm Tyrone your grand son." He said "Yeah right bro! I'm never having a child!" I rolled my eyes and ignored him. After the weekend passed he went to school with us. When I walked into class Jacob looked at awe. I said "What happen?" A thought bubble appeared and I started watching. CoolShroom said to Jacob "Whoa look over there. Sweet Goomba at 8:00." Jacob said "You might not wann- aaaand your already gone." He said "Hey sugar. Wanna hang out later?" Goombella said "Tyrone you seem different." He said "I don't know what a Tyrone is but most people call me CoolShroom." She said "Well if you do want to hang out let's go to dinner later." He said "I'll pick you up at 8 cupcake. Just kidding make it 4." Goombella started blushing then the thought bubble disappeared. Jacob said "Wow, don't do anything cr- aaaand your gone." I ran up to CoolShroom and he said "What?" I said "Cupcake? Cupcake?! I said you could come to school with me! Not steal my friends and now my girlfriend!" He said "O didn't steal your friends, and how was I suppose to know that girl was your gf." Chris walked pass and said "Hey Tyrone." I was about to say hi but CoolShroom said "Hey Chris." I said "That's the last straw! We are going home!" Dr. Mario said "In 6 hours." I said "We are going home in 6 hours!" After school I dragged him home and he said "Bro, this is whack! I have a date!" I said "No I have a date! Now I have to explain what you did!" When we got home I tossed him on the couch and said "Jacob, Genie, watch this fool!" I took his sunglasses and said "Now I have to be you! Thanks a lot Goompa!" He said "I'm no Goompa, but I am a cool dude." "That didn't even make since. I'm out!" I walked out the door and slammed the door then grabbed his skateboard. I went to Bow's house and took off my headphones and put on a Curley hair wig. Goombella opened the door and said "Hey Tyrone, I'm not use to you without headphones on." I said "Hehe, yeah, you know I'm to cool for those *I guess.*" "Did you say something?" "Nope, let's go."
CoolShroom was tied up to a chair now and kept saying "Let me go." Jacob and Genie kept saying "No." "Let me go." "No." "Let me go." "No." Jacob said "This is so boring! Um, hey Genie me and you have something to do right? You know that thing?" He winked and Genie said "What th-? Oh yeah that thing. Hey CoolShroom can we trust you not to leave?" CoolShroom said "Of course." Jacob said "Lets go Genie! On a Magickarp ride!" They hopped on a flying Magickarp and left. CoolShroom untangled himself and walked into the kitchen. King Boo went through the floor and said "Hey bub, the front door is that way." CoolShroom turned around and went through the front door.
Back to the date
Goombella said "So, what's going on CoolShroom?" I said "You don't have to call me that anymore." Our waiter came and said "What would you like to eat sir and madam?" I said "I would like-." Someone said "He would like a can of beat down!" CoolShroom walked in and I ducked down slowly. Goombella went to him and said "Tyrone? So who's that I'm on a date with?" I said "I was about to expl-." CoolShroom threw a fire flower at me and I said "Bad idea!" I charged at him and he said "Just wait a second my love. Ahhh!" He charged at me and I stopped and pushed a chair towards him. It hit him and I called Jacob to ask if Genie was ready and all charged up. Jacob's phone rang and everyone in the movie theater started looking at him and shushing. Jacob answered and said "Hello?" I said "Jacob, is Genie all powered up?" Genie said "Hey, who are you talking to?" Jacob said "You all powered up?" He said "Yeah pretty much." Jacob and genie appeared at the restaurant in the middle of the food fight. I was behind a table and Jacob was eating baby spinach and said "Man have you noticed how short the life span of baby spinach is?" I said "We are in the middle of a food fight and that's what your wondering!? Which I must admit is extremely short." Genie said "Just cover me." Jacob grabbed a table cloth and threw it on Genie. I said "Why did you do that?!" Jacob said "He said cover him." I said "You have to learn how to take things literally and not literally." Genie took a lucky fire and actually got a hit! My Goompa grew old and said "What? Where am I?" He went to Goombella and said "Jimmy? Is that you? It's been years!" Goombella said "Ok, what is going on!?" Goompa said "Whoa Jimmy have you gotten younger or just more annoying, hahaha." Goombella looked mad so I told my Goompa to wait outside and explained everything to Goombella. She understood and said "We can still finish our date." I said "Waiter table for two please." The waiter had mushroom sauce on him and said "Get out of my resturant." Me and Goombella left and everyone else followed. When we got home Jacob said "So your Goompa is still staying with us?" I said "At Least until I can find a retirement shelter for him to stay at." So now my Goompa is staying with me and Jacob, sigh.

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