Chapter 5: The Look

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While waiting for the bus Jacob appeared next to me and said,"Look we're really sorry, we just thought is was meant to be you know?" I just nodded but I was still annoyed. Then we heard the bus stop and went onto the bus. There were two new kids. One was called Soldier Riley son of Captain Toad. Then there was Mega Alex son of Samus and Megaman. I sat down and Goombella sat next to me. Then Jacob went under our seat again. He said "The look." Then Iooked down and said "I'm sorry what?" Then he said "Give her the look!" I ignored him then I felt a hand on my head and he pulled be into the seat. Goombella didn't notice because she was in her seat. We were inside the seat it was so uncomfortable. He said "What do you think me and Bow were doing the other day in,class giving each other "The look." Then I said "It smells like old chewed up gum in here." Then he said "Ummm anyways look,the look is when you look into someone's eyes and you know it's love. Me and Bow have been dating but we still give each other the look." I said "It looked like you two were about to go into a Smash tournament!" He kept explaining what the look is then he said "Me and her gave each other the Boo look or scary face." I didn't know how to react to that comment so I just said "Look buddy I understand your trying to help but it's not working, like at all." He shrugged and put me back on my seat. When I looked outside I saw the school. She got out of the seat and I followed. We went through our usual periods, it was a normal day everyone was talking like they usually do. Then we went to Platform Education class. Coach Dry Bowser said "Alright now it's time for a race! Who will go? Hmmmmm ah yes Tyrone and Goombella." I was ready for this moment and so was she. Coach said "3, 2, 1 GO!" Then we started Platforming! Jump after jump then she went ahead of me. Luckily she tripped, but unluckily she tripped me by accident. I helped her up then it happen we looked in to each other's eyes. Then the next thing I knew we started kissing. We pushed back once we noticed. Then Dry Bowser said "Go to principle Bowser's office right now!" Then we went together. I had no idea why that happen or how. Then Bowser yelled at us for affection during class. After we left school and walked to Jacob and Bow's house. Then we parted ways again. Jacob said "You know your still blushing right." I said "Oh really? By the way what happen during P.E?" He explained everything. I was so confused! I looked out the window and saw Goombella. She put a note on the window it said "Meet me at Mario's Pizza place again." I told Jacob "Look buddy I have somewhere to be." He asked "Where" I said "Im just come up with some excuse for me ok, thanks, bye." I grabbed the bow tie and fedora he gave me and put down my headphones. I ran out the door and looked for Goombella. I'm guessing she went ahead before me. So I just went ahead to the Pizza place. I won't go into much detail about it but I'll just say it was great. Once back at home I lied down in the guest room.

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