Chapter 52: The Bake Off

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(Idea by: thejakeman101 )
Jacob had on a chef's hat and I said "Why are you wearing that?" He said "Because, it's the annual Mushroom Bake off!" I said "Oh yeah, I've heard about that. It's where a bunch of nobodies go to a bake off and challenge each other to bake the best meal." I put on a blue ribbon and he said "Your a judge?" I said "I always wanted to be paid to criticize people on their works. Oh wait, that's called Youtube!" Jacob said "They already made a joke chapter." Pac-Bly opened the door and said "Tyrone, are we going or not?" I said "I'll be there in a second. Give me a minute." "Whatever." I said "Ok Jacob, what are you presenting?" He said "Well, I never actually won but I'm using a regular strawberry and mushroom pie." "Boring! Look don't be so uptight!" "Uptight? I'm not upt-." "You used bleach to clear your mouth for a date..." "That was one time! Either way I can't die, I'm already dead." "Meh, either way, let me sing to you something that may help!"
"Maestro if you please."
The lights shined on me and someone started playing the piano.
I said "Sometimes my life seems like on edge,
When things don't go my way."
Jacob said "Where's that music coming from?"
I said "And all I wanna do is hide behind a hedge,
Or lie down to decay.
But all and all
When I feel small
And turned away.
I just think of these few words that brighten up my day!
At least I'm not as uptight as you Jake!
At least I'm not uptight!
And don't give up a fight,
When I'm playing with my toys!
Or acting like a chef!"
"Ok little rude."
"At least I'm not as uptight as you!
At least I don't five my teeth with bleach!"
"Ok that was one time!"
"Take it away Chris!"
Chris started playing the piano and Jacob said "Where'd you come from?"
Duck Hunt Dog said "Bark! (You hear something?)" Duck Hunt Duck said "Quake! (No, got any Donkey Kongs?)" "Bark! (Cheep-Cheep!)
Back to the song
"At least I'm not uptight!
At least I'm not uptight!
At least I'm not uptight like Jake!"
I said "Bla Bla Bla, lets make food." Jacob eyes were wide open and I said "Look, I'm just saying be a little less uptight and enjoy cooking." I grabbed his pie and threw it out the window at Pac-Boy's mouth. Jacob's mouth was opened wide and he said "That recipe took me a week to learn!" I said "And it will take a hour to learn a new one." I threw in Mushrooms, Fire Flowers, and Tonooki Tails and Jacob said "No! Tonooki Tails don't belong in a pie!" He grabbed a spoon and scooped them all up. I said "Wow, why are you so paranoid about this?" He said "Because someone named Lily is gonna be there." I said "You told me about her earlier, what makes you so scared of her?" "Because-. Um.... Nothing." "Ok? I'm still not convinced, your hiding something and I'll find out what it is." Pac-Boy said "Are you going or not?!" I said "I'll have Chris drive me!" Chris said "Why am I here?" I said "Because, you played the piano that you don't know how to play." The piano fell apart and Chris said "That is true." I went into my room and Jacob said "I'm making a mushroom and fire flower cake now!" I said "Yeah! Be creative!" I said to myself "What is Jacob hiding about Lily?" I went into his room because all his school stuff makes me feel smarter. I pondered for a while then yelled "What is the answer!?" I started ground pounding on the ground then a hole opened up! I fell threw and there was a desk and a book. I said "What's this?" I picked up the book and started reading aloud. These are the highlights: "Dear Journal, my dad thought it would be a good idea for me to buy you since I love by myself now. Hopefully I met a new friend around here." "Lily and I went for a walk at the park today and I saw a boo named Bow." "I don't know what to say, or who to pick." "Lily." "Bow." "Lily." "Bow!" "Lily!" "Bow!" "I decided who to pick, I don't know what to say though, I think I know what to say. I'll say-." The pages were ripped and I said "What did you say? Who did you say it to?!" Jacob said "Tyrone? Did you leave?" I grabbed the journal, ran into my room quickly and placed it under my Deku mask. Jacob said "Oh there you are. Well I'm gonna go get ready." I ran in front of the door and said "No! Um... I think I out your stuff down stairs." "Oh... Ok? Thanks." He went downstairs and I went in his room and pushed his bed over the hole then grabbed his chef apron. He came back up and said "It wasn't down there." I said "Oh wait, here it is!" He said "Why do you have my apron?" "Um... Stop asking so many questions! See ya there!" I pushed him to the kitchen and said "I'm gonna go to the competition with Chris. See ya!" He said "Bye..." When we got there all all the judges were at the table and by all the judges I mean Pac-Boy. We all sat down and everyone got there pies, cakes, and other sweets ready. I said "I wonder which one is Lily..." Chris said "Princess Lily? She's over there next to Jacob's table." I thought "Oh no, I can't let her and Jacob have a connection. I gotta do something." I went to Amanda's table and grabbed her bow and arrow before she could see me. Jacob was about to get to his table so I grabbed a bomb-bom and tapped it to the arrow. I launched it at Lily's cake and made it explode. Jacob floated over to her and helped her clean the mess. I said "Noooo. That's not what I planned at all." Chris said "What are you talking about?" I said "Nothing, I'll be right back." I pushed Jacob's table somewhere else and said "That should on I-. Oh no!" Nick walked over so I hid under the table. He was with Joe and Nick said "That's strange, I was sure Jacob's table was over there." He pushed it back to its spot and went back to his position. I was gonna get out but I couldn't let Jacob see me. Jacob said "Are you ok?" Lily said "Yeah I'm fine. Good thing I always carry another cake." "Your lucky, my friend destroyed my original pie." "Well he doesn't sound like a true friend." I yelled "I'm the truest friend he'll ever met! Whoops." Jacob said "Tyrone?" I said "Uh... No this is..." I got in a high voice and said "This is Billy Dee!" Billy Dee said "Even if that was me, I don't sound like a toad." Riley said "I take offense to that." "It's the truth." I ran from under the table and back on stage. Chris said "Ok, what's going on?" I said "I have to stop Jacob from dating Lily again so they don't start hanging out and Bow thinks Jacob is cheating on her!" Chris said "You should've waited until the microphone was off..." Lily ran away and so did Jacob. I said "Uh oh... How long until the cooking show starts?" Chris said "30 minutes." I said "That should be enough time." I jumped off stage and followed Jacob home. I knocked on his door and said "Jacob? I know your in there, people have been asking wh-." He yelled "I'm all about Ice Flower the movie but not now!" "Come on Jacob! It was a honest mistake!" "A honest mistake that you can't fix! Why is there a hole under my bed?!" "That's besides the point! What happen between you and Lily?" "That's none of your business!" "Ok I guess I can understand that. But come on!" "No!" "Fine, I know who to call." I went to the Sarasaland Kingdom and went to Lily's room. I knocked in it and said "Lily?" She said "Who is it?" "The Goomba that ruined your friend zone friend." "Go away!" "I can see why you and Jacob use to date." "What?" "Nothing. Cam you please just let me in?" "Give me one good reason to let you in!" "Because I broke Jacob." She slowly opened the door and said "You have 5 minutes." I explained what I did and why I did it and what happen to Jacob. She said "I'll talk to him." We went back to Jacob's house and went upstairs. She said "Let me talk to him." She went in and they were talking about something. I ignored it and went in my room. I kept reding from the diary trying to figure out why he would break up with her, besides the fact that he saw Bow. I kept reading and reading and reading but no answer. I heard Jacob's door open and I threw the journal on my shelf. I landed on my bed and Jacob said "Lets go bake." Lily walked away and Jacob said "See ya Lily." She said "See ya." I said "So we good?" He picked up a pie from the kitchen and threw it at me and said "Now we're good." We went to the contest and Chris said "What took you so long?" I said "Just healing a broken heart." The bell rang and that meant it was time for us to taste! Lily and Jacob was at the same table and they said "We call this one unbroken heart." They both had a piece of the cake on their tables and we all tasted it and I gave it a 10, Chris gave it a 7, and Pac-Boy gave it a 10. Jacob said "It represents-." He kept talking because the food had to represent something but I saw Bow looking at Jacob. I started giving Jacob hints that Bow was behind him. I put a bow on my head, I jumped on Chris to make it seem like I was floating. Jacob said "What are you doing?" It was to late. Bow tapped on Jacob's shoulder. Jacob said "Ye-. Oh hi Bow." She said "I wanted to come see you win this competition but this is what I see?" Jacob said "I can expl-." She floated away and we all walked away slowly. Lily said "Sorry Jacob." He said "I'll go talk to her." Later at home, when Jacob came back I said "What happen?" He said "We made up, then we made ou-!" I said "TMI Jacob, just stop at we made up." He floated upstairs and I said "So, what were the last pages in your Journal?" He said "That's something you'll never find out." He slammed the door and I put myself to sleep by analyzing his Journal. When I woke up I was in a dream. I said "Is this a guilt dream or a fantasy dream?" The word Lily crashed near me and I said "Definitely guilt!" Next Bow's name crashed down then they started crashing one by one! I started running then I saw both of them pulling Jacob. I said "Oh my gosh! Jacob has girls fighting over him! If it was gonna be anyone I thought it would be me!" They both looked at me and I started walking. I saw the Dark Star's red eyes and he kept saying "Tyrone... Tyrone... Tyrone!" I woke up and Jacob was shaking me! He said "What's wrong? You were screaming and saying no! Not the Dark Star again!" I kicked the journal under my pillow and said "Just a small dream, nothing much...." "Well ok then... Just don't do anything crazy." "Ok." I couldn't go to sleep! I felt like someone was watching me read the journal. I said "Last... 3... Pages... What could they say? If only there was someone who knew everything." My window opened and wind blew through. The world went gray and black then I saw two red eyes! The Dark Star formed and said "I think I know a guy!"

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