Chapter 60: The Rivalry Ends

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Me and Jacob packed up our things and went to Hyrule. When all the Mushroom Kingdom residents got there Amanda said "I didn't know you had this many people in your kingdom." Shroom said "I'm sorry but we have to stay here until we can get back our castle and kingdom." Me, Jacob, and Chris had to stay in the attic. I said "... Jacob you still awake?" Jacob said "Yeah." "Do you think we'll ever get back the castle." "I don't know. We usually win somehow but what happen?" "Yeah, and I don't wanna move back with my parents." "Yeah, I don't either." We eventually fell asleep and I woke up by a phone call. I answered and said "Hello?" It was my dad, he said "Hey Tyrone, we've heard that the mushroom kingdom has been taken over. We're coming to Hyrule around sunset. See you then!" I kicked Jacob awake and he said "What?" I said "I might have to move back with my parents! I can't do that!" Jacob said "What?! Well then we're gonna have to use the thing that always saves us." I yelled "The journal!" Jacob yelled "The smash weapons! Oh pm the journal..." I said "No offense Jacob, but those items haven't helped us once." "Well I'm taking my wand just in case." We woke up Chris and told him the plan. We went where the castle was while wearing disguises. Basically we looked like the average minion. Jr said "Minions! Me and my daddy have decided to make this location into..." He took off the sheet over a small figure. He yelled "Bowser's Land!" We gasped and everyone was clapping. Jr said "And our 3 mascots, Horse, Duck, and Dog!" I yelled "Duck Hunt!" Jacob yelled "Mighty!" Chris said "That's it." We all ran on the stage and I said "This man stole the deed to the castle! Arrest him!" Bowser said "Son is that true?" Jr said "Why of course not father. Look I have the deed right here, Shroom gave it to me! Now get off my property!" He gave us all a Bowser Jr pin and threw us out. I said "What now?" Chris said "We need an army to best Jr." Jacob said "Guys that's it! The Miis!" Me and Chris groaned and we went into the Smash Bros part of Nintendo. Mii Fighter said "Hey guys. How's the kingdom?" I said "Not so good, can you help us?" Mii said "What?! After you 3 nearly destroyed all my kind?" Chris said "Well you guys were fighting us." Mii said "No dice! You destroyed our leader!I said "Well, what if we get you a new leader? His name is Jr and he's like a mini tyrant." Mii said "Huh? A mature leader Huh? Ok, you got yourself a deal!"
Jr said "Now no one can defeat me! This kingdom is mine! Now no one can stop me from-. Get back in your corner!" He blew a whistle and Duck Hunt Dog ran into the corner with his hands over his eyes. Me, Chris, and Jacob were at the gate of the construction site. Jr said "Well well well, look who it is. Your still trying to get back this kingdom?" I said "Give back the kingdom, or else!" Jr said "Am I suppose to say, or else what?" Chris said "Yes, you are suppose to say that! Now!" The Miis started attacking the guards and surrounded Jr. I said "Your surrounded by an unstoppable Mii army. Give up the deed and get out!" Jr said "Well ok then, I guess this deed belongs to-." He blew a whistle and all the Miis dropped to the floor. Jr said "Well, looks like it works on Miis too!" Mii said "Please stop! We'll do anything for our leader!" Jr said "Leader? I like that. Get rid of them!" They all grabbed us and I said "Let go of us!" The journal fell out of my red link hat and Jr said "What's this?" He picked it up and started flipping through the last few pages he said "Whew! Wow! So every victory you've had recently is because of this!" I said "Give it back or I'll-." "Or you'll what boy? You'll what? No muscles, no brains, face it, your nothing without this journal. Get rid of them!" The Miis ran out before Jr blew the whistle again. Mii said "Next time do your own dirty work!" He ran back into Smash-Vile and I said "Well my parents should be here soon." Jacob said "What?! Tyrone, you always have a plan, at least recently." I said "No, the journal had the plan! Entering the mind of Shroom, the Star Cure, Dark Star. I found all that out with the journal." Chris said "So what are we gonna do?" I said "What can we do?" My parents called me and said "Go on the bus and back to Goomba Village. See you then!" Jacob said "My dad said I have to come back to the gist kingdom soon." I said "Well if this is the last time we're gonna see each other can you ride the bus with me guys?" Chris and Jacob nodded and we went on the bus. I had my stuff with me and sat down.
Jr said "Hmmm, let's see what's in this. Wait a minute..." He flipped the page and said "Destine to stop the Dark Star?! Another journal?! More pages!? Unlimited powers!? But who would... Tyrone! He must know where the last book is! He must have kept the last book for himself! I can't let him or Jacob leave Mushroom Kingdom!" Jr ran outside and yelled "You there! Is it ready?" Magickoopa said "Lets see!" He pulled a lever and a giant Jr bot started walking. A platform opened at the foot and Jr stepped on it. He went inside the robot and went inside of a sensor suit. He said "Lets see." He punched and the robot followed his every move. He started running towards the bus.
Back to the bus
Chris said "Hey guys, let's play bus seat treasure hunter." I said "No thanks." Jacob said "Pass." Chris said "Come on, there's a Pac-Man penny, a coin, half of mushroom gum." Me and Jacob yelled "Giant robot!" Chris said "Sure a giant ro-. Wait what!?" I yelled "Look!" There was a giant Jr bot running towards us! Jacob yelled "Bus driver! Stop the bus!" Billy Dee was there and he said "Hey guys, ever since school got cancelled I got a few jobs around Hyrule." Chris said "Theres a giant robot!" The robot yelled "Halt! I command you to halt!" Billy Dee said "I'm gonna take a detour!" He drove up Mushroom Mountain and the robot started climbing up. The bus stopped and Billy Dee said "Run across the bridge!" We started running across the bridge but it was a dead end! The Bowser Jr bot jumped on the bridge and yelled "Tell me! Where are the other pages and Journal number 2!" We all said "Journal number 2!?" Jr said "Don't play games with me!" He punched the mountain and rocks almost hit us. I said "What are you talking about? You have the only journal I've ever had! Why do you even want these journals anyway!?" Jr grabbed me in one hand and Jacob and Chris in another. I said "Let go of them!" Jr said "You still think your some kind of hero!?" He threw me to the other side of the mountain and my head hit the rock. I had a bloody nose and Jr said "Once I find the last journal I'll rule these worlds, with you two as my seconds in command!" Jacob said "Help us!" Chris said "I can't get out!" I remembered Jr saying "Face it, your nothing without this journal. No muscles, no brains. What are you gonna do Huh? What are you huh? What are you gonna do?" I walked back and started running and jumped off the ledge. I crashed into the Jr bot and tackled him. I said "Let go of my friends!" I started kicking him and he said "Never! I finally won this time!" He still had on the sensor suit and the robot was copying every move he made. Chris said "Be Careful in there!" Jacob said "I'm slipping!" He tackled me down and started punching me. I grabbed his punch and started beating him with his own fist. The robot's head started spinning and the robot fell off the bridge. Billy Dee said "Nooooooo!" The robot caused an explosion which attracted everyone. Jr was blasted into the forest and it seemed like we were dead. When I opened my eyes I was floating in the air. Jacob said "Protection spell and flotation spell!" We landed on the ground and I said "Jacob you saved our lives! Hey my journal!" I picked up the journal and then Chris said "Guys look, the deed!" The minions surrounded us and Jacob said "Teleportation Spell!" He teleported us to the Hyrule castle and we told Shroom everything. Mario and Peach were the rightful owners of the kingdom yet again. Me and Jacob went back into our home and got Mighty and Duck Hunt back. Everything seemed fine from here on out. I found the rest of the pages in the forest but that only lead to more questions.
Jr woke up and said "Ugh, those stupid minions! I'll destroy them and get that journal too!" He kept walking back home but while in the forest he found a Journal under a bush. He said "Oh this should be interesting. A whole new world of possibilities to explore."

Hello everyone, this is the ending to Season 2 of Video Game High. If you couldn't tell this season was inspired by Gravity Falls. The Dark Star will eventually be defeated but we're just gonna have to wait. Also! Q&A coming soon! So ask those questions in the comments and more chapter ideas! The reason I'm doing the Q&A is because we've reached 500+ rates, 100+ comments, and half way to 5k views! I never thought I would get this far and it's because of you guys that I did! Season 3, Q&A, and more charters coming soon! Keep reading!

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