Chapter 63: Stupid 64 The Stupid Robot

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Jacob grabbed the mail and said "Bill, Bill, Bill, Message from my dad, Bill." I said "Wait your dad gave you a message?" "Yeah." "Let's read it! Your dad is awesome!" "He tried killing you and Chris 5 times now. I'm gonna keep this letter in my room." "We already did this, that's why I have backup." Chris grabbed the letter and opened it. It said "You are welcome to come and get a Boo Bot robot. A B.ionic, O.perating, O.pponent. So come by 3:40 to receive your Boo Bot!"-King Boo." Jacob said "We are not going." Me and Chris already had on our Dry Bones and Dry Goomba costume. Jacob sighed and snapped. A ghost car appeared and we all got in. While going underground Jacob seemed annoyed. We got there and walked in. We were a bit late and Jacob said "Oh no, sarcasm, we didn't make it in time." I said "You do know that thing is a robot right? It can give you all the anime you want." He gasped and yelled "Wait! Wait for me!" We started running to the stage and cutting the line. Jacob got to the front and said "Ok, I'll take my robot now." King Boo said "Uuuuh." "What?" "It's a little to late." Bowser was next to him and said "Yeah, people already signed up." Bomb-Boo said "Move it dorks." He shoved all of us out of his way and Bowser said "Here's your robot." A boo bot fell from a pipe and said "Boo reporting for duty." Bomb-Boo said "Go make me a sandwich." "Yes my lord!" The boo bot charged through everyone. Jacob said "I need it!" Bowser whispered something to King Boo and started chuckling. King Boo said "Ok Jacob, um..." They grabbed a defected Boo bot and added some stuff from the garbage and their pockets. The boo bot activated and said "Goo reporting for duty!" Jacob said "Goo? What does the G stand for?" "I don't know..." It started laughing and running around the stage. Jacob said "Uuuum, is it suppose to be stupid?" Bowser said "Its not stupid, it's "advanced." We got back in the car and Goo said "Are we gonna find the tacos?" I said "I like this robot." We got back and Jacob said "Your instruction booklet says you should have a protection mode." Goo said "Oooooooh. AHHHHHHHHH..." Jacob pressed the button on the back of Goo's head. Goo's eyes went from yellow to red. He ran up to Chris and started dancing while saying "Do di do di do di doooo." Jacob said "Ok this may be a problem. Here Goo hold this." Goo said "Is this a can opener?" Jacob said "No, it's a device that can depend on if your to good or more defensive." Jacob put the device in Goo's head and started turning a knob on a controller. Goo said in a deeper voice "Do di do di do di dooo." Jacob turned the knob all the way to its limit and Goo kicked Chris to the wall. Chris said "Why didn't he kick Tyrone?" Goo said "Sensors indicate that subject, Tyrone, has been here for quite a while. Analysis, to be trusted, for now." Jacob said "Perfect, well I'm going to bed. Goo you turn everything off." "Yes my lord!" Chris left and we heard a noise downstairs. We went downstairs and there was a car! Goo jumped on it and said "I have captured a human vehicle pod with a blooper inside it!" Jacob said "Why is a car in our house?!" Goo said "Mission, concur world and join Boo army." Jacob said "Mission override code! We are not taking over the planet!" I said "Yeah! This planet is for all video games!" Goo said "... Fine." He threw the car through a window and a blooper came out flopping on the ground. I grabbed it and put it in a tank. Jacob turned on the T.V and said "Observe this T.V. That's your new mission."
Later that night
Goo said "Observing, observing, observing..." He picked up the T.V and threw it through a window. He said "I am done taking orders. This world is stupid, my masters are stupid." Goompa walked down and said "Whoa, when did they get a robot?" Goo ran through the window and to the library. A security guard stopped him and said "You can't come through h-." Goo shocked him and walked in.
That morning
I walked downstairs and Goompa said "Hey, that robot of your's is pretty crazy." I said "What?! Where did he go?!" "Out the window, heading to the library." I dragged Jacob to the library and saw Goo there. Jacob woke up and said "Why am I at a library?" I said "Because of that." He looked up and Goo was sucking in every book through his head. Jacob yelled "Goo! Get down here right now!" Goo said "I don't have to listen to you! Your inferior to the robots! Book Attack!" He launched books at us and we hid behind different shelves. Goo said "You can't run from a robot. My sensors indicate that your nearby." A hoo shot shot at me, pun intended, and grabbed me. Jacob said "Let go of him now Goo!" Goo said "Never! Your both stupid! Stupidity, must be destroyed. New mission, destroy moron, Jacob." Jacob said "Uh oh." A hook shot almost grabbed him but he disappeared. He went behind a book shelf and Goo scared him. Goo cornered him and said "Your time has come." The blooper from before jumped out of no where and inked Goo. Goo yelled "Ah! The ink! I can't see!" He let me go and Jacob reprogrammed Goo. Goo's eyes went back to yellow and Goo landed on the floor. Goo said "Hi floor! Make me a sandwich!" We sent the blooper into the sea and Goo said "He's gonna hey eaten by a bishark." When we got back Goo had a slushie. Jacob said "Where did you get that?" Goo said "I fought a seagull for it! My circuits are getting messed up! Yay!"

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