Chapter 66: Goo's Life

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Submitted by: thejakeman101
Goo said "Masters, will you be back soon?" I said "Yeah Goo, we'll be back later today. We're just going to school." "Waaaaaaaaa! Ok." We walked out the door and Goo said "Bye bye! Don't get eaten by the mongooses!" Jacob said "What?" I shrugged and we walked off.
Do you like Goo? Do you love Goo? No? Well to bad. Time for a different point of view!
Goo said "Yay! Eheheheheh!" A van pulled up and Goo said "That van makes my head hurt." The doorbell rang and Goo gasped and said "Leprechauns!" He jumped up and zipped up his doggy suit. He opened the door and the two agents guys were there. Goo said "Eehehehehehe! I want all your gold!" One agents said "Kid, have you seen anything during night? We've been getting signals around that time of night." "Hmmmmmmm."
Goo walked downstairs and said "I should make waffles for my masters. With soup and peanuts in them! Everyone loves waffles cold!" He ran to the stove and saw Goompa go to the trash bin. He hit the foot pressure on it 3 times in deferent positions. The trash bin opened and all the trash spilled out. Goompa jumped in and Goo said "That was weird." He went to the WII T.V and said "I love this show." He saw blue light coming out of the trash bin and said "Oooooh, AHHHHH!" He jumped in and landed on a mattress. He said "Oooooh." Goompa said "Its almost ready, hopefully no one ever finds out about this." He pulled a lever and the blue light shinned brighter. The blue light was coming from a portal shaped clear pipe. It was much bigger then much other pipes. Goompa said "She's almost ready." He went to the mattress and Goo rocketed back to the kitchen. He landed on the couch and said "Good morning."
Back to the house
Goo said "Just a normal month in this strange day." The second agent said "Are you sure?" "Yep." The first one said "Listen kid, don't hold back ok us! These strange signals could mean something!" Goo started eating a sandwich and started crying. The agent said "Look, I'm sorry for yelling." Goo said "*sniff* I miss you sandwich." The second agent said "Look can I just see that device?" "What device?" "The thing we said not show anyone, to hide." "Oh, I left that at the pizzeria." "What pizzeria?" "The Teddy Lazcare restaurant." "Do you know what he's talking about?" The othe agent shrugged. Goo said "I'll show you, follow me!" They went into the Microsoft world and Goo said "Oh, no this isn't the right place. I know now!" They went into the PC world and Goo said "No, this isn't the right place." They went to the Playstation world and he said "No, not this place either. Oh wait!" They went back into the PC world and on of the agents said "This? We were just here?" Goo said "Your so funny Mr. Octopus man. Let's go inside!" They went inside and Goo said "Oooooh! We aren't alone! Yay!" Agent #1 said "Said, look kid, where do you think you left it?" "In that office thingy over there!" They went inside the office and Agent #2 said "Where is it?" Goo said "It was right here! Waaaaaa!" The phone rang and the guy on it said "Hello? Hello? Hello, well um, welcome to the Fazbear horror attraction. This place is closed but I guess we do need someone to protect this place until further notice. Anyways, good luck." Agent #1 said "Strange. I've never seen this place before." Goo said "Its me? It is me! I'm Goo!" Agent #2 said "Strange, this phone guy knows a lot about this place." Goo said "Where is the Goomba and Boo? I don't know, they're at cool. You were all suppose to come! I'm sorry Mr. Ghosts! Waaaaaa! It is fine, it seems you all have beginners luck. They came so close but they just couldn't make you one of them. The masks that they wear, pretend they aren't there. But you can only hide, for so long." Agent #1 kicked Goo to the wall and said "Are you okay?" Goo said "Ehehehehe! Potatoes!" Agent #2 said "He's fine." Goo said "Ooooh. Bunny!" "Bunny?" "The camera!" They looked on the pad and Agent #1 said "What is that?" Goo said "His name is Springtrap." "How do you know that?" "He feels like a Springtrap to me. He's... Lost." "Who is?" "Funny puppet! I'm coming!" Agent #1 said "Wait! Kid!" Goo ran down the hall and hugged the marionette. Goo said "Why are you here? Where did you go? Whaaaaaa! What do you mean? Phone guy? Oooooh, you mean the funny man that keeps talking to us! He's so funny!" The agents ran down the hall and the marionette disappeared. Goo said "Where are you? Where did you go?" Agent #2 said "What happen?" Goo said "Nothing." Goo's eyes went red and he said "But what is that I spy? With my robotic eye? I think I see a little bit of flesh on the new guys. Maybe they aren't everything they seem. Time to investigate, underneath the seams." Goo's eyes went back to yellow and he said "Ooooh, my head. Wait! I know where I put it!" He ran to Springtrap and grabbed his eye. Goo said "Here's the camera thingy." Agent #1 grabbed it and said "Thanks for your help kid, we'll take it from here." Springtrap grabbed them and dragged them somewhere. The camera fell out of the agent's hand and Goo grabbed it. He put it in his head and said "Horray! They told me they would "fix" you guys. Bye bye!" Goo walked out the pizzeria and said "That was weird." When he got home he said "A big white van? I better go in." He jumped in and there were computers, devices, and tons of other stuff. Goo said "Oooooh, what's this thingy?" He picked up a taser and zapped himself. He said "AHHHHHH! OH AH AH AH OBLANALA!" He ran inside the house and started jumping everywhere. He yelled "I FEEL SO ENERGIZERED! WEEEEEEE! AHHHHHH!" He fell inside the trash can and landed on the mattress. He yelled "Oooooh." Goompa said "Ah! Goo! What are you doing down here?" Goo said "What I usually do when I'm board. But what are you doing?" "Um I'm just eh... Hey, here take this." He gave him a drop of water and Goo said "What's th-." He started malfunctioning and woke up on the couch. He said "Hmmmm, oh yeah,the van!" He ran back outside and inside the van. He said "Wow, this place is amazing! I wish masters could see it. Oh well!" He went back inside and layed down on the couch. He said "Hmmmm, one more." He shocked himself with the taser again and started running around the house.
Back to our normal point of view
I said "I hate school." Jacob said "Yeah, you say that every time we leave and go to school." "Did I mention I hate school?" We opened the door and the whole house was about to crumble. Goompa came out the kitchen and said "Whoa, what happen?" Goo was running around the house wreaking everything! Jacob said "Hey, have you ever noticed that van outs-? Whoa!" Goo stopped running and collapsed. I said "Ugh, Jacob clean this up,I'm doing homework." Jacob said "Ph, so you only like school when you wanna be lazy?" "Yep!" Goo woke up and Jacob said "Goo, what happen?" Goo said "Oh you know, just a normal day."

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