Chapter Christmas: A Koopsmas Carol

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At school today everyone was so happy but I wasn't. Jacob said "What's wrong DJGoomba for you know that today it's so close to Koopsmas Day!" I said "Bahumboo, people today forget the true meaning of Christmas. When the baby Koopa was born. His name was Amiibo, he was sent to save us all from Game Overs." Then Chris said "That's why we out of all people should be celebrating, we are minions after all!" Jacob aggred but I said "Well you two can celebrate I'm not!" Jacob stopped me and said "Um I'm having a little Koopsmas party. So if you don't want to join then you have to stay in your room..." I said "Fine whatever! I'll be in my room when we get out of school." When I was in my room I was asleep quicker then usual but I didn't think it was such a big deal. But then when I "woke up" I felt a slight breeze and a ghost appeared she said "When the game pauses 3 times 3 ghost shall appear!" I said "No that's just a bunch of- wait a minute Amanda is that you? Why are you dressed in white? Why are you floating? And why are you in my house!?" The ghost said "I don't know who Amanda is but you are missing the point! 3 ghost are coming for you!" I said "Bahumboo I don't think that will happen Amanda, and Jacob I know your making her float so you can drop the act!" The ghost yelled, "You will meet a terrible fate if you just be sad and act miscible." I rolled my eyes. Then she said "Be ready to face your past, present, and future!" Then she disappeared. I have to admit I was becoming more and more scared of this holiday but what ever. Then I stopped and I heard a sound a *ding* I was confused but then it hit me literally! Something was charging at me! "Oh what the heck was that!?" I said. Then someone came out a shell, it was Chris? But his shell was red and he looked on fire kind of. He said "I am the ghost of Koopsmas past, I'm here mainly to shed your past on you to try and convince you to love Koopsmas as you use to." I said "Sure you will Chris and I'm going to sing in the next school play." Chris said "I'm going to ignore that last comment and help you out before you meet the ghost of Koopsmas future." Chris snapped and we were somewhere else now. I said "Um where are we exactly?" Chris said "We are in your old house when you lived with your parents in 2014. When you use to love Koopsmas!" He snapped again and we were at a Koopsmas tree. I heard an alarm clock go off and I saw myself running downstairs to the Koopsmas tree. I said "Wait a minute I remember this day, but I know something went a turn for the worst. My past self said "So which one shall I open that one, that one or maybe that one." I said "Oh no now I remember what happened. I got-." Then my younger self opened a box that had Sonic Boom both versions in it. I groaned and so did my younger self. My parents said "We're sorry we didn't get you exactly what you wanted but there's 2 more boxes. My younger self went upstairs before opening the presents. I said "Wow now that I'm seeing it I'm realizing..." Chris said "You realize that Koopsmas is a time to spend with friends and family and not just about possessions?" I said "No. Koopsmas sucks! You suck! And I want to go back to my actual room!" Chris said "Well first off shut up. Second off we are not done here." He snapped again. Then we were at my grandparents house. My whole family was opening presents then it was my turn. Everyone was clapping and saying "Wow you got a _____ but when I opened my gift. No applause. Chris said "Wow your an attention hog you know." I said "No it's not that, the fact that they clap for everyone except me is just unfair by default!" Chris said "I knew what you meant then you lost me again." I said "So are we done here?" Chris said "Fine but don't say I didn't warn you." Then he disappeared and I woke up again. I said "Oh good it was just a dream." Then Jacob appeared in front of me! He said "Nope it wasn't a dream." I said "From process of elimination I'm gonna guess your the ghost of Koopsmas present? Wait so does that mean your giving me a present!?" Jacob said "Well you were right then you were wrong." I sighed then Jacob said "Walk with me." Look here all of your friends dancing, singing, eating, and waiting for you." A present got my attention then Jacob said "Come on let's keep going." The actual Jacob said "Man I wonder why DJGoomba doesn't like Koopsmas?" Chris said "Well maybe the 3 ghost of Koopsmas will appear." Jacob said "Yeah I guess you could be right." Then the ghost of Koopsmas present snapped and we were at someone's house. It was Bow's. I said "Why would we be here?" Jacob said "Someone could be sick you know." I said "What are you talking about, who could be sick on Koopsmas e- oh no you don't mean!?" Jacob nodded. I ran upstairs and I saw Goombella in bed sick. I said "What happen?" Jacob said "She caught the flu like most of Video Game Land does this time of year. She wanted to come and see you and wish you a Merry Koopsmas but she couldn't. Plus you don't like Koopsmas right?" I gulped and said "Yeah you got that right! I still don't like it. But I do feel bad for Goombella. Jacob sighed and I was back in my room except it looked different. I said "Jacob? Buddy where are you? Um this doesn't feel right. Then I heard someone close the front door. I ran downstairs. Jacob and Chris were talking about something. Jacob said "It's a shame that DJGoomba died on Koopsmas day." I said "What? Guys I'm right here! Um... Guys?" Chris said "Yeah classic mistake, he ate a poison mushroom instead of a regular mushroom." Then everything went dark. I said "Um... Wait a minute isn't there one more ghost? Yeah the ghost of Koopsmas fut-!" Thunder struck behind me steam came out of the nonexistent ground and it became extremely hot but then I realized where I was. Then someone in a black cloak appered and said in a deep and scary voice "Your time is up! You have not done a single thing to deserve Koopsmas!" I said "Like what? And aren't you suppose to be like one of my friends? Non of them have a voice like yours." Thunder struck again! He said "I don't know do I look familiar?" He took off his hood and his voice gotten high and less scary. I said "*gasp* Steven? I guess this makes you a new main character?" He said "Stop don't break the fourth wall!" I said "What happen to your voice? Oh I have this cool device that will let me make my voice deeper as I-*cough*." His voice got deep again and he said "That is not the point! I sent you here to show your ways have been all wrong! Look earlier last week when school was out you said "The true meaning of Koopsmas is friends, family, and it's not all about presents. Well in the past you certainly didn't think that. In fact that's all you cared about! Only the presents! Here you looked sad, when someone you cared about was sick. Now then so far everyone of the ghost that visited you was insulted in some way!" I said "So does that mean *gasp* your sending me to the Nether?!" Steven said "What no why would you even think that. I'm sending you back to your Koopsmas party. No time has passed in your world but just remember, the past is always with you, the present will never leave you, and the future is always close by. Then I woke up in my room! I ran downstairs and Jacob and Chris were still setting up decorations. Jacob said "Oh sorry if we are making to much noise and woke you up." I said "No it's fine I want to help you guys out." Chris and Jacob look confused, Jacob said "You didn't hit your head right?" I said "No I just learned that Koopsmas isn't bad at all. Just because you don't get what you wanted doesn't mean you have to hate it." Chris said "That's so wise. We got you a gift but we are all opening them when it actually turns Christmas, so at 12:00." Once we were done with decorations and food, drinks, and anything else that you have at a party I said "Oh no I gotta go to Goombella's house see you guys later. I grabbed a blanket and ran out the house. When I got there Goombella was still in bed Bow said "You do know that you could get sick too right?" I said "Yeah... I know." I placed the blanket over her and left a present beside her bed. Then I walked away back to the party. Jacob and Chris were on the couch I said "Why so sad on Koopsmas eve?" Jacob said "Well after setting up all the decorations we realized, we didn't send out invitations for the party." Chris said "So I guess we'll cancel the party." I said "No way! I'm going to out and send out the invitations!" Jacob said "Are you sure? You know some of our friends live as far as Hyrule, Pac-Land, Bowser's Kingdom, Yoshi's Island, and other places across Video Game Land." I said "I don't care, I may be a little late, Jacob I'm taking Mighty with me see you guys later." I was off. I went to Hyrule first. Amanda opened the door and I explained everything. She got on her dad's horse Epona and went to the party. Next I went to Pac-Land I told Pac-Boy everything and he grabbed a few power pellets and him and Pinky went to the party. I invited Boshi, Nick, Bomb-Boo, Goom, Riley, Game and Watch Jr, Prince Shroom, Dark Justin, Dark Carchi, Joe, Mega Alex, Steven, and all our other friends. Everything was perfect, I wasn't dead, Jacob and Chris's party was awesome, but someone was missing but then Goombella walked through the door she said "Thank you for the red potion I feel much better." I said "Ha, yeah it was no problem. Oh look were under the Toonoki Leaf." You can guess what happen after that comment. The rest of the night was awesome. Chris and Jacob got me Luigi's Mansion: Lunar Star. After the party and everyone went back home Goombella, Bow, Chris, and Madison stayed. When I was about to go to bed I saw something in my closet. It had a note on it. It said "Dear Tyrone, this is from your parents, you didn't open your second gift after you got Sonic Boom. We are sorry about that but remember the holidays aren't all about presents. Anyways here's your gift. Vist us one day when your in Goomba Village again." I opened the present and it was Super Smash Bros 4 and a Mario Amiibo. I shed a small tear and played for most of the night.

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