Special Chapter 50: The Trio's Fight

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(Winner Chapter: LolCookies11402 )
(Runner Ups: thejakeman101 & KarateChris12 I will use your ideas eventually)
When I woke up I was on the couch and Chris was next to me in his shell. I said "Why am I here and not in my comfy bed?" Jacob said "We're watching the new episode of Super Smash Bros animie!" I said "Why did you drag us out here?" "Well, I wanted you guys to watch it with me." Chris woke up and said "Why am I in your house?" I said "Look at the T.V." He looked and said "That surprisingly explains a lot." It was Mario vs Luigi." Mario said "Now brother! It is time to do this!" Luigi said "I can't do it Mario!" Mario said "I can't either!" I said "That's so stupid, Mario would totally kick Luigi's butt." Jacob said "Whoa whoa, who's taller and can jump higher?" "Oh yeah, that's the reason he attacks by doing little punches. Real good defense Jacob!" Chris said "I think that Mr. L would beat both of them." I said "That's just Luigi in his Halloween costume!" Jacob said "So you agree?" Chris said "No way! Luigi doesn't have giant robots! The bro bots!" I said "Whatever! Mario would destroy both of them at the same time!" Jacob said "Luigi!" Chris said "Mr. L!" Duck Hunt dog barked and I said "You would not win against all of them!" Goombella, Bow, and Madison came in and said "Guys, the bus is alm-. Um... We'll just leave." We walked out still arguing. I came back in and said "Don't go onto Nintendo Dogs! I know what you do when your on there." Duck Hunt Dog slowly closed the 3DS. We started walking to the bus still arguing about the Luigi, Mario, and Mr. L thing.
"Now we can go back and destroy them while they're all arguing." "Perfect, master. Let's do it."
At the school
I said "Mario can use fireballs!" Jacob said "So can Luigi!" Chris said "So can Mr. L, while using giant robots!" I said "So you both agree that they're just wanna be Marios?" They both yelled "No!" Someone said "A winner is you!" We walked to him and he said "Congratulations! You win! Pick a card any card to see who would win!" We all flipped out cards and I got Mario, Chris got Mr. L, and Jacob got Luigi. I said "This is so stupid! Mario is so better!" The guy said "Calm, calm, calm down children!" He got out a piece of paper and it said "Argument Management." I said "What's this?" He said "Its just something that can help your little... Problem." Jacob said "Well I'm in!" Chris said "Me too!" I said "Well if these two wimps are in then I am too!" We all wrote our names on the forum and he started laughing. He said "Foooools!" He took off the cape and said "I have fury!" I said "Villager!?" He said "Yes it is me! Me and the Dark Star have worked together to revive everyone that hates you." Master Hand and Crazy Hand came from the shadows and the announcer came out and said "Get ready to Smash! Choose your fighter!" I said "I can't fight them." Jacob said "I choose Dark Carchi, Dark Justin, and Princess Amanda!" Chris said "I choose Nick, Mega Alex, and Poppy Bro Jr!" I said "Are serious? Fine, I choose Billy Dee, Riley, and Steven." Jacob said "Ha! Those losers won't be of any help!" I said "At least I'm not using side characters that hardly ever get mentioned or used!" Chris was about to say something but I yelled "I'm not even gonna start with you!" Villager said "They are ready for you master." The Dark Star came through the doors and said "Perfect! You 3 have been through this all before correct?" I said "Yeah! But I want a new weapon!" A sword with the Mario symbol came down. A wing shell came down with the Mr. L symbol on it. Then a blue ice crown came down with the Luigi symbol on it. The symbols on our swords determined the power they had. I said "Your going down." Jacob said "Yeah right! In your Dreams!" Chris said "Hmph, I don't think so!" We all got teleported into a different stage. Billy Dee said "Why am I here?" Riley said "Am I in Smash Bros?!" Steven said "Where are we?!" Goombella, Bow, Madison, and a waddle Dee appeared. Steven said "Where's Shy Girl?" Goombella said "If one of us gets K.O'd then she'll replace that person." Billy Dee said "Who is that...?" Madison said "This is my friend Bella Dee, she insisted on helping us." I said "Well that makes since. Where's Jacob and Chris? The only reason I signed up for this is because I wanted to prove them wrong!" Bow said "Lets Smash!" She started hitting Riley and Riley kicked her off. Goombella attacked me but I hit her with my sword. Madison almost hit Billy Dee but he blocked with his spear. Madison hit Goombella by accident and fell off the stage. Billy Dee said to Bella Dee "So, what's your weapon?" She had on a pink bandana and said "A staff." Billy Dee said "Thats like my spear! Just without the pointy part!" "Really? Well can your dumb spear do this?" Sue grabbed her staff and flipped Billy Dee in the air and hit him off the stage. While falling he said "I think I'm in love." I said "Ok Riley! Let's do this!" Steven and Riley plucked a huge turnip and threw it at Bella Dee and Shy Girl. Announcer said "The winner is: Mario Team!" I said "We beat Girl Power!" We got teleported to the next place and it was the Heavy Weighers! They had, Goomshroom, Zoom, Charging Charlie, and Pac-Boy. Riley plucked a turnip and threw it at Charging Charlie. Pac-Boy ate it and threw a power pellet out. I said "Where was you k-?" He ate it and started charging at me. I used counter and slashed him away. Charging Charlie rushed at me and Goomshroom started charging at me while zoom was Zoom Man! They were all coming at me and I said "You guys wanna play that game? Let's do this." Remember how I said the symbols represents what powers we get? My sword turns red and it shot fireballs at all of them! They all fell off the stage besides Charging Charlie, who's helmet fell off. Billy Dee hit him off the cliff. We were teleported to the next stage where we had to fight our rivals. Koops said "Jacob and Chris already beat us but we aren't losing to you losers! A Smash Ball appeared and Billy Dee grabbed it. They all surrounded him and Goom said "What are you gonna do with that?" Billy Dee said "Prepare for, Captain DreamLand!" He got muscles and started beating them to a pulp. I said "Wow... Just... Wow." He kicked them all off the stage and shrunk back to size. Announcer said "Now for the single battle! Billy Dee shall fight Poppy Bro Jr and Dark Justin. Riley shall fight Mega Alex and Dark Carchi. Steven will be fighting Nick and Amanda. Now go!" We all got teleported to different stages and I was teleported onto Final Dewtination. I saw Jacob and Chris and I said "Lets do this!" I hit Chris with my sword and he blew me away. Jacob froze him and tried pushing him off the edge but I hit both of them in the air. Chris unfroze and hit Jacob while in his shell. I hit Chris and Jacob froze me then Chris hit Jacob. It was a big triangle of attacks. We all charged our special attacks. I pelted them with fireballs, Chris fired missiles from a giant robot at us, and Jacob sent a bunch of ghosts on us. We all fell to the ground and I said "Why are we fighting?" Jacob said "Because, that stupid show." Chris said "Also because of that dumb forum. We should've done what most people do and just searched it up online." Someone said "No! Your suppose to destroy each other!" Villager appeared and I said "Oh great, I should've known not to trust you!" He said "You can't defeat me! Give up!" Chris said "I Think I have an idea." He summoned his robot and me and Jacob got on it. He started firing missiles at villager and Jacob froze them solid. I fired Fireballs at him and he fell to the ground. He said "This isn't the last time you'll see me! Dark times are coming! Your last form shall be statue in a ghostly collection of souls. So long for now!" He disappeared and we were back at Jacob's house. I said "What did he mean? Like an apocalypse?" Jacob said "A ghostly collection of statues?" Chris said "Will we ever have a normal day?" I said "One day, just not today." The Dark Star appeared in front of us and said "Dark times are ahead. I'll be watching, I'll be your windows, I'll be your trees, I'll be everywhere. So long..." He disappeared and I said "Dark times... Hmmmm."
Thank you all for 50 chapters and more to come! I love all of you! Now can I do a clésha? I couldn't have done it without all of you and your support so thanks yet again. Good bye!

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