Video Game High The Movie 2: Partners in Time

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Before we start the movie, how about a flashback don't worry it comes into plot later
I said "No." "Please?" "No." "Please?" "No, I can't tell you what I'm getting you for your birthday. It's the best thing ever." Goombella said "Ok then, remember where the party is. See you guys there." She walked out and Jacob said "Can't wait for the party!" Goombella said "Yeah, see ya later!" She walked outside back home.
Back to our movie
I woke up and said "Goombella's birthday!" Someone said "Ah, I see that you've full filled the prophecy." I said "Hey, your that voice guy that echoes a lot." "Yes, now let me show you the way." "Wait, where's Jacob?" "Jacob is with Toadsworth. Follow me." A purpose swirl came out of my head that looked like the one from the rock. He went through the forest and I followed him. I said "Who's Toadsworth?" He said "He was a great Toad who worked with the Queen ever since she was a baby." "Queen Peach?" "Yes, he taught her and raised her like his own." "Woooow, ok enough history lessons. I know all of this, now where are you taking me?" "You'll see..." He lead me deep into the forest and said "Here it is." There was a huge red mushroom house. We went inside and I saw Jacob! I yelled "Jacob!" He said "Tyrone!" A toad said "Yes yes, quite hello there." He had a white mustache, a cane, and down spots instead of red. I said "Wait, are you Toadsworth?" Jacob said "Yeah, he-." I said "No, I asked him." Toadsworth said "Yes I am, and it's this kind of fighting that brought our future to an end." Me and Jacob said "How?" Toadsworth said "Well, it's a long story but I'll try and explain it the best I can...."
"A Goomba and Boo have fought through many battles. Rivals, Enemies, Love, High School, but they shall battle an even greater one! The Dark Star, he is a beast that should not be tempered with. He may joke around at first but get him angry and he will hurt you... These two heroes must go to the door of flower and get the fire and ice flower. They must stop the green terror... A koopa. Who has fused with the Dark Star." Me and Jacob said "Jr." The purple swirl said "I'll help you find the door. Follow me!" We ran out but Toadsworth said "Ugh, those fools." We ran to the door and swirl said "Here it is." I said "Hey, before we open this door to stop Jr before he can attack, what's your name?" "I don't know..." I said "Ok then, that's fine Swirly." "Swirly?" "You need a name right?" "Yeah, that will work! Swirly!" I tried opening the door and I said "It won't open." Jacob said "Stand back. One, two, open sesame!... Well that's all I got." I said "Did you try opening it?" "No." He tried opening it and it didn't open. I said "Ok, both of us this time." He started pulling then pushing the door. Swirly said "Wait, what's this?" He floated over two locks. I said "Whoa. A lock? Why is it shaped like that?" Jacob said "It looks like flowers." Toadsworth came and said "I.. phew.. I was... Oh man, give me a second... Ok, I tried telling you. You need the fire and ice flower tablets. Here's a map, go into the past and find those pieces." I said "How? We can't go back to the portal. And shouldn't we be in a different dimension?" Toadsworth looked at Swirly and Swirly said "Oh right! You jumped through a red portal right?" I said "More like sucked into." Jacob said "Yeah, because of you." "How is it my fault?! I told you not to go-." Toadsworth said "You two fools shall not fight over this! It was destined to happen! You fight over the dumbest things! Now let him finish!" Swirly said "Ok then, red means time, and blue means dimensions." Me and Jacob said "Ooooooh. That's pretty stupid." Swirly said "Well, whatever. So you traveled to the future of you guys don't get those flowers and stop the Dark Star." Jacob said "Well how do we get back to the present, and where would the tablets be?" Toadsworth said "We shall get to that in a bit." Jacob said "Wait, that reminds me! If we're in the future, where are our friends?" Toadsworth said "Ugh, well... I didn't want to say this but they're all dead. After you guys disappeared they all went looking for you." He put his cane in the ground and a projector image came out. I said "Ugh, black and white." Jacob said "Shhh." Projection Chris said "Tyrone? Guys where are you? We know your stressed but you didn't have to run away." Billy Dee said "Jacob, I'm gonna destroy all your anime if you don't come out... Darn that usually gets him." Steven said "G-G-Guys, come on." Goo said "Noooooo! Master Tyrone! Where are you?! Oh and you too Jacob." Jacob said "Why does he like you more? I'm his real master." Jr said "I don't know how I got dragged into this. Wait what's that?!" The Dark Star came down and attacked them. Chris said "Oh no! Everyone run!" They all ran in different directions and Dark Star started killing them. He summoned a void under Steven, he shocked Billy Dee, he deactivated Goo, and he kicked Jr. There was a bib, a few bolts, a spear, and a mask. I said "Oh no..." Toadsworth said "Dark Star went looking for you and Jacob, but instead he came across the Fire and Ice Flowers. He was unbeatable. That's how the world became what it is today. They all met their dreadful faiths on that day." I said "No.... Billy Dee, Chirs, Goo, Steven, all of them are gone." Jacob said "This is all happening so fast." Toadsworth said "Don't worry, Swirly and I, have a plan." Swirly said "You see guys, if we go back in time and stop Dark Star from getting the Flowers and you two get them we should be able to stop this and stop Dark Star for good." I said "If I got the Flowers! Then I could get rid of Dark Star." Toadsworth said "Actually, you and Jacob are going to." "Ugh, fine. Let's go guys!" I started going out and Swirly said "Whoa whoa, Tyrone, you don't even know where the tablets are located." Toadsworth said "Luckily I so happen to have a map." He gave it to me and I said "Oh, finally. My High School diploma." Swirly said "No, that will lead you to the tablets. That map has been passed down from Toadsworth's family for generations. Can you handle it?" I said "No, I mean yes." Jacob said "How about I hold the map." I said "Ok, you got the map, I got the plan, let's go guys!" Toadsworth said "Sadly, I can't join you. Remember when Jacob asked about getting back to the present?" Me and Jscob nodded and Toadsworth said "Well... I have this thing called the Time String, it's made of fragments of The Big Bom-Bomb... The fragments can travel anyone but the string can only travel one person." I said "Then just use a fragment and forget the string!" "Pieces of the Big Bom-Bomb aren't easy to find! Your Goompa may think otherwise." "What?" "Nothing, forget my nonsense. Here's the last piece of Tim String that I have... Use it wisely." I said "Ok, let's go J-. Wait, can't the string only carry one person?" Toadsworth said "Choose between your selves who gets it." Jacob said "Wait, I got it!" He got out a pair of scissors and cut it in half. I said "You idiot! You moron! You son of a Bishark! You-." Jacob said "Wait, now we can travel together. Oh yeah, but wait. What about Toadsworth?" Toadsworth said "Sadly, this is going to be the last time I'll see you two. If you change time I will have never existed. But don't worry about that now! Stop worrying about the future and stop this! So long, Swirly go with them. Make sure he doesn't find them." I said "Ok, what's the date?" Jacob said "1944 March 19th, Mushroom Lane." I said Ok, let's go!" We grabbed our Time Strings and teleported to somewhen.
We landed in a snowy field and I said "Jacob, this must be it!" Jacob said "Y-Yeah, let's just go inside that house to warm up." We walked inside and Toadsworth was there! I yelled "Toadsworth! It's you! Do you have the piece?" He said "Ah! You already have the princess what do you want with me!?" Jacob said "What do you mean? We're friends." "Don't hurt me you ruffians!" Jacob said "Wait, this is past Toadsworth. He hasn't met us yet." I said "Wow, why do you have to explain all of this? Anyway, Toadsworth the princess has been captured?" "Why yes, wait. That map! Those accessories! A Goomba! A Boo! Your the legendary heroes!" I said "Yeah, that's us." Jacob said "Partners in Time!" Swirly said "Yes me too." I said "Oh yeah, and Swirly here." Swirly came out of my head and said "Toadsworth!" Toadsworth said "You! Oh, I wish I could remember your name." I said "You know him?" Swirly said "Yeah, I passed him a message saying we would come here." Toadsworth said "I'm sorry, but I can't just give you the piece. You must prove yourself." Jacob said "Let me guess, we have to save the princess..." "Actually, I was just gonna make you get my groceries, but yeah I guess she's important too." I looked at Jacob and he shrugged. I sighed and said "Let's go! Who kidnapped her this time?" "King Magickoopa of the Koopa Klan." "Ok, let's go!" We rushed outside and went through the snow. Swirly said "Look, footprints." We followed them to a cave.
In another time
Chris said "Tyrone! Jacob!? Where are you guys?" Billy Dee said "Jacob! If you don't come out I'll burn your anime... Darn that usually gets him." Steven said "I think we should t-t-turn back." Goo said "No! We have to find masters!" Jr said "Why am I here? Oh yeah, because I want my journal back!" Chris said "Yeah, after the job. Jacob has it." Jr said "Wait what's that?!" The Dark Star crashed down and said "It seems that the portal is closed... I guess the prophecy is in motion." Chris yelled "It's the Dark Star! Run!" They started running and Dark Star said "I won't let you go that easily!" He shocked Billy Dee back to Deedeedee's castle, he summoned a void under Steven, kicked Jr to his airship, and malfunctioned Goo, but he didn't do anything to Chris. He knocked off Steven's mask, knocked Billy Dee's spear out of his hand, knocked Jr's bib off, and a few bolts came out of Goo. Dark Star said "Now the prophecy is in action. Thank you for helping me conquer this world Chirs." Chris said "Oh come on! I just almost died and now-." Dark Star went inside him and said "This body will have to do. Now Goo..." He twisted a bolt in his head and Goo said "Whoa. What happened?" Dark Chris said "Don't you remember? That Goomba and Boo killed you and powered you down." "Oh yeah! I hate those two! What are we gonna do?" "We have to find out what's going on. Toadsworth most likely already gave them a map, it's been passed down from his generation." "Wait, if it's been passed down, shouldn't a toad have it?" "Riley! Of course! He must have it! He is friends with the prince, so Chris tells me." "Who?" "Uh no one, give me a second." He said "Mwahhahaha, I shall destroy him along with the world!" Goo said "You know I can hear you right?" "Huh? Um, Nevermind. Come on! To the castle!"
Back to 1944
I started walking into the cave and I said "Ugh, it's so dark. Wait, what's the difference between the regular fire and ice flowers and these "legendary" ones." Swirly said "Well, these are much more powerful!" Jacob said "Wow, thanks for the perfect explanation." "No problem." "I was being sarcastic." "I know." I said "Ugh, it's so dark. I can only see our eyes." Jacob said "Yeah, but wait a light!" We ran to it and saw King Magickoopa. Jacob said "Ok, I'll go behind him and-." I yelled "Tyrone battle cry!" I rushed in and King Magickoopa yelled "Ack! You stay here you brat!" He shot a blue circle at me but I jumped over it. It hit Jacob and he was frozen. Swirly said "Jacob! Tyrone do something!" I kicked Magickoopa and grabbed his wand. I said "Hmmmmm, red square, yellow triangle, blue circle?" Swirly yelled "Look out!" I said "What?" Magickoopa tackled me and grabbed his wand. He kicked me to Jacob and I said "Oh, hey Jacob." Jacob breathed on the ice and the words, "Thanks a lot" were written. I said "How are you writing if your frozen?" He wrote "Ghost? I don't know, by the way look out." I said "What do you mean l-." A red circle almost hit me but hit Jacob. I said "Good, your awake." He said "Yeah, now let's do this!" I ran to Magickoopa and snatched his wand. Jacob grabbed Baby Peach and ran out with Swirly. Magickoopa almost chased after but I shot a yellow triangle at him. He was trapped in quick sand. I said "Later King!" I threw his wand near him where he couldn't reach. I started walking back and said "I hope our friends are saved now." Jacob said "We still need the other tablets, but maybe your right."
In a different time
Dark Chris and Goo walked to the castle. Goo was a white boo now with red eyes. Dark Chris said "Ok, time to find this map. Let's go." They walked inside the castle and Dark Chris said "Hey, Riley, how's it going?" Riley said "Hey Chris,
what do you want?" Dark Chris said "So uh, what are you eating?" Riley said "...My burger" Chris said "A burger Huh? What kind of hamburger?" "A mushroom kingdom burger..." "A mushroom kingdom hamburger! Hey can I have a bit?" "Uh... Sure." Chris ate some and said "Wow, this is a tasty burger! Goo, have you ever had one?" Goo shook his head and Dark Chris said "Oh, it's a shame you should have one. Now let's get back to the plot kid. I'm looking for a special map, do you know where it is?" Riley yelled "It's over there! Just leave me and my burger in peace!" "Thanks. Come on Goo, that was much easier then I thought." Goo grabbed the map and said "Processing..." He copied all of the map's marks.
Back to 1944 (Your gonna see a lot of these time lapses)
We went inside and gave him Baby Peach. I said "There, now can you give us the tablets." He said "Hold on, hold on." He grabbed 2 blocky leaves and I said "What the heck are these?" He said "These are the pieces to the door of the flowers. You still need the other pieces." I said "You made us go through all that... And you don't even have them. That's it! I'm done! You do this yourself!" Toadsworth said "There are other pieces." Jacob said "Well, where are they?" "Well, I made that piece this morning, and I was going to destroy it tomorrow. To make sure no one could just come in and beat me up then take all of them, we had to build them every hundred year. If I did destroy it then I would've written it on the map." I said "So we changed time again, that's just great." He should me his map and said "See, it's not written on here yet." Jacob said "Well, what's all that down there?" "Ah yes, that's the ancient toad language. Luckily I can ruffly translate. Forgive me I'm very old. Alright, fro, ancient toad to English. Let's do this. Hahaha! Yes, quite good!" Me and Jacob looked at each other, confused. Toadsworth said "Alright, here it is. The time locations are now in English." I said "Ok, guess we'll go get the other pieces." Toadsworth said "Quite good." We walked outside while saying our goodbyes. I said "Ok it says here we have to go to, August 21st, 1813, Toadstool Drive." Swirly went in my head and we teleported to 1813.
We teleported to 1813 and Swirly said "Sandy desert? It seems we are in the right time but where's-." He looked at his house and yelled "Guys! It's his house, but it's on fire!" Jacob said "We have to save him!" We ran inside and he was under a giant teapot! Jacob said "Guys! We have to do something!" We started lifting the tea pot off him and Toadsworth said "Oh, thank you young chaps! What are your names?" I said "I'm Tyrone." Jacob said "And I'm Jacob." Swirly said "And I'm Swirly and apparently they're some kind of fire and ice heroes." I said "So where's the next piece?" He said "Its here but you need to do something for me." I said "What is it?" He said "Well, I need you to get a herb of tea on a boat. Though after I give you the piece the next piece will be in a different location. Sadly the Time String won't be able to teleport you to different locations." I said "What? Then why is there an address?" "Things get tore down and rebuilt and we wanted to make sure you got to the right date and time. So get my herb, and go back to get on the boat." Jacob said "Ok then, let's go." I said "How are there boats in this time?" Toadsworth said "Its Nintendo, just go with it." We walked to the town and Jacob said "I don't know about this." I said "Don't be such a wimp, let's go." I jumped in the top of the boat and said "Over there!" Jacob said "Wow, as long as everything goes our way we should be able to get it." We jumped over and grabbed it. He said "Look, there's a boat here too, this went perfectly." We started walking back to Toadsworth's. Toadsworth said "Ah thank you. Now just to put it in the tea and done. Delicious. Oh and here's your piece." He kicked the flower fire piece at me and gave Jacob the ice flower piece. I said "Ok, one more piece. Tonight, we sail and by tonight I mean today because we only have..." I checked my phone and said "2 hours before Goombella's party?!" Toadsworth said "What an amazing device!" Jacob pushed me out and said "Nevermind, you'll learn eventually bye!" We went back to the hill where the boats were and someone said "I've finally found you." We turned around and said "Chris! How did you get here?" He said "The Dark Dark has many powers." I said "The Dark Star? Wait a second..." I remembered Toadsworth saying "These two heroes must go to the door of flower and get the fire and ice flower. They must stop the green terror... A koopa. Who has fused with the Dark Star..." I gasped and said "Chris fused with the Dark Star!" Jacob said "No really?" Chris said "Seize them!" A bunch of ninja koopas jumped out of the trees and I said "Screw this, this party sucks." I jumped down the hill and Jacob was running too. I said "Why are you running?" He said "Why do you think we are running?!" I said "I don't know, are the cops coming?" "... Yes." "Ahhhhhhhh!" I tripped down a hill and so did Jacob. He said "This is all your fault. I shouldn't have let you talk me into not pushing that button." I said "Dude, shut up! The cops are coming!" "They aren't cops! They're Dark Ninjas!" "Oh really?" "Why does Dark Star's army scare you less then cops?!" "Because Dark Star's army doesn't have guns!" We landed face first on a boat and a bunch of ninjas were falling down to us. We started leaping boat to boat trying to get away. I shot them with a harpoon and Jacob caught some in a fishing net. I jumped on top of the boat while Jacob was still at the bottom. Jacob dropped one of the pieces to the ice flower key. I grabbed one of the ninjas and threw him to the key. I picked it up and Jacob started running to the boat too. He said "Tyrone, come on!" One of the ninjas cut the rope lose and it tied around us. We went up to the sail of the boat and it started tipping down. I said "Uh oh. We better start running!" Someone said "Now be careful. Michel Bay would kill us if something happen to all his explosions." The other guy said "Wait, who's Michel Bay?" The sail landed on a TNT barrel and there was a huge explosion behind us. We landed in a boat and I yelled "Haha! Stay cool 1813, you are crazy!" Jacob said "Oh my gosh we made it, and we're floating away!" I said "What you talking about?" "I mean the tides are carrying is out to sea!" "Ah yeah! Bomb-Bom Triangle here we come!" "What are we gonna do?!" "I don't know, but at least we got sushi."
It was raining and I said "Ugh, this is so bad, I'm gonna miss Goombella's party." Jacob said "Who cares about your girlfriend!? Dark Chris is out there and we may die out here with only 2 pieces to each flower!" I said "Whatever! Look, I liked her since the beginning of the year and I need this! If I don't go to her party then she won't think I like her back anymore!" Jacob said "Look, we're friends and all but your girlfriend problems aren't the biggest thing right now!" "Friends?" "Huh?" "What you say?" "Friends, you know what me and you are." "We are?" "Yes, you live with me and stuff! We have each others backs!" "No way." "What about all those times you saved my life and I repaid the favor?" "No way, that was only to impress Goombella." "What?!" "Yep, and I'm sure it worked pretty good too." "You've made fun of me, kicked me, embarrassed me, stolen my stuff, eaten my food, taken my money, and lived in my house for months and I stayed friends with you this whole time because for some reason, I thought you were my friend too!" "Wow, you must feel pretty stupid." "Screw you!" He tackled me and I kicked him. He said "Your such a warp hole! All this time actually thought we were friends!" He punched me and I said "Well maybe I would be friends with you if you weren't always a loser all the time!" I kicked him off and he said "I'm a loser? I saw you yesterday crying about lying to your girlfriend!" "That was one time!" He punched me off and he said "I can't believe I stuck by your side for 7 whole months! I'm not your friend anymore!" "Great! Because I'm not your's!" "Great!" "Awesome!" "Cool!" "I'm glad!" Thunder struck in between the boat and we landed in the water. We started drowning then a huge tidal wave hit us. My phone started ringing and it was Goombella, but it malfunctioned in the water. We were at an island and I said "Paradise!" I put on sunglasses and went on my stomach. Jacob said "Oh no, Tyrone! Are you dead?" I flipped back and said "No dude. I'm getting a sick tan!" "Ugh. Wait, oh no! We're gonna die! I'm gonna die next to an idiot." "Hey, I don't see a mirror next to you. Nice one Tyrone. Wait! Where's my phone!? Oh no! I'm gonna miss the party!" "MWho cares?! We could die!" "I care! You'll never see Bow again and I'll never see Goombella again!" Jacob said "Wait, look! There's suppose to be house here! We have to travel to October 15th, 1713, Fungus Avenue." I said "Fine, I hope we'll have enough time to get to the party." Swirly came out of my head and said "Lets go!" We teleported to 1713.
We landed on a grassy field. I said "Wow, look at this place." Jacob said "Well I guess if we're gonna do this quest, we have to work together." "Sure, whatever let's just go inside." We went inside and Toadsworth was holding the Fire and Ice Flower tablets next to a toad in a cloak like Jacob's. Me and Jacob yelled "Don't drop that!" Toadsworth said "Who might you be?" Swirly came out of my head and said "We're the heroes who came for that last piece!" The toad said "We were just about to destroy it because you two never came and how do we know your really the heroes destined to defeat the green terror?" I said "Ugh, I don't want to go on anymore tasks." Jacob said "Wait, if we just show them the pieces then we won't have to!" I said "Oh yeah." We got out the 2 pieces to each of the flowers. Jacob said "See Toadsworth, how would we have gotten these if we weren't the heroes?" Toadsworth said "So you are the heroes. But I won't give you the last pieces." I said "What? What?! WHAT!?" I threw the wizard toad to the wall and a bookshelf landed on him. Toadsworth said "That's exactly why I won't give it to you. I sense a grab disturbance between you two. So I shall not give it to you." Wizard toad got up and said "Why don't we bring them to the forest of self." Toadsworth said "Its a grave forest there. Definitely, bring them there!" Wizard toad walked out and we followed. He said "This is as far as I go. Find your destiny." We walked in and I said "Great. A fork in the road. Well I guess I'll go the right way, get it?! (Tyrone: 5 Jacob: 1) Jacob said "Ok, I'll go left." I went to the right and someone appeared. I said "Who are you?" He said "I'm you." "Oh cool, so what's your favorite food?" "Coocoo wings." "Me too! Favorite song?" "Brentalfloss!" "Oh my Arceus! We are so in sync!"
Jacob said "Hello? I think I should turn back." Someone said "Don't, I know why your here." Jacob said "Who are you?" A clone of Jacob came out and said "I'm you." "Wow. This is so cool! But why are you here?" "Because I'm here to replace you, I'm the better Jacob here." "What?" "That's right. Look at this leather jacket, and these skinny jeans! I can't put the on but they're still awesome!" "That's not cool, your just being a baby." "... Shut up." "I'm right aren't I?" "No." "And you know it too, because your me." "No!" " "You just wanted to step out of Tyrone's shadow." "Nooooo! By the way this will happen to you." He disintegrated and Jacob went out of the forest. When he came out Wizard Toad said "Ah, you faced your inner demons?" Jacob said "Yep. I even feel better." "Now, let's go and see how your friend is doing." They went into my part of the forest and gasped. I said "Then I said we've never been friends!" Me and my clone started laughing and he said "Its funny cause it's true!" Jacob said "Aaaand, there it is. I'm going back to Toadsworth's house." Wizard toad said "Tyrone! Your not suppose to chat with your inner demons! Your suppose to face them!" I said "Ugh, fine. See ya Tyrone call me sometime." He said "Yeah ok." He left and I said "Hey wait up guys!" I caught up and got to Toadsworth's house. Toadsworth said "Ah you've returned. I can sense a huge change in you Jacob." Jacob said "That's right, I faced him off." "And what about you Tyrone?" I said "Oh yeah, I uh really faced him." He said "Riiiight. Here just take it you've proven yourselves well enough." He threw it at me and gave Jacob his piece. Jacob said "Ok next place. Hey wait it's a riddle." It said "The door is at your footsteps go back to world 1-1." I said "Hmmmm, oh the door!" We grabbed the Time Staring and said our good byes. We teleported to the door and I said "Ok Jacob, time to do this." We placed the keys in the key holes and the door slowly opened. I said "Ok, now it's time to-." Someone yelled "Jacob! Tyrone!" I said "Oh no! It's Chirs!" Jacob said "Close the door close the door!" We closed it and started gloating. Chris yelled "No! I was so close!" Goo said "Oh well, you didn't get the flowers I guess it's time to go home." "No." "What? What are you doing?" Chris started floating and formed a dark energy ball. He shot it at us and I said "Jacob do you hear som-." It blew up the whole door and we landed on the ground. Me and Jacob yelled "Goo! Your alive!" Jacob said "That means everyone else is!" Goo said "That's right and I remember you guys killing me... I think." I said "What? But we both liked waffles!" He gasped and said "You like waffles too?" Chris said "Anyway! Time to end this." Jacob said "I feel like we're forgetting something..." We both yelled "The Flowes!" Jacob started running to it but Goo stomped on him. Goo started running then I stomped on him. I started running but Chris stomped on me. We all started fighting and Chris yelled "I got it! I got the fl-. What?" He had my headphones and Jacob's wizard hat. I said "Looking for these?" Me and Jacob had the fire and ice flowers.
Goombella called me and my voice mail said "Hey, leave a text message after the beep because no one listens to voice mails, by-." She said "Hey Tyrone, this is Goombella calling for like the hundredth time. I hope your ok." She called again and the phone said "This person's mail box is full, you crazy." She walked to Bow's door and said "Hey Bow, do you know where Tyrone and Jacob are?" She said "Jacob? I don't know, they're somewhere probably at a better party then this." "Do you really think so?" "I know so. This party is so dull! Where is everyone!? Especially Tyrone!"
Back to the part that you actually want to see instead of the boring love plot
I shot a fireball at Chris and said "Jacob, you fight Goo." He said "Gladly." I jumped to him and shot fireballs at him. He shot a dark orb at me but I dodged. I shot him with another fireball and landed on the ground. I said "Ok, time to finish this once and for all! So long Dark Star!" He said "Your forgetting who's body I'm in! If you kill me, you kill Chris!" I stopped and stood there then Goo hit me. The Fire Flower came out of me and I said "Oh no! My Fire Flower!" Goo grabbed it and yelled "Master, catch!" He threw the Ice and Fire Flowers at Chirs. Chris started glowing and Jacob said "Tyrone, we have to get out of here! He's gonna destroy everything!" I said "But we're the chosen ones." "Well I guess the prophecy was wrong! Come on!" We started running and Chris said "Yes, the power is mine!" Goo said "Yay! Dark Star you got the flowers!" Chris said "I did, so I don't need you anymore. Now I get to kill you a second time." He shot a orb at Goo and me and Jacob jumped and saved him. Goo said "What? Why did you save me?" I said "Because, we aren't gonna let you die again." "Again?" He started remembering what he use to be like and his eyes went yellow and his metal went black again. He said "Waffles!" I yelled "He's back!" Chris said "What a nice family reunion, to bad I'm gonna destroy the world." He summoned a Dark orb and shot it at us. It almost hit us and we ran back in town.
Goombella said "Happy birthday me... It's not the same." Bow said "Don't worry, he's probably on his way." Goombella said "Maybe..." Goom said "Well, if he doesn't come, there's always me, the better and cooler Goomba." Goombella rolled her eyes and walked outside. She said "Where could he be?"
Back to the boss battle
Chris said "Your both dead now!" He grabbed Jacob and he yelled "Tyrone! Help me out!" I saw Goombella's house and looked back at Jacob. He said "Tyrone?... We are friends again right?" I said "Sorry Jacob, maybe in another life." "What?! After all we've just been through!?" I kept walking and he yelled "I should've know not to have trusted you! You never finish what you start!" Dark Chris said "You made the right choice Tyrone..." He carried him to the fire flower volcano. I walked in and said "Hey Goombella, I'm here!" She hugged me and said "I thought you were dead!" I said "Yeah it's crazy. I'll explain everything later though." After I drank a few sodas Goo came in. He said "Master! They're doing something terrible to master Jacob!" Goombella said "What does he mean?" I said "Uh, give us one second." I pushed him outside and said "Ok, what's going on?" "They're gonna drop him in the lava! That lava is known to kill anyone and thing!" I thought for a moment and said "Goo, jet pack mode." He formed into a jet pack and I sky rocketed up to the volcano.
Jacob said "Huh? What happen? The last thing I remember was being taking to-." He looked down and yelled "Oh my Arceus!" Chris said "I know right. But if you don't walk you can also die by my fire and ice flower powers fused with my dark powers. Jacob looked down and looked around and saw tons of Dark Ninjas. Dark Chris said "You don't believe me? Watch." He shot one of his minions with a fire flower and shot one with the ice. They both said "Boss, that feels crazy strong." They both fell in the lava and they ninjas started pushing Jacob in. Jacob fell in and I grabbed him. We landed on a ledge and he said "Tyrone? What are you doing here?!" I said "Well, after drinking all those kisses, amd kissing soda, I decided to come back for my friend!" Jacob said "I must be dead." Goo said "Its the truth, he did come back for you." I said "You were right man, this time I'm gonna finish what I started. Plus, those flowers look pretty cool." Jacob said "That's what I've been saying this whole time! So your back?" "I'm back." Dark Chris yelled "Seize them!" They all started running towards us and Goo kicked Dark Chris. The flowers came out of him and he yelled "Guyswher! Catch!" He threw the flowers at us and Jacob said "I'll freeze them and you-." I yelled "Tyrone battle cry!" I shot a few with fire balls and did a fire blast. Jacob shot them with ice balls and did a ice blast. I said "Alright, it's all over." Dark Chris said "Not quite!" He jumped up and shot an energy blast at us! Jacob shot a ice blast at them and said "I can't do this alone!" I said "Sure, why not?" I shot a fire blast and it hit Chris. Jacob said "Its all over." I said "Nope, what about all these ninjas?" "This is gonna be a huge fight isn't it?" "Yep, take some notes." "I didn't play all those Video Games for nothing." I kicked some into the lava and tripped some. Jacob said "Fatality, a new challenger approaches, K.O! Flawless victory! Oh my Arceus this is actually working." "Yeah! Keep doing it!" I threw a rock at one of them and he said "Haluken!" I said "Brutality!" "Animality!" "Middle up down!" "Gross." Chris got up and said "I'm not done yet." I said "Oh shinx, twist!" Goo said "I was programmed to protect, I was programmed to serve." He kicked Chris to the wall and Chris hit him with a dark orb. Goo shot missiles at him but he dodged. Goo kicked him to the ground and said "hasta la vista baby..." He kicked Chris into the lava and it was all over... Me and Jacob said "Holy Shinx." We ran to Goo and Jacob said "Wow, you really did it." He said "Yes... I am so sad." I said "But why? You freaking kicked Chris into the lava... That sounded way cooler in my head." The ground started shaking and I said "What is that?" A giant Red version of the Dark Star came out of the lava. He started floating up the volcano. Goo said "This way!" He formed into a hover board and Jacob said "How did he do that?!" I said "He's a boo robot they can do anything these days." We jumped on and he floated up the volcano. We looked down from the volcano and Jacob said "He's wrecking everything in the Mushroom Kingdom!" I gasped and said "Goombella!" Jacob said "She's probably fine." We saw the Red Star shot a building down and Jacob said "Ok, we should probably get down there." We jumped down and started sliding down the volcano.
Bow said "Hey, why are you so sad? It's your B-day! You got the best Moomoo milk! The best snacks and the best Moomoo milk!" Goombella said "Yeah, I guess. I just wish Tyrone was here." Bow said "Whatever's! Boys are over rated!" Goombella said "Are you dru-."
(Dark Star's theme plays, its the video listen while you read)
The Red Star shot the house and Goombella yelled "What the heck is that?!" Bow said "Wow, this party is crazy!" One of the Red Star's Spines hit Bow out of his way. Goombella grabbed a chair and tried pushing it back. It grabbed the chair and threw it somewhere. It was about to grab Goombella but Goo shot it's spine off. Goombella said "What the? Tyrone? What's going on?!" I said "Sorry I'm late, it's a Looong story." Goo said "Dark Star X, go back from which you came!" I said "Oh I was just gonna call it Red Star but that works too..." Dark Star X said "You can't kill me that easily! I think I have someone you may want." He put out a toaster and Goo said "Toaster? Nooooo!" He jumped and Dark Star grabbed him. Dark Star threw him into his eyes and we heard a chewing noise. Jacob said "No! Goo!" I yelled "No! Goombella!" He grabbed Goombella and she yelled "Tyrone! Help!" Jacob said "Wait, the flowers!" I grabbed the fire flower and shot the spine with a fireball. He dropped Goombella and the spine fell on me and landed in front of Jacob. He started falling into the Dark Star X's mouth and I grabbed him and the Ice and Fire flowers. He said "Oh no! I'm slipping!" I said "I can't pull you and the flowers up!" He said "Then drop the flowers! Or you'll drop me!" "... Sorry dude." "What?!" I dropped him in the mouth of the Dark Star X. He yelled "Noooooo!" He ate him. He yelled "Tyrone! Did you just imagine dropping me?!" I said "... Maybe. Ah screw it." I dropped him and the flowers. He yelled "Tyrooooooone!" Dark Star X ate him and the flowers. He yelled "Stop imagining ways to kill me and pull me up!" "Nah." Me, him and the flowers fell into the Dark Star X's mouth. He said "I thought we were actually friends this time..." I said "We are." I pulled him up and dropped the flowers. The flora must've hit something because Dark Star X exploded. I said "Dude, are you ok?" He said "No. Are you?" "Nope. Hey man, I'm sorry I've been such a warp hole. I've uh, never really had a friend before." "Really?" "Yeah." "It's fine, just stop stealing my money." "I haven't been stealing your money." "What?! I've been using my money without even noticing?!" "No I've been stealing your money! But I won't anymore." We heard some groaning and I said "Goo?" Jacob said "Chris?" We ran to them and they seemed fine! Chris said "I'm alive?" Goo yelled "Me too!" We heard a ding and Goo said "Toaster! Your alive! I thought I lost you forever!" I said "Wait, so that's the reason you told me to help Jacob! So you can get back your girlfriend!?" Jacob said "We for triiicked." Goo said "No, you were looking for the fire flower but instead you found friendship." Jacob said "That's true." I said "Laaaame. I mean yeah yeah. Goombella!" She yelled "Tyrone!" We hugged and she said "I was so worried about you! I thought you were dead again!" "You know I would never miss your birthday party." Goo said "Young lovers, this sacred item will be your symbol of love." Toast popped out of Toaster and Goo said "This slightly burnt piece of toast means that, no matter how burnt and crumbled your love is. It will always live on, and taste delicious with some jam." I grabbed it and me and Goombella bowed. I said "Nintendo (Leave luck to heaven)." Goombella said "Not what I expected as my best gift ever, but it is from you." I said "Did I say best? I meant special." We kissed and she said "I love you." I said "Heh, I love you too." Jacob said "See, I told you I wasn't a wimp." I said "Yeah, I knew we could do it." He said "Really?" I said "Yeah, cause we're awesome!"
So, Tyrone and Jacob destroyed the Dark Star and revived their friends. Tyrone and Jacob became better friends and Tyrone and Goombella had a better relation ship. Goo seemed smarter and Chris wasn't evil anymore. All was right yet again, now they can go back to High School.

Thank you for all these chapters and adventures with ore to come. All my friends have helped me out with this. Make sure you follow thejakeman101 , KarateChris12 , LolCookies11402 , Princess_Hilda , and geekybooks1205 . If I forgot me tell me in the comments. I love all of you and thank you for 7,000+ views, 600+ votes, and 200+ comments. I couldn't have done it without you and I love you.

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