Video Game High The Movie: Heroes Of The Stars

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Jacob said "That's why Flash is way faster then Sonic." I said "No! It's not that simple, Sonic is faster then the speed of time! He could totally beat Flash." "Ok you know what why are we arguing about this?" "Because... Because? Huh... I actually forgot, how long have we been doing this?" "Half an hour." "That's all the clarification I need... Soooo what are we doing today?" "What do you mean?" "Well usually something stupid or strange starts happening about now." Chris walked in and said "Have you guys noticed how plain things have been getting?" I said "Yeah Jacob just pointed it out. Usually we go screw around with video games or our friend's lives." Jacob said "Well... See you guys later." We all walked away and thought everything was going to be normal but we were so wrong.
Video Game High The Movie
"There he is, now that those Nintendo characters are out of our way we should revive him." "How so brother? He betrayed you before, are you sure about this?" "Your suppose to be the crazy one. Let's just do this." "What is that?" "It's known to be the Dark Star. This Star started many wars across the mushroom kingdom and Video Games in general. This will revive him and he will follow our orders." "Fine, do it." He tossed it to the dead god, he arose slowly and said "It is time yet again, but we will need help." "Yes, of course."
Back to the heroes
When we walked outside the clouds got dark. I said "Wow this is wired. It's winter why would the clouds be dark?" We saw two hands come down I said "Oh no not these guys." Crazy Hand said "Now it is your time to die!" He made his hand in the shape of a gun and shot Chris and he turned into a statue! Me and Jacob yelled "Chris!" Master Hand shot Jacob and then they both aimed at me! I jumped over the beam but Crazy Hand's shot got me! When I woke up the skies were still dark. There was a badge on my head so I took it off and threw it into a bush. Jacob and Chris had badges on them too, the badges had the Smash Bros symbol on it too. They started shining and then when they woke up they threw the badges into the bush too. I said "Guys, what just happen?" Chris said "How long were we asleep?" Jacob said "I'm pretty sure we weren't asleep." I said "Wait a minute, Goombella!" I ran into Bow's house and they were all frozen! I dragged their statues to Jacob and Chris. Chris and Jacob gasped and said "What happen?!" I said "They must've gotten shot too. And if they got shot that means all our friends must be frozen." I looked at Goombella's statue and tried using the touch method when someone is a statue. I said "Goombella? How come we're all unfrozen but she isn't?! Same goes for Bow and Madison!" Jacob said "We'll find a way to save them." Chris agreed. I yelled "Open your eyes man! Goombella is frozen! Bow is frozen! Madison is frozen! What are we suppose to do?! We already tried the touch method they used in Brawl! Still nothing! This is Game Over!" Jacob said "Well we can still do something." I started crying and said "What can we do? All the main characters of Nintendo are frozen! I might just go and walk off a cliff!" Someone said "There is a way." I said "Who in Goomba Shoe's name said that?" A Blue guy came out the sky and threw us 3 badges with the smash bros symbol on it. He said "Put it on them." I said "Who are you?" He said "I'm your saint." Then he disappeared, we put the badges on them and they started to glow. I said "G-Goombella?" She hugged me and said "Good we're all safe." I said "What's in these things?" Chris said "Hey wait a minute. I remember now, these are like Deedeedee badges! They unfreeze statues!" I said "Ok then, well since Master Hand and Crazy Hand are back we should get our weapons back." We started walking to the Lost Woods but then thunder struck then we looked up. 2 red eyes came out of the clouds! I said "Holy 1981! We got to run! Goombella, Bow, Madison, hide somewhere. Let's a go!" We started running to the lost woods but thunder kept striking near us. I jumped to the sword then pulled it out quickly. My red clothes appeared again and Chris got his wings and Jacob got his Ice Hair. Three orbs came from the sky and formed into us kinda. They had red eyes and looked more evil. I said "Hey, good or bad?" Dark me hit me into a tree and I said "Ok, had it is." I slashed at myself and he slashed back. He was like a mirror! But I knew how to stop this mirror train. I charged my spin attack but it was wired because when I charged it looked like he was charging too. I spun and he did too and he hit each other to a tree. I saw Chris and Jacob fighting their shadow selves so I jumped on to the tree. He jumped on a tree too. I started jumping from tree to tree and he followed. I jumped off the tree and so did he, so I cut a tree down. It landed right on him and when I got back to Chris and Jacob their clones were destroyed too. Then the pedestal where the sword was started shining. Then we woke up somewhere strange. It wasn't the Goddess Temple, it was somewhere different. Chris said "Are we in Star Heaven?" Me and Jacob said "What's Star Heaven?" Chris said "Its where wishes are granted and where the 7 star spirits and Star Rod rest. We started walking to the Star Spirits are because the ground lite up where they were when we got there they looked see through. The Eldstar said "Hello Heroes of the stars, welcome to Star Heaven. The reason we summoned you here is because the Dark Star has risen again. That is not all, he is now in combination with one of the most powerful people in every world. This will cause true chaos across Video Game World. Tabuu has already called every villan to make sure you don't get us back. We are communicating through wishes of the people that are frozen. All your friends. You must find them to defeat each boss good luck heroes." They all started to disappear but we all said "Wait!" They reappeared and said "Yes heroes?" I said "Where are you all located?" A hologram appeared above them Eldstar said "You can find me at Bowser's castle." Mamar said "You can find me in Hyrule Fields." Skolar said "You can find me at Wiley's castle." Muskular said "You can find me at King Deedeedee's castle." Misstar said "You can find me at Dr. Robotnick's Fortress." Klevar said "You can find me at Pac-Land." Kalmar said "You can find me in Giant World." Eldstar said "Now time for what you shall collect." A yellow triangle appeared on Jacob and Chris's hand then a necklace with a triforce piece on it landed around me. Eldstar said "Chris you have the triforce piece of Courage. Jacob you have the triforce piece of wisdom. Tyrone you have the triforce piece of power. When you find us you shall gain a pieces of things that will help you go into the smash bros world. Dark Tabuu is a tough opponent, be careful heroes. The best of luck to you all. But there will be obstacles in your way." Holograms of the obstacles appeared. Bowser Jr appeared next to Bowser's Castle. Ganondorf appeared next to Hyrule Fields. Dr. Wiley and 2 others appeared next to Wiley's Castle. King Deedeedee with a mask on appeared next to his castle. Dr. Eggman appeared next to Dr.Robotnick's Fortress. 4 ghosts appeared next to Pac-Land. A giant bird appeared next to the Giant World. Eldstar said "But you will also have allies." Steven appeared next to Bowser's Castle. Amanda appeared next to Hyrule Field. Mega Alex appeared next to Wiley's Castle. Billy Dee appeared next to King Deedeedee's Castle. Sonia appeared next to Dr. Robotnick's Fortress. Pac-Boy appeared next to Pac-Land. Riley appeared next to the Giant World. Eldstar said "Now go with caution. Good Bye Heroes of the Stars." They all disappeared then Chris said "Are you sure we can do this? I think we should let Mario do this." Jacob said "We have to, we are destined to!" I said "Also because Mario already tried and turned into a statue." Then something hit me on the head. When I got up it was a star. He said "Hey my name is Twink!" Chris said "Your a star child right?" "Yep! I'm here to help you and give you as much assistants as you can get. Starlow was suppose to go but Master and Crazy hand froze him on the way." I picked him up and said "Well it's up to us to unfreeze her!" Jacob said "Alright!" Chris said "Ok then!" Twink said "Alright! I can teleport us anywhere you want." I said "Bring us back home, Twink." He started glowing then we were teleported back to Jacob's house. Twink went into my hat and I explained what we were doing to Goombella. She said "Ok then, we'll protect the mushroom kingdom until you get back!" I nodded then we hopped onto Mighty. Mighty was frozen too. Twink said "I can help here too!" He started glowing again and he unfroze Mighty! Mighty started galloping to Bowser's Castle. Twink went into my hat again quickly and said "I gave him the details on what we're doing." I said "Ok, World 8 here we come!" When we got there Bowser Jr was on top of a tower and said "Ita a dream come true!" I said "Where's Eldstar?" He said "Sorry, your star spirit is man another castle." I said "That's funny." We charged in and I saw Steven's statue. I said "Guys look it's Steven." Twink said "I got this." He went to him and unfroze him. He said "Lets do this guys!" I said "Where's your weapon?" He said "It doesn't matter, I'm a hero too! Let's do this!" We can into the next room and a chain chomp tried hitting us. I said "Whoa!" It said "Stay away! I'm protecting Bowser Jr and stopping you form getting any closer!" She kept hitting at us so we all backed up slowly but Steven stayed there. He said "The evil in your eyes. I can tell you've been through something." She said "Yes, I bit one of Bowser's goombas and he put me here to rot." I yelled "That's canibalism!" Steven said "That's horrible." Chris said "What's happening? Did Steven just tame that th-." We heard metal clanging and Steven had a shy guy spear in his name and was cutting the chain on the Chain Chomp! She said "What are you doing?!" Steven said "What does it look like I'm freeing you! Now hold still!" A piece of the chain chomp landed in front of us! Jacob said "This is to gory for me!" He ran pass the chain chomp. Chris said "Wait up!" I yelled "Don't leave me to witness this!" When Steven walked in he was dragging the Chain Chomp. I said "Steven why would you do that?!" He said "Its for the great or good! Don't worry Eldstar, we're coming to save you!" He ran up the platforms and we all sighed. We started Platforming, and Platforming, and Platforming, then we finally got there! Bowser Jr said "You may of had some assistance in getting up here but I have the upper claw! Come King Boo!" King Boo came out of a mirror and said "Get ready to die!" He went into Bowser Jr and jr started freaking out! He started growing again and we started running down the tower. While running down Chris tripped and hit all of us while he was in his shell. A huge fireball almost hit us all but we dodged. We looked like a totem pole while on Chris's shell trying to balance ourselves. When we got down the tower Chris got out of his shell and we all started running again! When we looked up once outside there was a huge Bowser Jr with Red eyes! I said "So Jacob I guess Jr is your new dad." Jacob said "Shut up! Let's just finish this!" I jumped on the tumbling pieces of the tower to try to get up to Jr. Jacob froze Jr for a short amount of time and Chris distracted him for a few minuites. Bowser Jr almost hit me but Steven threw the Chain Chomp and it hit Jr right in the eye! I jumped off the last brick and stabbed Jr in the head. King Boo fell out of Jr and Jr started shrinking. I picked up my sword and King Boo said "Uhhhh, later." He disappeared and Jr was on the floor. We surrounded him and I said "Ok Jr, where's the star?" He groaned and took out a card from his shell. I took it and said "Is this a joke?" Twink came out of my hat and said "No it's not, watch this!" He touched the card and they both started to glow. Then when the light cleared out Eldstar was there! He said "Ah you saved me. Thank you heroes, Twink why are you here?! I told you it was Starlow's job to come with the heroes." Twink explained what happen to Eldstar and Eldstar said "Ah I see. Well thank you for coming with the heroes I should have trusted you. Us stars have to stick together. Now then, for your powers. I said "Wait powers?" "Why yes of course! Us stars can give your weapons more power." Jacob's hair turned red and Chris's shell turned red. Then my sword started glowing. Eldstar said "Now then, Jacob you can now use fire, Chris your shell is now more powerful, Tyrone your sword can now use the legendary beam attack. When your at full health your sword shoots a beam at the enemy. Good luck heroes, I shall be waiting in Star Heaven for your arrival." He disappeared and I said "Twonk what does he mean by arival?" Twink said "Don't worry about it. Let's keep going." Steven said "Well I guess my time is up, me and Jr will see you guys later. Let's go Jr." Jr said "Ah man." They walked away and I said "Ok that's one star down, 6 to go." We jumped on Mighty and Chris said "We should stay somewhere for the night." Twink said "Lets go to World 3 I heard there's a house that takes anyone." Mighty went to World 3 and we went to the place. I said "Lets stay at this G Host house." Jacob said "G host house? Sounds amazing." When we got in I started ringing the bell at the counter. I said "Hello service?" A boo looked at me then covered it's eyes. I said "Hey buddy, me and my friends want to-. You know it's rude to ignore your service. You gonna talk to me or are you just gonna keep covering your eyes?" Jacob said "T-Tyrone." I turned around and said "Shut up Jacob. I'm giving this guy the busin-. Ah!" The boo was right next to me I said "Finally ok so can we-. Really with the eyes again? If this lamp breaks it's your fault." I knocked over the lamp and said "Oops. When a man is talking to you, you look him in the eyes! Your really making me mad!" Chris said "Tyrone!" I said "What?" There was a huge boo behind them I said "Ah the manager!" We all ran out of there quickly and rode off on Mighty. While going to Hyrule Fields Jacob said "Hey wait, I just realized the G in G Host stands for Ghost!" Me and Chris said "Ohhhh." I said "We're pretty stupid." We got to Hyrule Fields and it looked way different then I'm use to! Now instead of being over run with half normal people it's over run with freaks! They all look dead! We tried sneaking passed them slowly but Jacob went missing. I said "Wait... Where's Jacob?" Jacob was at a shop and said "Hey can I have 2 sandwiches with a soda, to go." The guy at the cash register started squealing. We walked over and I said "Jacob I'm pretty sure he's dead and evil." The guy grabbed Jacob and Jacob said "Ok, I'm not a big fan of hugs but ok. Ok please get off your extremely clingy Huh?" I sliced the zombie in half and said "Ok there's definitely something weird going on. Where's the princess?" We walked into the castle and all the guards were zombies. I said "Oh they're zombies run!" I started running but Chris said "Why? Look how slow they're moving." I said "Oh ok then, let's just walk." When we got to the thrown room King Link, Queen Zelda, and Princess Amanda were statues! I said "Twink?" Twink said "I can help the princess, but I can't fix the Queen and King." I said "That's fine, they weren't really important in my life." Twink unfroze Amanda and I explained what happen to her kingdom. She said "Ok, I think I know who has you card." She grabbed some light arrows and a bow then said "Lets go, to Ganon's Fortress." I said "But the Star Spirits didn't say anything about a Fortress here, they said go to Hyrule Fields. We're only in town to see what happen to society here. I mean look at your kingdom. It's over run with freaks. Your the princess of a town full of freaks." She said "Just because they're zombies doesn't mean they aren't my citizens! Once you guys fix all of this they all should go back to normal. You didn't kill any right?" "Um... Well we should be getting to Hyrule Fields Huh Princess of Zombievile." "Right!" "Ha! You responded to that! That means your now officially princess of Zombievile which Hyrule is now called. Lets go!" We went to Hyrule fields and then someone with a cape came from the sky! It was Ganondorf! Chris said "Whoa. I never thought I would get to see an end boss from another game." I said "Yeah. We should all take in this moment... Alright let's kill him." Ganondorf said "Hahaha you think you can stop our rain of terror boy?" I said "Yeah, pretty much." "Well try catching a shadow!" He turned into a shadow and started running on his horse. We chased after him and he ran straight to his castle. I said "Whoa. This might be more difficult then what we're use to. I say we all go home and forget any of this ever happened." Chris said "Lets go!" They all ran in I said "Darn you fan favorite characters!" I ran after them we climbed a few things and solved a few puzzles. Eventually we got to to a closed room. I said "Wow. So how are we suppose to escape?" Chris ran to a wall and said "Look there's a crack in this wall maybe if we use a bomb we can break this wall and escape! Jacob got hit by one of the traps and a beeping noise started going. Chris said "What is that?" Jacob said "I think it's me. I'm low on health." I said "It sounds like an alarm clock went to World 8! I'll just be over here, away from that horrible noise you can't stop!" I sat on the ground and then an exit opened up. It made a noise too. I said "Does everything here make a sound?!" Amanda said "Pretty much. Jacob don't catch." She threw a fairy in a bottle at him and he caught it. I said "The one time your suppose to mess up and you still mess that up. Good job." He let the fairy out and the noise stopped. We all went out the exit and Ganondorf said "You want this card? Come and get it!" He grabbed it then turned into a pig man thing! I said "Oh my Arceus! Run!" He charged at us and hit a pillar. Chris charged at him in his shell. He charged at another pillar and Jacob shot huge ice cubes at him! Amanda said "That's not enough! We have to finish it off with the light arrows!" I said "Well I knew this day would come. Time to slay a pig man!" Amanda shot Ganon then I stabbed him on the head. He went back to normal and I caught my sword. He tried getting up but couldn't, then he dropped the card. Twink came out of my hat and touched it. Mamar came out and said "Thank you. I know that Eldstar gave all of you powers but I can only give one of you a power so here you go." Some sparkles hovered around me and she said "Now you can heal your team mates and yourself. Good Luck heroes." Amanda said "Ok, I'm gonna take Ganon back to the castle. Good luck." She dragged Ganon back to the castle. I said "Well, let's go to Wiley's Castle next." We left the castle and got on Mighty then took off. I said "Did you guys realize that Wiley is the only one with sidekicks?" Jacob said "Yeah, pretty much." Mighty stopped and Mega Alex's statue was there. I said "Where is the fortress!?" Jacob said "Up there..." I said "What are you-. Oh.. Oh no." I looked up and there was the fortress. I said "How are we suppose to get up there?!" Twink said "I got an idea." He unfroze Mega Alex and Mega Alex hit me and said "Wiley!" I said "What the heck!?" He said "Wiley summoned two hand robot masters and defeated me. I have to get up there to finish the job and have a face off against Bomber Man and Wiley." I said "That explains the 2 others. Anyways, what are we gonna do?! Wiley is up there and we're down here!" We heard something falling. Jacob said "What's that noise?" A blue ship landed on Jacob. I said "Jacob how did you do that?!" Jacob said "I'm not sure." Alex said "That's Wiley's ship. That means!" The ship opened up and Wiley was in it! I yelled "Twist!" Wiley said "Oh no, come on work! Work!" Alex charged his Buster and said "Time to die!" He shot the ship and it booted up! Wiley said "Thanks Blue Bummer! Mwahahaha!" He floated up and I said "No! Jacob get up!" He got up and said "What?" I jumped on him and grabbed the ship. Jacob grabbed me and Chris grabbed Jacob then Alex grabbed Chris. Wiley noticed by the time we were over it and said "Hey Mega Alex, know what my favorite season is?" Alex said "I don't know, perfectly white winter?" Wiley said "Fall." A boxing glove came out of it and I said "Oh so you wanna fight Huh, well let's do it then!" Jacob said "How are you talking and not holding on to the ship?" I looked up and said "Then how are we still in the air?" Chris said "It's a cartoon thing oh and everyone here has something to fly with." I said "But Alex shouldn't." Alex said "Actually I have Rush right here." I said "Yet again, I hate all of you. Ahhhhh!" I went through the metal floor and landed behind a bush. Alex, Chris and Jacob came down and landed next to me. There were two guys there. The blue one said "Ok Proto Boy, do it." The red one took out a shield and the blue one said "3, 2, 1. Fire!" He shot a lemon at the shield and it landed in between all of us. Proto Boy said "Why did we do that again A?" A said "Two reasons, one we are board. Two we're waiting for Mega Alex." I said "Alex, who are those two idiots?" Alex said "The one who looks like me is Mega Alex A and the one in red is my Cousin Proto Boy." The bush moved and A said "You know you guys need to talk lower." I said "Gonna be honest, I saw this one coming." They started shooting at us but we all dodged and ran different directions. Alex and Proto started shooting at each other then Mega Alex A hit Alex into the wall. They started shooting Jackb and Chris then dragged all of them to the next room. I followed and Proto Boy said "So what are we gonna do with them A?" A said "I saw we start by using Cut Man's ability." I said "Speaking of Cut Man, you know what you both have in common with 2 scoops of vanilla with chocolate, a banana, with whip cream, and a cherry on top?" They both said "We're both delicious?" I said "Your both split." I sliced the, both in half and untied Jacob, Chris, and Alex. Jacob said "You know I was gonna guess delicious too. But when you said split I was like oh no you didn't but yes! Yes you did!" I said "Shut up Jacob." Chris said "Yeah Megaman dies at the end reference really cool but we have to get going!" We all started running to the next room. We went through about 4 long end levels! When we got there I said "How do you go through all of this?!" Alex said "When your part robot you don't run out of energy as easily." I said "So where's Wiley?" "I don't know usually he's right here with a huge robo-." A giant robotic foot kicked him to the wall! I said "Oh no, Alex! He owed me money! You two take care of him!" Chris and Jacob said "We got this!" I ran where Alex landed and said "Alex are you ok?!" He said "I'm losing a lot of robot blood." "Do you mean oil?" "Yeah, whatever." "Listen Alex were gonna beat this boss and walk out of here with our heads held high." "Really? Maybe I'll be alright." "Ok good because you owe me like 38 coins." "Black! Everything is going black!" No no! My money!" "Take my Buster, it will give you enough power to defeat Wiley." I detached his Mega Buster and said "Come on I need that money! Please Alex!" "I already repaid you with something better then money?" "Really what? Because if it's one of those stupid E tanks that's not enough." "No,its friendship." Jacob and Chris landed next to him and then the robotic foot kicked all of them. I said "You jerk! He owed me money!" I hit the wall with the Buster and two boulders fell. I yelled "Are you ready to rock!?" I threw one Boulder at him and said "I said! Are you ready to rock!?" I threw another rock at him and the robot fell down. I picked up a spiky cube and said "Hey, spike to meet you." I threw the spike cube at the robot and it blew into pieces. Chris and Jacob said "Boooo! That was terrible!" I said "Like you can come up with something better." Chris said "He really got the point!" Jacob said "Just call him Pierce Broadsman." I said "That's... That actually is better. Hey wait in all megaman games didn't the fortress expl-." The fortress blew up and we were flying in the air. "AHHHHHH OH OH MY ARCEUS!" I said "Guys it looks like this is our last life. Anything you wanna say?" Jacob said "You guys are the best friends I could've ever had!" Chris said "Yeah, I couldn't have said it better my self!" I said "Yep. Pretty much, it was a good life spent!" We started falling and I said "Can't you guys fly?!" Chris said "My wings are damaged!" Jacob said "We are falling not flying!" Twink said "Guys I got another idea!" He took out Skolar's card and it started glowing. Skolar said "Ready for your wish?" We all said "Yes!" Chris started glowing then he had in a blue shell. Skolar said "Now Chris can fly faster and his shell's defense is higher." Chris hid in his shell I said "You are not leaving me out here to die. See you on the other side Jacob!" I went into Chris's shell too. Then Jacob said "Yeah see you th- wait! Noooo!" He went in too, so did Twink and Skolar. Chris said "If you two break my shell again I will do something. Just give me a minute to think of it." I said "Wow your original." We all felt a thump and went out. Skolar said "I'm going back to Star Heaven to study my book. So long heroes." He disappeared and Twink went back into my hat. I said "Ok then, so Mega Alex is dead and we don't know where Wiley is. R, Wiley landed right next to us and I said "Well that's lucky, let's go." I tossed him onto Mighty and we took off to King Deedeedee's castle. When we got there, there were tons of Waddle Dees with red eyes. A few of them were surrounding someone or something. I kicked Chris into them and it was Billy Dee! He was already unfrozen! He said "Guys your finally here! I know what your thinking, what happen to all the other waddle dees and why am I unfrozen well. I was training with my dad and then a dark orb with red eyes appeared in front of the castle. He threw his Deedeedee badge at me and everything went black. When I woke up I was in one of Deedeedee's cages and I luckily escaped but when I did I was surrounded by my own kind! By the way the Star spirits told you about giving you things that would help you get to Tabuu's lair right?" I said "Yeah. Why?" "Because the prices to the Dragoon is inside of Deedeedee's lair but recently a mask fell from the sky and he foolishly put it on." I said "Well now we're getting somewhere. Oh and your best friend is dead." Mega Alex came out of no where and said "Or is I? Am he?" I said "Mega Alex? Holy Ash Ketchem your alive!" "Yep!" "Wanna explain how that's possible?" "Nope." "Well that's enough clarification I need, and here's your arm canon back." "Thanks. I guess I'll take Wiley to Dr. Light's lab. See you guys later." I said "Well now that, that's out of the way let's go save Deedeedee!" We ran inside but tons of Waddle Dees were in our way. I said "Oh right. I forgot about these guys. Sooo are we gonna yell?" Jacob said "I was kinda waiting for you guys." Chris said "Ok let's do it now, 3, 2, 1-." I said "Ehh the moment is over now. Let's just fight some waddle dees." I sliced them out of the way and Billy Dee hit all of them away with his spear. Jacob froze and kicked some of them into each other. Chris hit all of them with his shell and blew them away. I said "Wow that was easier then I thought." Billy Dee said "Yeah, they aren't to b-." We heard an explosion outside. When we went out there there were Deedeedee blimps! I said "Deedeedee is stupid but he isn't this stupid! Why would he knock down his own castle?" We rushed inside and went to King Deedeedee's room. When we got there it was dark, we couldn't see anything but our eyes. I said "Chris get your hand off my head." Chris said "Get your sword off my shoulder." Jacob said "How about Tyrone, you get off of my head!" I said "How could I do that!? I'm down here!" Billy Dee said "Have you guys notced that there's one more pair of eyes then there's suppose to be." We all looked up then the lights turned on. King Deedeedee's hands were on my and Jacob and his hammer was leaning on Chris. I said "Your gonna whack us with your hammer aren't your?" He picked up his hammer and hit me and Jacob to the wall. Chris hid in his shell and King Deedeedee yelled "Four!" He hit his shell towards us and it hit me and Jacob. Billy Dee jumped in a paint bucket with blue paint. King Deedeedee looked at him and Billy Dee said "Um...I'm a dark waddle Dee too. King Deedeedee patted him on the back and Billy Dee slowly backed away. I jumped off the wall and said "Have you guys noticed that Deedeedee is wearing a mask and his hammer is more... Mechanical?" Chris jumped off the wall and said "No I haven't noticed the giant walking and talking metal penguin. Of course we've noticed!" Jacob jumped off the wall and said "I wonder where Billy Dee went?" We heard something pop. I said "If a giant blimp crashes threw this roof, I will eat this random tomato. Seriously why is there food everywhere in this world?" A Deedeedee blimp crashed threw the roof and I said "Welp you only live once." I ate it and my health went up! King Deedeedee said "Whoa that was close. Did it look like it hit me." Billy Dee jumped down and said "It didn't? Well that plan was totally useless." I got an idea and said "Um let me just get my wallet... Out my... Kart." I ran the wrong way and went into the treasure room. I said "Ok let's find Star s- HOLY SCROOG MCDUCK! This place is filled with coins, rupees, and food!" Twink came out and said "Remember the mission!" I said "Oh right the Star Ship." I dived in and swam through the coins like a duck we all know and love. I looked everywhere but nothing! Twink said "Maybe it's over there." I said "Really? I just looked over there!" I dived down and I actually did find it. Twink said "Did you find it?" I started it up then grabbed Twink and went through the roof. I said "Wow this thing is sturdy, let's shoot down some blimps. They started firing and I fired back. I charged at them quickly. I dodged the spiky balls they kept throwing out. They ran out of ammo then I took them down. Once they were all down I landed back down. When I did King Deedeedee was on the ground. I said "Guys? What did you do while I was gone?" Chris said "We took out Deedeedee and look what we got." Jacob took out a star card and I said "Wow you guys actually did something plot worthy without me being here? Good job guys!" Jacob said "Yep. I, smart, triforce piece of wisdom." The card flew out of his hand with the wind and I said "Wow, wisdom Huh?" We chased after it and it landed in someone's hand. I said "Look we don't want to fight sooo can I have that back?" A bomb landed on the ground and it blew us all to the ground. I said "So it's a fight you w- Poppy Bro Jr?" It was Poppy Bro Ir just in dark form! Billy Dee said "I'll take it from here guys. I'll take King Deedeedee with me when I finish this guy off." I said "Are you sure?" He nodded and then threw us the card. We got on Mighty and took off. Once we were far from the battlefield Twink touched the card and Muskular came out. He said "Thanks for the help. Like I needed it." I said "Right... So who gets their power?" He said "Jacob, now you can shot water." Jacob said "Like spit?" Muskular said "No, that's disgusting!" Jacob's hair turned blue and Muskular said "You can make shields with that hair and protect your team." I said "Speaking of which." I healed everyone and Muskular said "Now then, I'll see you all soon enough." I said "So what's next?" Twink said "Robotnick's Fortress, also known as the Death Egg." Mighty stopped and we all looked up. I said "I'm having some serious De Ja Vú here." We saw Tails Jr flying the hurricane, Sonia's plane. I said "Hey Tails Jr!" The weird thing is that Tails Jr is a girl but they still named her tails. Very weird. Tails Jr landed the plan and said "Hey guy. What's up?" I said "Can we barrow the hurricane to save Sonia and stop Robotnick?" She said "Sure, you guys know how to fly right?" I said "I don't have hands." Jacob said "I don't have feet." We looked at Chris he said "What? Wait! No no no no no!" Jacob put flyer goggles on him and I said "Let's fly! Wait there's only 2 seats in this thing." Tails Jr said "One of you have to fly on the wing." Jacob and Chris put on their seat belts then looked at me. I got on the wing and said "So, this has been bothering me but, you and Sonia are still dating right?" Tails Jr said "Sonia is a girl." "I know." "Oh no! We're not! No. We're just friends, and isn't this story rated PG?" "We didn't curse or anything. See ya later Tails Jr." "See ya." We took off up to the Death Egg. Something started shooting at us and it hit the wing I was on! Chris said "Eject!" They went up in the air while I was still on the wing about to crash land. Jacob grabbed me before the plane hit the ground. I said "Thanks Jacob, now please put me down." He put me down and Chris said "I think Eggman is that way!" We rushed through the base slicing robots in half, freezing them and blowing them away. When we beat one of the robots we saw Sonia's statue. Twink unfroze her and she said "Hey guys. One second I was foiling one of Eggman's plans the next thing I know two hands come out of no where!" I said "Right. Where is Egg head?" Then a voice said "Hello, heroes of the stars! So your all finally here! I'm sure by now you know that I have one of the stars and a way for you to get to where Tabuu is! Well your not gonn-." He kept going but Sonia said "If we wait here we'll be dead when he's finished just follow me. She grabbed me and started running. I grabbed Jacob and Jacob grabbed Chris. While Sonia was blasting through the level I said "In your face Jacob! I to,d you Sonic is faster then Flash and this is the new generation of Sonic!" Jacob said "So what, we still aren't-." Sonia said "We're here!" Jacob said "Nevermind." Eggman said "And that is why you'll never get here in time!" Sonia said "Hey Egg Head!" Egg Man looked down from something he was building he said "Well of it isn't Sonic's own child and her friends. Well no matter! I will hold no mercy!" He jumped in the robot then I noticed it was the Eggbot 2.0! He jumped up and we all started running. Sonia jumped on the head of the robot and its head spun. He launched his arm at me and it missed! I ran up it and stabbed the head of the robot. It started running around and I heard Eggman say "Its malfunctioning!" Chris went I his shell and knocked it over. Jacob went on it and Eggman said "What are you going to do? Make it rain?" Jacob formed a water ball and placed it on the robot then slowly walked off. He put on sun glasses and said "Like my diarrhea that was pretty..." The robot exploded and Jacob said "Explosive." The star card came out and so did Eggman. Eggman said "Foiled again!" The Death Egg started to rumble then a computer said "Death Egg overheating, self destruct activated. Good bye." Sonia said "Guys hurry this way!" She grabbed us all and Eggman then ran to the hurricane as the Death Egg was exploding. We all jumped in then I saw a bright light. When it cleared up I was in the hurricane! We were alive! We landed and Sonia said "We'll take care of Eggman see you guys later." Missstar came out of the card and said "Thank you heroes, Tyrone it is your turn again to get a power." Light shined around me again and she said "You now can raise your Power or Defense for a short amount of time or help your team mates. Good Luck Heroes." Next was Pac-Land! When we got there the 4 ghost were stealing all the power pellets! I ran up to them and tried slicing them but it went right through them! They started laughing and then they hit me into a tree. Blinky(Red) said "Ok guys lets get going!" Inky(Blue) said "Right boss!" Clyde(Orange) said "Duh." Blinks said "Right Clyde, let's get to Pac-Boy!" Pinky(Do I even have to say which one she is, Pink) said "I still feel bad about turning Pac-Boy into a statue, let's get going." They all floated away and I said "Lets go guys!" I flipped of the tree and ran after them. They went into a fortress then Blinky said "You can't get to us without another ghost or Pac-Boy." Jacob said "Well see ya guys." Chris grabbed his tail thing and I said "Jacob your not ditching us. Let's find Pac-Boy." I opened the door and there were thwomps, ghosts, and so many other obstacles! Blinky said "See ya suckers!" Then they all ran away. Pac-Boy was at the end of all the obstacles. I said "Ok guys I'll go through all the obstacles, I know you guys aren't as athletic as me so just stay here. I ran to Pac-Boy but got squished by a thwomp repeatedly. Chris said "Wrong, watch and learn." He ran under the thwomp but got hit my a metal fist then another. Now they were punching him back and forth. Jacob sighed and grabbed Twink then turned invisible and reappeared next to Pac-Boy. He said "Ok Twink, do your thing." Twink started shining then Pac-Boy came out of the statue and said "What happen to Tyrone and Chris?!" Jacob said "They tried being the best." Pac-Boy ate a power pellet and became Super Pac-Boy! He flew to us and grabbed me and Chris. He put us down and went back to normal. I said "Thanks Pac-Boy. Now let's go and beat some ghosts!" We got to the first room and we were in a maze! Pac-Boy said "Lets collect some pellets!" We started eating pellets and then Blinky started chasing after us. I said "Split!" We all split up and now Blinky was chasing after me, Inky was chasing after Jacob, Clyde was chasing after Chris, and Pinky was chasing after Pac-Boy. I ate a power pellet and Blinky turned blue and started running! I chased after him while collecting pellets. I ate him and he went into the box in the middle. Then the maze started glowing and Pac-Boy said "We did it! We ate all the ghost and ate all the pellets!" The maze disappeared and we landed on a platform. The card started floating down, so Twink grabbed it and out came Klevar. He said "Why hello heroes. Thank you for your assistants but now I must be off. I must first give your friend a power that shall help you escape this situation. Chris's shell turned Neon again and Klevar said "Your shell has reached its maximum defense and now your flight has as well. Now Chris fly back to the Mushroom Kingdom." Pac-Boy said "Oh wait!" He grabbed a plastic bag and scooped up all the ghost's eyes. He said "Now we can go." Chris picked up Jacob and I grabbed onto Jacob and Pac-Boy grabbed onto me. Chris started flying and we got back to the Mushroom Kingdom. Twink came out and said "Ok it's time, follow me." He brought us to Star Hill with all of our friends by our side. Twink said "Ok, now it's time. Star Spirits! Please answer me!" All the Star Spirits we saved appeared at Star Hill and said "What's wrong Twink?" Twink pointed at the ground and Eldstar said "Right, ok stars reform the hole!" They all shot a beam at the ground and the hole that lead to the giant world appeared! Everyone who helped us was here. Steven, Amanda, Mega Alex, Billy Dee, Sonia, and Pac-Boy. We all jumped in and when we got there we got shot out of a 3DS! We landed in sand, I said "What is this place?" Jacob said "Lets get to the highest point." We climbed a giant sand castle and then someone said "Ew, bugs!" I turned around and the kid's mouth dropped. I said "Um... Hi." He kicked us and we were flying! I landed on an umbrella and Jacob landed on a giant ice cream. Chris landed next to something with wheels next to Pac-Boy, Mega Alex, and all of our other friends that jumped with us. Me and Jacob jumped off and Jacob said "They have huge ice cream cones here!" We went where everyone else was and Jacob said "I wonder if they have any other giant foods." We all looked up and saw a giant cotton candy cart! Me, Jacob, and Chris jumped where the glass is and Chris said "If you ate all that you'd have enough energy to run around the whole world." Me and Jacob jumped into the cotton candy and started spinning to collect all of it then ate it all. We started running and running and running and running, so it seemed. Chris was pulling postcards that had different world locations. Steven said "When is this sugar gonna where off." Me and Jacob collapsed and got up. I said "That was fun. But where's that giant bird?" We heard a high voice yell, "Help!" I said "Do you guys here something? Like a toad?" When we all looked up there was Riley and he was holding the card! But a bird was holding Riley! The bird had a power star around it and had a bunch of accessories. Riley said "Can't hold on much, longer." He let go and started falling. I said "What are we gonna do!?" Jacob said "I don't know I do-." Ectoplasm came from under him and everyone backed away. He said "It happens when I'm nervous." Riley landed in it and said "This stuff saved my life. What is it?" I said "Uhhhh..." He tasted it and said "Lime juice?" I said "Sure, let's go with that." Riley said "That stupid bird stole that card from me!" I said "Well let's get it back! We can't catch up by flying maybe we can use wheels?" Billy Dee said "Guys there's a bike right here but it's huge!" Chris said "I think I have a plan." Jacob and Steven were at the pedals. Me and Chris were steering Amanda, Mega Alex, Billy Dee, and Sonia were in the basket to tell us to go left or right. Riley was directing all of us to tell us where the bird is. We went forward for a few minutes but then we quickly crashed into someone! I said while falling off the bike "I thought you guys were gonna tell us where to go!" Mega Alex said "We were but Amanda and Sonia wanted to go right!" Sonia said "And these idiots wanted to go left!" They all started arguing and I said "Your all wrong, your all idiots." We heard a bell ring then Chris said "What's t-." A bike hit him but he went into his shell just in time. We all started running different directions and we all got hit eventually to a sea food place. Jacob said "You know I'm pretty hungry. Let's go inside." I said "We don't have time to be side tracked!" Sonia said "Oh.. You know I just remembered I left my wallet in the sea food place." Jacob said "Yeah, I left my oven on." Everyone came up with a terrible excuse besides me and Riley. I said "Ok Riley, let's get goin-." Jacob came out and said "Some clumsy but handsome boo went into the gas room and yada yada yada the place is about to expload." Chris said "It was Jacob." Jacob said "It was me." I said "Ok then, let's get g-. Wait did you say the place is about to expl-!?" The place exploded and we were flying again. Everyone besides me, Jacob, and Chris were yelling. I said "You get use to it after the first time." Riley said "Wait, is that the bird!" I said "Yeah it is! Chris turn around!" Chris said "Ok,but I don't see how this will hel-." I jumped on him so he would go into his shell then I threw him at the bird! It was a direct hit and the bird dropped the card! We landed in the sand and only our heads were out. Twink touched the card and the bird was charging at us! Kalmar said "Ah, hello her-." I said "Just give Jacob his power!" "Oh, ok sorry, Jacob you now have the power of thunder. Is that a bird? Well good luck heroes." He disappeared and the bird got closer! I said "Jacob do something!" Jacob turned greenish, neonish, then he shocked the bird and it was turned into cooked crow! I said "Now we can go back." We jumped back into the 3DS and was back at Star Hill. All our friends were unfrozen too! I said "How is this possible?" Goombella said "I told you we would take care of the kingdom." The 7 stars appeared and said "You finally done it now go to Star Heaven." Stairs appeared leading up to the sky. Steven said "We're suppose to go up there? No way, all secondary characters come with me." Chris said "Wait up guys I'm going with you." I grabbed him and said "No your coming with us." Me, Jacob, and Chris went up the stairs to Star Heaven and then when we got there all the stars were there. Eldstar said "Now then, now that your girlfriends have freed everyone Master Hand and Crazy Hand are coming back. That is your chance to attack, they are coming in a big ship with a huge statue laser. It will freeze the whole Video Game Land. So once they open the portal over the gigabyte seas you attack the ship with your friends and these things." I said "Sweeet. We can totally use these things which we won't say because that would spoil the awesome scene." Jacob said "Wow way to just explain the whole thing." Billy Dee walked up the stairs and said "Hey guys, I got board and heard everything." Eldstar said "Well then get all your friends that can use these things."
I said "Ok guys, they're here. Let's do this." Alex jumped in the Wiley Capsule, Billy Dee jumped on the Dragoon, Jacob put on a Wing Cap, Chris got his wings ready, then they all took off. All the bosses we battled were on the ship, Bowser Jr said "Fire the missles!" They started firing but they all missed. Ganondorf said "Launch the final statue attack!" The statue Ray started charging. Chris charged into it but it didn't even dent! Jacob tried freezing, burning, shocking, and drenched it but it didn't do anything! Alex started firing at it, at least that dented it. Wiley said "He's using my own machine against me!" Billy Dee charged at it and it half sliced it. I said "This is our last chance, it's time." I jumped on a Warp Star and charged full speed at the beam. It shot and I charged right into it! Everything went dark...
With the heroes and villains
King Deedeedee picked up my statue and walked through the portal. The ship was going down and all the villans went through the portal. All my friends followed them through the portal and then the portal closed. The warp star went up and left, no one knows where. When they all went through the portal Master Hand and Crazy Hand were there. They shot at all of them and they all turned into statues. Bowser Jr said "Finally, they're all out of my hair!" Master Hand said "Now it's your turn." "Huh?" They shot all of the villains and King Deedeedee dropped me. Twink came out of my hat and touched me.
Back to Tyrone
I got board then I saw a bright light. When I woke up I was in a dark place. I saw Master Hand and Crazy Hand. I said "Gonna be honest, I totally saw this coming." When I looked around there were statues of my friends, and mortal enemies. Master Hand charged at me but I jumped and dodged it. I stabbed him and he punched me to the ground. I said "Twink, go wake up Chris and Jacob." Twink said "Right!" He floated to them and unfroze them. Crazy Hand slammed his fist in between them and I said "Guys! This way! Up the stairs to Tabuu!" Chris said "What about our friends?" I said "Your right. Twink, you got this!" Twink went in the middle of all of them then started glowing. Evreyone including our enemies were unfrozen. I said "Up there guys!" Bowser Jr said "Your not our boss!" A statue beam from Master Hand almost hit him and he said "Follow the goomba!" We all ran up the stairs quickly and there he was, Dark Tabuu. I said "Wait a minuet... You! You helped us unfreeze Goombella, Madison, and Bow. Jacob gasped and said "Its Blue Guy!" Tabuu said "I was just giving you a small boost, it wouldn't have been as fun without you." I said "Why though? We are your enemies and I don't care that you helped us, your going down!" Orbs started going around him and he said "So I could do this." The orbs went around him then turned our way so we could see the pictures on it. It was the Mushroom Kingdom, Hyrule, Robot City (Wherever Mega Man is), Dream Land, Mobius, and Pac-Land! Chris said "Where's giant world?" Tabuu said "That place isn't a part of Video Game Land. I've been following you across each world. Now it is time." Thunders struck where he was and he started forming into something. Crazy Hand and Master Hand came up the stairs. I said "Oh come on! We can't battle all of them!" Master Hand and Crazy Hand charged at Tabuu instead of us? They hit him but there must've been a shield or something. Beams came to Master and Crazy Hand. They both fell to the ground. Me, Jacob, and Chris went to them and I said "Why didn't you attack us?" Master Hand said "Because I was afraid this would happen." Chris said "What?" Crazy Hand said "Before you 3 were even programmed the best of Nintendo fought us and then Tabuu. We though we would be able to defeat all of you but at a cost of awakening the one who betrayed us and making him stronger." Chris said "The dark star." Master Hand said "You can defeat him by using the Star Rod! Call the Star Spirits they shall give you the Star Rod to finish him off." Tabuu broke out of the World orbs and said "That's enough fool!" He placed his hand in the shape of a gun and shot Master Hand. Crazy Hand said "Brother, no!" He charged at Tabuu and started constantly beating the shield. Tabuu said "You think you can beat me?" He punched Crazy Gand to the ground and Twink said "Oh no! Guys we gotta hurry!" Tabuu kept shooting us and I said "Guys we gotta do something!" Twink said "I guess it's time." I said "What do you mean?" "Good bye heroes. You helped me grow up and see the world. I am no longer a Star Child." He started glowing and Me, Jacob, and Chris all said "Nooo!" It went all white and then when I opened my eyes there was the Star Rod. I picked it up and said "Twink... Ok guys. Let's do this." Tabuu said "Now die!" He grew rainbow wings and charged at us. Chris flew up I ducked and Jacob covered his eyes. When he stopped Chris charged at him and knocked him off balance. Tabuu said "That Rod won't do anything to me." He charged at me and I blocked it with the Rod. It was good at blocking his attacks. He charged at me a second time but this time I hit him with the star Rod and he got off battle quickly. Jacob froze him and said "That was e-." He broke out of the ice and hit Jacob to the side of the platform. I said "Hey! The only one who can hit Jacob is me!" I got out my sword and sliced Tabuu's back. The Star Spirits appeared over us and I said "About time! Take him out!" They started circling around me, Chris, Jacob and the Star Rod went in between them. Eldstar said "Star Beam!" A beam shot at Tabuu and he fell to the ground. I went to him and said "Hey, Knife to meet you." I stabbed him and said "That should be it right?" He started glowing but it wasn't Twink's glow it was... Different. Then everything went dark, when I woke up I was on a dark landscape. I said "Chris, Jacob?" Chris said "I'm here." Jacob said "Everything hurts!" I said "Where are we?" We looked up and saw the clouds with red eyes again. I said "You again!" Thunder struck in front of me. I said "Im not scared of you!" Jacob said "I am!" Jacob tried running away but Chris grabbed him. I said "Ok guys! Let's finish this!" It said "R-S-T D. I. E." Something landed on my head, I said "Ah I think a bird just pooped on my head." Jacob said "That's impossible." I looked up and there was a pixel missing. I said "I don't think that's suppose to happen." Another pixel fell then the whole world fell apart! We landed in front of Jacob's house. Chris said "I think this is game over guys!" Everyone started panicking and I said "I hoped it didn't have to come to this." I ran to my room and grabbed a button that had the word "Reset" on it. I clicked it then the Nintendo symbol popped up. We were all pixels with only a white background behind us. I was a brown pixel, Jacob was white pixel, and Chris was a yellow pixel. I went to Jacob and Chris and said "Aaaand, your welcome."

Hello Evreyone, recently we've became popular in the Wattpad community. We've gotten over 200 rates, 40 chapters, 60 comments, and 3 thousand in a half views! I'm hoping this Movie chapter will help us become even more popular! I love all of you, now that's out of the way time to get to inspiration. This Movie chapter had a lot of references to, Sonic for Hire, Megaman dies argue end, and a few other things. All these things are funny but they are also not meant for a PG audience, I would say 16+ but if your like me, you'll ignore all warning and watch it any way. So long everyone with more chapters to come. Thank you KarateChris12 ,thejakeman101 and LolCookies11402 for your help, ideas, and support.

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