viet tieng anh

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Chiều cao dòng

by Phuong Do

Top­ic 1: Tell me about your fam­ily Chào các bạn ! Các bạn cùng viết chủ đề “Tell me about your fam­ily” này nhé. Trong chủ đề này các bạn hãy kể về gia đình mình: gồm mấy người ,tuổi tác ,nghề nghiệp ,tính tình …của từng người ,các bài viết cũng có độ dài như lần trứoc .Chú ý tránh những lỗi từ vựng và ngữ pháp mà mình đã nhắc nhở Có thể bắt đầu là :There are (four) peo­ple in my fam­ily….. Một số từ vựng để các bạn tham khảo : QUAN HỆ GIA ĐÌNH Grand moth­er : Bà nội ,ngoại Grand fa­ther : ông nội, ngoại Grand par­ents : ông bà Par­ents : cha mẹ Grand son : cháu nội ,ngoại trai Grand daugh­ter : cháu nội ,ngoại gái fa­ther in- law : cha chồng ,vợ moth­er in- law : mẹ chồng ,vợ Daugh­ter : con gái Son : con trai Daugh­ter in-​law : con dâu Son in - law : con rể Moth­er in- law : mẹ chồng , vợ Younger sis­ter : em gái Younger broth­er : em trai El­der sis­ter : chị El­der broth­er : anh trai Broth­er in-​law : anh ,em rể Sis­ter in - law : chị ,em dâu cousin : anh em họ ( con của cô, dì ,mợ ,thím ..) Nephew :cháu trai ( con của anh,chị, em ) Niece :cháu gái ( con của anh ,chị ,em ) aunt : cô ,dì ,mợ, thím un­cle : chú ,bác ,cậu step moth­er : mẹ kế step son : con riêng (trai) step daugh­ter : con riêng (gái) Half broth­er : anh em cùng cha khác mẹ, cùng mẹ khác cha Half sis­ter :chị em cùng cha khác mẹ ,cùng mẹ khác cha MỘT SỐ NGHỀ : En­gi­neer : kỹ sư Ar­chi­tect : kiến trúc sư nurse : y tá pi­lot : phi công plumber : thợ sửa ống nước car­pen­ter : thợ mộc Elec­tri­cian : thợ điện Di­rec­tor : giám đốc Vice di­rec­tor : phó giám đốc bar­ber : thợ hớt tóc Hair dress­er : thợ uốn tóc Man­icurist : thợ làm móng po­lice­man : công an (nam) butch­er : người bán thịt house wife : nội trợ house maid : người giúp việc nhà Jour­nal­ist : nhà báo singer : ca sĩ Farmer : nông dân Tai­lor : thợ may Gold­smith : thợ bạc Drap­er : người bán quần áo Mu­si­cian : nhạc sĩ Watch­man : bảo vệ Sale man (wom­an) : người buôn bán (nữ) MỘT SỐ MẪU CÂU ÁP DỤNG : He works as a doc­tor in Cho ray hos­pi­tal: ông ta làm bác sĩ ở BV Chợ Rẩy At the age of sev­en­ty ,my grand fa­ther still looks hale : ở tuổi 70 ông tôi trông vẫn còn tráng kiện

Bài viết của thanh­phuong882002 My fam­ily have four per­sons, my moth­er, my fa­ther, my broth­er and me. Both my moth­er and my fa­ther are a teach­er. She is teach­ing in high school. She teach­es chem­istry. She is a gen­tle and righ­teous moth­er. She is in­ter­est­ed in her chil­dren's study­ing.She al­ways gives me some use­ful ad­vice in my life. My fa­ther isn't teach, he work as an of­fi­cer in the pri­ma­ry school. He is very strict. He al­ways com­plains when my broth­er and me make a mis­take.My par­ents are both the same age, 49 years ọld My broth­er is a stu­dent.He is 22 years old.He has just left school. Now, he is find­ing his job. His spe­cial­ity is en­vi­ro­ment sci­ence.He is very friend­ly and kind .Fi­nal­ly , i am a stu­dent. I am 19 years old. I am out­go­ing and have my am­bi­tion.This is some in­for­ma­tion about my fam­ily. Bài sửa của well­frog My fam­ily have has four per­sons peo­ple , my moth­er, my fa­ther, my broth­er and me. Both of my moth­er and my fa­ther par­ents are a teacherteach­ers cha mẹ số nhiều phải thêm s vào teach­er . She is teach­ing My moth­er teach­es in a high school. She teach­es chem­istry. Hai câu này nên tóm lại là : My moth­er teach­es chem­istry in a high school. She is a gen­tle and righ­teous moth­er. She is in­ter­est­ed in her chil­dren's study­ing al­ways con­cerned about our study be in­ter­est­ed in : thích be con­cerned about : quan tâm, lo lắng .She al­ways gives me some use­ful ad­vice in my life. My fa­ther isn't teach, he work works as an of­fi­cer in the a pri­ma­ry school. He is very strict. He al­ways com­plains when my broth­er and me I make a mis­take. chủ từ phải dùng I My par­ents are both the same age, 49 years ọld ; My broth­er,who is 22 years old, is a stu­dent grad­uate .He is 22 years old.He has just left school. Now, he is find­ing look­ing for his job. His spe­cial­ity is en­vi­ron­men­tal sci­ence.He is very friend­ly and kind .Fi­nal­ly , i I am a stu­dent. I am 19 years old. I am out­go­ing and have my am­bi­tion am­bi­tious .This is some in­for­ma­tion about my fam­ily Stu­dent : là sinh viên còn đang học đại học ,còn nếu đã ra trường rồi thì dùng : grad­uate find : tìm thấy look­ing for : tìm kiếm ( chưa thấy )

Bài viết của Mr ZigZag My fam­ily have five mem­bers. That are my fa­ther, my morther, my younger sis­ter , my younger broth­er and me. My famil­ly lives at Phu Hoa town(Long Xuyên city) I am Phuong, I am 14 years old and I am a pupil. . First, My fa­ther is a teach­er. Char­ac­ter's him is very hap­py. How­ev­er I am very fear fa­ther, but I love fa­ther. Next, My moth­er is noise , she has long hair and black. Be­fore I go to bed, she usu­al­ly said :“Sleep well”. I love my moth­er very much. Next, my youger sis­ter , she is 10 years old and she is ex­cel­lent pupil of my pri­ma­ry school. From 7- 8 p.m, I usu­al­ly teach her about ex­er­cise. Fi­nal­ly, My younger broth­er is 4 years old. He is very much alive. I am very love my famil­ly. With me ,fam­ily al­ways is the as­sured sup­port. If I have one wish . I will wish “ My famil­ly aways is hap­py.” Bài sửa của well­frog My fam­ily have five mem­bers. That They are my fa­ther, my morther, my younger sis­ter , my younger broth­er and me. My famil­ly lives at We live in Phu Hoa town(Long Xuyên city) I am My name is Phuong, I am 14 years old and I am a pupil. . First, My fa­ther is a teach­er. Char­ac­ter's him is very hap­py He is a jovial man . How­ev­er, I am very fear fa­ther fear him very much ,but. I love my fa­ther.Next, My moth­er is noise talkative , she has long hair and black long black hair . Be­fore I go to bed, she usu­al­ly said says :“Sleep well”. I love my moth­er very much. Next, my youger sis­ter , she is 10 years old and she is an ex­cel­lent pupil of in my pri­ma­ry school. From 7- to 8 p.m, I usu­al­ly teach her about some ex­er­cis­es. Fi­nal­ly, My younger broth­er is 4 years old. He is very much alive. ac­tive I am very love my famil­ly very much . With For me ,fam­ily al­ways is is al­ways the as­sured a re­li­able sup­port. If I have one wish . I will wish “ My famil­ly is aways is hap­py Giới từ chỉ nơi chốn em nhớ như sau : -Các nơi chốn nhỏ như : sân bay ,trường học ,khu mua bán .... thì dùng AT - Các nơi chốn lớn từ làng ,xả , quận ,thành phố ,tỉnh ,thị xả ,nước ... thì dùng IN I am + tên : chỉ đựoc sử dụng trong văn nói khi giới thiệu trực tiếp ,còn trong văn viết ,không phảo giới thiệu trực tiếp thì dùng my name is ... Không phải diễn tả sự việc theo thời gi­an nên không dùng : first ,sec­ond .. .Có thể dùng : the old­est per­son in my fam­ily ....,hoặc : the first per­son I want to tell you about is .... Chữ fam­ily chỉ có một chữ ”L“ thôi em nhé ! Char­ac­ter's him is very hap­py : chà ! câu này sai nghiêm trọng đây nhé ! thứ nhất đại từ sở hửu không dùng dấu”'s“ : the book's him (sai) his book ( đúng ) the book of him ( đúng ) thứ hai là ” hap­py " là tính từ chỉ trạng thái nhất thời của con ngừoi chứ không phải để chỉ tính tình ,muốn nói đến tính tình thì dùng jovial ( tánh tình vui vẽ ) Sau How­ev­er phải có dẩu phẩy Fear là động từ ,không dùng với to be alive : còn sống ! ac­tive : hiếu động like very much : rất thích không đựoc dùng very like ,vì like là động từ mà very chỉ đứng trước tính từ và trạng từ thôi Các trạng từ năng diễn như : al­ways ,of­ten ... đặt trứoc động từ thừong ,sau to be

Bài viết của pe­den “There are 7 peo­ple in my familỵ My fa­ther is a good pho­toghra­pher. He is very gen­tle and boon. My moth­er is a home-​mak­er.She cooks very well and she is al­ways car­ing to ev­ery­body in my fam­ily.I have an el­der sis­ter ,an el­der broth­er and a younger sis­ter. My younger sis­ter is a pupil in class 9A1.My broth­er is a stu­dent ,he is study­ing in HB uni­ver­si­ty.My sis­ter grad­uat­ed a ped­agog­ic col­lege last year and now she is ap­ply­ing for a post.An­oth­er peo­ple is my grand­moth­er,she is very old but she is still strong-​mind­ed. The last one is me. I am in the eleventh grade and i am not good at En­glish. I feel hap­py be­cause i have a good home. I love my fam­ily so much”. Bài sửa của thatsmy­goal “There are 7 sev­en peo­ple in my familỵ My fa­ther is a good pho­toghra­pher. He is very gen­tle and boon. My moth­er is a home-​mak­er.She cooks very well and she is al­ways car­ing to about (We use CARE TO to talk about car­ing to do sth) ev­ery­body in my fam­ily.I have an el­der sis­ter ,an el­der broth­er and a younger sis­ter. My younger sis­ter is a pupil­stu­dent in class 9A1.My broth­er is a stu­dent ,he is study­ing in at HB => Don't use short form in Writ­ing uni­ver­si­ty.My sis­ter grad­uat­ed a ped­agog­ic col­lege last year and now . Now she is ap­ply­ing for a post.An­oth­er peo­ple per­son/ mem­ber is my grand­moth­er,she is very old but she is still strong- mind­ed. The last one is me. I am in the eleventh grade and i am not good at En­glish. I feel hap­py be­cause i have a good home =>Câu này ko ổn cho lắm. Bạn nên sủa là Hap­py fam­ily. I love my fam­ily so much”. Com­ment: Bài viết của bạn khá ok. Nhưng có 1 số điểm cần luư ý: 1. Không được viết tắt trong đoạn văn 2. Không được viết số, mà phải viết chữ 3. AN­OTH­ER + Sin­gu­lar Count­able Noun(EG: an­oth­er per­son) 4. Không nên dùng ngôn ngữ chat (VD: u =>you) Bài sửa bổ sung của well­frog My sis­ter grad­uat­ed a ped­agog­ic col­lege => My sis­ter grad­uat­ed from ped­agog­ic col­lege I am in the eleventh grade and i am not good at En­glish. =>Al­though I am in the eleventh grade ,I am not good at En­glish. hoặc :I am in the eleventh grade ;how­ev­er,I am not good at En­glish.

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của Lê Như Nguyện There are four peo­ple in my fam­ily:my fa­ther,my moth­er,my younger broth­er and me.My fam­ily lives in Nhatrang city.My fam­ily has a es­tab­lish­ment which makes dry squid and beef.Both my fa­ther and my moth­er work there.My fa­ther is very strict.He likes to talk with his friends in his free time.My moth­er is gen­tle and kind.She cooks very well.She likes lis­ten to class­cial mu­sis.She usu­al­ly gives us some use­ful ad­vices when we have prob­lems.My fa­ther and my moth­er al­ways help the poor peo­ple and the old­ster.My younger broth­er is study­ing at high school.He is a smart pupil in class.At home,he is a tac­itur­ni­ty peo­ple.He likes lis­ten to rock mu­sic and plays games on com­put­er.And the last one is me.I have just grad­uat­ed from uni­ver­si­ty for 5 months.I am find­ing the job now.I feel very hap­py when I lives in my fam­ily.I loves my fam­ily so much. There are four peo­ple in my fam­ily:my fa­ther,my moth­er,my younger broth­er and me.My fam­ily lives in Nhatrang city.My fam­ily has an es­tab­lish­ment which makes dry squid and beef.Both of my fa­ther and my moth­er work there.My fa­ther is very strict.He likes to talk with his friends in his free time.My moth­er is gen­tle and kind.She cooks very well.She likes lis­ten­ing to class­cial mu­sis clas­si­cal mu­sic .She usu­al­ly gives us some use­ful ad­vices when we have prob­lems.My fa­ther and my moth­er al­ways help the poor peo­ple and the old­ster.My younger broth­er is study­ing at high school.He is a smart pupil stu­dent in class.At home,he is a tac­itur­ni­ty peo­ple. tac­iturn man .He likes lis­ten­ing to rock mu­sic and plays games on com­put­er.And the last one is me.I have just grad­uat­ed from uni­ver­si­ty for 5 months.I am find­ing look­ing for thea job now.I feel very hap­py when I lives in my fam­ily.I loves my fam­ily so much find : tìm thấy look for : tìm kiếm ( chưa thấy ) Chủ từ là I thì động từ không thêm s nhé he is a tac­itur­ni­ty peo­ple : câu này có hai lỗi sai: 1. a là số ít trong khi peo­ple là số nhiều tac­itur­ni­ty là danh từ phải đổi thành tính từ ( tac­itur) để đặt trước danh từ Học sinh cấp 2 trở lên dùng stu­dent

Bài sửa của thatsmy­goal Bài sửa bổ sung của Well­frog Bài viết của heo con lun there are six per­sons in my fam­ily,those are par­ents,three old broth­ers and­though they live in a house but ev­ery­body have a dif­fer­ent per­son­al­itỵ both fa­ther and moth­er are qui­et,the old­est both­er is very hot tem­pered,i al­ways fear him when he is an­gry,the or­ther and me are joil­lỵ,i love my fam­ily,they are friend­ly with peo­ple,we live in a poor vil­lage but we al­ways love to­geth­er,now i live so­far my fam­ily but i have nev­er fo­got­ten day which i lived be­side familỵ There are six per­sons peo­ple in my fam­ily,those .Those =>nên chấm are par­ents :three old broth­ers and me. Al­though they live in a house but ev­ery­body have has a dif­fer­ent per­son­al­itỵ (=>Ý bạn nói về tính cách đúng ko? Mình nghĩ bạn nên dùng chữ CHAR­AC­TER.). Both fa­ther and moth­er are qui­et re­served .The . The (=> nên chấm)old­est both­er is very hot tem­pered,i .I al­ways fear him when he is an­gry .The or­ther oth­er and me I I are [s][b] joil­lỵ jol­ly .I love my fam­ily,they are friend­ly with peo­ple . We live in at a poor vil­lage but we al­ways love to­geth­er each oth­er .Now i I ive so­far far my fam­ily but I have nev­er fo­got­ten nev­er for­get the days which i I lived be­side familỵ Com­ment: 1. Sau khi hết 1 ý, bạn nên chấm. Câu văn bạn hơi dài. 2. Chữ “I”(tôi) luôn luôn viết hoa 3. Chữ đầu câu luôn viết hoa => Đây là ý kiến của mình về các lỗi của bạn. Al­though they­we live in a house but, ev­ery­body has a dif­fer­ent per­son­al­itỵ Đã dùng al­though thì không dùng but nữa Gia đình đương bao gồm mình trong đó nên không thể dùng THEY mà phải dùng WE the or­ther and me are joil­lỵ: câu này sai kinh khủng quá :lỗi spelling : or­ther-> oth­er joil­lỵ -> jol­lỵ lỗi cấu trúc : Đã dùng the oth­ers là ý nói tất cã những người còn lại(trong đó có tôi ) ,nên không thể thêm : and me nữa ,cho nên câu sửa thành : the oth­ers are jol­ly those are par­ents,three old broth­ers : câu này đổi thành : They are my par­ents ,my three el­der broth­ers Anh chị ,cha mẹ .... khi dùng phải dùng sở hửu phía trước ,còn chữ el­der sao bạn không tham khảo gợi ý của mình ở đề bài top­ic ?

Bài sửa của metooy­ou Bài sửa bổ sung của well­frog Bài viết của cad­pig17 My fam­ily is a nor­mal one with four mem­bers: my par­ents, my younger broth­er and me. We live in a small house in Hanoi. My fa­ther is a me­chan­ical en­gi­neer. He's tough, but he loves us. Some times he was un­fair and made my moth­er an­gry. Hon­est­ly, I don't like my fa­ther very much. I love my moth­er. She's gen­tle and kind. She al­ways solves ev­ery trou­ble in my fam­ily with­out ar­gue­ing. Par­tic­ular­ly, she's so well at cook­ing that I won­der how I can learn that from her. The third mem­ber is my lit­tle broth­er. He's twelve years old. He likes on­ly Poke­mon games. And the last one is me. I'm an un­der­grad­uate in NEU. My dream is get­ting a good job and earn a lot of mon­ey. My fam­ily is my life, al­though some­times I dis­agree with my fa­ther and ar­gue him. And I know we love each oth­ers. My fam­ily is a nor­mal one with four mem­bers: my par­ents, my younger broth­er and me. We live in a small house in Hanoi. My fa­ther is a me­chan­ical en­gi­neer. He's tough, but he loves us. Some times Some­times he was un­fair and made my moth­er an­gry. Hon­est­ly, I don't like my fa­ther very much. I love my moth­er. She's gen­tle and kind. She al­ways solves ev­ery trou­ble in my fam­ily with­out ar­gue­ing ar­gu­ing. Par­tic­ular­ly, she's so well good at cook­ing that I won­der how I can learn that from her. The third mem­ber is my lit­tle broth­er. He's twelve years old. He likes on­ly Poke­mon games. And the last one is me. I'm an un­der­grad­uate in NEU. My dream is get­ting a good job and earn a lot of mon­ey. My fam­ily is my life, al­though some­times I dis­agree with my fa­ther and ar­gue him. And I know we love each oth­ers. - Câu này: “Some­times he was un­fair and made my moth­er an­gry” đúng nhưng nên sửa lại là: “Some­times he is un­fair and make my moth­er an­gry.” Câu này nên để ở thì hiện tại vì miêu tả sự thật, hành động vẫn diễn ra thường xuyên. - Nên tránh viết tắt trong văn viết, nên viết “He is tough”, không nên “He's tough” - good at some­thing: giỏi về cái gì đó Ex: He is good at math. - to be well at thời điểm nào đó Ex: She is well at this time. My dream is get­ting a good job and earn a lot of mon­ey câu này liên từ and phải nối hai loại từ giống nhau : get­ting thì phải đi đôi với earn­ing => My dream is get­ting a good job and earn­ing a lot of mon­ey ar­gue him => ar­gue with him we love each oth­ers. => we love one an­oth­er. không có each oth­ers mà chỉ có each oth­er ,nhưng mà chữ này dùng cho hai đối tượng mà thôi,còn ba đối tượng trở lên thì dùng one an­oth­er Trên đây là những lỗi ngữ pháp ,còn về cách kết hợp các câu của bạn vẫn chưa có sự kết nối liền lạc ,lần sau nhớ viết cho liền lạc hơn nhé

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của our­fam­ily I have a small fam­ily with three mem­bers, my hus­band, my son and I. The first one, my hus­band is thir­ty-​one years old, and he is one year old­er than I am. He is a con­struc­tion en­gi­neer. He likes his job and tries my best to work. Be­sides, he al­so loves our fam­ily, so he of­ten helps me do house­work. He is a bright ex­am­ple for my son to fol­low. The sec­ond one, my son is four years old, and he is learn­ing at a kingder­garten. He is re­al­ly stub­born, but he is so love­ly, too. He can do some things to take care him­self and help us. He draws quite well, and he likes read­ing pic­ture books. Fi­nal­ly, I want to say that I love our fam­ily so much. I'm re­al­ly hap­py to live with my hus­band and my son. I have a small fam­ily with three mem­bers, my hus­band, my son and I. The first one, my hus­band, is thir­ty-​one years old, and he is one year old­er than I am. He is a con­struc­tion en­gi­neer. He likes his job and tries my his best to work. Be­sides, he al­so loves our fam­ily, so he of­ten helps me do the house­work. He is a bright ex­am­ple for my son to fol­low. The sec­ond one, my son ,is four years old, and he.He is learn­ing at a kingder­garten kinder­garten. He is re­al­ly stub­born, but he is al­so so love­ly, too. He can do some things to take care of him­self and help us. He draws quite well, and he likes read­ing pic­ture books. Fi­nal­ly, I want to say that I love our fam­ily so much. I'm re­al­ly hap­py to live with my hus­band and my son. Chủ từ nào thì dùng sở hửu của người đó trước chữ best nhé I try my best She tries her best Take care of : chăm sóc Trong câu The first one, my hus­band is thir­ty-​one years old The first one là chủ từ của is, còn my hus­ban­dlà đồng cách danh từ (cùng là chủ từ) nên nhất thiết phải có 2 dấu phẩy phân cách Cần phân biệt giữa too và al­so Too : là cũng (vậy) => giống như ý trước đó Al­so : cũng (thêm ý khác ngoài ý trước ) ex:He is nine : anh ta 9 tuổi I am nine ,too : tôi cũng 9 tuổi ( giống như anh ta : 9 tuổi ) He eats a cake He al­so drinks milk (anh ta cũng uống sửa : ngoài ăn bánh còn uống thêm sửa ) - Bài viết khá tốt ,chỉ có một số lỗi nhỏ nêu trên

Bài sửa của Tsu­ki Bài viết của thanhkha There are four mem­bers in my fam­ily: my fa­ther, my moth­er, my sis­ter, my broth­er and me. I am youngest sis­ter, so I am hap­py. My fa­ther is 49 years olad.He is a shoesm(thợ giày)…..He is a self-​opin­ion­at­ed man but he love them. My moth­er is 50years old.she is a house wife . At home my moth­er takes care of fam­ily care­ful­ly. All of work­ing she does. She cooks a meal very de­li­cious. My sis­ter is 28 years old and last year, she have mar­ried.She is a per­son­al as­sis­tant. My broth­er works as a doc­tor in Gen­er­al hos­pi­tal.he is very young when he is 25 years old. And I study grade 11 in Phan Chau Trinh high school. This is the my small fam­ily - I am the youngest sis­ter, so I am (hap­py)/ I am al­ways spoiled by the oth­ers So sánh nhất phải đi cùng với the: the + short Adj-​est/ the + most + long Adj. Vì bạn là người nhỏ nhất nên bạn hạnh phúc; chỗ này mình gợi ý thêm động từ spoil; be spoiled by the oth­ers = bạn được nuông chìu bởi những người còn lại trong gia đình hehe - My fa­ther is 49 years oldad.He is a shoes­mmak­er(thợ giày)….. - He is a self-​opin­ion­at­ed man but he loves themhis fam­ily/(all of) us. Đại từ nhân xưng làm túc từ them ở đây không rõ nghĩa, nếu bạn muốn nói chúng tôi ,vì trong đó có bạn, thì bạn phải dùng us hoặc all of us; hoặc bạn cũng có thể nói là ông ấy yêu gia đình của mình: loves his fam­ily, nhớ chia động từ cho ngôi thứ 3 số ít. - .sShe is a house -wife. Nhớ sau dấu chấm phải viết hoa nha; house­wife = home­mak­er là MỘT danh từ đơn, nó được viết dính liền nhau chứ không tách ra. - At home my moth­er takes care of the/her­fam­ily care­ful­ly Danh từ số ít không đứng riêng lẻ 1 mình, bạn nên thêm mạo từ hoặc tính từ sở hữu vào nha. - All of work­ing she does. <-- Câu này mình không rõ bạn muốn nói gì, nếu như bạn muốn diễn đạt ý là mẹ mình đã làm hết công việc nhà bạn có thể viết: She does all the do­mes­tic chores (by her­self). (nhưng vậy thì buồn wa', phải có người share việc nhà chứ ha) - She cooks a meal very de­li­cious meals/ cooks very well Mẹ nấu những bữa ăn rất ngon chứ mẹ nấu có 1 bữa thôi sao? - My sis­ter is 28 years old and last year, she have mar­ried. Hành động kết hôn đã xảy ra & đã kết thúc trong quá khứ nên bạn dùng Sim­ple Past, không dùng Present Per­fect; trạng từ last year nên đặt ở phía sau động từ: she mar­ried/ got mar­ried last year - My broth­er works as a doc­tor in the Gen­er­al hos­pi­tal. Gen­er­al hos­pi­tal ở đây có nghĩa xác định, dùng mạo từ xác định the đi kèm. - hHe is very young when he is 25 years old. Nhớ viết hoa sau dấu chấm câu. Câu này mình hiểu là anh của bạn rất trẻ khi anh í 25 tuổi, còn bi giờ thì ... (rất già) Nếu đó không phải ý của bạn thì bạn có thể viết là He is 25 (years old) and he is very young/ He is very young, just/on­ly 25 - And I studyam in eleventh/11th grade 11 in Phan Chau Trinh high school. Không bắt đầu 1 câu bằng liên từ and. Cái này mình sửa rất nhiều lần rồi mà cũng có bạn bị sai hoài, be in + or­di­nal num­ber (số thứ tự) + grade - This is the my small fam­ily --> That is all about my small fam­ily. Nhìn chung bạn còn hay sai nhiều lỗi lặt vặt, lần sau nhớ reread lại bài trước khi gửi nha. Bạn cũng nên học thêm từ vựng & cấu trúc câu để có thể diễn đạt ý dễ dàng hơn. Chúc nhanh tiến bộ.

Bài sửa của Tsu­ki Bài viết của yen­cuong1981 I have get mar­ried for two years . As a re­sult, there are many peo­ple in my famil­ly. I have spe­cial re­spect for my par­ents. My fa­ther is of­ten quick-​tem­pered be­cause he has high blood pres­sure over the year. My moth­er is very beau­ti­ful and douce. They have just re­tired for four months. My younger broth­er has just grad­uat­ed Na­tion­al Eco­nom­ic Uni­ver­si­ty. He work as a ac­coun­tant of Vi­et­tel com­pa­ny. At the same time, he is prepar­ing eco­nom­ical mas­ter ex­ams. He con­sid­ers as a dy­nam­ic per­son. My par­ents in law are farm­ers. In­spite of ex­trem­ly hard work­ing, they had brought up their off­spring be­come the learned per­sons. I’m try­ing to get on well with them. My hus­band is the youngest in his sib­lings. He is a man­ufac­ture di­rec­tor in phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­ny. He’s good at us­ing tools to fix things or make things. At last, we hope that we will wel­come a new mem­ber in the near fu­ture. - I have get­got mar­ried for two years Pre Per­fect: have/has+ Past Part - (As a re­sult), there are many peo­ple in my famil­ly. As a re­sult được dùng để chỉ hệ quả của hành động xảy ra trước đó; nhưng hành động trước đó là get mar­ried vậy là chỉ thêm có 1 người & không nói rõ là sống chung với gia đình chung hay sống riêng mà hệ quả là gia đình đông người thì không thuyết phục cho lắm. Mình nghĩ bạn có thể nói là I got mar­ried 2 years ago and since then we have lived with my par­ents . As a re­sult, ... - My fa­ther is (of­ten) quick-​tem­pered be­cause he has high blood pres­sure over the years quick-​tem­pered là tính từ thể hiện 1 phần tính cách không mang tính tạm thời, cho nên mình quả thật chưa từng thấy người ta dùng với các trạng từ chỉ tần suất (of­ten, fre­quent­ly, usu­al­ly...). Nếu bạn muốn diễn tả việc đó là tạm thời do bệnh gây ra thì có thể nói: My fa­ther gets an­gry eas­ily be­cause... - My younger broth­er has just grad­uat­ed from Na­tion­al Eco­nom­ic Uni­ver­si­ty. - He works as a ac­coun­tant of Vi­et­tel com­pa­ny. - At the same time, he is prepar­ing for his/theeco­nom­ical mas­ter ex­ams Nếu bạn muốn nói đến thi đầu vào thì có thể dùng en­trance ex­am; tra từ điển từ eco­nom­ical lại đi nhé -He is con­sid­er­sed as a dy­nam­ic per­son. - In­spite In spite of beingex­trem­ly hard-​work­ing, they had brought up their off­spring up to be be­come the learned per­sons well-​ed­ucat­ed peo­ple. hard-​work­ing là tính từ nên phải có động từ TO BE đi kèm nha. - My hus­band is the youngest in among his sib­lings. - He is a man­ufac­ture di­rec­tor in a phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­ny. - He’s good at us­ing tools to fix things or make­ing things. or là 1 co­or­di­na­tor nối 2 phrase/clause tương đương nhau nên khi đã dùng V-​ing sau Prep at cho động từ use, bạn cũng phải làm tương tự với động từ make ở vế sau. - At last, we hope that we will wel­come a new mem­ber in the near fu­ture. Phía trên bạn không dùng từ liên kết câu, cuối cùng dùng thì quá đột ngột & cũng chẳng mang lại hiệu quả gì trong việc hệ thống ý tưởng. Bài bạn viết khá kỹ, các lỗi sai không đáng kể chỉ cần cẩn thận hơn là được. Bạn nắm khá vững ngữ pháp & đã sử dụng được 1 số từ vựng đáng kể để diễn đạt ý, mình nghĩ bạn đã vượt trên trình độ be­gin­ner rồi Thời gi­an tới bạn nên học thêm các cấu trúc câu & viết nhiều câu ghép/câu phức hơn --> high­er lev­el. Best wish­es.

Bài sửa của well­frog và Bổ sung của Co­nan Doyle Bài viết của nang­mai8 My fam­ily is very hap­py, glad and have much smile.My fam­ily have five peo­ple.:my par­ents, my old­est sis­ter and my younger broth­ẹr .My fa­ther is six­ty-​five years old and my moth­er is fì­ty- fỉve years old this years. My fa­ther was a doc­tor.He was good doc­tor . He worked at 103 hos­pi­tal.Be­side, he is a won­der­ful fa­ther. He is work­ing at home now. And my moth­er was a teach­er. She's at home now. Ev­ery day, she cooks, read a news­pa­per about the health. And they re­tired five years ago. I fell proud of them .On free time, they al­ways vis­it their friends.They have a lot of the same like.For ex­am­ple, they like po­em, to go to the cin­ema.very a lot of . About my old­est sis­ter, she is work­ing ThanhSen's chemist. She is a chemist.She is twen­ty three years old. She is a beau­ty­ful girl,she is a sin­gle. we have a lot of the same like. we like to go shop­ing, to lis­ten to mu­sic, and to sleep. My younger sis­ter is eigh­teen years old. He is a pupil at Phan Đinh Phung school. al­though we grew but we still oc­ca­sion­al­ly hit Bài viết của bạn có quá nhiều lỗi sai ngữ pháp lẫn cấu trúc ,ngữ nghĩa ,nếu để vậy mà sửa từng câu thì “nát” hết .Bạn phải giới thiệu theo thú tự : tuổi ,nghề nghiệp .Còn các sự kiện thì phải theo quá trình thời gi­an ,chứ không tự nhiên viết cha đã làm bác sĩ ,giờ ở nhà ,rồi nhãy qua nói là đã về hưu .Mà đáng lẽ phải viết là : đã về hưu ,trứoc đây làm bác sĩ ,giờ ở nhà .Chỉ có một người chị thì không cần phải nói là chị lớn nhất .câu kết luận về gia đình bạn là một gia đính hạnh phúc nên đặt ở cuối bài viết thay cho lờii kết.Đã dùng al­though thì không dùng but nữa .Trong thơpì gi­an rảnh dùng : in sỡ hửu free time Glad : chỉ một trạng thái vui mừng tạm thời ,không thể dùng tả về tính chất của một gia đình được Dưới đây là bài tham khảo sau khi đã sửa lỗi và sắp xếp lại ý My fam­ily has five peo­ple.:my par­ents, my el­der sis­ter and my younger broth­ẹr and me.My fa­ther is six­ty-​five years old and my moth­er is fìfty- fỉve years old .Both of them re­tired five years ago. My fa­ther used to work as a doc­tor in 103 hos­pi­tal. He is not on­ly a good doc­tor but al­so a won­der­ful fa­ther .My moth­er used to be a teach­er .Ev­ery day, she cooks, reads a news­pa­per about health.In their free time ,my par­ents of­ten vis­it their friends.They have the same in­ter­ests such as read­ing po­ems and go­ing to the cin­ema .I feel proud of my par­ents.My el­der sis­ter is twen­ty- three years old.She works as a chemist in Thanh Sen Com­pa­ny.She is still sin­gle though she is a beau­ti­ful girl.I and she both like lis­ten­ing to mu­sic,go­ing shop­ping and ..sleep­ing ! My younger broth­ẹr is eigh­teen years old.He is a stu­dent of Phan Đinh Phung high school.Al­though we are grown-​ups , we still oc­ca­sion­al­ly fight each oth­er.In spite of that , my fam­ily is a very hap­py one.

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của LOVE­LY­CATVT In my fam­ily,there are six peo­ple:my fa­ther,my moth­er,old sis­ter and two young sis­ters.My­fa­ther is very fun and good.He some­times makes many fun­nies for us and give us ad­vices.He is a fish­er.My fa­ther has two ships.How about my moth­er?She is very strick and parental but she loves us very much.She of­ten cooks meals very well and I ad­mire par­ents.My old sis­ter is twen­ty-​six year old.She is very fun,good and gen­tle.She of­ten gives me mon­ey when I go away.My young sis­ter is a stu­dent.One is six year old,she be­gins to go to school and she is very in­tel­li­gent,the oth­er is study­ing at the high school.When­ev­er my fam­ily gath­ers,we are very hap­py.It is al­so the place when I am sad,tired and dis­ap­point­ed and re­turn home. In my fam­ily,there are six peo­ple:my fa­ther,my moth­er,old sis­ter and two young sis­ters ,my el­der sis­ter and my two younger sis­ters chị gái dùng : el­der sis­ter em gái dùng : younger sis­ter .My­fa­ther is very fun jol­ly and good.He some­times makes many fun­nies for us tells us fun­ny sto­ries and gives us ad­vices không hiểu ý bạn dùng make fun­nies với nghĩa gì ,ad­vice là danh từ không đếm được nên không thêm s .He is a fish­er­man.My fa­ther has two ships.How about my moth­er?She.My moth­er is very strick strict and parental but she loves us very much.She of­ten cooks meals very well and. I ad­mire par­ents. không nên tự hỏi như thế này :How about my moth­er? cook well là chỉ bản chất của con ngưòi không thể dùng of­ten được My old el­der sis­ter is twen­ty-​six years old.She is very fun jol­ly ,good and gen­tle.She of­ten gives me mon­ey when I go away.My young sis­ter is a stu­dent .One is six year old,.One of my younger sis­ters is six year old .She be­gins to go to school and she is very in­tel­li­gent,the oth­er is study­ing at the a high school stu­dent .When­ev­er my fam­ily gath­ers,we are very hap­py.It is al­so the place when I am sad,tired and dis­ap­point­ed and re­turn home I re­turn to when I feel sad,tired and dis­ap­point­ed Fam­ily vừa có thể là số ít vừa có thể là số nhiều tùy theo ý nghĩa .Nếu xem như một đơn vị thì dùng số ít ,còn xem như một tậpthể thì dùng số nhiều My fam­ily is rich -> xem như một đơn vị My fam­ily are eat­ing -> xem như một tập thể

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của 76076447 I ware very lazy writ­ing ago. So I don't un­der­stand any­thing when I try to learn En­glish. Tsu­ki said that: “ I haven't base of gram­mar”. I thing that you told cor­rect about me. But now, I know that writ­ing is very im­por­tant in learn­ing En­glish. I try my best to write any­thing that I can do by En­glish. I hope I can more study than I am. My fam­ily have five mem­bers. My fam­ily is com­posed of my fa­ther, my moth­er, two my el­der broth­ers and the last one is me. The first per­son that I tell is my fa­ther, he was a sur­geon (I have found “sur­geon” in my e-​dic­tio­nary), but now he stays at home for re­lax­ing with his wife. My moth­er was a doc­tor, too. She is younger than her hus­band. She is a ob­stet­ric doc­tor. My el­dest broth­er is a ob­stet­ric doc­tor (like that his moth­er). He is thir­ty-​sev­en years old. He was mar­ried in two thou­sands years, his wife is a doc­tor, too. He is a teach­er of Hanoi uni­ver­si­ty of medicine. His fam­ily has a girl. She is very ac­tive and beau­ti­ful She is sev­en years old and she is a stu­dent at pri­ma­ry Trung Tu school. My el­der broth­er is a con­struc­tor. He grad­uat­ed for three years ago. He have just mar­ried, his wife is a con­struc­tor, too. Fi­nal­ly, I want to pro­duce some­thing about my­self. I have be­come an elec­tric en­gi­neer, I grad­uat­ed from HUT(Hanoi uni­ver­si­ty of tech­nol­ogy). I'm look­ing for a new job. But I haven't found it. Two months ago, I worked for a me­chan­ical and au­to­mat­ical com­pa­ny. But I don't like it so much. So now I'm stay­ing at home to learn En­glish on­line and wait­ing for a new job. I ware used to be very lazy writ­ing ago to write. So ,so I did not un­der­stand any­thing when I tried to learn En­glish. Tsu­ki said that: “ I haven't base of gram­mar”. used to : đã từng ( chỉ hành động trước đây mà bây giờ không còn nữa)-> bây giờ hết lười rồi -> viết một bài dài ngoằng làm W sửa muốn xỉu luôn I thing think that you told cor­rect about me What she told me is true . Bạn dùng told cor­rect là sai vì cor­rect là tính từ còn told là động từ thường But now, I know that writ­ing is very im­por­tant in learn­ing En­glish. I try my best to write any­thing that I can do by in En­glish. Bằng ngôn ngữ gì thì dùng IN không dùng BY nhé I hope I can more study than I am. chà câu này tối nghĩa quá ,lại sai ngữ pháp nữa ,không biết ý bạn là gì . Cấu trúc so sánh more...than là ở giữa phải là tính từ hoặc trạng từ ,còn bạn dùng động từ là sai rồi .Muốn nói học nhiều hơn thì dùng : study more than chắc là ý bạn muốn nói học nhiều hơn khã năng của mình ,như vậy thì nên viết là : I hope I will study more than I can My fam­ily have has five mem­bers. My fam­ily is com­posed of They are my fa­ther, my moth­er, two my my two el­der broth­ers and the last one is me. The first per­son that I want to tell about is my fa­ther, he was he used to be a sur­geon (I have found “sur­geon” in my e-​dic­tio­nary), but now he stays at home for re­lax­ing with his wife. My moth­er wa­sis a doc­tor, too. She is younger than her hus­band. She is a ob­stet­ric doc­tor. Nói về ai dùng : tell about Tránh sự lập lại không cần thiết khi dùng : gia đình tôi gồm...,gia đình tôi có ... dùng used to + inf. để chỉ sự việc ở quá khứ mà bây giờ không còn My el­dest broth­er is an ob­stet­ric doc­tor (like that his moth­er). He is thir­ty-​sev­en years old. He was mar­ried in two thou­sands years got mar­ried two years ago, his wife is a doc­tor, too. He is a teach­er of Hanoi uni­ver­si­ty of medicine. His fam­ily has a girlThey have a daugh­ter . She is very ac­tive and beau­ti­ful. She is sev­en years old and she is a stu­dent pupil at pri­ma­ry Trung Tu school. thou­sands years ??? anh bạn là ngừoi hay thần thánh nhỉ !? cưới vợ 2 ngàn năm rồi cơ à ! phân biệt giữa : be mar­ried và get mar­ried get mar­ried ; là ngày cưới vợ còn be mar­ried là tình trạng đã lập gia đình I am mar­ried : tôi đã lập gia đình ( chỉ tình trạng của tôi hiện nay là không còn độc thân) I got mar­ried in 2000 : tôi cưới vợ năm 2000 (năm mà tôi đám cưới ) My The oth­er el­der broth­er is a con­struc­tor. He grad­uat­ed for three years ago. He have just got mar­ried, his wife is a con­struc­tor, too. Fi­nal­ly, I want to pro­duce in­tro­duce some­thing about my­self. I have be­come am an elec­tric en­gi­neer, I grad­uat­ed from HUT(Hanoi uni­ver­si­ty of tech­nol­ogy). I'm look­ing for a new job. But ,but I haven't found it. Two months ago, I worked for a me­chan­ical and au­to­mat­ical com­pa­ny. But ,but I don't like it so much. So now I'm stay­ing at home to learn En­glish on­line and wait­ing for a new job Đã dùng ago thì không dùng for nữa trước but dùng dấu phẩy không dùng dấu chấm

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của dream­like_riv­er I have a hap­py familỵ There are four peo­ple in my fam­ily: my fa­ther, my moth­er, my el­der broth­er and me.We live in Hanoi to­geth­er. My par­ent were sol­dier. My fa­ther is 66 years old. My moth­er is 60 years old. Now, they re­tire. My fa­ther met my moth­er in the war at Truong Son for­est. At that time, she was a vol­un­teer and he was a her cap­ital. They fell in love. Three years laster, they got mar­ried. My fa­ther is a gen­tle, close-​mouthed but very stern . My broth­er and me is al­so afraid of him. My moth­er is a fun­ny, good-​na­tured and an asiduity. I proud on when ev­ery­body say that: I look like my moth­ẹr My el­der broth­er is 35 years old. He is a pro­gram­mer. He is mar­riage. He is hand­some and fun­ny . When I was a child, I fol­lowed him ev­ery­where and he bought many cakes to me. I love him very much. The last per­son in my fam­ily is me. I am a pro­gram­mer. I am 25 years old. In my fam­ily, I'm al­ways a lit­tle prince. I love my familỵ I have a hap­py familỵ There are four peo­ple in my fam­ily: my fa­ther, my moth­er, my el­der broth­er and me.We live in Hanoi to­geth­er. My par­ent were sol­dier. My fa­ther is 66 years old. My moth­er is 60 years old. Now, they re­tired sol­diers. My par­ent phải dùng số nhiều -> My par­ents Đã từng là quân nhân thì dùng cấu trúc used to + inf. nhưng nên tóm gọn câu lại thành re­tired sol­diers : những quân nhân đã về hưu My fa­ther met my moth­er in the war at Truong Son for­est dur­ing the war. At that time, she was a vol­un­teer and he was a her cap­ital her com­man­der. They fell in love. Three years laster, they got mar­ried. My fa­ther is a gen­tle, close-​mouthed but very stern . My broth­er and me is al­soare both afraid of him. My moth­er is a fun­ny jol­ly , good-​na­tured and an asiduity as­sid­uous . I feel proud on when ev­ery­body says that: I look like my moth­ẹr không dùng a, an trước tính từ nhé He is a gen­tle (sai ) He is gen­tle (đúng) He is a gen­tle man (đúng) proud là tính từ trứoc phải có to be hoặc link­ing verb (look, feel ..) My el­der broth­er is 35 years old. He is a pro­gram­mer. He is mar­riage mar­ried. He is hand­some and fun­ny jol­ly . When I was a child, I fol­lowed him ev­ery­where and he bought many cakes to for me. I love him very much. The last per­son in my fam­ily is me. I am a pro­gram­mer. I am 25 years old. In my fam­ily, I'm al­ways a lit­tle prince to the oth­ers . I love my familỵ fun­ny : buồn cười -> có tính chê jol­ly : vui nhộn hoặc có thể dùng : have a sense of hu­mour / to be hu­mor­ous có tính hài hước Bài viết ấn tượng ,lưu ý cách dùng tính từ -danh từ ,a ,an .Nếu cố gắng tìm cách nối các câu cho suông sẽ hơn thì tốt

Bài sửa của Tsu­ki Bài viết của ducanh2003 My fam­ily There are sev­en peo­ple in my fam­ily. We live in a sub­urb of a small city. I have two el­der broth­ers, a sis­ter in law( she is my el­dest broth­er's wife, her name Thinh), a love­ly niece (a one- month ba­by). My par­ents re­tired how­ev­er my moth­er still earns mon­ey as a sale wom­an in a small mar­ket near our house. My first broth­er works in a tea com­pa­ny, he is a high lev­el elec­tri­cian. His wife works for a for­eign com­pa­ny in gar­ment field, she is a work­er. My sec­ond broth­er is a en­gi­neer, he has an own work­shop. He al­so sells elec­tri­cal in­stru­ment, his busi­ness is rather good and makes quite much mon­ey. One of my friends said that I am re­al­ly hap­py when hav­ing a such fam­ily. I love my fam­ily, my fam­ily al­ways play an im­por­tant role in my heart and my life. My fam­ily There are sev­en peo­ple in my fam­ily. We live in a sub­urb of a small city. I have two el­der broth­ers, a sis­ter in law( she is my el­dest broth­er's wife, her name is Thinh), a love­ly niece (a one-​month ba­by). My par­ents re­tired, how­ev­er, my moth­er still earns mon­ey as a sales-​wom­an in a small mar­ket near our house My first broth­er works in a tea com­pa­ny, he is a high lev­el elec­tri­cian. His wife works for a for­eign com­pa­ny in gar­ment field, she is a work­er. My sec­ond broth­er is an en­gi­neer, he has/ an own a work­shop. He al­so sells elec­tri­cal in­stru­ments, his busi­ness is rather good and makes quite much mon­ey. One of my friends said that I am/was re­al­ly hap­py when hav­ing a such a fam­ily. Dùng has rồi thì không dùng own nữa, 2 từ đó đều chỉ sở hữu. Bạn lưu ý lại cách dùng Re­port­ed Speech. Ở đây mình không biết là bạn vô tình hay cố ý dùng present tense cho động từ trong re­port­ed clause: One of my friend said that I am... vì thông thường cả re­port­ing verb (say) và the verb in the re­port­ed clause sẽ dùng ở past tense. Tuy nhiên, mình giả định trường hợp này bạn muốn nhấn mạnh sự việc đó vẫn còn thật trong hiện tại nên đã dùng present tense nên không thể nói là bạn sai I love my fam­ily, my fam­ily al­ways plays an im­por­tant role in my heart and my life. Nhìn chung bài bạn viết tốt, mình chẳng phải sửa gì nhiều ngoài vài lỗi lặt vặt mà mình tin là nếu bạn xem kỹ bài lại thì sẽ không bị sai. Giữ vững phong độ nhe

Bài sửa của thatsmy­goal Bài viết của LOVE­LY­CATVT In my fam­ily,there are six peo­ple:my fa­ther,my moth­er,old sis­ter and two young sis­ters. My fa­ther is very fun and good. He some­times makes many fun­nies for us and give us ad­vices => AD­VICE. B/c AD­VICE is an un­count­able Noun) Câu này nên sửa thành : He som­times makes us laugh and give us some ad­vice.hoặc He some­times tells jokes .He is a fish­er.My fa­ther has two ships.How about my moth­er?She is very strick strict and parental ???but she loves us very much.She of­ten cooks meals very well and I ad­mire par­ents.My old sis­ter is twen­ty-​six years old.She is very fun hu­mor­ous too,good help­ful and gen­tle.She of­ten gives me mon­ey when I go away.My young sis­ters is are stu­dents.One is six year old. She be­gins to go to school and she is very in­tel­li­gent. The oth­er is study­ing at the high school.When­ev­er my fam­ily gath­ers,we are very hap­py.It is al­so the place when I am sad,tired and dis­ap­point­ed and re­turn home. Com­ment: Bài viết của bạn còn mắc lỗi như: 1. Khi nói về ai đó có khiếu hài hước, ta dùng: +sense of hu­mor EG: She has the sense of hu­mor + hoặc là: hu­mor­ous (adj) EG: She is very hu­mor­ous. *Tuyệt đối ko đc dùng “FUN” hay “FUN­NY” để diễn tả tính hài hước. Chỉ dùng 2 từ này khi đi chung với câu chuyện. EG: a fun­ny sto­ry. 2. Khi nhắc đến 2, 3…..tuổi trở lên thì chữ “YEAR” phải thêm “S” (Vì là số nhiều) EG: I’m 13 years old 3. Trong bài viết bạn có câu: He/ she is good. Quả thật mình ko hiểu bạn muốn nói đến đức tính nào. Nhưng nếu bạn đề cập đến sự có ích thì phải dùng chữ “Help­ful” EG: She/ he is very help­ful. 4. Khi bạn nhắc đến các câu nói đùa phải dùng “TELL JOKES”. *Note: Để dễ sửa bài cho các bạn hơn, mình đề nghị, khi viết, các bạn có thể ghi tiếng việt kế bên từ tiếng Anh mà mình dùng. That’s all

Bài sửa của blue­wa­ter­gal Bài viết của nguyendieuthuy my fam­ily have four per­son.They are my par­ent,broth­er and morther and my fa­ther are both tercher.My ed­er borther is a stu­dent in uni­ver­si­ty'hochim­inh citỵAnd I am elearn­ing in econ­omy uni­ver­si­ty in Danang.My fam­ily are hap­py and funy.Now,my fam­ily have on­ly two per­son be­cause I and my ed­er broth­er are liv­ing away from my familỵBut in the furter,we will get to gath­er.We are hap­py and hap­py for­ev­er my fam­ily have four per­son­peo­ple.They are my par­ent par­ents,my broth­er and morther­moth­er and my fa­ther are both tercher teach­ers.My ed­erelder borther is a stu­dent in [s]uni­ver­si­ty'hochim­inh citỵ[/S](có phải ý bạn định viết “uni­ver­si­ty in Ho chi minh city ”)And I am elearn­ing learn­ing in econ­omy Eco­nom­ic uni­ver­si­ty in Danang.My fam­ily are hap­py and funy[col­or=“red”]fun­ny[/COL­OR](Ở đây bạn không nên dùng từ “fun­ny”vì từ này mang săc thái ý nghĩa chê, chế giễu ).Now,my fam­ily have on­ly two per­son peo­ple be­cause I and my ed­erelder broth­er are liv­ing away from my familỵBut in the furter­future,we will get to gath­er.We are hap­py and hap­py for­ev­er com­ment: 1. Bạn còn sai nhiều lỗi chính tả quá 2. Câu “my moth­er and my fa­ther are both teach­er” Cách dùng từ “both” both sth and sth both of whích /them “them , which ” đại diện cho hai vật nên ở đây bạn phải viết là Both my moth­er and my fa­ther are teach­ers Both my par­ents are teach­ers

Bài sửa của blue­wa­ter­gal Bài viết của mtvn Talk about your fam­ily There are five peo­ple in my fam­ily. I have a fa­ther, a moth­er, a sis­ter, and a younger sis­ter. The first one is my fa­ther. He looks fas­tid­ious and bad tem­pered. When I was young, I used to fear him very much when­ev­er I met him. But I love him now. My moth­er is a gen­tle and care­ful. Al­though she is a wom­an, she isn’t good at cook­ing. Both of my par­ents are fas­tid­ious. We of­ten talk to my moth­er much than my fa­ther. My sis­ter and younger sis­ter look beau­ti­ful and love­ly. They’re shy when they meet the stranger. Peo­ple say that I look like my fa­ther thanner. How­ev­er, some peo­ple say I look like my moth­er. And that make me hap­py Talk about your fam­ily There are five peo­ple in my fam­ily. I have a fa­ther, a moth­er, a sis­ter, and a younger sis­ter. The first one is my fa­ther. He looks fas­tid­ious and bad tem­pered. When I was young, I used to fear him very much when­ev­er I met him. But I love him now. My moth­er is a gen­tle and care­ful. Al­though she is a wom­an, she isn’t good at cook­ing. Both of my par­ents are fas­tid­ious. We of­ten talk to my moth­er much more than my fa­ther. My sis­ter and younger sis­ter look beau­ti­ful and love­ly. They’re shy when they meet the stranger( ở đây bạn không nên dùng mạo từ “the” vì người lạ ở đây không xác định. Bạn có thể dùng mạo từ “a” hoặc để “stranger” ở dạng số nhiều “strangers”. Peo­ple say that I look like my fa­ther thanner. How­ev­er, some peo­ple say I look like my moth­er. And that make makes me hap­py com­ment 1, Câu “ the first one is my fa­ther” bạn nên viết thành The first one I want to talk to you about is my fa­ther nếu bạn chỉ viết “the first one ” câu sẽ không đủ nghĩa 2, Mình nghĩ ở câu “ Both of my par­ents are fas­tid­ious. We of­ten talk to my moth­er much more than my fa­ther.” bạn có thể thêm từ nối để câu hay hơn “Ac­tu­al­ly,both of my par­ents are fas­tid­ious.How­ev­er,we of­ten talk to my moth­er much more than my fa­ther.” 3, “ than” chỉ là một liên từ để diễn tả sự so sánh hơn hoặc đứng sau các tính từ so sánh hơn Bạn có thể viết lại thành Some peo­ple say that I look like fa­ther more , while oth­ers say that I look like moth­er more , which makes me very hap­py Bài bạn viết hay thật chúc bạn thành công nhé

Bài sửa của blue­wa­ter­gal Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của MChuc My fam­ily There are six mem­bers in my fam­ily. The first per­son is my grand­moth­er. She is sev­en­ty five years old. At that age, she still works all day. She says that if she doesn’t do some­thing she will be ill. The next ones are my par­ents. My fa­ther is old­er than my moth­er two years old. They are farm­ers. I’m proud of their job. My fa­ther loves his daugh­ter rather than his son. I think so be­cause he nev­er pun­ished me when I made mis­take, but when my both­er makes mis­take, he is al­ways pun­ished. My el­der broth­er is old­er than I two years old and I’m old­er than my younger broth­er 2 years old. I’m the on­ly girl in my fam­ily. So I am al­ways spoiled by the oth­ers. I like my el­der broth­er very much, be­cause he seems to be the best friend of mine. He is al­ways be­side me when I am sad, al­ways lis­tens to me and shares with me ev­ery­thing. That is my fam­ily. It is lit­tle but I love it all my life. My fam­ily There are six mem­bers in my fam­ily. The first per­son is my grand­moth­er. She is sev­en­ty five years old. At that age, she still works all day. She says that if she doesn’t do some­thing she will be ill. The next ones are my par­ents. My fa­ther is old­er than my moth­er two years old. They are farm­ers. I’m proud of their job. My fa­ther loves his daugh­ter rather than his son. I think so be­cause he nev­er pun­ished me when I made mis­take, but when my both­er makes mis­take, he is al­ways pun­ished . My el­der broth­er is old­er than I two years old and I’m old­er than my younger broth­er 2 years old. I’m the on­ly girl in my fam­ily. So I am al­ways spoiled by the oth­ers. I like my el­der broth­er very much, be­cause he seems to be the best friend of mine. He is al­ways be­side me when I am sad, al­ways lis­tens to me and shares with me ev­ery­thing. That is my fam­ily. It is lit­tle but I love it all my life.all my familỵ 1, câu “The first per­son is my grand­moth­er” bạn nên thêm thành “The first per­son I want to talk to you is my grand­moth­er” tương tự như thế bạn có thể thêm thành phần địng ngữ cho các câu sau 2, từ “spoil ” có ý nghĩa là làm hư đứa trẻ bằng việc nuông chiều chúng quá mức Cả gia đình bạn đều làm bạn hư à nếu bạnn nói mang ý nuông chiều bạn có thể dùng từ “in­dulge”,“ba­by” hay“pam­per” so sánh hơn có số lượng thì số lượng để ở trước so sánh: My fa­ther is old­er than my moth­er two years old => My fa­ther is two years old old­er than my moth­er My el­der broth­er is old­er than I two years old => My el­der broth­er is two years old old­er than I and I’m old­er than my younger broth­er 2 years old. => and I’m 2 years old old­er than my younger broth­er Bình thường so sánh hơn dùng more ...than ,chỉ khi nào có would phía trước mới dùng rather than My fa­ther loves his daugh­ter rather than his son. => My fa­ther loves his daugh­ter more than his son. hoặc : =>My fa­ther would love his daugh­ter rather than his son. khi diễn tả thói quen không dùng thì quá khứ đơn mà phải dùng thì hiện tại đơn he nev­er pun­ished me when I made mis­take, he nev­er pun­ish­es me when I make a mis­take,

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài sửa của blue­wa­ter­gal Bài viết của white­cat Ther're four peo­ple in my fam­ily:my fa­ther,my moth­er,my el­der broth­er and me.My fa­ther is fifty years old,he's a di­rec­tor.He's hand­some,good-​na­tured,he can dances or plays gui­tar and ten­nis.My morther is forty-​sev­en years old,she's a B.O.M(Board Of Man­ager­ment).I'm very ad­mire my moth­er.Be­cause she's very beau­ti­ful,gift­ed,she's teach­es me a lot of good things.She's the best in my eyes!My el­der broth­er is nine­teen,he's a stu­dent.He's study at Inus­try In­fo­ma­tion Iter­me­di­ate.He likes Game On­line and plays it well.He swims very good.I'm third­teen years old,i'm a pupil.I can swim and love ocean so much! I love my fam­ily so much!Be­cause it al­ways makes me in se­cu­ri­ty and hap­py! Ther're four peo­ple in my fam­ily:my fa­ther,my moth­er,my el­der broth­er and me.My fa­ther is fifty years old,he's a di­rec­tor.He's hand­some,good-​na­tured,he can dances­dance or plays play the gui­tar and ten­nis.My morther is forty-​sev­en years old,she's a B.O.M(Board Of Man­ager­ment).I'm very ad­mire my moth­er.Be­cause she's very beau­ti­ful,gift­ed. Sheshe's teach­es me a lot of good things.She's the best in my eyes!My el­der broth­er is nine­teen,he's a stu­dent.He'sHe study at Inus­try In­fo­ma­tion Iter­me­di­ate.He likes Game On­line and plays it well.He swims very good.wellI'm third­teen years old,and i'm a pupil.I can swim and love ocean so much! I love my fam­ily so much!Be­cause it al­ways makes me in se­cu­ri­ty safe/ se­cure and hap­py! Com­ment 1can +V_inf 2, chơi nhạc cụ _ nhạc cụu phải đi kèm với mạo từ “the” play the pi­ano play the vi­olin 3, “ad­mire” là động từ nên câu “I'm very ad­mire my moth­er.” bạn sửa thành I ad­mire she so much chú ý các lỗi spelling : morther => moth­er third­teen => thir­teen Inus­try => In­dus­try In­fo­ma­tion => In­for­ma­tion Iter­me­di­ate =>In­ter­me­di­ate Man­ager­ment => Man­age­ment ad­mire she => ad­mire her

Góp ý của thatsmy­goal Một số lỗi thừơng gặp Có một số lỗi mà mình thấy các bạn hay mắc đó là: 1. Câu văn dài dòng. Ở các trg hợp này phải có dấu chấm (.) khi hết 1 ý. 2. Đầu câu hay dùng chữ “BUT”. “BUT” được dùng trong câu ghép. Còn đối với câu mà ý nói ngược là với câu trước, ta dùng“ IN CON­TRAST” hoặc “HOW­EV­ER”, etc 3. Tính từ luôn đứng trước Danh từ. Trạng từ đứng trước hoặc sau Động Từ. VD: a beau­ti­ful girl I hun­gri­ly eat the ham­burg­er. I eat the ham­burg­er hun­gri­ly. 4. Dang câu: Cô/ anh ấy là 1 trong những ng......nhất thì phải chia hiện tại đơn và danh từ ở dạng số nhiều. VD: He was one of the bus­iest per­son in the world. (Sai) => He is one of the bus­iest peo­ple in the world.(Đúng) That's all

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của Rika­nee My fam­ily ,the hap­pi­est place I have . There are 4 peo­ple :my moth­er ,fa­ther,broth­er ,me and a spe­cial mem­ber - my chub­by pussy.My moth­er is house wife,she al­ways cares of fam­ily and teach­es us how to be use­ful peo­ple .She is not a strict wom­an but she will­ing yelles me if I'm lazy or sleep­ing to much . On the oth­er hand ,my fa­ther is a trict po­lice man ,some­times he makes my broth­er and me feel fear but we still take mis­takes some times . Af­ter that he shouts at us and beats us if we're still stub­born .My broth­er and me are still stu­dents .He is a good man and al­ways cares of me like look­ing af­ter a stub­born child ,I hate that .When he has girl­friend I al­ways tease them while they are do­ing some­thing like kiss­ing or some­thing like that in front of me .It makes me feel fun­ny be­cause they are al­ways an­gry af­ter my teas­ing.Fi­nal­ly,the last mem­ber I want to say is my pussy.It eats so much more than me so I of­ten hide my food away .I like play­ing and sleep­ing with it .To me,my hap­pi­ness is my fam­ily and I love them so much. My fam­ily ,the hap­pi­est place I have . There are , has 4 peo­ple :my moth­er ,my fa­ther,my broth­er ,me and a spe­cial mem­ber - my chub­by pussy. My fam­ily ,the hap­pi­est place I have . chưa phải là một câu mà chỉ mới là một cụm từ nên bạn chấm như vậy là sai My moth­er is a house wife,she al­ways cares of for the fam­ily and teach­es us how to be use­ful peo­ple . care for /about = take care of : trông nom ,chăm sóc She is not a strict wom­an but she will­ing yelles will yell at me if I'm lazy or sleep­ing too much . On the oth­er hand ,my fa­ther is a strict po­lice man po­lice­man ,some­times he makes my broth­er and me feel fear fright­ened , but we still take make mis­takes some times some­times. Trước but phải dùng dấu phẩy ,sau feel là tính từ mà bạn dùng fear là sai Af­ter that he shouts at us and beats us if we're still stub­born .My broth­er and me I are still stu­dents .He is a good man and al­ways cares of for me like look­ing af­ter a stub­born child ; how­ev­er ,I hate that .When he has a girl­friend I al­ways tease them while they are do­ing some­thing like kiss­ing or some­thing like that in front of me .It makes me feel fun­ny be­cause they are al­ways an­gry af­ter my teas­ing.Fi­nal­ly,the last mem­ber I want to say tell about is my pussy.It eats so much more than me I do ,so I of­ten hide my food away .I like play­ing and sleep­ing with it .To me,my hap­pi­ness is my fam­ily and I love them so much

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của Hong thi Bong There are four peo­ple in my fam­ily. My par­ents, my sis­ter and me. My par­ents are work­ers. My sis­ter is a staff and I'm too. My fa­ther is dif­fi­cult but he is very in­tel­li­gent and he knows a lot of in the world, he al­ways teach­es me and sis­ter how to live and be­come a good per­son when we was a child. with my moth­er he is a good hus­band. And we al­ways proud up about him And my moth­er, my moth­er is a good wife and moth­er. She al­ways wor­ries and take care of us. She is very friend­ly, she al­ways helps us when we have prob­lems. And my sis­ter, she is very nice, she usu­al­ly help me to cook, and go shop­ping with me. We have a bed room, when we go to bed we usu­al­ly chat each oth­er un­til we don't know any­thing to talk. and then we be­gin to sleep. I feel very hap­py when I have a hap­py fam­ily. There are four peo­ple in my fam­ily. My par­ents, my sis­ter and me. My par­ents are work­ers. My sis­ter is a staff and I'm too. My fa­ther is dif­fi­cult, but he is very in­tel­li­gent and he knows a lot of in the world, knowl­edge­able knowl­edge­able : có kiến thức rộng ,hiểu biết he al­ways teach­esused to teach me and sis­ter how to live use­ful­ly and be­come a good per­son peo­ple when we was a child were chil­dren. chú ý số ít số nhiều nhé ,khi còn nhỏ phải dùng thì quá khứ with­To my moth­er, he is a good hus­band. And; so we are al­ways proud up about of him proud là tính từ phải có to be đứng trước And my moth­er, my moth­er is a good wife and moth­er. She al­ways wor­ries and takes care of us. She is very friend­ly,; she al­ways helps us when we have prob­lems. hai câu rời dùng dấu chấm phẩy chứ không dấu phẩy And my sis­ter, she is very nice, my sis­ter is very nice; she usu­al­ly helps me to cook, and go shop­ping with me. We have a bed room,. when we go to bed, we usu­al­ly chat with each oth­er un­til we don't know any­thing to talk. and then we be­gin to sleep. I feel very hap­py when I have a hap­py fam­ily

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của bé dừa My fam­ily has 4 peo­ple: dad, mom, el­der broth­er and me. i used to be very proud of my fam­ily be­cause we were re­al­ly hap­py, but it wasn't as wel­fare as i think. At that time, i was too young to re­al­ize many se­ri­ous prob­lem in­side. The rea­son was just the mis­un­der­stand­ing of my par­ents. Now my dad doesn't live with us any­more but i know he still love us very much. i want to send you a mas­sage: let's trea­sure what you are hav­ing be­cause you are more lucky than many peo­ple in­clud­ing me. My fam­ily has 4 peo­ple: dad, mom, my par­ents,my el­der broth­er and me. i used to be very proud of my fam­ily be­cause we were re­al­ly hap­py, but it wasn't as wel­fare hap­py as i thin­kI thought . At that time, i was too young to re­al­ize many se­ri­ous prob­lem in­side. The rea­son was just the mis­un­der­stand­ing of be­tween my par­ents. Now my dad doesn't live with us any­more but i know he still loves us very much. i want to send you a mas­sage: let's trea­sure what you are hav­ing have be­cause you are more lucky than luck­er than many peo­ple in­clud­ing me động từ sở hửu ( have ,own ,be­long to )không dùng tiếp diễn tính từ dài tận cùng là y thì dùng công thức như tính từ ngắn

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của kent_7590 There are 5 peo­ple in my fam­ily . I am el­der sis­ter . I am old­er than my younger sis­ter 2 years .We used to fight each oth­er be­cause of many things . I don’t un­der­stand what ex­act­ly it was. But now my younger sis­ter and me are very so­cial . May be grow­ing changes us . I re­al­ize that my fam­ily is very im­por­tant to me . I have a younger broth­er . he is a naughty boy . Al­though he is 7 years but some­times he proves a man. Heeeeeee. It is very fun­ny ! . I proud of my moth­er .She al­ways take care about me be­cause I am now a ei­th­teen girl .My par­ents al­ways wor­ry about my learn­ing ,and some­times they ask me whether I have boy friend . Oh my god ! I some­times have a joke with them : “ you will see Mr right of me in the fu­ture”I al­ways try my best to please them. I have read your ar­ti­cle ,Bé Dừa . may be you are too young to un­der­stand your par­ents . Be calm down and con­fide your par­ents ,take care of them ,you will un­der­stand their feel­ing . There are 5 peo­ple in my fam­ily . ( phải kể ra : ai ,ai ..) I am el­der sis­ter . I am old­er than my younger sis­ter 2 years I am 2 years old­er than my younger sis­ter . el­der sis­ter chỉ dùng để nói là chị của ai ,không nói chung chung ,số lượng trong so sánh để trước so sánh We used to fight each oth­er be­cause of many things . I don’t un­der­stand what ex­act­ly it was re­mem­ber ex­act­ly what it was. But now my younger sis­ter and me I are very so­cial . May be grow­ing Maybe the ma­tu­ri­ty changes us . Maybe phải đứng liền thì mới có nghĩa là có lẽ I re­al­ize that my fam­ily is very im­por­tant to me . I have a younger broth­er . he is a naughty boy . Al­though he is 7 years old but, some­times he proves a man. Dùng Al­though thì không dùng but nữa ,tuổi là years old (phải có old ) to be old­er than he is Heeeeeee. It is very fun­ny ! . I proud of my moth­er .She al­ways takes care about of me be­cause I am now a ei­th­teenan eigh­teen -year-​old girl .My par­ents al­ways wor­ry about my learn­ing ,and ;so some­times they ask me whether I have a boy friend . Oh my god ! I some­times have a joke with them : “ you will see Mr right of me him in the fu­ture”I al­ways try my best to please them . eigh­teen -year-​old là tính từ ghép danh từ số ít đếm được phải có a

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của nu­meo87 I PROUD OF MY FAM­ILY! I will tell you some­thing about my fam­ily.I won't in­tro­duce about my fam­ily such as age, name,...of mem­bers in my fam­ily.I will tell you why I proud of my fam­ily. My par­ents are like close friends of me.I can share ev­ery­thing with them.Ev­erynight, we usu­al­ly go for a walk to­geth­er for an hour.For me, this is a won­der­ful time.Be­cause I feel re­lax af­ter the day of stud­ied hard and my par­ents ,too.And my broth­er, he live far away from my fam­ily be­cause of his work.He is not on­ly a trict man but al­so a fun­ny man.He is my hero.He ad­vice me what I should do in my life.He al­ways wor­ry about my fu­ture.I re­aly want to thank him about that.All of these things, I on­ly want to say that I proud of my fam­ily. I will tell you some­thing about my fam­ily.I won't in­tro­duce about my fam­ily such as age, name,...of mem­bers in my fam­ily.I won't tell you de­tails such as ages, names,...of mem­bers in my fam­ily hoặc :I won't in­tro­duce de­tails about my fam­ily such as ages, names,. động từ in­tro­duce không có giới từ theo sau nhé dùng such as phải cẫn thận ,nó phải liệt kê những thứ nằm trong danh từ trước nó : sub­jects such as math,physics ...những môn học như là toán ,lý ...( toán, lý nằm trong môn học ) I will tell you why I proud of my fam­ily. My par­ents are like close friends of me mine .I can share ev­ery­thing with them.Ev­ery night, we usu­al­ly go for a walk to­geth­er for an hour.For me, this is a won­der­ful time.Bbe­cause I feel re­laxed af­ter the a day of stud­ied study­ing hard, and my par­ents do ,too.And my broth­er, he­My broth­er lives far away from my fam­ily be­cause of his work.He is not on­ly a strict man but al­so a fun­ny man.He is my hero idol.He ad­vice ad­vis­es me what I should do in my life.He al­ways wor­ry wor­ries about my fu­ture.I re­al­ly want to thank him about that.All of Be­cause of all these things, I on­ly want to say that I am proud of my fam­ily be­cause nối 2 câu không có dấu chấm nhé re­lax là động từ ,nếu đứng sau feel nó phải đổi thành tính từ -> re­laxed sau giới từ of thì động từ phải thêm ing dùng cấu trúc viết ngắn (too ) thì trước phải có trợ động từ hoặc động từ đặc biệt : I am tall ,and he is ,too I go out ,and he does ,too ad­vice là danh từ ,còn động từ là : ad­vise chú ý lổi chủ từ ngôi thứ ba số ít động từ thêm s

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của hoangk48 There are 17 peo­ple in my fam­ily. The first per­son I want to tell you about is my fa­ther. He is 70 years old now. He was a Rus­sian-​teach­er 15 year ago. He lives on his salary. He has di­abetes 14 ago, so he is not strong now. The sec­ond per­son I want to tell you about is my moth­er. She is al­so 70 years old. She re­tired 17 years ago. Be­fore she worked for a trade com­pa­ny. Now she is stronger than my fa­ther. The next per­son I want to tell you is my el­dest broth­er. He is 42 years old. He is an of­fi­cer. He now is study­ing a mas­ter pro­gram in Chi­na. His wife is al­so 42 years old. She is a teach­er. She teachs the lit­er­ature. Their daugh­ter is 16. She is a pupil in Trung Hoa high school. Their son is 7 years old. He is a pupil in Trung Hoa pri­ma­ry school. The sec­ond broth­er is 37 years old. He is now a teach­er. He teachs in Xu­an Truong high school in Namd­inh province. His wife is al­so a teach­er. She teachs in Xu­antien sec­ondary school in Namd­inh province. She is preg­nant now. She is go­ing to give birth in around 1 to 2 months. They have a daugh­ter. She is 10 years old. The third broth­er is 35 years old. He is an en­gi­neer. He grad­uat­ed from Bach Khoa uni­ver­si­ty in Hanoi. His wife 31. Their son is more than one year old. My younger broth­er is 27 years old. He is a phar­ma­cist. He is now sin­gle. Now I am mar­ried. I am 32 years old. I is a phar­ma­cist, too. My wife is 30 years old. She is a jour­nal­ist. We have a son. He is more than 4 months old. We love our son so much. There are 17 peo­ple in my fam­ily. The first per­son I want to tell you about is my fa­ther. He is 70 years old now. He was a Rus­sian-​teach­er 15 year ago. He lives on his salary. He has suf­fered from di­abetes for 14 ago years , so he is not strong well now. Bạn dùng ago thì chỉ sự việc đã dứt điểm ,nên dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành để chỉ sự việc còn kéo dài đến hiện tại strong đễ chỉ sức mạnh ,còn well chỉ về sức khỏe The sec­ond per­son I want to tell you about is my moth­er. She is al­so 70 years old. She re­tired 17 years ago. Be­fore she worked for a trade com­pa­ny Be­fore re­tir­ing 17 years ago ,she had worked for a trade com­pa­ny. kết hợp 2 câu xảy ra trước sau dùng quá khứ đơn và quá khứ hoàn thành Now she is stronger than my fa­ther. The next per­son I want to tell you is my el­dest broth­er. He is 42 years old. He is an of­fi­cer. He now is is now study­ing a mas­ter pro­gram in Chi­na. His wife is al­so 42 years old. She is a teach­er. She teach­es the lit­er­ature. Their daugh­ter is 16. She is a pupil stu­dent in Trung Hoa high school. Their son is 7 years old. He is a pupil in Trung Hoa pri­ma­ry school. môn học không dùng the,học sinh lớn dùng stu­dent chữ tận cùng là ch thì thêm es chứ không thêm s The sec­ond broth­er is 37 years old. He is now a teach­er. He teach­es inat Xu­an Truong high school in Namd­inh province. His wife is al­so a teach­er. She teach­es inat Xu­antien sec­ondary school in Namd­inh province. She is preg­nant now. She is go­ing to give birth in around 1 to 2 months. They have a daugh­ter. She is 10 years old. The third broth­er is 35 years old. He is an en­gi­neer. He grad­uat­ed from Bach Khoa uni­ver­si­ty in Hanoi. His wife is 31. Their son is more than over one year old. My younger broth­er is 27 years old. He is a phar­ma­cist. He is now still sin­gle. Now I am mar­ried. I am 32 years old. I isam a phar­ma­cist, too. My wife is 30 years old. She is a jour­nal­ist. We have a son. He is more than 4 months old. We love our son so much Bài viết khá ,chú ý một số lỗi nhỏ cơ bản ,nếu biết dùng các liên từ ,mệnh đề tính từ để nối các câu thì sẽ hay hơn

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của vic zhou Hel­lo ev­ery­body,I will tell you about my fam­ily. My fam­ily has 4 peo­ple: my fa­ther, my moth­er, my younger sis­ter and me.My fa­ther is a work­er. he has to work hard ev­ery­day but he usu­al­ly smiles. My moth­er is a teach­er in a high school so some­time she helps me with my home­work. my younger sis­ter is a fun­ny and love­ly girl. she is 7 years old and goes to pri­ma­ry school. my name's bich and I am a stu­dent in high school. Mem­bers in my fam­ily al­way hap­py and love each oth­er. Ev­ery sun­day, my fam­ily goes to a park or go camp­ing. my fam­ily are very hap­py. I loves my fam­ily. Hel­lo ev­ery­body,I will tell you about my fam­ily. My fam­ily has 4 peo­ple: my fa­ther, my moth­er, my younger sis­ter and me.My fa­ther is a work­er. he has to work hard ev­ery­day, but he usu­al­ly smiles. dùng smile( mĩm cười ) hơi tối nghĩa ,nên dùng op­ti­mistic (lạc quan ) My moth­er is a teach­er inat a high school ,so some­times she helps me with my home­work. my younger sis­ter is a fun­ny jol­ly and love­ly girl. she is 7 years old and goes to pri­ma­ry school. my name's bich and I am a stu­dent in high school. Mem­bers in my fam­ily are al­ways hap­py and love each oth­er. Ev­ery sun­day Sun­day, my fam­ily goes to a park or go camp­ing. my fam­ily are very hap­py. I loves my fam­ily

Bài sửa của well­frog và Bổ sung tí của kawa­ia­mi Bài viết của BeUr­SeLf My fam­ily has four mem­bers : my moth­er,my fa­ther,my younger broth­er and I.My moth­er is 50 years old.My fa­ther is 51 years old.My par­ents is busi­ness per­son.Their work time be­gin at 9:30 a.m and end at 8:30 p.m.Be­cause my house is in the street so my par­ents can work at home.My younger broth­er is 13 years old.He is study­ing in Gi­ang Vo sec­ondary school.He is not on­ly smart but al­so hand­some and good child.My par­ents and I love my lit­ter broth­er so much.I'm a stu­dent.I've just grad­uat­ed from KL high school 6 moths ago.Now,I'm study­ing IELTS & En­glish pre­pare for my plan.I want to study in the UK.And I'm try­ing my best to make my dreame come true. My fam­ily has four mem­bers : my moth­er,my fa­ther,my younger broth­er and I me.My moth­er is 50 years old.My fa­ther is 51 years old.My par­ents is are busi­ness per­son peo­ple. par­ents là sô nhiều bạn nhé Their work time be­gins at 9:30 a.m and ends at 8:30 p.m.Be­cause my house is in the street so, my par­ents can work at home (* câu này người đọc sẽ không hiểu ý bạn nói gì ).My younger broth­er is 13 years old. 2 câu nối với nhau chỉ được dùng 1 liên từ mà thôi : đã dùng be­cause thì không dùng so nữa ( tương tự như but và al­though ) He is study­ing in Gi­ang Vo sec­ondary school.He is not on­ly smart but al­so hand­some and good child các liên từ và dấu phẩy phải nối các chữ cùng từ loại .My par­ents and I love my litt­tle broth­er so much.I'm a stu­dent.I've just grad­uat­ed from KL high school 6 months ago( ago không thể dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành mà phải dúng quá khứ đơn ).Now,I'm study­ing IELTS & En­glish pre­pare at­tend­ing an IELTS course to pre­pare for my plan.I want to study in the UK.And I'm try­ing my best to make my dreame come true.

Bài sửa của kawa­ia­mi Bài viết của Mom­Mi There are 3 peo­ple in my fam­ily: my hus­band, my daugh­ter and me. He is a lec­tur­er of Uni­ver­si­ty. He likes to read fi­nan­cial books, his­to­ry books, etc. So, he has a deep un­der­stand­ing of fi­nance and po­lit­ical his­torỵ My daugh­ter is 3 years old. She is very ac­tive in spite of the girl. She has start­ed nurs­ery school for 2 months. It took her one week to fa­mil­iar­ize her self with teach­er and friends. And now, she know some songs, some po­ems and some things by heart. I love my fam­ily very much and I wish “My fam­ily is al­ways hap­py” There are 3 peo­ple in my fam­ily: my hus­band, my daugh­ter and me. He is a lec­tur­er of a Uni­ver­si­ty. He likes to read fi­nan­cial books, his­to­ry books, etc. So, he has a deep un­der­stand­ing of fi­nance and po­lit­ical his­torỵ My daugh­ter is 3 years old. She is very ac­tive in spite of al­though she is a (Chỗ này em thấy dùng in spite of the girl nó có vẻ không ổn , mà ko chắc đúng sai) girl. She has start­ed start­ed nurs­ery school for 2 months ago (động từ start­ed, be­gin không bao giờ chia ở hiện tại hoàn thành ) . It took her one week to fa­mil­iar­ize her self with her new teach­er and friends. And now, she knows some songs, some po­ems and some things by heart. I love my fam­ily very much and I wish hope that “My fam­ily will be is al­ways hap­py” (Wish dùng để ước 1 điều ước chắc chắn sẽ không xảy ra hoặc đã không xảy ra, còn hope dùng để ước 1 điều ước có thể xảy ra hoặc có thể đã xảy ra) Your fam­ily is so hap­py. And your daugh­ter is re­al­ly cute. I hope that your hope will come true

Bài sửa của kawa­ia­mi Bài viết của vn360do My fam­ily have ther­ty per­sons, my moth­er, my siter and my. My morther is house wife, she is 61 year odl. My siter is a tai­lor at home, she is 37 year old, I’m a en­ngi­neer, I’m 32 year old. I’m not mar­ried, but I will mar­ried next year, I’m work­ing Com­put­er Cen­ter. My fam­ily has ther­ty three per­sons peo­ple ( số nhiều của per­son là peo­ple) , my moth­er, my sis­ter and my me. My morther is a house wife (trước 1 danh từ số ít thì cần có a,an hoặc the) , she is 61 years odl old. My sis­ter is a tai­lor at home, she is 37 years old, I’m an en­ngi­neer, I’m 32 years old. I’m not mar­ried, but I will get mar­ried next year, I’m work­ing at a Com­put­er Cen­ter. Bác còn viết sai chính tả khá nhiều ạ, và bác nên chú ý 1 số lỗi nhỏ như sau: To work at ____ = làm việc tại ____ Để nói tuổi, nếu 1 tuổi thì year không cần thêm s, nhưng nếu từ 2 tuổi trở lên thì year phải có s VD: My son is 1 year old. My daugh­ter is 3 years old. I'm 32 years old.

Bài sửa của kawa­ia­mi Bài viết của thanhndk There are eight peo­ple in my fam­ily : my par­ents, my aunt, my broth­er, my old­er sis­ter, two younger sis­ter and I. It is re­al­ly my big fam­ily. My fa­ther is a truck driv­er, he usu­al­ly go away to an­oth­er places for work. So, he know many places in our coun­try. My moth­er and my aunt are sale wom­en, they sell things of our va­ri­ety store. They al­so take care of us and do house­work. My broth­er is a mar­ket­ing agent and he loves his job. Both my old­er and one younger sis­ter are ac­coun­tants. They usu­al­ly dis­cuss with each oth­er about their job and the old­er sis­ter al­ways helps the younger sis­ter so much in her work. My youngest sis­ter is a stu­dents at the Eco­nom­ic Uni­ver­si­ty. Fi­nal­ly, I am an en­gi­neer and I love my fam­ily so much. There are eight peo­ple in my fam­ily : my par­ents, my aunt, my broth­er, my old­er sis­ter, two younger sis­ters and I me. (It is re­al­ly my big fam­ily) My fam­ily is re­al­ly big . My fa­ther is a truck driv­er, he usu­al­ly goes away to an­oth­er places for work (an­oth­er + 1 danh từ số ít mà nhỉ). So, he knows many places in our coun­try. My moth­er and my aunt are sale wom­en, they sell things of our va­ri­ety store. They al­so take care of us and do house­work. My broth­er is a mar­ket­ing agent and he loves his job. Both my old­er and one younger sis­ter are ac­coun­tants. They usu­al­ly dis­cuss with each oth­er about their job and the old­er sis­ter al­ways helps the younger sis­ter so much in her work. My youngest sis­ter is a stu­dents at the Eco­nom­ic Uni­ver­si­ty. Fi­nal­ly, I am an en­gi­neer and I love my fam­ily so much. Bạn còn sai ở chỗ thiếu s và dư s nhiều

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của Thắng My fam­ily have 5 peo­ple:my moth­er,my fa­ther, my young broth­er,my young sis­ter and I.We live in Xu­an Hoa town in Vinh Phu.My fa­ther is a sale man and moth­er is a sale wom­an,too.My sis­ter,my broth­er and me are pupils.My grand par­ents doesn't live with wee.They live in Thai Binh My fam­ily have has 5 peo­ple:my moth­er,my fa­ther, my young broth­er,my young sis­ter and I me.We live in Xu­an Hoa town in, Vinh Phu province.My fa­ther is a sale man and my moth­er is a sale wom­an,too.My sis­ter,my broth­er and me are pupils.My grand par­ents doesn't live with wee us.They live in Thai Binh My fam­ily xem như một đơn vị nên dùng số ít province : tỉnh My grand par­ents : dùng số nhiều nhé

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của VũThịLan­Hương Wel­come to my house! We live in a small house in Thanh Tri dis­trict, sub­urb of Ha Noi city. There four peo­ple in my fam­ily, my grand­moth­er, my moth­er, my younger sis­ter and me. We are not rich but we are al­ways friend­ly. My grand­moth­er is sev­en­ty-​two with a white long hair. She usu­al­ly tell us the same sto­ry. My moth­er is fifty three. She is a work­er and works in the elec­tric­ity com­pa­ny. My moth­er loves me and my younger sis­ter a lot. I al­ways proud of my moth­er, be­cause she is very hard. She earns mon­ey but spend a litte and save it to pay our school fee and sub­sis­tence ex­pense. My younger sis­ter is twen­ty two and now she is stu­dent in HAU. In free time she and me help our neigh­bours to care their do­mes­tic an­imal be­cause we are Vets. And last mem­ber is me. I am twen­ty five, and sin­gle. Now I am a DVM. I grad­uat­ed from HAU last week. I hope I will find a good job soon. Wel­come to my house! We live in a small house in Thanh Tri dis­trict, sub­urb of Ha Noi city. There are four peo­ple in my fam­ily, my grand­moth­er, my moth­er, my younger sis­ter and me. We are not rich, but we are al­ways friend­ly. My grand­moth­er is sev­en­ty-​two with a white long hair. hair có hai cách dùng : nếu là danh từ không đếm được thì không bao giờ có a phía trước với nghĩa là mái tóc còn nếu là danh từ đếm đựoc ,có thể dùng a phía trứoc thì có nghĩa là sợi tóc .Do đó nếu bạn để a như trên thì câu sẽ có nghĩa là bà của bạn có một cọng tóc bạc dài ! She usu­al­ly tells us the same sto­ry. My moth­er is fifty- three. She is a work­er and works in the an elec­tric­ity com­pa­ny. My moth­er loves me and my younger sis­ter a lot. I am al­ways proud of my moth­er, be­cause she is very hard. She earns much mon­ey but spends a lit­tle and save it to pay our school fee and sub­sis­tence ex­pense. My younger sis­ter is twen­ty two and now she is a stu­dent in HAU. In our free time she and me I help our neigh­bours to care of their do­mes­tic an­imals be­cause we are Vets. And the last mem­ber is me. I am twen­ty five, and sin­gle. Now I am a DVM. I grad­uat­ed from HAU last week. I hope I will find a good job soon. Công ty điện lực nào ? không xác định nên không dùng the mà phải dùng a /an proud là tính từ nên phải có to be phía trước Trứoc liên từ be­cause không dùng dấu phẩy nhé liên từ but nối 2 câu trái ngựoc nghĩa nhau ,phía sau có lit­tle ( ít ) thì phía trước phải có nhiều ( much ) trước free time phải dùng sỡ hửu

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của nghi­anam_304 my name is Tan Anh. there are four peo­ple in my fam­ily : My fa­ther , my moth­er , my sis­ter and me. My fa­ther is fifty-​five years old ,he is an en­gi­neer. My moth­er is four­ty- four years old , she is a teach­er. My sis­ter is fif­teen years old ,she is a stu­dent. I'm twelve years old , I am stu­dent ,too. my name is Tan Anh. there are four peo­ple in my fam­ily : My fa­ther , my moth­er , my sis­ter and me. My fa­ther is fifty-​five years old , ;he is an en­gi­neer. My moth­er is four­ty- four years old , she is a teach­er. My sis­ter is fif­teen years old ,;she is a stu­dent. I'm twelve years old ,and I am stu­dent ,too Hai câu nối nhau bằng dấu chấm phẩy hoặc dấu chấm ,không dùng dấu phẩy bạn nhé số 40 không có u ở giửa => forty ( số 4 thì có : four ) 12 tuổi mà viết như vầy là giỏi rồi !

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của vane082 My fam­ily is won­der­ful.They are im­por­tant to me. My fa­ther is al­ways with me, he give use­ful ad­vice when I have a prob­lem.My moth­er is my friend. when I feel sad, I of­ten con­fide to her.Af­ter that I feel com­fort­able. My younger broth­er is pleas­ant, he usu­al­ly make me smile.Ev­ery­day is hap­py when I live with them.I love them , I want to bring plea­sure to them. My fam­ily is won­der­ful.They are im­por­tant to me. My fa­ther is al­ways with me, he givesme use­ful ad­vice when I have a prob­lem.My moth­er is al­so my friend. when I feel sad, I of­ten con­fide to her.Af­ter that I feel com­fort­able. My younger broth­er is pleas­ant, he usu­al­ly makes me smile.Ev­ery­day isI feel hap­py when I live with them.I love them ,and I want to bring plea­sure to them không dùng chủ từ ev­ery­day mà là hap­py đựoc chú ý chủ từ số ìt thì động từ phải thêm s nhé

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của Nguyễn Khắc Trấn We live in Hai Phong , phoenix red flow­er city. My fam­ily have four mem­bers : My fa­ther, my moth­er, my sis­ter and me. My fa­ther looks se­vere, but he's good heat­ed. He works at tech­nol­ogy bu­reau of Hai Phong port. My moth­er's at home now. She's gen­tle and kind. She nev­er flogs her chil­dren. She 's an ex­cel­lent cook. I love my moth­er very much. My sis­ter is 30 years old. She 's a con­tract work­er at Viet­nam mar­itime uni­ver­si­ty. At last, my name's Tran. I work at vo­ca­tion­al school. It's in Hai Phong port too . I'm very ath­let­ic. I usu­al­ly play bad­minton at free time . I pride on my fam­ily. We live in Hai Phong ,the phoenix red flow­er city. My fam­ily have has four mem­bers : My fa­ther, my moth­er, my sis­ter and me. My fa­ther looks se­vere, but he's good heat­ed. He works at the tech­nol­ogy bu­reau of Hai Phong port. xác định nên phải có the My moth­er's at home now. She's gen­tle and kind. She nev­er flogs beats her chil­dren. She 's an ex­cel­lent cook. I love my moth­er very much. My sis­ter is 30 years old. She 's a con­tract work­er at Viet­nam mar­itime uni­ver­si­ty. At last, my name's Tran. I work at vo­ca­tion­al school. It's in Hai Phong port too . I'm very ath­let­ic. I usu­al­ly play bad­minton at free time . I pride on my fam­ily At last : chỉ tiến trình về thời gi­an dùng in my free time

Bài sửa của blue­wa­ter­gal Bài sửa bổ sung của kawa­ia­mi Bài viết của lequidon tanan My fam­ily have four per­sons in my fam­ily. my fa­ther works at home. he is very strict but he is a lov­ing fa­ther. My moth­er is gen­tle and loves me very much. She usu­al­ly makes a break­fast for me ear­ly in the morn­ing. so i al­ways try to get good marks as many as pos­si­ble to make my par­ents sat­is­fied. My sis­ter has been work­ing in a cer­tain com­pa­ny. but that is on­ly one of my cousins. but my par­ents had been sup­port­ing her since she was a kid be­cause of the dieing of her par­ents. the oth­er per­son is me. i am a LeQuiDon school's pupil. and i am try­ing to study well to pass the next ex­ams. We are very hap­py when we live to­geth­er. i love my fam­ily so much. My fam­ily have four per­son­speo­ple in my fam­ily. my fa­ther works at home. he is very strict but he is a lov­ing fa­ther. My moth­er is gen­tle and loves me very much. She usu­al­ly makes a break­fast for me ear­ly in the morn­ing. so i al­ways try to get good marks as many as pos­si­ble to make my par­ents sat­is­fied.sat­is­fyMy sis­ter has been work­ing in a cer­tain com­pa­ny. but that is on­ly one of my cousins. but my par­ents had been sup­port­ing her since she was a kid be­cause of the dieing death of her par­ents. the oth­er per­son is me. i am a LeQuiDon school's pupilpupil in lequidon school. and i am try­ing to study well to pass the next ex­am [COL­OR=“Lime”(ý bạn là “the en­trance ex­am” kì thi đại học [/col­or]. We are very hap­py when we live to­geth­er. i love my fam­ily so much com­ment 1 ,sau câu “my fam­ily have four peo­ple ” bạn nên viết chi tiết thêm ra trong gia đình bạn có những ai Và chủ ngữ trong câu đã là “my fam­ily” nên ở đằng sau bạn không cần viết “in my fam­ily” 2. các từ chỉ bữa ăn không đi kèm với mạo từ (a , an , the) 3 , Câu“My sis­ter has been work­ing in a cer­tain com­pa­ny. but that is on­ly one of my cousins. but my par­ents had been sup­port­ing her since she was a kid be­cause of the dieing of her par­ents.” bạn nên viết một cách ngắn gọn thôi và bạn không nên dùng từ “but” trong hai câu liền kề nhau bạn có thể dùng thay thế bằng các từ khác như “how­ev­er”... Câu này bạn có thể sửa thành : The next per­son I want to tell you is one of my fe­male cousins . Af­ter the death of her par­ents , my par­ents has sup­port­ed her . so , we live to­geth­er .How­ev­er, I al­ways con­sid­ered her as my sib­lings .fe­male cousins : chị em họ sib­lings: chị em ruột Chú ý viết hoa đầu câu, sau dấu chấm, chữ I không bao giờ viết thường, khi thi viết tiếng anh thì mấy lỗi nhỏ nhặt này có khi lại bị trừ điểm đấy bạn à ^^~

Bài sửa của blue­wa­ter­gal Bài viết của vmbpe I lived in a small town be­fore got mar­ried. There are 5 peo­ples in my fam­ily: my fa­ther, moth­er, sis­ter, broth­er and I. My moth­er is re­tire­ment but my fa­ther is still at work. He will re­tire in next year. When I was a pupil, I lived with my par­ent in Thai Binh town. When I was at the age of fif­teen, my sis­ter was ad­mit­ted in­to fi­nan­cial uni­ver­si­ty. Her ma­jor is an ac­coun­tant and then she lives in Ha noi city. Now she has suc­cessed in her job as a chief ac­coun­tant in a pure wa­ter com­pa­ny. She got mar­ried 5 years ago , but now she has just been preg­nant. So all peo­ples are very glad to her. My broth­er has get mar­ried for 2 years , now he had a nice daugh­ter. He is a vet­eri­nar­ian. But He works in a pet food man­ufac­to­ry com­pa­ny. Now I got mar­ried 2.5 years and have a daugh­ter and live in Ha noi My small fam­ily have 3 mem­bers: my hus­band , daugh­ter and I. Be­cause of hav­ing ba­by so my moth­er in law lives with us to take care my daugh­ter ... I lived in a small town be­fore got­get­ting mar­ried. There are 5 peo­ples in my fam­ily: my fa­ther, my moth­er, my sis­ter, my broth­er and I. My moth­er is re­tire­men­tre­tiree but my fa­ther is still at work. He will re­tire in next year. When I was a pupil, I lived with my par­ents in Thai Binh town. When I was at the age of fif­teen, my sis­ter was ad­mit­ted in­to fi­nan­cial uni­ver­si­ty. Her ma­jor is an ac­coun­tant and then she lives in Ha noi city. Now she has suc­cessed in her job as a chief ac­coun­tant in a pure wa­ter com­pa­ny. She got mar­ried 5 years ago , but now she has just been preg­nant. So all peo­ples are very glad to her. My broth­er has get got mar­ried for 2 years , now he had a nice daugh­ter. He is a vet­eri­nar­ian. But He works in a pet food man­ufac­to­ry com­pa­ny. Now I got mar­ried 2.5 years and have a daugh­ter and live in Ha noi My small fam­ily have 3 mem­bers: my hus­band ,my daugh­ter and I. Be­cause of hav­ing ba­by so my moth­er in law lives with us to take care my daugh­ter ... com­ment 1 các danh từ đếm được không thể đứng một mình phải có a , an, the hay đứng ở dạng số nhiều hoặc cót­inhs từ sở hữu vì vậy bạn nên viết đầy đủ “ my broth­er” “my moth­er”... 1 re­tire­ment : sự nghỉ hưu re­tiree : người về hưu bài của bạn rất tốt làm mình chẳng có gì để chữa cả

Bài sửa của blue­wa­ter­gal Bài viết của traduong­bl I live in a Citỵ There are 4 per­sons in my familỵ My sis­ter, my cousin, my nephew and me. My sis­ter is a stu­dent at a com­put­er cen­tre. My cousin is a stu­dent at a Col­lege in Citỵ My sis­ter is twen­ty-​four years old. My cousin is the same her. My nephew is third­teen months old. And I am twent-​eight years old. We are borned at a coun­try­side. Our par­ents are liv­ing at that. They are over fifty years old. I al­ways hope that the best things to my fam­ily and ev­ery­one. I am hap­py when joint this class. I live in a Citỵ There are 4 per­son­speo­ple in my familỵ: My sis­ter, my cousin, my nephew and me.I My sis­ter is a stu­dent at a com­put­er cen­tre. My cousin is a stu­dent at a Col­lege in Citỵ My sis­ter is twen­ty-​four years old. my cousin (ý bạn định nói là “the age of my cousin is the same hers” ) is the same her. My nephew is third­teen months old. And I am twent-​eight years old. We [s]are[/S] borned­was born at in a coun­try­side. Our par­ents are liv­ing at that.there They are over fifty years old. I al­ways hope that the best things to my fam­ily and ev­ery­one will hap­pen( hope that phải đi kèm với cả mọt mệnh đề đủ cả chủ ngữ và vị ngữ ). I am hap­py when joint join­ing this class.

Bài sửa của blue­wa­ter­gal Bài viết của Nguyễn Nhật Minh My fam­ily has five peo­ple. There are my fa­ther, my moth­er, two el­der sis­ter and I. My fa­ther is 64 years old. He is an en­gi­neer. Last time, he is a di­rec­tor, but now, he re­tired from busi­ness. My moth­er is an en­gi­neer, and she have just re­tired, too. She is 10 years younger than my fa­ther. My el­dest sis­ter is teach­ing in For­est Uni­ver­sitỵ She is 29 years old but she hasn't mar­ried. She is a Mas­ter of IT. My el­der sis­ter is an IT en­gi­neer, too. She is 25 years old. She is work­ing for HITTC. I love all of mem­bers in my familỵ My fa­ther is a jovial man and he is a re­al man. He earn most mon­ey in my fam­ily, he al­ways make us fun­ny and hap­py. My moth­er is a charm­ing wom­an, she is very good at cook­ing. She like clearn­ing house ev­ery day. Two sis­ter of mine are the mirors for me to study and they help me much in IT. I am a stu­dent. I am study­ing in Col­lege of Tech­nol­ogy like two sis­ter. My par­ents want me to have IELTS 6.5 in a year lat­er, but I think is so dif­fi­cult for me to do. In gen­er­al, I love my fam­ily so much! My fam­ily has have five peo­ple. There are my fa­ther, my moth­er, two el­der sis­ter and I. My fa­ther is 64 years old. He is an en­gi­neer. Last timeIn the past , he is­used to be( bạn không nên dùng “is” ở đây vì đây là việc xảy ra trong quá khứ nên bạn hãy dùng từ “used to ” đã từng) a di­rec­tor, but now, he re­tired from busi­ness. My moth­er is an en­gi­neer, and she have has just re­tired, too. She is 10 years younger than my fa­ther. My el­dest sis­ter is teach­ing in For­est Uni­ver­sitỵ She is 29 years old but she hasn't is not mar­ried. She is a Mas­ter of IT My el­der sis­ter is an IT en­gi­neer, too. She is 25 years old. She is work­ing for HITTC. I love all of mem­bers in my familỵ My fa­ther is a jovial man and he is a re­al man. He earns most mon­ey in my fam­ily, he al­ways makes us fun­ny and hap­py. My moth­er is a charm­ing wom­an, she is very good at cook­ing. She likes clearn­ing­clean­ing house ev­ery day. Two sis­ters of mine are the mirors ex­am­ple for me to study fol­low and they help me much in IT. I am a stu­dent. I am study­ing in Col­lege of Tech­nol­ogy like two sis­ters. My par­ents want me to have IELTS 6.5 in a year lat­er next year, but I think it is so dif­fi­cult for me to do. In gen­er­al, I love my fam­ily so much! com­ment 1 từ “fam­ily ”ở câu đầu mang tính tập thể nên bạn phải chia số nhiều

Bài sửa của blue­wa­ter­gal Bài viết của ^FLY^ There are four peo­ple in my fam­ily : my fa­ther, my moth­er and my broth­er. My fa­ther worked as em­ploy­ee in the fac­to­ry in few years ago. He is so gen­tle and so kind to ev­ery­body, es­pe­cial­ly his fam­ily. My moth­er works as house wife. She is so beau­ti­ful and fun­ny, but strict, es­pe­cial­ly to me. My broth­er is 27 year old. He is so poor be­cause he is dis­able man. Though many prob­lems in my life with my fam­ily, i love them very much There are four peo­ple in my fam­ily : my fa­ther, my moth­er and my broth­er.and I( four peo­ple cơ mà bạn )My fa­ther worked as an em­ploy­ee in the fac­to­ry in a few years ago. He is so gen­tle and so kind to ev­ery­body, es­pe­cial­ly his fam­ily. My moth­er works as a house wife. She is so beau­ti­ful and fun­ny jol­ly, but strict, es­pe­cial­ly to me. My broth­er is 27 years old. He is so poor be­cause he is a dis­able man. Though In spite of many prob­lems in my life with my fam­ily,i love them very much. :x com­ment 1. khi dùng từ “ ago ” rồi bạn không được dùng các giới tù như “in ” “for”... đi cùng với thời gi­an nữa 2. bạn nên chú ý hơn trong việc sử dụng mạo từ bạn hay thiếu lắm nha ! nhưng dù sao bài viết của bạn cũng rất tốt few là ít : có ý chê a few : một vài In spite of : đi với cụm từ Though: đi với mệnh đề

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của tamitc I'm liv­ing with my fam­ily in the coun­try. Here, there are my moth­er, my fa­ther and my younger broth­er. Our fam­ily are hap­py very­much. My fa­ther is a farmer, he is fun­ny and he pride of me. Ev­ery­day, he take care trees in the gar­den care­ful­ly. My moth­er is a good teach­er. She cooks very well. I like dish­es to be cooked by her hand. My yournger broth­er is small but he is in­tel­li­gent and ac­tive. For me, my fam­ily is the most pre­cious thing that I hav. I love them more than any­thing in my life I'm liv­ing with my fam­ily in the coun­try­side. Here, there are my moth­er, my fa­ther and my younger broth­er. Our fam­ily are very hap­py very­much. My fa­ther is a farmer, he is fun­ny jol­ly and he pride is pride of me. Ev­ery­day, he takes care of the trees in the gar­den care­ful­ly. My moth­er is a good teach­er. She cooks very well. I like dish­es to be cooked by her hand. My yournger broth­er is small young but he is in­tel­li­gent and ac­tive. For me, my fam­ily is the most pre­cious thing that I have. I love them more than any­thing in my life hap­py là tính từ nên phải đặt very trước nó take care of : chăm sóc còn nhỏ tuổi dùng young không dùng small vì sẽ có ý là nhỏ con

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của chenka­ka do you know that , i' m stu­dent and i must live far along time home. this is un­lucky. now, it is au­tumn and very cold, wind some­time make up that is what do you think not good. i miss my fam­ily but i have't ring for home be­cause i afreind that i have not lis­ten any­thing my moth­er speak. but next week , i can come back home and get sup­port from my fam­ily. it's true. now, i have not ex­am­ina­tion need over­come. i at­tempt to work hard to my fam­ily hap­py. do you know that , i'I' m a stu­dent and i I must live far along time from home. this is un­lucky. now, it is au­tumn and it is very cold, wind some­time make up that is what do you think not good( câu không có nghĩa lẫn ngữ pháp ). i I miss my fam­ily but i have't rin­gI do not ring them for home be­cause i afreind that i have not lis­ten any­thing­be­cause I am afraid that I can not hear my moth­er speak. but next week , i can come back home and get sup­port from my fam­ily. it's true. now, i have not ex­am­ina­tion need over­come. i at­tempt I try to work hard in oder to make my fam­ily hap­py. far phải đi với from Bài viết quá kém về ngữ pháp lẫn ý tửong ,bạn cần luyện tập từ những ý ,câu đơn giản

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của gaivi­giac hi ev­ery­body My fam­ily is both my woel and my pridẹ We have 4 peo­ple: my par­ents, my younger sis­ter and me My fa­ther_ a truck­driv­er, my mom_ sale per­son, my sis­ter is in 7 grade. She is so del­ica­cy, love­ly, pret­ty and iam in 12 grade in fa­mous high­schoọl , nor­mal per­son. My fa­ther is so strịck, a los­ing tem­per per­son but i al­so love him than my fa­ther be­cause he give me lots mon­ey and give his chil­dren all his lovẹ He be­haves rude, and some­times hits me when i was smạll My moth­er is so cool. Iam a nor­mal gịrl My great pas­sion in my life is study­ing En­glish, ger­man and some for­einglan­guages and go­ing on atour. But I think i love mon­ey bẹst> I wan­na have a job to give me lots mon­ey in the fu­ture like“con­truc­tion en­gi­neer or doc­tor. I re­al­ly like hu­man phys­iol­ogy but iam afraid of physịc I love ger­many so much It is a ex­cit­ing des­ti­na­tion with lav­ish show room., ger­man goods so high qual­ity, with an acient ar­chi­tect buildịng, Berlin _ the fas­ci­nate metropo­lis, Bònn the home­town of beethoven. , and many boom­town.. My fa­ther want me to be an ex­change stu­dent in ger­manỵ I hate many things: as well as: Blog, some pe­son call my age is ”teen“, the ”li­on“ hair. stupid new fash­ion but i love der­mo­ca­cy.... hi ev­ery­body My fam­ily is both my woel and my pridẹ We haveThere are 4 peo­ple: my par­ents, my younger sis­ter and me My fa­ther_ a truck­driv­er, my mom_a sale per­son, my sis­ter is in 7 grade sev­en. She is so del­ica­cy, love­ly, pret­ty and ia­mI am in 12 grade twelve in a fa­mous high­schoọl high schoọl , nor­mal per­son. My fa­ther ,a los­ing tem­per per­son , is so strịck strict , a los­ing tem­per per­son but i .I al­so love him than my fa­ther moth­er( dùng but thì không dùng be­cause ) be­cause he gives me lots of mon­ey and gives his chil­dren all his lovẹ He be­haves rude­ly, and some­times hits me when i was smạll young . My moth­er is so cool. Iam a nor­mal gịrl. My great pas­sion in my life is study­ing En­glish, ger­man Ger­man and some for­eigng lan­guages and go­ing on atour. But I think i love mon­ey bẹst> I wan­na want to ( văn viết không dùng wan­na )have a job as a con­struc­tion en­gi­neer or doc­tor to give me lots earn lots of ( lots phải đi với of )mon­ey in the fu­ture like”con­truc­tion en­gi­neer or doc­tor. I re­al­ly like hu­man phys­iol­ogy but iam afraid of physịc I love ger­many so much It is an ex­cit­ing des­ti­na­tion with lav­ish show room., ger­man goods are so high qual­ity, with an acient ar­chi­tect buildịngs, Berlin _ the fas­ci­nate metropo­lis, Bònn the home­town of beethoven. , and many boom­town.. My fa­ther wants me to be an ex­change stu­dent in ger­manỵ I hate many things: as well as: like Blog, some pe­son peo­ple call my age is “teen”, the “li­on” hair. stupid new fash­ion but i love democ­ra­cy. Trình độ cón yếu nên bạn phải tập viết từ những cấu trúc đơn giản không nên viết những câu khó sẽ không tiến bộ được

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của nguyen xu­an my names xu­an. i was born in Thai Binh town.Now, my fim­ily is in Lam Dong. My fim­ily has six peo­ple.My moth­er is a farmer, she is forty-​six years old.I love my moth­er a lot.She does hard work­ing and she all­way has to wor­ry for her fam­ily.My fa­ther is a farmer, too. He is fifty years old, he loves his chil­dren and we love him very much. he does hard­work­ing to earn mo­mey for our stur­dy­ing. My old­er sis­ter is a mas­ter of gadern­school. she is twen­ty-​sev­en years old. She doesn't get mer­ried. She usu­al­ly gives us mon­ey when we study far home. Now, i live in HCM city. I am a new of­fi­cer. i have just grad­uat­ed at col­lect of forgein eco­nom­ic re­la­tion school and i ap­ply my CV in my com­pa­ny last month and i work for two weeks. i do ac­count­ing works. about two months i come back home one time. I miss my fim­ily and i want to live in Lam Dong with my fam­ily but i can't be­cause i have to con­tin­ue to study hight lev­el. i like study­ing en­glish so i join in this web. i wish that all per­son in this web help each or­ther. my younger sis­ter is a stu­dent. she is study­ing a train­ing teach­ing school in Da Lat. she is very ex­cel­lent and she likes a teach­er. i and she usu­al­ly con­tact to­geth­er by phone.My youngest sis­ter is a pupil. she is study­ing in grade four. I love my fam­ily very much and i think my fam­ily is a hap­py fam­ily my name's xu­an. i I was born in Thai Binh town.Now, my fim­ily fam­ily is in Lam Dong. My­fim­ily fam­ily has six peo­ple.My moth­er is a farmer, ; she is forty-​six years old.I love my moth­er a lot.She does hard work­ing and she all­way al­ways has to wor­ry for take care of her fam­ily.My fa­ther is a farmer, too. He is fifty years old, he loves his chil­dren and we love him very much. he does hard­work­ing works hard to earn mo­mey mon­ey for our stur­dy­ing study­ing . My old­er sis­ter is a mas­ter of gadern­school kinder­garten . she is twen­ty-​sev­en years old. She doesn't get mer­ried is not mar­ried. She usu­al­ly gives us mon­ey when we study far from home. Now, i I live in HCM city. I am a new of­fi­cer. i Ihave just grad­uat­ed at from col­lect of forgein for­eign eco­nom­ic re­la­tion school and i I ap­ply ap­plied my CV in my com­pa­ny last month and i I have worked for two weeks. i I do ac­count­ing works work as an ac­coun­tant . about two months i Icome back home once time. I miss my fim­ily fam­ily and i Iwant to live in Lam Dong with my fam­ily but i Ican't be­cause i I have to con­tin­ue to study hight at high lev­el. i I like study­ing en­glish En­glish so i I join in this web. i I wish that all per­son all mem­bers in this web help each or­ther oth­er. my younger sis­ter is a stu­dent. she is study­ing at a train­ing teach­ing school in Da Lat. she is very ex­cel­lent and she likes to be­come a teach­er. i I and she usu­al­ly con­tact to­geth­er each oth­er by phone.My youngest sis­ter is a pupil. she is study­ing in grade four. I love my fam­ily very much and i I think my fam­ily is a hap­py fam­ily Chữ I luôn viết hoa nhé lo lắng với nghĩa là chăm lo thì dùng :take care of không dùng wor­ry ( lo âu chuyện gì ) bài của bạn nhiều lỗi quá ,cần cố gắng nhiều hơn nhé

Bài sửa của well­frog và bổ sung tí của kawa­ia­mi Bài viết của phitruong There are six peo­ple in my fam­ily, my par­ent, my wife, my daugh­ter, my sis­ter and me. My fa­ther is a po­lice­man. His work is very busy, when ev­ery­body go out, he has to work. My moth­er re­tired two year ago. Now, she is a house­wife, her main work is to go the mar­ket, to buy food and to pre­pare meal for my fam­ily. She is a very good moth­er. My sis­ter is less than me two year old, she lives in Ha Noi city, she is a in­sur­ance agent. Some­time, she goes to the Hai Phong city to meet us. My wife is a pub­lic ser­vant, she works for du­ty of­fice of Hai Phong city.I am a civ­il en­gi­neer, I work for Bach Dang Con­struc­tion Cor­po­ra­tion. We have a daugh­ter, her name is Phuong Uyen, and she is one year old. We usu­al­ly are in­ter­est­ed to­geth­er, we are a hap­py fam­ily. Cám ơn well­frog rất nhiều! There are six peo­ple in my fam­ily, my par­ents, my wife, my daugh­ter, my sis­ter and me. My fa­ther is a po­lice­man. His work is very busy, when ev­ery­body goes out, he has to work. My moth­er re­tired two years ago. Now, she is a house­wife, her main work is to go to the mar­ket, to buy food and to pre­pare meal for my fam­ily. She is a very good moth­er. My sis­ter is less than me two year old two years youger than me , she lives in Ha Noi city, she is an in­sur­ance agent. Some­times, she goes to the Hai Phong city to meet us. My wife is a pub­lic ser­vant, she works for a du­ty of­fice of Hai Phong city.I am a civ­il en­gi­neer, I work for Bach Dang Con­struc­tion Cor­po­ra­tion. We have a daugh­ter, her name is Phuong Uyen, and she is one year old. We usu­al­ly are in­ter­est­ed to­geth­er care for one an­oth­er ( chăm sóc ,quan tâm nhau ), we are have a hap­py fam­ily. so sánh có số lượng dùng : số lượng trước so sánh nhé

Bài sửa của kawa­ia­mi Bài viết của BeUr­SeLf My fam­ily has four mem­bers:my par­ents,my lit­tle broth­er and me.My moth­er is 50 years old.My fa­ther is 51 years old.They are busi­ness peo­ple.My house is on a noisy street.Thus,my par­ents made a de­ci­sion to open a shop inthe first floor.They sell the prod­uct of many com­pa­ny such as fridge,vac­cum clean­er, air- con­di­tion­er,wash­ing ma­chine.Their work time be­gins at 9:00 a.m and ends at 8:30 p.m .My lit­tle broth­er is 13 years old.His name is Thai.He is study­ing at Gi­ang Vo sec­ondary/mid­dle school.He is not on­ly a smart pupil but al­so hand­some and good-​child.He al­ways make my fam­ily feels proud of him.My par­ents and me love him so much.I am 18 years old.I just gradut­ed from KL high school 6 moths ago.I have just got my IELTS re­sult.It's so bad,my band score is 5.0.There­fore,I res­gist­ed in IELTS course in British coucil in or­der to im­prove my score.I will go to UK to study as soon as pos­si­ble.Study­ing aboard,es­pe­cial­ly in UK is my dream.And I am try­ing my best to make my dream comes true.My moth­er of­tens takes my younger broth­er and me go to the su­per­mar­ket to buy food for all week in week­end. Some­times,when we have free time she takes us go out and eat tra­di­tion­al food of Hanoi.It is so in­ter­est­ing and un­for­getable mem­ories for me and my broth­er.In the evening,my moth­er and me al­ways watch­ing TV to­geth­er.Per­haps,I am go­ing to leave my fam­ily,I think I love my fam­ily so much and I will do the best things to make them feel proud of me.I hope my fam­ily mem­ber al­ways be hap­py ,healthy and suc­cess. My fam­ily has four mem­bers:my par­ents,my lit­tle broth­er and me.My moth­er is 50 years old.My fa­ther is 51 years old.They are busi­ness peo­ple.My house is on a noisy street.Thus,my par­ents made a de­ci­sion to open a shop inthe first floor.They sell the prod­uct of many com­pa­ny such as fridge,vac­cum clean­er, air-​con­di­tion­er,wash­ing ma­chine.Their work time be­gins at 9:00 a.m and ends at 8:30 p.m .My lit­tle broth­er is 13 years old.His name is Thai.He is study­ing at Gi­ang Vo sec­ondary/mid­dle school.He is not on­ly a smart pupil but al­so hand­some and good-​child.He al­ways makes my fam­ily feels proud of him.My par­ents and me I (Ở đây là chủ ngữ nên không dùng me được) love him so much. I am 18 years old.I just grad­uat­ed from KL high school 6 months ago.I have just got my IELTS re­sult. It's so bad,my band score is 5.0.There­fore, I res­gis­tered in an IELTS course in British coucil in or­der to im­prove my score. I will go to UK to study as soon as pos­si­ble.Study­ing aboard,es­pe­cial­ly in UK, is my dream.And I am try­ing my best to make my dream comes true.My moth­er of­tens takes my younger broth­er and me go to the su­per­mar­ket to buy food for all the whole week in at week­end. Some­times,when we have free time, she takes us go out and eat tra­di­tion­al food of Hanoi.It is so in­ter­est­ing and un­for­getable mem­ories for me and my broth­er.In the evening,my moth­er and me I al­ways watch­ing TV to­geth­er. Per­haps,I am go­ing to leave my fam­ily (be go­ing to là diễn tả 1 dự định chắc chắn rồi mà sao dùng per­haps nữa ^^) ,I think I love my fam­ily so much and I will do the best things to make them feel proud of me.I hope my fam­ily mem­ber al­ways be hap­py ,healthy and suc­cess­ful. Make some­one do some­thing ^^ Try not to make any mis­take ! Good luck!

Bài sửa của well­frog Bài viết của bongn­guyet2001 My fam­ily have six per­sons. They are my fa­ther, my morther, one old­er sis­ter, one old­er broth­er, one younger broth­er and me. My fa­ther born in Ninh binh , my moth­er was born in Sai gon, In 1976, my fa­ther met moth­er and they get mar­ried. Now, my fam­ily is hap­py be­cause my sis­ter was mar­ried. She is have two chil­dren. They are ac­tive. My moth­er is who I love the best. she is very love me too. I don't have any thing but I prove that I have moth­er. Last year, My old­er broth­er get mar­ried, I ' m hap­py be­cause he have a good wife.This year in Novem­ber, he'll a ba­by. It is a boy. I hope that it is hand­some as my old­er borther. I loce my fam­ily very much. I wish ev­ery­one is hap­py and good health. My fam­ily have six per­sons has six mem­bers . They are my fa­ther, my morther, one my old­er sis­ter, one my old­er broth­er, one my younger broth­er and me. My fa­ther was born in Ninh binh , my moth­er was born in Sai gon, In 1976, my fa­ther met moth­er and they get got mar­ried. Now, my fam­ily is hap­py be­cause my sis­ter was is mar­ried.(dùng hiện tại vì là tình trạng hiện tại ) She is have has two chil­dren. They are ac­tive. My moth­er is the per­son who I love the best. she is very love me very much ,too. I don't have any thing but I prove that I have moth­er.( very không dùng trước động từ ) Last year, My old­er broth­er get got mar­ried, I ' m hap­py be­cause he have has a good wife( số ít dùng has nhé ).This year in Novem­ber, he'll has a ba­by. It is a boy. I hope that it is hand­some as my old­er borther. I loce love my fam­ily very much. I wish ev­ery­one is hap­py hap­pi­ness and good health

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