Son Tung MTP

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My very first Vietnamese soloist. I don't exactly remember how I found out about him but I randomly saw one of his MV's pop up on YouTube. So, I watched it and was actually shocked. His voice caught me real quick too, I could listen to him sing all day.

I'm proud to say that he's the first man to get me into Vpop! Anywho! Here's some info!
His real name is Nguyễn Thanh Tùng, he's a Vietnamese singer-songwriter and actor. I watched the movie he was in and was hit with STRONG feels. Had me in my feelings from the middle to end.

Apparently, he won a lot of awards. He seems to be pretty popular
*******His Songs*******
LAC TRÔI- The random song I mentioned, it was this one. Everything about this video MV was aesthetically pleasing. My eyes were blessed. Based on a story.

CHAY NGAY ĐI |RUN NOW|- My second favorite song by him. His tattoos! Quick unrelated question: Why do Asian idols like setting things on fire?

NOI NÀY AHN- One soft song with vocals galore! Didn't cry. Thank God.

Chac Ai Đó Se Vê- Don't watch this video unless you like being in your feels, or want to watch him hurt. Don't get me started on the ending. Vocals again.

He has more songs but I don't want to keep butchering them. Don't deserve it.

So check him out!

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