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"Viggo" Hiccup growled at the approaching Hunter. He couldn't believe it. His friends were all standing on the deck of Viggo's ship. Astrid was holding her arm close to her body, the twins leaning on their dragons and Fishlegs was holding Snotlout up so he wouldn't fall on his face.

All they had to do was free a few dragons and be on their way but their plan didn't go smoothly. The Hunters spotted them within seconds and didn't hold back their fire as if they didn't care who got hurt in the process. Hiccup was absolutely fuming and he really didn't want to talk to Viggo. He was about to round up the Riders and leave but the Dragon Hunter Chief's voice stopped his movements.

"Hello my dear" Viggo said smoothly. Hiccup took a deep breath and stood up. He turned around to face the Viking Chief and spoke his mind.

"Don't 'hello my dear' me. What the fuck were you thinking?" Hiccup didn't normally use that sort of language but his temper was flaring even higher now with Viggo smiling at him. "Shooting down the dragons? Hurting my friends!? We had a deal" He walked closer to Viggo, almost getting into his face. Hiccup scowled up at the man waiting for his response.

"You look so cute when you're angry." Viggo whispered to Hiccup. Hiccup tried to keep the scowl on his face but it faltered slightly.

"Oh don't look at me like that." Viggo said looking down at the angry Rider "You knew what would happen if you came after this shipment of dragons. Don't play dumb." The look on the other Riders faces said it all. They had no idea that Hiccup and Viggo had made a deal that the Dragon Hunters sometimes allowed the Riders to leave with the trapped dragons, no one stopping them, no injuries.

"Hiccup, what is he talking about?" Astrid asked. The confusion on her face was the same as every one of the other teens. Hiccup turned his body around slightly to look at her.

"We'll talk about this later." Hiccup gestured between himself and Viggo before turning his body back around to face the Hunter "but right now we need to deal with his lack of listening skills."

"My lack of listening skill?" Viggo asked, bewildered not believing what he was hearing coming out of the young Viking's mouth.

"We had a deal that we could free dragons without them hurting us," Hiccup said pointing at the Hunters around them "but apparently someone wasn't paying attention when I said I'll be here."

"Oh no my dear boy I was paying attention and I told you to stay away from this specific shipment of dragons because my job relied on it. Now because of you," Viggo pointed an accusatory finger at Hiccup "I won't get paid and who knows, we might need to double our trapping of dragons to catch up"

"Paid!" Hiccup scoffed "You need to get paid!? Was Berk's gold not enough for you! Oh Thor, I can't believe you're talking about payment after you stole all of Berk's gold." Hiccup was running his hands through his hair not believing what was coming out of Viggo's mouth. "We're struggling to live but as long as you get paid with more gold you'll be fine." He knew the man was selfish and money hungry. He also knew that Viggo Grimborn never broke a deal. They have made so many in the past so Hiccup was having trouble trying to work out Viggo would ruin it all now.

"I warned you Hiccup not to come and yet, you came anyway. Don't get your skivvies in a twist because you decided not to heed my warning. One shipment is all I asked for. One." Hiccup knew Viggo was right but he wasn't going to tell him that.

It was one way to get him to smirk at him and he really didn't need his feelings for the Hunter to interfere with this argument. Viggo knew of course and was always using it against him without his Riders knowing. Calling him names or standing close to him trying to get a reaction. He was getting annoyed with it.

"My boy, do you mind if we chat privately for a moment." Viggo asked. "This business needs to be discussed further without your Riders shooting daggers at me" Hiccup turned back to the Riders and Viggo was correct, they were glaring towards him. Hiccup took a deep breath to cool his anger a bit before nodding.

"Hiccup! What in Thor's name are you doing?" Astrid whispered harshly at him. Astrid has always been protective of Hiccup after all the past incidents with the Hunters and other enemies. When Hiccup had a problem, he'd go straight to Astrid. He trusted her and she trusted him. And Hiccup hoped she trusted him now.

"It's fine. He won't do anything. That's also a part of our deal." Hiccup smiled slightly at Astrid and followed Viggo down to the Captain's quarters.

The hallways were dark with only a few candles lighting the way. Hiccup remembered the first time he went down this hallway and it still freaked him out how little light penetrated the hall. Hiccup trailed behind Viggo into the room and closed the door behind them. Viggo's arm suddenly pressed up against his neck pushing his back to the door making him unable to talk.

"You listen here you little shit. I'm going to say what I need to say without you interrupting me. Got it?" Hiccup slightly nodded against the arm and waited for him to continue.

Viggo was intimidating when he got angry. Hiccup always liked making snarky remarks when they've saved the dragons but having him this close and seeing the anger in his eyes made Hiccup want to shrink away.

"It's not just about the gold. This buyer was testing my allegiance towards the Hunters. This was a test and you completely fucked it up for me." Viggo moved his face closer to Hiccup's lowering his voice "Normally I'd torture or kill anyone who crossed me but I'm feeling nice today and I like you too much to ruin you." Viggo said, looking Hiccup up and down.

Hiccup was taken back to Viggo words. He had to prove himself to be a Hunter? He was the best Dragon Hunter in all the world but he wouldn't say that much to him. And he wouldn't hurt him because he liked him too much? Hiccup was worried about what that meant.

Viggo never seemed to be a caring man and Hiccup knew he had pushed his buttons too much today.

He stayed silent, watching Viggo think. Viggo let Hiccup down from the wall and he gasped for air. Viggo wasn't choking him but he felt deprived of oxygen. Viggo walked over to his desk, standing in front of it.

"What do you mean you like me too much?" Hiccup asked finally. Viggo clearly wasn't expecting that being the first thing he'd say but answered anyway.

"I mean that I like you Hiccup." Viggo shrugged, keeping his back turned which Hiccup was thankful for since he could see the heat rise up into his cheeks. "Probably the same way you like me."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Viggo started laughing. Not the soft chuckles he does when something amuses him but a full stomach laugh. Hiccup had only heard Viggo laugh this hard since the first time the Rider tried and failed to release a huge shipment of dragons and he was glad it wasn't the same twisted reason.

"What's so funny?" Hiccup asked while Viggo tried to calm down his laughter

"Oh Hiccup. Poor sweet innocent Hiccup. You really know nothing. I see your body language and how it changes when I'm around." Viggo was now facing Hiccup again.

Hiccup's cheeks burned even hotter now that his feelings for the older Viking were being pointed out. Viggo started walking towards Hiccup while he spoke.

"I see the way your cheeks turn red when I say something that makes you uncomfortable, the way you turn your head and avert your eyes when I use nicknames. How you fiddle with your fingers when you're nervous." Hiccup could feel Viggo's breath on his face now. He turned his head away not wanting to look him in the face. He felt Viggo's breath by his ear making him hold his breath

"And how your body tenses up when I'm near." Viggo placed a feather light kiss to Hiccup's ear. Hiccup's mind went blank and he couldn't think straight. Viggo's lips by his ear made him want to melt right on the spot. Lips brushed his ear again and Hiccup snapped out of the trance Viggo put him in.

"Nope," was all Hiccup said before opening the door and leaving. Before he had to join his friends out on the deck again, Hiccup took some deep breaths to calm his racing heart.

"I'll see you soon my dear." Viggo's voice said in the shadows. Hiccup took another gulp of air then joined the Riders. Why did Viggo have this effect on him? Why couldn't he like Astrid? He knew that she still liked him but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't like her that same way.

They've tried being something but they couldn't make it work. They both felt uncomfortable and decided friends were safest.

Viggo joined them a few seconds later and told them to leave. He winked at Hiccup and they were gone.

"Are you going to explain or do we have to corner you. Again." Snotlout asked once they got into the sky. Couldn't they have waited until they got to the Edge?

Hiccup shuttered at the memory of the last time that tried to pry information from him. It wasn't his finest moment and it sure as hell wasn't theirs either. There was a lot of apologising but they still threatened to do it again because it worked.

"No no. I'll tell you." Hiccup said quickly. He let out a sigh and explained to them about the deal he made with Viggo Grimborn. "A few days after we got the cure for Astrid I went to go find him. I didn't want to risk anyone's lives again. We decided that sometimes he keeps the dragons and sometimes we take the dragons but no matter what if there was a cure because of a dragon, we get the cure and he gets the dragon. And before you yell at me, all the dragons that are tied to a cure for an illness have a defence mechanism so they can't leave their island and Viggo wouldn't kill a dragon that important."

"Why? Well I know why but why." Fishlegs asked

"I got sick of everyone getting hurt because we want to protect dragons and each other. I didn't want to see it happen anymore" the Riders could see this was still affecting Hiccup so they nodded and agreed with each other to drop it.

Hiccup had been sneaking off in the middle of the night every few weeks to make sure that he and Viggo were always on the same page. The more meetings he went to, the less it became about the dragons and more about their personal lives.

Viggo knew about Hiccup's childhood and how he trained the dragons as well as how he defeated the Red Death. Hiccup learned about how Viggo became chief and why his grandfather chose him over Ryker.

They had a few arguments and disagreements but also laughed together. Hiccup hated how the Hunter made him feel. Appreciated. Known. Listened to. Hiccup also hated that he was developing feelings for the man.

They barely had any physical contact with each other except that afternoon when Viggo got into his personal space. Hiccup hoped that never happened again. He needed to focus on slowly getting rid of the Dragons Hunters. Not get to know their chief on an even more personal level.

The Dragon Riders landed on the Edge and all went their separate ways to do their own thing. Hiccup went back to his hut and documented where the Dragon Hunters were last docked and checked where they might be next.

Hiccup thought back through the conversation he and Viggo had and remembered that the Hunter said he'll have to get more dragons now that they lost their shipment. Hiccup scoured through his maps and found where the most popular area of dragon activity was. He calculated that he'd take them about a week to sail there and Hiccup decided to tell the gang in the morning. Let them recover for the night and rest. Hiccup lay down on his bed and let sleep overcome his senses.

The Riders hovered over the sea waiting for Viggo's ships to appear. Hiccup was worried he got the timing wrong but Astrid and Fishlegs assured him that his calculations were correct. Fishlegs even looked over the map before they left and he agreed with him.

"When is he coming? We've been up here for hours!" Snotlout complained loudly. Hiccup swore he had the patience of a wild boar protecting its territory.

"We've been here for 15 minutes. Be patient for once." Hiccup said back, not looking at his Riders.

Their whining and complaining wasn't going to get them anywhere and he wished they'd keep their mouths shut. He swore he'd heard the same joke three times already by the twins and yet they still thought it was hilarious.

When the ships appeared, Hiccup layed out the plan for them again and they all nodded ready to go.

It went downhill as they were about to attack. The twins were caught in a net before they even fired off their first shot. Astrid was on the deck with an axe against her throat and Fishlegs and Snotlout were hovering over the ship while Hiccup tried to cut the bola that encircled Toothless' body and tail. He heard footsteps coming his way and he looked up to see Viggo.

"I always forget how smart you are, my boy. I should have known you'd track us down." Hiccup looked away from the Hunter, continuing to cut the ropes but Viggo kept talking.

"Told you." Hiccup blushed then composed himself. Hiccup cut the last rope and stood up to face Viggo. Pulling his shoulders back to appear taller.

"Yeah I thought you were smarter than this too. You should've seen it coming." Hiccup tried to keep his voice strong but Viggo started walking up to him and he began losing his confidence. The Hunter was right in front of him and he dropped his voice to a whisper so only Hiccup could hear.

"I knew you were obsessed with me but this is next level." Hiccup just scowled at him not letting the words affect him.

"Yeah I could say the same thing for you." He replied back. Viggo just smirked at him and walked away.

"Get off my ship. Let me do my business in peace." Hiccup let out a huff of air and turned to his Riders. He wasn't going to fight this. They clearly lost and he knew they weren't going to redeem themselves.

"Alright. Let's go." Hiccup could hear their protests as he mounted Toothless but he ignored them. Viggo won again. He really hoped the Riders weren't going to give him a hard time about this when they arrived home.

"Oh and Hiccup." Viggo said not facing the young Viking. "I'll see you tomorrow right?"

"Of course." Hiccup signalled for the Riders to take off " It's part of the deal." And they left the Hunters to do their business.

After many hours of the gang telling Hiccup not to go to this meeting they gave up trying and let him leave. He left earlier than he normally would since they knew where he was going and he wasn't trying to hide it. Hiccup thought of his plan of how he wanted the night to go. Get in. Get out. No lingering. He didn't want to lose his head while in Viggo's company.

Toothless landed on the deck of the ship and Hiccup saw there were no Hunters around. Weird. There were always at least two on duty when he arrived but it was quiet on deck. Hiccup told Toothless to stay above deck and he went in search of the Hunter Chief. Hiccup made it to Viggo's quarters and took a deep breath to ground himself before entering.

"This is like any other meeting. You can do this." Hiccup quietly whispered to himself. He turned the knob on the door and found Viggo lounging on one of his chairs reading a book. He didn't look up so Hiccup assumed he didn't notice him entering or he didn't care. Hiccup stood there awkwardly waiting for him to look up.

He watched Viggo's eyes move across the page. The candle light made his eyes shine with all kinds of browns and his lips were slightly parted as he read, moving with the words. Hiccup didn't want to have these thoughts but they were hard to ignore. He was about to announce his presence but Viggo spoke before him.

"I know you're there Hiccup. Take a seat while you wait." Hiccup walked over to one of the chairs opposite Viggo and sat down. They sat in silence for a few more minutes until Viggo closed his book.

"You're early." Viggo noted giving Hiccup his full attention.

"Well, we're not hiding it anymore so I thought we could get this over with quickly." Hiccup leant back in his chair trying to look relaxed but even he knew Viggo could see how tense his shoulders were. He hated how easy he was to read.

"Was that why? I thought you'd miss me. You have been coming to me more often either by ruining my plans or joining me in meetings." Viggo said, leaning forward a bit to put the book on the table.

"You have information," Hiccup continued, trying to ignore Viggo's movements. Viggo leaned further forward, resting his elbows on the table.

"Is that really why you've been coming around here more often?" Hiccup felt his stomach drop at that accusation. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest and he was worried Viggo might be able to hear it. Yes he lied to Viggo often about their interactions but for once he wasn't lying.

"No. Just business" Viggo hummed and leant back against the chair. He studied him like he could reveal all of Hiccup's secrets. Hiccup shifted in his seat uncomfortably. Viggo noticed this action and got up and made his way to the desk in the back of the room.

"Alright. Let's get to business then." Hiccup got up too and joined the chief at the desk. He saw all the places the Hunters were to travel next and all Hiccup had to do was work out which ones he and his friends were going to ambush. The layout of locations was different to how Viggo normally lays it out so Hiccup had to think hard.

He was so entranced by the map that he didn't notice Viggo moving closer to him. He chose to ignore him and continued looking over the map.

They were inconsistent. They made no sense. If he were Viggo he'd go a different way but he wasn't going to help the Hunter capture dragons so he kept his mouth shut. He said only yesterday, jokingly, that he thought he was smarter than he thought but looking at these plans confused him.

Hiccup felt a hand playing with the ends of his hair that made him move away from Viggo.
"You have really soft hair. I thought it'd be more coarse" Hiccup's cheeks heated up but he didn't say anything.

Hiccup just wanted to get this meeting over with but Viggo always found a reason for him to stay longer. Him being around Viggo more meant the feelings he had had more time to manifest.

"Why are you doing this?" Hiccup asked. Viggo had weeks. Months even to make a move and he chose now to be all touchy feely when Hiccup was having an internal fight with himself about his feelings.

"Doing what my dear?" Viggo asked back innocently. Letting his gaze soften and look Hiccup up and down.

"THAT!" Hiccup practically yelled, gesturing his hand to Viggo. "Touching me and calling me names and just being overall, well, flirty. Why are you flirting with me?" Hiccup's heart was pounding through his chest now and he had no way to calm it down.

"You know why Hiccup. It's the same reason you haven't told me to stop or withdraw yourself from me. You feel the same way."

"No. Like I said yesterday, I'm here for business." Hiccup could feel the colour rising onto his cheeks. Stupid body.

"You're a terrible liar," Viggo said, closing the distance between them. Hiccup didn't move away but he also didn't move closer. If he was going to continue to make stupid decisions because of this man. Why stop now.

"Fuck it." Hiccup said after a moment of silence and connected his lips to Viggo's, throwing his arms around his neck. Viggo reacted immediately, wrapping his arms around Hiccup's waist pulling their bodies closer. The feel of Viggo's lips against his own was better than he could have ever imagined, taking his breath away.

The kiss became more open and Hiccup invited the new sensation of Viggo's tongue against his. Astrid had kissed Hiccup before but it was a quick peck and he didn't feel a thing. This kiss with Viggo was thrilling and made him question everything about himself. Why he hadn't done this earlier or why he didn't realise that he liked men as well. Hiccup suddenly pulled away, staring at Viggo in shock.

"Oh Thor, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." Hiccup moved away from Viggo and began pacing around Viggo's room as the Hunter watched him panic. Why did he do that? Had he lost his mind? Hiccup's mind was racing with a million questions that had no answers.

Hiccup was about to turn back to Viggo when he unexpectedly ran into his chest. He looked up and saw Viggo smirking down at him. Hiccup felt a blush crawl up his neck being this close to the Hunter. Over the last few weeks, Viggo has made him blush like an idiot.

Viggo brought a hand up to Hiccup's cheek pushing his body back against the closest wall. Viggo leant forward getting in Hiccup's personal space, lowering his voice,

"You can't do something like that then pull away just when it started to get good" Hiccup watched as Viggo smirked down at him making him blush more. "Aw. You're adorable when you blush."

Viggo leant down and whispered in Hiccup's ear causing a shiver to go Hiccup's spine. "But we're just beginning."

Hiccup let out a soft moan as Viggo nipped at his earlobe and trailing soft kisses on his neck. Viggo's hands travelled up and down his sides making the young Viking shiver under his touch.

Viggo slowly began lifting his tunic and Hiccup lifted his arms with no protest letting Viggo take control. Viggo threw the piece of material somewhere in the room before pulling Hiccup close to him again, running his hands over Hiccup's now bare skin. Hiccup rested his head against the wall letting out a soft sigh as Viggo explored his body. Learning everything about him.

Hiccup let out a soft whine then began lifting Viggo's tunic off of him too. Once gone, Hiccup ran his hands up and down the muscular chest. He bit his lip trying to keep a satisfied sigh from leaving his mouth. Whereas Astrid was smooth with light curves, Viggo was pure muscle and hardness. Hiccup had dreams about this and he was absolutely terrified.

"Like what you see my dear?" Viggo asked, cutting Hiccup's thoughts. Hiccup looked up at the Hunter and saw a look he'd never seen on him before. Lust.

"Yes. Very much." Hiccup said in awe.

Hiccup connected their lips again and slowly began grinding his front against Viggo, testing how it'd feel, getting a soft sigh from the Dragon Hunter. Hiccup could feel Viggo getting harder the more he did it and he was not small in size.

Viggo detached their lips and ran soft kisses down Hiccup's neck and collarbone slowly making them more intense. He nipped at the soft spot on Hiccup's neck making the young moan loudly.

"Hmm," Viggo hummed against Hiccup's neck causing him to moan more. "You're going to be loud. Good."

Before Hiccup could respond, Viggo kissed him again then turned them around so he could guide him to the nearest surface. Hiccup's thighs hit the table they were sitting at and Viggo grabbed him by the thighs and lifted him onto the hard surface. Hiccup wrapped his legs around the Chiefs waist pulling him closer, rubbing their bodies together again.

Hiccup felt Viggo's hands move to the inside of his legs making him moan again. One of Viggo's hands brushed the bulge forming, in Hiccup's adding more friction to their movements. Hiccup wasn't expecting Viggo's hand to go into pants and he jolted back slightly in shock.

"Sorry my dear." Viggo said out of breath, pulling away slightly.

"It's fine. I... just wasn't ready." Hiccup grabbed Viggo's hand and moved it back to where it was.

They stared at each other as Viggo trailed his hand to the waistband of Hiccup's pants and slowly pulled them down. Hiccup's breath caught in his throat as the air hit his cock. Viggo kept his eyes on Hiccup as he ran his finger over the head of Hiccup's cock. Hiccup let out another breathy moan, letting Viggo do what he wanted with him.

Viggo then wrapped his hand around the shaft and began moving his hand slowly sending a bolt of electricity through his body. Hiccup arched his head back, gasping for air. Viggo took that as an opening and trailed kisses down Hiccup's chest. Hiccup felt Viggo's tongue circle around one of his nipples causing him to arch more into Viggo's touch. Hiccup guided Viggo's face back to his and kissed him as Viggo drew him closer to the edge. Viggo suddenly stopped his movements and Hiccup let out a loud whine of frustration.

"Shh, my dear. I want to try something." Hiccup watched as Viggo went to his knees pulling Hiccup pants off all the way, along with his boot, leaving him completely naked. Hiccup was completely vulnerable but he didn't want to appear to nervous about Viggo's next move

Viggo's eyes never left Hiccup's as put a hand back around Hiccup's cock. Hiccup's eyes almost glazed over as he felt Viggo's tongue running along his shaft before taking him into his mouth. Hiccup grabbed onto the table for support. He could feel the warmth of Viggo's throat and his hand at the base.

"Ah... fuck" Hiccup's words catching in his throat. He didn't know how long he was going to last if Viggo kept going at this pace. He knew Viggo was an experienced man but he didn't realise what that meant until now.

Hiccup felt Viggo's tongue swirling around his cock, increasing the pleasure. Hiccup's hand went to Viggo's head, gripping onto his hair for support or he would have melted on the table right then and there. He felt Viggo's moan vibrating through him which only made him hold on tighter. Hiccup's breathing became uneven and his vision began to blur.

He was so close to the edge that he didn't get time to warn Viggo before he climaxed. Hiccup groaned as Viggo swallowed and detached himself from Hiccup. He stood up and pressed a light kiss to Hiccup's lips and almost pulled away, tasting himself on Viggo's lips.

"How was that my dear?" Viggo asked

"Better than I expected," Hiccup said, breathless. He may have imagined what it'd feel like for someone to give him a blowjob but when it actually happened, Hiccup had trouble thinking straight.

"Well, I still have more from where that came from. Are you prepared for that?" Hiccup felt another shiver go down his body.

He gave a slight nod and Viggo smiled at him as he picked him up from the table and carried him over to his sleeping quarters. He laid Hiccup down on the bed and went over to a draw by the side of the bed pulling out a small jar. Hiccup's eyes widened a bit, realising what Viggo was holding in his hand. He became nervous as Viggo came back over to bed and knelt on the edge. Hiccup shuffled back a bit and Viggo followed him grabbing his ankle to keep him in place.

"Shh, relax Hiccup." Viggo cooed softly, "I'll be gentle" Hiccup relaxed slightly and let Viggo pull him closer. Viggo opened the jar and dipped his fingers in the substance that Hiccup figured was oil.

Gobber, Stoick's best friend, told him how sex with a man worked. It didn't make him any less nervous. Viggo crawled closer to Hiccup, sitting in front of him. Viggo leant forward so he was hovering over Hiccup kissing him softly. Viggo ran his tongue over Hiccup's lower lip, prying them open. Hiccup welcomed the sensation relaxing into the feeling. Hiccup was enjoying the sweet moment until he felt a finger circling around his rim. He tried to focus on Viggo's lips instead of the location of where Viggo's hand was. He let out a gasp when Viggo entered him and he pulled away from Viggo kiss, turning his head, breathing deeply trying to relax his muscles.

"That feels weird." Hiccup said, looking back at Viggo.

"Just relax. It'll start feeling good soon." Viggo began kissing Hiccup's body, stopping at his nipples, licking it causing Hiccup to moan and relax more before Viggo began moving his finger in and out, stretching him.

Viggo added another finger earning him another breathy moan from Hiccup. He lifted one of Hiccup's legs and put the knee against his shoulder to open him up more. Viggo curled his fingers making Hiccup arch towards the fingers making him hard again.

"Fuck!" Hiccup breath catching in his throat. "Holy shit. Do that again" and Viggo did, sending another jolt of pleasure through Hiccup's body. This pleasure was unlike anything he had felt before.

Viggo slowly added a third finger, which stung and Hiccup tried again to pull away from him. Viggo ran a soothing hand over Hiccup's torso and continued to open him up. Hiccup became a moaning babbling mess. This new feeling was unlike anything he had ever felt in his life. Viggo removed his fingers making Hiccup whine at the sudden loss of fullness.

"It's okay my dear, I'll be giving you something better in no time" Viggo got off Hiccup and removed his pants. Hiccup knew that Viggo was going to be big but seeing it instead of feeling it just brought back that terrified feeling of a bad mistake.

"That's not going to fit." Hiccup moved back up the bed as Viggo oiled up his cock. Although the size of Viggo's cock terrified him, looking at Viggo stroke his length made him feel tingly.

"I promise I'll go slow. I'm a patient man." Viggo knelt on the bed again and beckoned Hiccup back towards him. He moved back towards Viggo and waited for him to tell him what to do next.

"Lay down, it'll be easier" Hiccup laid on his back and Viggo hovered over him once again. He lowered his body closer to the young Vikings and kissed him gently causing Hiccup to melt under Viggo touch. Hiccup felt Viggo slowly push the head of his cock into him and he pulled away from Viggo's lips.

Hiccup tensed his muscles at first then released the tension after a few moments as Viggo ran a soft hand over his chest. Viggo kept moving inch by inch until he was completely inside of Hiccup. Hiccup took a few moments to adjust before nodding to Viggo to start moving. Viggo kept a steady pace slowly letting Hiccup get used to his size.

"Oh fuck" Hiccup exclaimed when Viggo got a good pace going hitting his prostate every few thrust. Hiccup turned his head to the side, arching his back towards Viggo. The pleasure was unbelievable and Hiccup was so lost in the feeling that he didn't feel Viggo grab at his chin.

"I want to see those eyes on me when you finally cum." Hiccup almost came right then and there but Viggo changed his pace. Hiccup clenched his hands into a fist around the sheets trying to keep himself grounded. He didn't know how he'd last if Viggo kept going the way he was.

"Viggo. Please..." Hiccup whimpered, trying to not turn his head away again.

"Please what my dear? Use your words," Viggo said, kissing Hiccup's soft skin marking him with purple-red hickies.

"Please... let me cum" Hiccup finally said, trying to keep his breaths even.

"As you wish," Viggo wrapped his hand around Hiccup's cock and stroked it in time with his thrust. Hiccup let out another whine, trying to make Viggo go faster. Viggo got the message and lifted Hiccup's hips up. At this angle, Viggo was hitting Hiccup's prostate dead on and he began moaning loudly.

"Oh gods..." He was glad that they were the only ones on the ship or he'd be embarrassed with the sounds he was making.

He pumped Hiccup's cock in time with his thrusts. Hiccup arched his back, trying to get himself closer to Viggo. Viggo crushed their lips into a bruising kiss making Hiccup feel like he was floating.

"Viggo. I'm gonna..." Hiccup's vision blurred and all he felt was pleasure. Viggo came into Hiccup, both riding out their orgasm together.

Hiccup collapsed on the bed and Viggo pulled out of him laying down next to him. Viggo rubbed soft circles on Hiccup's back making Hiccup sighed in contempt.

"How was that, darling." Viggo asked, pulling Hiccup to his chest. Hiccup relaxed into his touch.

"Fantastic. Better than anything." He replied. If Viggo asked to do that again. Hiccup was definitely going to say yes.

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