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- Summer House

Gwen Evans and Conrad Fisher we're in his bedroom, they were both sprawled out on his bed after they unpacked their clothes as Conrad was writing in his journal glancing over at Gwen now and then who was on her phone strolling through Instagram only for her to toss her phone to the side when she felt his gaze on her, " what are you always writing in there?" She questioned with a curious look on her face sitting up right on her silk covers.

"None of your business" Conrad playfully replied with a smirk on his face making the blonde roll her eyes in annoyance as she crawled across the bed towards Conrad reaching for his journal only to groan as he kept pulling it out of her reach, "come on, show me. How bad could it be?" Conrad chuckled at the blonde's frustration shaking his head with a serious expression on his face, "No. no chance" he mused raising his brows at the his girlfriend with an amused smile on his lips.

Gwen huffed tilting her head to the side staring at Conrad with a scowl on her face, narrowing her eyes at him with an irritated look as she climbed onto his lap straddling him as she tried to reach for the journal only for him to quickly hide it under one of the pillows, "come on, I just want to see what you're..." she trailed off letting out a heavy sigh when Conrad leaned forward pressing his lips against hers causing her to gasp in surprise forgetting all about the journal as she cupped his face pushing her body flush against his.

What started as a gentle kiss turns into a lot more heated one when Gwen suddenly pulled away slightly lifting up his his shirt and helping him pull it off before her lips connected with his once again. She tugs at his hair at the nape of his neck and he started to pull off her cardigan throwing it to the side. Wrapping her arms around his neck as he squeezes her ass and she moans into his mouth, the kiss deepening and none of them wanted to stop anytime soon.

Gwen trailed her hands down his body, tracing his abs with her fingers as their tongues are fighting for dominance but Gwen eventually lets Conrad win when she felt a soft surface at her back and he is now hovering over her with her legs wrapped around his waist pressing him more into her body just as he leaned down to kiss her again a familiar voice called out, "they're here!"

Conrad groaned laying his head on his pillow with a look of annoyance on his face as Gwen chuckled pressing a kiss to his lips before climbing off him pulling him up on his feet, " Come on. I want to meet everyone we can continue this later" Connie smiled as Gwen took his head dragging him down the stairs and outside where everyone was greeting the Conklin's who had just arrived.

Belly smiled happily as she climbed out of the car watching her brother and mother reunite with Jeremiah and Susannah when the fisher boy eyes widened as he turned his attention to the brunette with a look of surprise on his face pulling her into a hug and spinning her around, " Look who came back all grown up" Belly squealed loudly wrapping her arms around his neck, " Oh, put me down. Put me down"

Jeremiah placed belly back on the ground when Steven called out his name catching his attention, " Jere, Jere, Jere. Come over here. Come on" Belly sighed as she watched Jeremiah walk over to her brother who was talking with susannah and Laurel when she turned around only to see Conrad walking out of the house causing her to gasp softly as she stared at him with a dazed expression on her face.

" I liked you better with glasses" Conrad teased the brunette with a small smile on his lips causing Belly to raise her brows at him as she replied, " Too bad. I like me better without them" Conrad shook his head in amusement as he ruffled her hair causing the two of them to laugh when suddenly Steven let out a loud whistle as couldn't help but check out the blonde girl who walked out the house, " dude, who is that? She's hot" Steven whispered to Jeremiah with his jaw dropped open staring at the blonde girl in awe:

Jeremiah rolled his eyes elbowing the boy in the stomach noticing the glare his brother was sending to the dark haired boy, " That's Gwen and totally out of your league" Conrad clenched his jaw smacking the boy in the back of the head and added in, " Don't even think about it. She's my girlfriend. I invited her to stay for the summer" Belly frowned with an confused look on her face but couldn't help but feel jealous as the girl was insanely beautiful, she was a little shorter than she was but she looked like a model compared to herself, " girlfriend?"

Conrad hummed nodding his head not even responding as his attention was directly on Gwen who walked over to Susannah and Laurel as she greeted the older women that she didn't know, " Hey, you must be Laurel right? Susannah, Jere and Connie told me a lot about you all" she said as her eyes flickered from the women and to belly and Steven.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm sorry who are you?" Laurel smiled at the blonde girl with a puzzled expression on her face but before Gwen could say anything Susannah placed her hands on girls shoulder and introduced her to her best friend, " this is Gwen, Conrad's girlfriend. Isn't she beautiful" Gwen cheeks coated in a light pink at the compliment as she shook her head but couldn't help the smile on her face, " oh, stop it. You're making me blush"

Conrad walked up towards Gwen wrapping his arms around her waist causing her to smile softly at her boyfriend not noticing the looks that Laurel and Susannah was sharing as the two teenagers looked so in love with one another that nothing could ever tear them apart, " Hey, hey, guys, guys. I mean, I don't know about you, but I think it's time for a..." Steven trailed off causing Gwen and Connie to turn around only to see the two boys walking towards the dark haired girl with a smirk on their lips, " a Belly flop!"

"No! No" belly yelled out as she tried to run away from the three boys but Jeremiah caught her grabbing her by the arms as Steven and Connie grabbed her legs causing Gwen to laugh as she followed after the four of them as the boys carried belly into the backyard and towards the pool, " Belly flop! Belly flop! Right here! Right here! All right, ready, ready?! One. Two."

Belly screamed loudly as she was thrown into the cold water, she resurfaced a couple of seconds later pushing her hair out of her face narrowing her eyes dangerously at the three boys, " How's the water?" Steven teasingly questioned his sister with a large smile on his face making Conrad, Jeremiah and Gwen laugh loudly especially since Belly didn't look too impressed by it.

Conrad turned around when he heads his girlfriend laugh as she was standing slightly behind them with her arms crossed over her chest but before she could react Connie picked her up bridal style causing her to let out a loud squeal as he walked over to the edge of the pool as she wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, " No! No! Oh, my god!" Conrad couldn't help but laugh at her reaction and assured the blonde beauty, " You're fine. You're fine"

" if you don't put me down right now!" Gwen warned sending him a warning look only for him to sigh in defeat placing her down on the ground wrapping his arm around her shoulder as she entwined their fingers together when Belly decided to mess with the boys as she held her ankle with a mock look of pain on her face, " Guys, I hurt my ankle. Come on"

Jeremiah and Steven didn't make any movements to help the girl causing Connie to sigh in annoyance as he walked away from his girlfriend holding his hand out to help Belly out of the water but as soon as he grabbed her hand she pulled him in with her causing Gwen to laugh loudly as she clapped her hands together, " Yes, I got you"

"Aw, babe. You okay?" Gwen teasingly asked Conrad with an amused smile on her lips at the irritated look on his face causing him to nod his head looking up at his girlfriend in disbelief, " you think this is funny do you?" He asked swimming away from Belly and towards his girlfriend grabbing ahold of her hand in his own, " No, no, no. Don't you dare! Connie! I swear to god..."

Gwen let out a scream as Conrad pulled his girlfriend into the water with him causing her to let out a gasp as she resurfaced the water splashing him, " you're such an ass!" Conrad laughed as he swam towards her wrapping his arms around her pulling her closer to his body as she wrapped her legs around his waist and placed her hand on the back of his neck pulling him into a kiss but as she went to pull away he deepened the kiss tangling his fingers into her blonde hair.

The two didn't even notice Belly rolling her eyes at the two of them as she climbed out of the pool and headed inside the house with a furious look on her face as she thought that this would be the summer that Conrad will notice her but with him having a girlfriend it's not going to be easy especially since she noticed how he looked at her like she is the only one for him which made her even more jealous of Gwen as she couldn't stand to watch the boy she's been in love with since forever be with someone else.

"Okay, Dude seriously! You could at least wait until we leave!" Jeremiah scrunched his face up in disgust at the couple only for Gwen to flip him off as she continued kissing her boyfriend not even bothered by Jere comment seeing as he's always like this back in New York whenever he's around the two of them if Paisley not with them otherwise he's all over the brunette.


"You're dripping water all over the place" Laurel called out to her daughter as she walked into the house sitting on the stool across from Susannah who was cutting up some vegetables causing the blonde women to smile as she turned to her best friend and quietly told her, " Laur, she's gorgeous" Laurel just rolled her eyes with a shake of her head and whispered back, " I know"

" you have always been lovely, but, oh, honey, look at you" Susannah spoke holding belly hands with a bright smile on her face but the brunette just shook her head slightly and replied, " I think I look pretty much the same" Susannah shook her head in disbelief placing her hands on either side of her face and firmly said, " you do not look the same at all. You're growing up. You're in bloom"

Laurel reappeared with a towel in her hands drying her daughters hair, " Laur, she's you all over" belly shrugged her shoulders as she looked over at the blonde women and told her, " people always say I look like my dad" Laurel and Susannah shared a look before they both shook their heads in disagreement, " No, when your mom and I first met, she looked just like you"

"Except I had no boobs at all" Laurel teasing said leaning her head on her shoulder only for belly to shrug off her mom with a look of disgust on her face, " gross, Mom" Laurel wrapped the towel around her daughters shoulder and said, " you should call your father and tell him we got in safely" belly rolled her she's in annoyance and commented, " why don't you get Steven to do it"

"Because I'm telling you. He misses you guys when you're gone" Laurel informed as she started putting away the food and she drinks away that she had gotten. " Yeah, but he'll see us at the end of the summer" Laurel looked over her shoulder with a shake of her head and informed, " No, he'll be here for the fourth" Belly eyes widened in surprise as she looked between the two moms and questioned, " wait, he's coming here?"

"Of course, he always comes for the forth" Laurel shrugged as Belly had an confused look on her face and pointed out, " he didn't come last summer" Laurel let out a heavy sigh as she walked over to her best friend, " because we'd just gotten divorced. We're good now" Belly nodded her head slightly before turning her attention to Susannah and curiously questioned, " where's Mr Fisher?"

" Oh, he's in London. They got him going back and forth. He'll join us later on in the summer. For now it's just the women and the children. Just the way we like it" Susannah smiled as she glanced at Laurel and Belly when the sound of laughter was heard causing them to turn around only to see Conrad carrying Gwen over his shoulder, " Mom" he smiled with a nod of his head walking through the house.

Gwen lifted her head pushing her hair to the side noticing the amused looks on both Susannah and Laurel face, " Oh, my god" she muttered under her breathe slightly embarrassed as Conrad carried her out of the room and towards his bedroom. " how long have the two of them been together?" Laurel questioned with a curious look on her face smiling at the sound of the couples laughter.

"It's been just a little over a year now" Susannah smiled at the thought of her son and Gwen, " she's really good for him. I don't know what's going on with Conrad lately but she is the only one who can get him to smile" Belly rolled her eyes listening to how Susannah practically loves Gwen and Conrad together, what's going on?" Laurel questioned with a worried look on her face.

" I don't know." Susannah sighed with a thoughtful expression on her face, " I think it might have to do with Adam always being away. The only time I see him happy... truly happy is when he's with Gwen. I've never seen him act this way before towards another girl. Oh, before I forget her aunt Emma and Paisley are coming down for the fourth as well. You'll love Emma she's the sweetest"

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