Fire & Blood

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The arrow landed on the Earth, and everyone in the city knew their enemy had arrived. Ragnar, Golm, and Golm's sons shouted orders to their warriors. Everyone got their shields and swords. Others had their bows and arrows. The Vikings banded together in rows, using their shields to shield them from attacks. Some had their shields upward, while others had them downward, protecting them from either side. The shields also protected the arrow shooters.

Sophia held Estrid and took her inside the home; Maja was also inside. "You two, make sure not to leave this house until I tell you to!"

"B-But what about you!? You can't go out there and fight!" yelled Estrid.

"I will fight! I am not going to leave everyone in the dark. I saw things, and now I'm a believer! If I can use these visions to help, I will do it! Now do as I say!" Sophia got her sword and ran back outside. Many people ran into their homes: women, children, and the elderly. Some shieldmaidens were guiding the ones who could not fight. 

From afar, she saw Lagertha with her children, telling the servant to care for her children. Fridleif wanted to stay and fight, but Lagertha forbade it. Lagertha got her shield and sword and ran toward the large group. The shieldmaiden noticed Sophia.

The two women looked at one another. Sophia gulped. "Where are the attacks coming from?"

This surprised Sophia, but she cleared her throat. They are over the hills. I have a feeling that they will make their usual attacks like cowards. They are trying to take out as much of us as possible."

Lagertha nodded and went to Ragnar, telling him what Sophia said. Ragnar took a glance at her and nodded. The shooters got arrows and shot up from the sky over the hills. It was dark, and Frode, Itzvar, and their men were on the other side. "Men, ready the arrows again!" commanded Itzvar. 

"We should just charge, Itzvar! This makes us look weak!" yelled Frode.

"Silence, old fool! We need to kill as much as we can and then will take charge!" Suddenly, the yelps and grunts of the men were heard. Itzvar and Frode looked ahead and saw a rain of arrows coming down from the night sky. Some men saw this, while others were not fortunate. Frode and Itzvar took cover with their shields. 

"They know where we are!? How is it possible!?" asked Frode.

"It is just luck! Men ready the arrows!" As the men tried to get ready, another row of arrows fell from the sky, hitting more of them.

"Grr, they had plans, you blundering fool! Men, get ready to charge! Forget the arrows!"

"This is my command, Frode! I-!" Frode then hit Itzvar across the face using his shield. "Your plan has not worked, and most of our men are either injured or killed! You are using the cowardly way! If we are to die, then we shall go to Valhalla with pride! Now men! Ready yourself and charge! If we die, then we shall drink ale in Valhalla!"

The men cheered and began to run over the hill. Once they did, they saw the rows of Vikings with their shields up. "Shooters, again!" commanded Golm.

The shooters did as they were told and shot the arrows; some hit the enemy while others missed. Ragnar and Golm knew that the enemy would try to go all over the place. They knew they would have to fight in hand-to-hand combat. "Charge!"

The group dissembled and ran toward the enemy. The screams of both sides echoed in the night. Then, both sides collided, and the battle began. Sophia saw everything unfold and wanted to go and join, but her legs wouldn't move; they were still as stone. "What is wrong with me!? I want to fight!" Sophia felt weak and hated that her mind and body were betraying her. She was so lost in thought that she didn't realize that some enemy had broken through the battle and was running toward the city. Suddenly, she felt her body becoming free. Shieldmaiden and other Vikings who were guarding the city saw this and charged.

Sophia also did the same. A bigger man ran toward her. "Ha! A weak woman! You have a death wish!?"

Sophia felt time go slow. She felt her body moving with slowness. It was strange to her; her body felt light. She saw where the man was about to strike, and she knelt, motioning her sword straight through his stomach. Then, time went back to normal. The man screamed in pain as blood squirted out. His blood sprayed onto Sophia's face. She took out her sword and stabbed him in the neck, killing him. The young woman wiped away the blood, which had a sour taste in her mouth. As she wiped away the blood, she noticed another Viking running toward her to her right side. Sophia got her sword, but it wasn't quick enough to strike.

She thought it would be the end of her. Suddenly, an arrow hit him in the head, killing him instantly. Sophia saw who threw the arrow. "F-Fridleif!? What are you doing!? You're supposed to be with your sisters!"

Fridleif went with Sophia and helped her stage. I can't sit back and wait! You almost got killed! I have more fighting experience and should be here to fight!" He then got out his sword. "I am going with Father and Mother!"

"No, you're not! Your parents will be furious! They want you to be safe with your sisters!"

Suddenly, a couple more men went toward them. The two worked together and killed the enemy. Meanwhile, Itzvar and Frode's men were dwindling, and the men noticed. Some began to run back. Frode was standing on the hills, watching everything. "You fools! Go back and fight!" No one listened. Frode then noticed Ragnar glaring at Frode. His face was filled with blood. "Ragnar Lothbrok! This isn't over! I will have my revenge, and I will kill you! You have my word!" Frode ran back to the hills.

Lagertha stood by her husband; she was covered in sweat and blood. "We should go after them! We need to kill him and Itzvar."

"We don't know if they have more men on the other side or if they are planning to have another attack. We must go back to the city." He looked back and saw some enemies who had made it to the city. Golm ran back, as did the others. The couple did the same.

Meanwhile, Itzvar ran to the other side of the hillside close to the city. He watched everything unfold. Everything was a failure, and he blamed Frode. However, he had to get a view and try to find Sophia. He walked closer to the city but made sure to be hidden. Sure enough, there she was. She was fighting with one of his men. Her moves were quick and sophisticated, and her hair moved along with her movements.

It was something he had never witnessed before. He had seen many shieldmaidens fight, but Sophia fought with elegance. It made blood go to his groin. Sophia killed the Viking and saw the Fridleif also kill another. The two were catching their breaths. "Y-You fight well, Fridleif, but you should return to your sisters."

"Not until the last of the enemy is dead, and he went to help a shieldmaiden. Sophia growled in annoyance and was about to go help out, but she saw someone in the corner of her eye. She looked closely, and her eyes widened. It was Itzvar, and he was looking at her. The two held their gazes toward one another. Suddenly, he got a bow and arrow and motioned it to her. Sophia got her sword and motioned out her arms as if daring him to kill her. Itzvar stood with the bow and arrow in hand, but then he motioned it in another direction and fired it.

This confused Sophia, and she watched where the arrow was going. When she turned, her eyes became wide. She dropped her sword and ran. From the other side, Ragnar, Lagertha, and the others were helping their comrades kill the rest of the invaders. However, Lagertha saw Sophia running and her son killing off a Viking. Lagertha then saw it and ran.

The arrow was slowly going down, landing on its target. Fridleif turned, and that was when the arrow him on his heart. His eyes widened from the sudden impact, and he felt immense pressure in his heart. His body became weak, and his vision became blurry. As he slowly fell, he saw Sophia and his mother running toward him. He landed on the ground with the arrow still on his chest. Lagertha made it to her son and held onto him. "Fridleif, my son! My child!"

Sophia was about to make it but lost her footing as she tripped over a dead body. She slowly looked up and saw mother and son together. Eventually, the enemy was killed, and all stopped. But no one cheered as they saw what was before them. Ragnar was breathing heavily as he stood over his kill. He heard his wife calling out to Fridleif. Everyone was coming out from their homes since the coast was clear. The twins came out with the nurse and saw what had happened. The nurse shielded them from sight. Sophia got up and went to them. "Let me help him! I can help!"

However, she saw that the arrow had punctured Fridleif in the heart. She knew nothing could be done but didn't want to believe it. Lagertha shook her son. "Keep your eyes open, Fridleif. It is not your time yet, my child!"

Ragnar slowly got to his wife's side and knelt beside her. His eyes suddenly became saddened. He slowly touched his son's hair, gently touching it as if comforting him. "My heart..."

Fridleif became weaker and weaker as he looked at the night sky, but then he saw a light. A smile came across his lips. "Valhalla..." He stopped moving; his eyes were half-opened. 

Lagertha shook her son. "Fridleif?" She did so again. There was no response. "Fridleif!? Firdleif!? AAH! MY SON! MY SON!" Lagertha held onto her son in her arms as she screamed for him. Ragnar put his hands over his face and stood on his feet. Everyone made way for him; no one said a thing. 

"AAHHHHH!" yelled Ragnar. His screams echoed throughout the city. 

Sophia watched as she felt her body slump. Tears formed in her eyes. 

Fridleif was dead.

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