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Ragnar ordered his people to disembark their belongings; Golm instructed them to help others enter their homes. Everyone was informed that more houses would be built for the time being. Both people from each side greeted one another. Sophia felt warmth as she saw the sight. People are coming together; they all have the same enemy, and they're coming together to put each other at ease. "I wonder where we will stay," said Estrid.

Sophia noticed Ragnar and Golm walking toward them. "Ragnar is coming toward us."

"We are healers of our former village. I know we will be needed, especially of what is to come," said Maja. 

Ragnar stopped in front of the women. "Golm, I want to introduce you to Maja, Estrid, and Sophia. They are our village healers."

Estrid flinched. "Well, I am not a healer, Lord Ragnar."

Sophia patted her on the shoulder. "Well, not yet. I will train you!"

Estrid looked surprised as she looked at Sophia; she let out a blush.

Golm laughed. "You have three healers. Odin is great for giving us three gifts for our people. Our healer passed away due to old age; his pupil was still in training. I have a good place for you three. Follow me."

Sophia was about to follow, but Ragnar grabbed her arm. "I need to speak to you."

"Oh, yes, of course. Do you want me to look into someone? I know we all had a long journey."

"No, it is something else. Remember you said that you wanted to learn how to fight?"

The young woman nodded. 

"I found you a teacher. It will be my wife."

Sophia felt that her soul had left her body. Out of all the fighters in the village, he chose Lagertha. "Ragnar, are you sure about this? I mean, I know your wife doesn't like me." She hoped Ragnar would change his mind.

"My wife is a good choice. It would be a good way for her to get used to you. She can be something else, but she is a good fighter. You both will begin training tomorrow."

Sophia felt her stomach drop. She knew Largetha hated her and suspected her of having something with Ragnar. The young woman tried hard to convince Largetha that there was nothing between her and Ragnar. However, to gain Lagertha's trust and respect, she must endure what was to come. "Okay, I'll do it! I'm determined to learn."

Ragnar smirked. "Good, you need to prepare yourself. The training will be difficult, and Largetha won't be either."

"I survived death before. I know I will survive again."

"The village will have festivities tonight to praise Odin and the gods. We will also ask for their guidance to defeat Itzvar and his allies. Rest while you can."

Sophia nodded and went on her way. He watched her leave and then went toward Golm's home, waiting for the older man. "You survived yet again, Ragnar Lothbrok."

Ragnar looked to his left and saw a young man in his mid-twenties with both sides of his head shaved, and the top part and mid-part of the back of his head had a black braided ponytail. He also had a trim, dark beard. His face hinted at youth; his eyes were light hazel, and his skin was warm beige from the training and sun. He had a broad appearance that made him look a little more intimidating; he was also handsome to look. "You must be one of Golm's sons."

"Indeed, I am Arne. I am my father's first-born son."

Ragnar motioned out his hand; Arne looked at him for a while but eventually shook hands with Ragnar. "When I look at you, you look like your father. I know you will be a great successor."

"Hn, if I live long to see it." The two men took back their hands. 

Golm went toward his home. "Ah, I see you both made an introduction. Well, let's not make haste. Let's go inside; we have much to speak about." The older man entered his home, then Arne and Ragnar. Once inside, there was a circular bonfire in the center of the house. There were four rooms and many shelves containing many plates and cooking utensils. 

An older woman walked toward the men. She had an average appearance, with long pale blonde hair in a ponytail. Her eyes were light brown, and her skin was pale, giving her a slightly youthful appearance. The older woman had light freckles on her face. "You are the great Ragnar Lothbrok. My husband spoke so much about you and your adventures."

Ragnar smiled. "You must be the great Liv. Golm always spoke about you in high regard."

Liv smiled. "It is an honor to have you in our village and home. Please rest; I shall bring you all ale."

Golm motioned Ragnar to sit by the bonfire. Ragnar noticed another man who looked younger than Arne. He had dark blonde hair tied, and his head was shaved. His eyes were light brown; his face was filled with freckles. The young man looked young but also held a bit of intimidation for the world to see. In Ragnar's eyes, he thought the young man was trying to look intimidating since he inherited much from his mother. "Ragnar, this is my second son Varick."

The two men nodded at one another. Everyone sat in their places. Liv arrived, giving the men ale to drink. "Husband, I shall go help and welcome the guests. I imagine Sif is doing so."

Golm nodded, and the two kissed. 

"Who is Sif?"

"My mistress. My wife gifted her to me. However, Liv will always be the woman in my heart."

Ragnar nodded. "I see. Well, at least you have a supportive wife. Now, there is much that we need to discuss."

"Indeed, now tell me everything that happened, my friend."

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