Hail to the King

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Everyone stood in silence as they watched Sophia weep for Arne, whom she held in her arms. Sophia held Arne and looked at his half-opened eyes; her tears dripped and fell on his bloodied clothing. The young woman gently touched his face as it slowly turned blue and cold. She then kissed him on the forehead.

Lagertha watched everything unfold and slowly approached Estrid, who held the newborn infant. Estrid saw the shieldmaiden coming her and feared that Lagertha might do something to the infant. Lagertha noticed the young woman's worry and stopped. "Fear not, for I will not harm the infant. I just want to see him." Estrid looked at Sophia, who held Arne in her arms while saying nothing, and then to Lagertha. The young woman slowly showed Lagertha, the infant boy.

The shieldmaiden looked at the infant boy; he was Ragnar's spitting image. The infant had Ragnar's dark blonde hair, light gray eyes, nose, and lips. Lagertha then remembered when all her children were infants. She couldn't help but feel jealous that out of all the children, Sophia's child resembled Ragnar more. "Wh-Where are your daughters?" asked Estrid.

"I left them behind at the village I was living in. I refuse to lose more of my children, and I decided that they will not be trained to be shieldmaidens. I want my daughters to live happy and normal lives that Ragnar and I wanted." She then looked afar as she heard the echoes of war and knew that Itzvar was among them. "Make certain that you and everyone stay here until the war ends. I have my son to avenge." Lagertha then motioned Estrid a sword, which she took with one hand.

Lagertha ordered her warriors to follow her to the battlefield, and they all ran, leaving Sophia and the others behind. Sophia's eyes never left Arne, but she then closed his eyes and gently put him on the ground. Sophia still felt pain and weakness from giving birth but slowly stood up. Estrid went to her as she dropped the sword. "S-Sophia, you need to rest; you're still bleeding." The young woman noticed Sophia slowly walking toward her and stopped while looking at her infant son. 

Sophia kissed him on the forehead and reached for the sword on the ground; everyone watched. "Estrid, if something were to happen to me, please help watch over Eric and my son." She then walked toward one of the horses tied to a cart. 

"Young one, you are still bleeding! You had a difficult birth!" yelled the older woman who held Eric. 

She was ignored, and Sophia untied one of the horses and got on it with the sword in hand. Sophia was getting weaker, but she didn't care. "I am tired of prophecies and war. This has to end today. Itzvar must die!" Sophia rode off toward the battlefield as everyone yelled for her to return. Sophia knew she may not return alive, but if she wanted her sons to have a better future, she would do everything possible."

Meanwhile, Ragnar was fighting off enemy after enemy, many of whom were from his village. He wondered if Arne got to Sophia. The Viking never would have imagined that Maja was the traitor all this time but wondered why she would betray everyone; she was treated well. Ragnar looked over the battlefield, saw Itzvar fighting off some of his men, and noticed they were outnumbered. Then, he saw Golm fighting off some of the enemies, and his youngest son was about to help his father but was blocked.

Suddenly, when Golm was about to kill one of the enemies, he was stabbed from behind. Ragnar's eyes widened, but he knew that there was nothing he could do; he had to fight back. Itzvar finished killing an enemy, saw that his army was getting the upper hand, and laughed. "Ragnar Lothbrok! Do you see now who is superior!? I-!" Itzvar wasn't able to finish his statement as he felt an arrow strike his right shoulder; his eyes widened when he saw, from far away, a small army coming toward them. 

Ragnar also noticed the small army approaching them and couldn't believe he saw his former wife, Lagertha. He smiled as he saw her, and at the corner of his eye, he saw Brynhild finishing killing an enemy. The two leaders looked at one another, smirked, and kept fighting. Lagertha and her small army arrived at the battlefield and began to fight.

Itzvar saw everything unfold and screamed in rage that everything was not going his way. That was when he made his way toward Lagertha. The shieldmaiden saw him and made her way toward him; their swords collided. "So you have come, shieldmaiden! Come to avenge your weak son!?"

Lagertha's eyes were filled with rage. "My son was a true Viking, unlike you! At least he never hid in the shadows!" The two pushed away from one another, and their weapons collided repeatedly. The warriors would strike toward one another and would dodge. Itzvar then got an axe that he hid behind his belt, took it out, and threw it toward Lagertha, who barely managed to block the attack, but Itzvar took this as an opportunity and kicked her shield, making her fall to the ground. He kicked the shield away from Lagertha and stepped on her right hand that held on the sword. Itzvar was about to strike but then saw Ragnar coming toward him. Itzvar kicked Lagertha across the face, making her lose slight consciousness. The two men collided once again, and when their weapons hit, they broke in half.

The Vikings separated and dropped their weapons. The two men motioned out their fists and had a brawl. Their fists connected to the other's face or body; they breathed heavily as they were tired from the fighting. 

The two men looked at one another as their blood trailed down from their injuries. Men and women still fought one another but looked exhausted from the war. As Itzvar and Ragnar were about to continue, they heard someone from afar.

"STOP, EVERYONE!" The Vikings looked ahead, and to their shock, they saw Sophia riding toward the battlefield. However, her skin looked pale, sweat formed, and the lower part of her dress was blood stained. Ragnar's eyes widened, and she realized that she had given birth. 

"SOPHIA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" When Ragnar was distracted, Itzvar used this to his advantage, got Lagertha's shield, and hit Ragnar on the head. 

Itzvar noticed that Ragnar wasn't moving and was about to make the final strike, but Sophia yelled out. "ITZVAR, YOU COWARD! FIGHT ME!"

Vikings and shieldmaidens heard the young woman yelling toward Itzvar, and slowly, everyone stopped fighting the other. Sophia commanded her horse to stop when she was close to the center. She was breathing heavily. "Everyone, this war has to end! You all are not enemies! Your one true enemy is standing among you!" Sophia got off her horse; Brynhild was breathing heavily when she saw Sophia's blood-drenched dress. The shieldmaiden ran toward her; no one stopped her.

"Sophia, you-"

Sophia motioned her to speak no more. "All of this is because of me! Itzvar has done this to get a hold of me! It is because of his lack of self-discipline and control! He has turned you all against one another by using fear. Many of you were Ragnar's people. Why are you letting your fear get the best of you!? Why do you follow a weak man who only uses you for his ambitions!?" No one said a word but looked at one another. Sophia breathed heavily as her long hair and dress flowed with the soft gust of wind; she still held the sword as she slowly walked toward Itzvar.

Itzvar couldn't believe what he was seeing. The amount of blood that was dripping from Sophia meant one thing. He became even more enraged at the thought that she and Ragnar had touched one another. Sophia stopped when she and Itzvar were face to face. "This fight is between me and Itzvar! No more lives will die because of us! All of you have your lives to live, but all of you don't have to live for a weak man who uses intimidation to get what he wants!"

Meanwhile, Ragnar was slowly regaining consciousness and tried sitting up. "S-Sophia, l-leave here!" He was ignored.

"Itzvar, this ends today. You and I will die here."

The Viking got his axe stuck on Lagertha's shield as he slowly made his way to Sophia. "You all are going to listen to this pathetic and weak woman!? Look at her state! She is nothing more than a waste of air!" He chuckled. "You had a fire when I first laid eyes on you, and now look at you: weak and worthless. I cannot believe that the gods had put you in my path."

"Yet, I have clouded your mind, have I not? Who was always the weak one, Itzvar?"

Itzvar squeezed onto the axe's handle, and without warning, he ran toward Sophia. Sophia looked indifferent as another gust of air hit her. It felt strange that she felt no fear; her body felt light and free. "Sophia..." The young woman looked to her side and saw the cloaked figure who stood afar. That was when she knew it was Odin himself; it was as if he was waiting for her. However, she noticed that beneath his cloak, he held two infants and knew they were her sons, but then the infants turned into men.

They looked at her with proud smiles on their faces. Images then came across her mind, and she saw her son and adopted son growing into young men fighting alongside Ragnar and other men who looked like Ragnar. She knew Ragnar would have other sons with another woman since she didn't see herself in any of the visions. Sophia knew it was her time, and by the end of her vision, she saw her son and adopted son standing proud in front of their people. Her son had his sons and grandsons behind him. He was to be King, as was Eric. Tears formed and dripped from her eyes, and she was happy that she was allowed to know what her son's fate was going to be.

Itzvar swung his sword to cut Sophia's head, but then, the young woman slumped down, making Itzvar miss. She knelt since her body was too weak to stand since she had lost too much blood. However, she used all her strength to swing her sword and stab Itzvar in the chest. The sword went through his chest and back. Itzvar's eyes widened at how swift she was; pain overwhelmed his entire being. He couldn't believe that he was quickly attacked; everyone watched in shock. If he was going to die, he refused to be bested by a woman. Itzvar saw that Sophia had slowly released the sword and fallen to the ground. He felt that his body was losing strength, and he raised his hand to make the attack, but then he was stabbed by two swords in the neck. Lagertha and Ragnar stood beside him with swords in hand.  

Itzvar's eyes widened, but his body became motionless. When the duo took out their swords, Itzvar fell to the ground from the opposite of Sophia; he was finally dead.

Ragnar and Lagertha looked at one another with bloody swords in hand; they avenged their fallen son. Lagertha had a tear form and drip from her right eye. Ragnar dropped his sword as everyone stood silently watching him approach Sophia. From afar, Estrid, along with some of the women, children, and elderly, made their way to the battlefield. However, Ragnar knelt as he held Sophia in his arms. The young woman gave low and quiet breaths as she looked at Ragnar. "We all avenged Fridleif. It is over."

"Yes, he and all those who died because of Itzvar were avenged, but I still failed to protect my people."

Sophia smiled as she felt Ragnar's warmth on her. "We all need to fail from time to time, Ragnar. We all choose to fight or not, even if we feel fear." She slowly touched his bloodied face. "We all will meet our end, Ragnar, some sooner than others." At the corner of her eye, she saw Estrid walking toward her and Ragnar with Varick by her side. Lagertha, Brynhild, and others slowly surrounded the couple. "I want to see...my sons."

Estrid and the older woman with Eric approached the young woman and knelt before her with the children in their arms. Sophia let out a weak smile as she gently touched their heads. "Please take care of them. They will achieve great things." She then looked at Lagertha, who knelt before her. "Lagertha, please...raise my sons."

Lagertha and Ragnar looked surprised. "I..."

"Please raise them to be great Vikings. With both of your guidance, I know...they will achieve great things. This is all I ask of you. W-Will you do this for me?"

Lagertha looked at the infant as he slowly fell asleep, and baby Eric was chewing into his hand. She motioned out her arms, and Estrid gave her the infant child. The shieldmaiden felt her heart swell when she held the child; it reminded her of her son. Sophia was allowing her to be a mother to a boy. "I promise I will raise your son and the other child well. What is your son's name?"

Ragnar slowly looked at his infant son and then at Sophia."His name is...Bjorn Ironside." He then put his head onto Sophia. The young woman smiled, relieved her sons would be in good hands. Her heart was slowly losing life. People then began to cheer that the war was over and that Itzvar's tyranny was finally over. 

"Long live King Ragnar Lothbrok! Hail to the King!" everyone chanted. 

The voices sounded like echoes that were far away. Ragnar's eyes never left her; he never left her. Sophia slowly motioned out her hand and touched his face. Ragnar motioned his face down and kissed her lips; they separated. "Hail King Ragnar..." She closed her eyes.

Sophia was dead.

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