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Sophia was forced out of the prison house by the guards. There were onlookers, but they looked away as Itzvar went past. Once everyone arrived at Itzvar's home, the guards were ordered to tie her to a wooden pole on the corner. She was forced to stand as she was being restrained. Meanwhile, the two women just finished dressing themselves and saw the commotion. The women left the house immediately.

Sophia tried to resist, but she was overpowered. She didn't want to show it but was nervous about what Itzvar would try to do. "I need to calm myself down. I will not let him get what he wants. I'll fight to the death if I have to!"

The guards left the two alone. Itzvar sat on a wooden chair, pouring himself a cup of ale. "Are you comfortable now?"

"More than ever."

Itzvar took a sip from his cup of ale. "You still have a mouth on you and dare to speak back to me." He stood from his seat, slowly walked, and put his body closer to hers.

The young woman felt the tips of her breast on parts of his hard chest. A tingle went through her body, but she refused to express emotion. She refused to be intimidated. "I speak what I see. You can try to intimidate me all you want, but I will not give in to a bastard like you." Without any warning, Itzvar slapped her across the face.

Sophia could not deny that the slap hurt. She hated that she let herself be abused. Yet, it wasn't entirely her fault. Abusers like Itzvar were cowards who feared losing control. Itzvar feared her strength, and it gave Sophia the strength to continue. Her hair covered her face. Slowly, she looked at him. 

Itzvar double-slapped her again. Sophia felt blood drip from her nose. The pain intensified, and her face became a little numb. However, she still kept her glare at him. "Go on. Keep on hitting me all you want. Do you want me to cry? Scream? Try to escape? I find this funny."

Itzvar raised an eyebrow. "How so?"

"You are trying to make me afraid of you, but I am not. I will not take back what I told you before. You coward."

The Viking bit his lower lip. "How dare you assume!?"

"Well, it's true! You are used to people following your every command. You use fear and intimidation to get what you want and the so-called respect you deserve. Who knows, maybe you don't care that you don't have the love and support of the people, but in the end, you are afraid of people stronger than you."

Itzvar began to laugh. "You think I am afraid of you!? Stupid woman! You-!"

"I may be a woman; I am weaker than you. I will admit that. However, I will not let you put me down. I refuse to let a scared man get the best of me."

The Viking grabbed her neck tightly, and Sophia was having difficulty breathing. She could not get out of his grip since the guards tied her. "I can kill you right now for your words! Stupid wench!"

Sophia was losing consciousness, and Itzvar let go. She began to regain her breathing. Itzvar drank his entire cup of ale. "Death is too easy. I will make you miserable until you consider death as your only salvation! You will be my slave that I will do with as I please! If you disobey me, I have consequences that will make you bed for death!" Itzvar left his quarters as Sophia was still tied and breathing heavily. She knew she had unleashed a monster but did not realize how much more of a beast he was and what he had in store. 

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