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A certain type of unease sat in your bones as the car rolled from the highway down into the edge of the outer city district.

Pacifica wasn't known for its hospitality towards anyone. Not even its own. Unemployment was higher than anywhere else in Night City, homeless build their own little villages underneath brides while the malls were abandoned buildings.

A cold shiver crawled up your spine as your eyes fell onto one of the many Voodoo boys, a gang that dominated this part of town.

You had been lucky enough to not get in close contact with them yet but the tides changed constantly and quick in this area.

Judging by the look on his face, Viktor knew that too. With his eyebrows knitted together, he drove the car down a road that was a bit away from the center and instead calmer but not less dirty by no means.

"I'm fine with you dropping me off at a corner.", you said. "Don't want to ask too much of you."

His lips curled and a hint of disagreement appeared on his face. It was only a second and he never said it out loud but you believed that he would have rather fought these people off with his own two hands than let you walk all by yourself.

Not that he thought you were unable to defend yourself. No, he knew that the opposite was the case. After all, he had seen you fight in the ring, get sliced in two and you were back on your feet within two days.

It was impressive, he had to admit that.

"You really don't wanna show, do you?", Vik asked as he stopped at a street corner. "That bad?"

You pressed your lips into a thin line. Beine embarrassed by your situation usually wasn't like you. But you couldn't help and feel like he didn't need to see just how bad your situation was.

You didn't want him to feel more sorry for you than he already did. Otherwise he wouldn't have given you a shitload of cyberware for nothing.

"I'd rather not answer that.", you tried to overplay the hurt in your eyes with a huff.

He didn't buy it.

"At least let me drop you off close."

"It's not that far from here."

He frowned, sceptical.

"Where exactly?", his gaze wandered along the street.

Both sides were covered in trash and homeless. Some lay right out on the streets, high off their balls while others tried to take what little they had left.

You really didn't want to set foot outside. Even though you had walked these streets a million times you still couldn't shake the feeling of insecurity.

The last time was already a bit ago but you had been jumped before with certain bruises and injuries that now showed your skin.

"Upper side, south corner.", you mumbled.

Something stung as you said it. Maybe it was your pride but instand regret settled in as soon as it left your lips.

"That's the worst part of Pacifica.", Viktor said, frowning.

You shrugged.

"Happens.", you just said. "Look, I already owe you way too much. Just drop me off here and I'll-!"

"Easy there, sweetheart.", he hit the gas and the tires started to roll. "I ain't kickin' you out like a dick. Just say where."

Yes, it made you smile that he wanted to look out of you. But at the same time it made you feel like you over stood your welcome.

He gave so much without anything in return. You didn't deserve that kindness. And if you were completely honest, you weren't buying it either.

At the end of the day everyone wanted something. He just hadn't said what he wanted yet.

Ever since waking up you were on edge, only waiting till he said what the price of all this kindness was. And you were afraid how high that number would turn out to be.

Again, he turned around a corner, following a street that was full of shabby buildings. Once upon a time the district mayor of Pacifica had planned to make this part of town a tourist attraction, loaded with high end luxury buildings and parks.

As things went in Night City the plan didn't work out well and instead of luxury and pretty things the investors went bankrupt. Now there were only unfinished buildings left.

The people of Pacifica had done the rest and covered every single wall in graffiti. Some vandalism had been dealt as well but interest faded quickly and people moved on, bored.

Irritated, Vik stopped the car as he found himself lost on a street that was blocked by collapsed walls and construction garbage.

"This place looks abandoned.", he said and turned to you to make sure he hadn't taken a wrong turn.

A sour smirk appeared on his lips as you swung the door open and jumped out.

"Technically it's not abandoned. I live here.", you said with a grin. "Thanks for dropping me off. I'll repay you as soon as I can."

Still confused, he looked around as if he tried to find something, anything, that he could have excused as a proper place to live.

Or at least one to crash for a few days in times of struggle.

But nothing. All there was were these abandoned, destroyed buildings that were so problematic that even the homeless had preferred a different part of the district.

"You sure you wanna leave here?", he asked again as he leaned towards the passenger door, towards you.

"I'll be fine, Viktor.", you said with your chin raised. "I'm a tough once."

"I really don't doubt that, sweetheart.", again a smile appeared on his face, making him look as friendly and approachable as you had never seen a single person in Night City. "But ol' Vik here won't be able to sleep sound if I let you go."

"Don't you worry, I'll live long enough to pay you back."

"How many times? Keep the money."

"That'd be wrong."

"It's an investment to me. Keep the eddies. Just win some fights, alright?"

You frowned.

"That'll do?"

"Sure thing.", he looked back at the houses again. "And remember... any hard times, call me up. Ight?"

Hesitantly, you turned your eyes away. You felt terrible lying to his face.

"Yeah, sure.", you smiled softly. "Thanks."

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