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Every muscle in your body tightened. Raising your hands and lowering your head, you took the first step towards your opponent.

Fire burned in your eyes.

This was not a question of winning or losing. You had made sure of that yourself. Either you would kill him in this fight or your blood would soak the ring.

Full of eagerness, he came at you quickly, so quickly that you reflexively took a step to the side. He hadn't even tried to strike at you.

A shiver crawled down your spine.

"Damn!", you hissed and tilted your head to release some tension.

Why did your self-confidence have to doubt right now?

No, it wasn't doubt. There was something else nesting in your chest.

It was fear. Fear of losing this fight. Because for the first time you had something to loose.

Your feet moved lightly over the ground. Each step was cleanly placed and deliberate, with no risk of stumbling. No one would be able to bring you down now. You had Viktor to thank for that. He had been a really good teacher in such a short time.

Your opponent came too close to you again. This time you ducked to the side and delivered a warning blow. You hit his chest in the process. The impact was hard but not painful.

The chrome in your hands probably absorbed most of the impact. Nevertheless, you could feel the force in his body, which sent a vibration up to your shoulder.

A hiss escaped you. Narrowing your eyes, you put some distance between the two of you again.

The cheering of the crowd filled your ears. It corrupted your thoughts.

"Calm down, (Y/N).", you muttered to yourself, dodging a punch that would have shattered your jaw.

In defence, you raised a hand to block another blow. But you had underestimated how strong he was.

You had won your last fight because your opponent had made a mistake. Her own body had become a prison. But this colossus had not been so naive as to believe that cyberware made him invincible. He was also very physically fit. That made for an unpleasant combination.

"What?" he asked through clenched teeth. "Intimidated already?"

"Tsk!", annoyed, you ducked under his arms and jumped forwards.

All of a sudden you found yourself right in front of him, your eyes fixed on his face. It would have been better to end the fight quickly, but you knew that the reality wasn't that simple.

A few punches wouldn't kill him. Not even now that you were half chrome.

You had to weaken him, render him harmless, until a good opportunity presented itself. A precise blow to the face could obliterate him, and if that wasn't enough, you could still try to crush his skull.

For this punch, you aimed for his temple. Nausea was an unpleasant companion when one had to prove themselves in the ring.

Your fist pressed into the bend of his head. His neck jerked to the side like a rubber figure, sweat and blood dripping from his forehead.

Groaning, he staggered a few steps to the side and had to hold a hand against his ear.

Even though you had hoped to do more damage, you were pleased to realise that his eardrum had been damaged. A smirk twitched at the corners of your mouth.

That was good news. The ear contained a small organ that regulated the body's balance. If it was disturbed or even damaged, then the body's entire fine motor skills were affected.

You silently made a mental note to attack this area again.

The crowd cheered. They thirsted for blood and violence.

In the back of your mind, you could hear the referee's voice commentating on the fight to keep the crowd excited.

Contentment made your chest feel lighter. But only for a moment.

The bell didn't ring. The first round continued.

Of course, how could you have thought otherwise?

This was a fight to the finish. There were no more fair rules and nobody had to abide by good sportsmanship. The spectators wanted to see you and your opponent tearing each other apart in the ring like wild animals.

A break was just a nuisance.

Surprisingly unimpressed, your opponent got to his feet again. Blood ran in thin trails down the side of his face. He was sweating and his breathing was heavy. But the will to destroy you was not extinguished in his eyes.

"Do you want more?", you asked, exuberant from the adrenaline rushing through your veins.

Your feet danced on the spot. Vik had advised you to keep moving. That way your muscles couldn't relax and your mind stayed sharp.

"You'll lose that grin.", he threatened and stepped back into the centre of the ring.

You approached him vigilantly, your eyes travelling over his body. Your stamina was still stable, but it was only a matter of time before that changed. The cyberware had pushed the time back, but it would happen.

And you couldn't afford to be reckless. You had to take him out quickly. No time for games. Even if the adrenaline was instilling you with confidence.

"Let's go, big guy!", with a gesture you called him closer to you.

It was always good to play with your opponent's mood. It kept them from concentrating fully on the fight. You will regret the next blow, his fist came at you again.

Light-footed, you slid to the side. But at that very moment, he launched a second punch from the other side. His dominant hand was obviously on the right. That meant he could strike harder with it. But that didn't necessarily mean that his left hand didn't hurt as it drilled into your ribs.

Grimacing, you threw your head back and punched up. Air burned in your lungs. It felt like some of your bones were already bruised.

But that couldn't be, after all, you were half chrome. Your chest was stronger than a normal human torso. Still, your breath caught in your throat.

He managed to throw his head back in time to avoid one of your uppercuts. You roughly push him off you.

Pain ate into the right side of your body. You had to writhe to stay on your feet.

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