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You tossed and turned restlessly in bed. Again and again you glanced at the clock. It was shortly after one. It had been dark for a long time, Viktor's apartment was even cut in such a way that the neon light of the street signs could hardly disturb your rest.

And yet you couldn't sleep a wink. Fatigue sat in your bones like a parasite. Everything was heavy. But you just didn't want to fall asleep.

There had to be a solution. Of course there was, but it would be dangerous and difficult to enforce.

Next to you, Viktor rolled onto his back. He had his arm wrapped around you, his other pressed over his head into the pillow.

Furtively, you glanced at his face.

He was quiet and completely absorbed in sleep. He snored from time to time but it quickly stopped when his breathing eased.

A smile flitted across your face as his head turned towards you and the moonlight caressed his skin. He seemed as if there were no problems in this world. Even though everything had been taken from him.

"Now we both have nothing...", you whispered as your fingertips ran over his eyebrows.

The little hairs tickled you. How nice it would have been to finally have a good life. But instead Vik had had to sacrifice everything. And he wasn't even angry with you. You were not used to this kind of people, those who forgave and smiled. Those who wanted to solve problems together.

He was too good for this city.

A sigh tightened your throat.

Quickly you breathed a kiss on his forehead before you threw back the covers and crawled out of bed. Your clothes hung neatly folded over a chair, right next to another one over which Vik's blue shirt hung.

Only two days had passed and he had already given you space in his flat. Maybe he thought you would stay.

Would you?

Lost in thought, you paused. Your eyes wandered around the room. It was a nice apartment, not big, but enough for two people and maybe a cat.

A cat, yes.

How long had you wanted a pet?

You had wanted one as a child, then when your mother died and after your father had gone. You had even found one once but then Julie had gone to one of her strange ripper friends and come back home half paralysed. You had given the cat away. Your family was not a good place for an animal.

But Vik?

Damn, he was a man one could even have raised children with.

You sighed again and pulled your shirt over your head. It still smelled like him, slightly sweaty but also like coffee and disinfectant.

A hospital.

Again you asked yourself, as you had many times before, why you remembered hospitals so fondly. Throughout your life you had been in such buildings many times, either for your parents or for Julie.

Until the money ran out.

You should have hated them. But you didn't. Instead, they made you feel safe and protected. Just like Viktor.

You stepped into your pants.

In bed, he stirred.

Alarmed, you glanced back over your shoulder. But he had only turned to the other side. You had to smile at the sight of his back muscles moving.

He looked far too good for his age.

"And you are mine now?", you whispered into the silence.

As if he had been waiting to be called by you, Viktor raised his head in the darkness. Silver light played in his blue eyes. He had taken off his t-shirt to sleep this time, just his boxers.

A moment of silence awoke.

You both just looked at each other, his face hard and serious and yours softened by a loving smile.

"Where do you think you're going?", he asked at the sight of you dressed.

He sounded almost offended that you hadn't woken him up to ask him if he wanted to come. Gently you shook your head.

"I have to go.", you said. "The road is calling me."

His eyebrows drew together. Wrinkles appeared on his forehead.

"What do you mean?"

You didn't answer the question. Your heart was bleeding enough as it was. Your legs carried you to the door. But before you left you paused once more.

"Take care of Julie, will you?", you asked instead with a smile over your shoulder. "Just until I get back."

"(Y/N).", he already had one leg on the ground as you turned fully to face him.

With your hands shoved in your pockets, you looked at him. It hurt so much to see the confusion on his face. It hurt to leave him. But you knew there was no other option left.

"Viktor.", your voice was so soft when you spoke his name. "I'll come back. I promise. And when I'm back, I'll pay all my debts to you."

For a moment his eyes flitted over your face. How lost he was.

Or was he hurt after all?

You couldn't tell for sure in the darkness. He swallowed hard, you could hear it clearly in the silence.

"Is that what will make you happy?", he finally asked.

It frightened you how well he already knew you. Maybe he even knew more about you than you did. The answer was on the tip of your tongue, you wanted to be honest with him.

But what good would that have done?

In the end, you had to do what had to be done. You owed him that. He deserved that.

"Call me weird...", something in your chest tightened. "But I think I've fallen in love with you, Viktor Vektor."

The corners of his mouth twitched up. A smile tugged at it but he was too damaged with worry to rejoice.

"Come back to bed.", he said. "Tomorrow we'll figure something out."

Shaking your head, you took a step back into the hall.

"I've already thought it over. I'm sorry. But people do stupid things for people they love. And I love you for many things.", you smiled him off one last time. "See you, Viktor. I love you."

The door closed in your face.

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