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A sorry smile slipped onto your face as you lowered your head and wanted to slide past the woman who stood in Viktor's clinic.

Her face was beaming with a cocky smirk. Everything about her screamed confidence, so much so that it slightly drifted into arrogance.

Her hair had the shade of a deep blue to collided with the orange of her optics. Clothes matched her vibe as well, a loose t-shirt under a jacket that was embroidered with lights, some jeans and sneakers. A typical look for the merchants that were called edgerunners.

The smirk on her face froze as her gaze fell onto you. Eyebrows rose in surprise.

"Holy shit, Vik!", she gasped and grabbed you by the shoulders. "You managed to fix em'?"

Her gaze roamed your body, optics flashing red as she pulled a scan from you.

Uncomfortable, you remained standing in your place until she finally looked up to check the expression ghat reflected your mood for everyone to see.

"What's the matter with you, huh?", she pointed her finger straight at your face. "Ya said thank you to Vik? You better, he's a saint. Seriously, I would have left you to die."

"V!", Viktor placed a hand on her shoulder to shut her up in a firm but calm manner.

V took a deep breath. Her eyes fell shut as she rested her hands on each side of her hips.

"Fine.", she shrugged. "I shouldn't get my blood boiling too much anyways. Ain't good for the parasite."

Her hand wandered down to caress her stomach. She was pregnant. Not just that but her body was clearly showing. She must have been close to the due date.

It was a miracle that you hadn't noticed earlier.

"Ah...", you managed to form a sound. "Sorry."

"Don't apologise.", another voice said next to you.

Startled, your legs made you jump back. Your fists rose out of reflex. Your mind switched to boxing mode and wanted to protect yourself.

It baffled you as your eyes met the face of a man who looked like he was kind of sorry. With a friendly smile he rubbed the back of his head and waved you a hello.

"Hi.", he said in a chill, unbothered way. "The name's V."

His hair was naturally brown, shaven so short that it looked like he almost didn't have any in the first place. Only the top was a bit longer.

His face was shaped nicely though, with some stubbles covering his face.

Irritated, your eyes jumped to V, the woman.

"You're V.", you pointed at her before moving on to him. "And you're..."

"V.", they both confirmed with a chuckle.

"It's Vincent and Valerie.", Viktor had to massage the bridge of his nose to fight back the usual headache that came whenever he was blessed with the presence of his foster children. "The V's, if you want. Just ignore them."

"Ignore us?", Valerie gave him a nudge to the side. "How can you say that?"

She played insulted.

"Seriously Vik, and I wanted to make you the godfather.", Vincent joked. "Maybe I should overthink that one more time."

"Maybe you should.", Vik replied but couldn't hide the smile of pride that forced its way to his scruffy face. "I'm too old for a baby anyways."

"Don't say that, Viktor.", another voice called down the stairway that led up from the basement in which Viktor's clinic was located.

Another woman and a man appeared in the neon pink light of the basement. They couldn't have been more different from one another.

The woman, even shorter than V, with a head full of puffy hair and an eye makeup that would have done justice to any punk rock fan, greeted everyone with a shy but honest smile.

A scent of burned herbs and other substances followed her. It was natural. At least as far as you could tell as someone who didn't know shit about what grew on gods not so green earth and what was human made.

The man who followed her was like the night to her day in comparison. She was large and broad, dressed in all black. Only a bit of gold shimmered on his wrists.

The sight made your heart race.

Was it real?

No, you shouldn't think this way. This wasn't a good place to steal. After Vik had saved your life it would have been shitty to steal from his friends in return.

The small group greeted each other with smiles and hugs, some playful punches to the shoulder and insults as they were common along very close friends.

You gave up the idea of escape and just accepted your fate. You were trapped in this place now. Might as well accept your fate and roll with it.

"Hey?", embarrassed, you raised a hand to greet everyone as casual as possible.

The woman that smelled of burned forest wood leaned forward to examine you.

"You're up.", she said and offered you a hand. "Vik really outdid himself. How do you feel?"

She didn't let go after shaking your hand and instead wrapped both of hers around it to keep you in place.

She wasn't threatening at all, being as short and kind as she appeared to be. But her eyes had some kind of depth that reached all the way into your soul.

And you preferred to remain locked to the influence of others.

"Uh... I'm good.", you smiled awkwardly.

"You should do a spiritual cleansing.", she immediately recommended. "Or I could ask the cards if you'll recover well."

Overwhelmed, you frowned and took a step back.

"Go easy, Misty.", Viktor asked of her as he placed both hands on your shoulders and pulled you away from her. "Imagine you just woke up from being sliced in two. Everything's just a bit overwhelming."

Your back hit his chest. He felt firm, well trained.

"Fuck, Vik.", Valerie huffed and crossed her arms on her swollen stomach. "How did you even manage to do that? Seen people die from less."

"Those people didn't come to me.", he was modest but knew his worth.

A pleasant characteristic.

"I didn't really come to you either...", you just said with a helpless shrug.

"And you're not leaving anymore.", the man in black laughed. "Welcome to the familia! I'm uncle Jackie."

"Not yet.", Vincent caressed Valerie's stomach. "Still got some weeks to go."

"Let a man be excited, choom.", Jackie snarled.

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