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You didn't remember anything. As soon as your opponent went down your mind went blank.

All of a sudden you found yourself in your corner again, covered in sweat, breathing heavily while people gathered around to ask for shit.

Your ears didn't work. Neither did your eyes, you just believed that it had been this way.

T-Bug gave you a wet towel to cool down but your blood was still boiling.

With your eyes fixed onto the middle of the ring you watched how a team of volunteers rushed to her aid. She just lay there, legs spread, blood all over her face.

You assumed that her jaw was smashed, but so was your hand. Your knuckles were covered in blood, flesh had popped and a bit of your implants were showing.

Shit, you'd have to get that fixed by a ripper or your hand would be useless for the rest of your life.

As if by chance, you caught your eyes roaming the crowd.

Who were you looking for?

That was a stupid question. Of course the answer was the stranger in his blue shirt. He'd been strangely handsome.

You frowned.

Why did you remember that all of a sudden?

Moments passed, then minutes.

All of a sudden you blinked and found yourself back in the locker rooms, changing into your damp clothes again. Then you were out in the streets, maybe on your way back home or to celebrate somewhere.

You couldn't tell. Your mind wasn't working properly no more.

Maybe it would have been wise to get that checked out as well. Just to make sure it wasn't brain damage or something.

"Fuck...", you gasped as you grabbed the corner of a house to keep yourself on your feet.

There was still blood dripping from your nose. It stained your shirt, covered your lips with the taste of iron.

Again, you stumbled on. You wanted to go. You didn't know where to but you wanted to leave.

Out of reflex, your eyes jumped over your shoulder.

There it was. The reason for your discomfort, the explanation why your legs felt like hurrying.

Someone followed you.

They were still far away, their face wrapped in shadows, covered under a large hood of a jacket. With their hands in their pockets they walked down the street as if it was just another day.

But you had grown up on the streets of Night City. You knew a shady bastard when you saw one.

Hairs stood up in the back of your neck as you ordered your legs to stumble on.

Rain still poured down from the sky, almost nobody was out because of this shit weather. No one would help anyways. People weren't like that.

Air got stuck in your throat as you rounded a corner. Your fingers left red stains of blood. Again, your gaze wandered back.

Your heart skipped a beat.

The weirdo was gone.

No, they weren't. Your instincts still tingled. They were still close, your eyes just couldn't see them.

"Goddammit...", you whispered to yourself and threw a glance to the side into a small alley.

It was dark, wrapped in shadows and covered with trash. This left two options. It would be a good place to disappear from anyone's radar or a horrible place to die.

Fuck, why were you followed?

The fight. It must have been because of that. You had been made clear that a win on your side wouldn't be appreciated.

You had been cocky about it.

And now payback was due.

Fucking great. Life really didn't want to let you have shit.

Your legs hesitated while your eyes roamed the area. There was a bridge, open but enough cover to make a fight for your life more fair.

Thought it seemed unlikely that this would be a fight at all. A bullet to the head seemed more likely. Just good the old Night City merchant way.

No, you didn't want to be found dead under a bridge like a junkie.

Your attention moved on.

There was a crossroad ahead. Cameras and everything. NCPD wouldn't be far either. But you were damaged from the fight and your legs didn't walk fast enough to escape.

Also, the police wasn't known for being a helping hand to the ones in need. You'd probably end up in jail which was worse than death.

No, that wasn't an option either.

Quick. You had to think faster.

Or maybe not.

All of a sudden a shockwave pierced your guts. Startled, your entire body froze, thoughts and fears included.

Everything went numb for a second.

A cough made you vomit blood all over yourself. Confused, your arms fell to your side while your eyes slowly wandered down on you.

"W-ha-t?", your tongue was as heavy as a brick.

Two curved mantis blades stuck out of your body. The polished metal was covered in red. Your own face looked back at you, eyes wide open with surprise.

"You should have taken the money.", somebody hummed into your ear.

The blades pulled back in one go.

Flesh was sliced open. Blood poured all over your legs and shows only to end up painting the puddles of rainwater with a gruesome scenery.

Your mind was spinning as your legs did one last step, desperately trying to ignore the huge hole that almost cut your body in half.

Not a second later your feet stumbled.

The ground was cold as your face landed in a puddle. Water hugged your features while it turned red before your eyes.

Huffing, you tried to gasp for air but it felt like a knife being jammed into your guts instead. Tears filled your eyes.

"Fuuuu...ck...", it poured from your lips in a stream of red and iron.

You should have taken the money, he was right.

Irritated, your eyes tried to grasp a clear picture in this blurry mess before you. But the world was downing and so were you.

Everything was cold.

Cold and painful.

You sucked in another gasp of air only to hold your breath until it made your lungs burn. The pain was too much to bare.

Desperation made your eyes chase around.

How long had it been?

A few minutes?


Steps. There were steps.

Weren't they?

Or did your mind try to play tricks on you in your dying minutes?

"Well shit.", boots appeared in the puddle in which you lay. "This looks... inconvenient. But don't you worry, I'll patch you up again."

A face appeared in your field of vision. But you couldn't tell who it was.

You were already drifting away.

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