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You hated yourself and you hated that your pride was hurt as you found yourself walking down the road that led back to Viktor's clinic.

There was no shame in asking for help. You knew that, he had told you multiple times.

Why decline something that was offered for free?

Because it made you feel like a freeloader. You had sworn yourself that you would never become somebody else's burden to bear. It filled you with guilt all the way to the brim.

Just like your sister. Every once in a while you couldn't didn't down the resentment that you had for her choices in life.

Maybe it was just plain ignorance or she truly was as stupid as you wanted her to be but never once did she consider how her actions would affect you.

And now you were the idiot who had to deal with the consequences. Your life was miserable because she wanted it to be.

Viktor's offer for help was one single good thing that happened to you. And it made you feel guilty instead.

"Fuck me...", you groaned as the neon sign of Misty's esoterica popped up around a corner.

Immediately, your legs froze and made you turn back on your heel.

No, you wouldn't put yourself through this. It was embarrassing enough that you even considered asking for help.

Last time you had done that it had landed you in some serious shit.

As if the devil had heard your thoughts, a call popped up before your eyes. Dexter DeShawn.

"Great...", you growled and casually leaned against a wall to appear normal. "What's up, Dex?"

Dexter's face appeared before your inner eye. He smoked, as always. Something reflected in the gold of his shades, a movement or a person.

You guessed it was T-Bug. Even though neither of them had ever made it obvious you were pretty sure these two were fucking.

Both you and her had made a few mistakes over the course of working for Dexter but when it came down it was always you who had gotten shit for it.

Whatever, you thought and frowned.

"You look like shit.", he said.

"Not even a fucking hello anymore? How are you?"

"Heard you got sliced in two."

Your lips clinched. Of course he knew. A good fixer had eyes and ears all around the city. And even if you didn't like him, Dexter was a damn good one.

"You heard right.", you said with a shrug, your eyes briefly wandering over to the door of Misty's.

He didn't have to know who had patched you up. It would have done more harm than good. And you didn't want to hurt Vik in any kind of way.

Yes, maybe Dexter would make sure he got more clients but it would also come with a price. Everything did. You knew best.

"You seem in one piece though.", a cloud of smoke seeped from his lips. "I hope well enough to step back into a ring."

You frowned.

"It was out cold barely two days ago. Fucking hangman knocked at my door and you already want me to pick up a fight again?!", even though it was dangerous you couldn't help but dedicate all your bitterness towards him.

Your hands clenched into fists as his face moved and a strange look appeared. You knew that kind of look. He was about to pull a dick move.

"Look, kid, I ain't the one who signed a contract.", he spoke slowly to salvage every single word he said. "Your payment is due."

"You took everything I ever won. Where even is the price money from last time?"

"Bug wired you the money."

"The fuck she did! I'm down on my last eddie, Dex. You owe me."

Silence on his end of the line. He just stared, took a deep breath from his cigar and exhaled so deeply that his fat stomach moved.

Low hums could be heard from him. His eyes were hidden behind the glasses but you could guess how they glared at you.

Maybe he even thought about getting rid of you once and for all. There was money to make with you but not enough to consider it a necessary income.

"Listen, kid, I could argue with you all day long but that won't change the fact that I own your ass.", he leaned closer to the camera to make sure you wouldn't be able to ignore him. "Next fight is in two days. Midnight. I'll pick you up."

"I don't need a fucking babysitter. I'll be there.", you hissed back. "I'll be there."

But despite your anger you couldn't bring yourself to hang up. He might take that the wrong way. And if you knew one thing than that Dex shouldn't be made angry.

He himself was harmless, both fat and lazy. But he had people that you were afraid of. Many of em'.

"You better.", he shrugged and ended the call.

Sighting, you squeezed your eyes shut and threw your head back with such force that it smashed into the wall behind you.

A sharp pain chased through your brain, causing you a headache. Cursing, your wrapped your hands around your skull and bend over to wait till the pressure faded.

If life couldn't get worse it gave you another day.

A curse was already on the tip of your tribune as you managed to restrain yourself and round the corner. Fuck your pride, you knew that if you wanted to win this Viktor needed to show you how to use these implants.

And if not, at the very least, you wanted to ask him to train you.

How even did you manage to miss that he was an absolute legend?

A heavyweight champion even. Exactly what you wanted to be. Well, not exactly. He had come second but you knew that if he'd had wanted to he would have crushed that fight.

All of a sudden your legs froze right before your hand reached out to open the door to Misty's.

What if he didn't want to box no more?

You'd be a total jerk to burst into his clinic and ask for lessons. Salt in old wounds.

Yet again, there was no other way you could turn to.

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