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Even though Viktor was obviously older than you and hadn't boxed competitively for a few years, you couldn't help but feel stressed.

All of these things could have been seen as an advantage that you had against him. But didn't change the fact that he was a fucking legend.

Don't be so hard on me, you joked as you faced each other.

He didn't even bother to raise his hands. He stood there relaxed, his eyes fixed on you and smirking. His hands were open, no tension in his shoulders.

Shit, he looked intimidating. Maybe even more than the lady from your last fight.

Only now that he was lighter clothed did you realise that his body had no traces of implants. Confused, you frowned, only to recoil in surprise the next moment as a fist came at you.

"What the hell, Vik?!", you growled.

He answered with a smirk and a shake of his head.

"Analysing our opponent is good.", he said and forced you to take another step back. "But you mustn't forget them, sweetheart."

Annoyed by the nickname, or rather by the fact that this stupid word filled you with warmth, you knocked his fist away as he tried to strike again. Out of habit, you jumped a step forward, ready to punch him if he lost his balance.

But that didn't happen.

Viktor was like a rock, his stance so strong that your counterattack didn't bother him in the slightest. But you didn't realise that until it was too late.

All of a sudden you were right in front of him, his guard completely open, and you started to strike.

Satisfied, he smirked.

"Shit!", you breathed.

He had lured you into a trap. Suddenly Viktor backed away, just far enough that your arms were not long enough to reach him.

The force and lack of beginning of your strike shifted your balance forward. Your feet lost their grip and suddenly you found your back unprotected.

Your eyes jumped to Viktor. If he had wanted to, he could have obliterated you with a single blow to your spine. It would have been a dirty moved, no one who boxed seriously would do such a thing.

And in fact he decided against it too. Instead he turned his feet, slid to the side and wrapped his arm around your neck.

Surprised, you stumbled, letting him spin you. Startled, you tried to reach for something that could give you support.

All at once your back pressed against his chest. The beat of his heart hammered against your back. Your own heart reacted and adapted to the rhythm, fast but not out of breath.

Confused, you blinked.

He had you in a headlock. His massive biceps pressed against your chin, forcing you to look up to have a little more room to breathe.

Fingers clawed at something soft.

He twitched slightly.

"You want to rip my thigh, sweetheart?", his voice, so close and hot in your ear, made something between your legs twitch.

Goosebumps spread all over your body. Your nipples flinched.

"I don't know what you're talking about...", you tried to cover the uncertainty in your voice with a laugh.

"Hm.", the vibration of his voice was so strong that you could feel it in his chest against which he held you.

Shit, why were you suddenly so warm?

The fight had barely lasted more than a few minutes, if that.

There was not a single indication that he was even remotely exhausted. His breathing was steady, he wasn't sweating and his body wasn't shaking a bit.

Damn, maybe you had underestimated the designation of a legend a bit.

His arms tightened as you tried to move in his grip. The little space forced you to slide further into him, your feet positioned to be higher, closer to his height so he couldn't push you down.

Again your fingers twitched, digging further into something soft, making him react.

"This... is not a pleasant feeling...", he growled, but the way he said it betrayed something else.

He had to hold back his voice, his breathing became heavier.

"You're cutting off my air!", you hissed up at him in reply.

His muscles tensed. You were forced to close the last bit of space between you.

Something hard pushed into the curve of your spine. But you had other things to worry about at the moment.

Your head felt light. The colours blurred before your eyes but you knew that fainting felt different. He wanted you to learn to think with little air.

"Vik!", you gasped and tapped him several times on the arm. "I give up."

"Giving up is not an option, sweetheart.", he replied, squeezing out the last tiny bit of space you had left.

Stress forced the brain to look for a way out. You had owed your best successes to the stress that had come up in the fights. But this was a different situation.

Your body was pressed against Viktor's, no blade would have fit between you, while you felt as if you were one burning piece of wood. His body was like a rock against which the sea pressed you.

And then there was something else.

Maybe it was just imagination but something was pressing into the curve of your back. It wasn't hard, at least not yet. What worried you most about it was that it was still big enough to feel.


"Shit...", you whispered to yourself.

How big could a man be?

And without any cyberware at all. Life really was unfair to some people.

But not to Viktor.

"Think faster.", he breathed into your ear as your resistance began to loosen.

The depth of his voice scratched the back of your brain, like finally being able to scratch an itchy mosquito bite. It was a feeling that made your legs go weak.

"Shit... Vik.", you gasped and sighed. "You are... an unfair... ass."

He chuckled. Damn, how good it felt to feel the laughter in your back.

"I never said I'd play nice.", he said and leaned to the side, his cheek caressing yours, so that you were able to meet his gaze from the corner of your eyes. "Not even for you."

With your teeth clenched, you gifted him a feisty grin.

"Alright...", you huffed. "Message received."

Taking advantage of his carelessness, you let the tension fade from your body. His grip loosened. Suddenly, with all your strength, you pushed one leg between his and threw yourself back with your weight.

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