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"I hope you don't hate me too much for insisting.", Viktor said as he put out the remains of his cigarette on the dirty ground.

Still a bit pressed about his rejection you shrugged. Even though you had never planned on getting with him it still stung. It felt like he had taken an option you didn't even know you had.

Unfair. As always.

"I got here by myself, I'll get back by myself as well.", you just said but knew that he wouldn't let you.

"I'll just fetch the car. Won't be long."

Rolling your eyes, you sighed but did a gesture so that he would get going.

With a thin smirk, he lowered his head and walked off to the garage. He wore his glasses again. You were a bit disappointed about that. His eyes were something so lovable about him, you wished he'd show them more.

Just to you.

With your arms crossed in front of your chest, you let your foot tap the ground while waiting.

It was a gloomy day, not rainy but with a grey sky and no light to be seen. If Night City wouldn't have been the hellhole it was, you would have been able to smell that rain was about to approach.

Sucking in a deep breath, you leaned against the wall outside of Misty's and lit a cigarette. The smoke chased a familiar scratching through your lungs. The taste of ashes lay on your tongue.

"Tough day?", with a soft smile, Misty peaked through the door.

With a glance to the side, you smiled and nodded your head in greeting.

"Could say so.", you took a deep breath from the cigarette. "Not my day today."

With a huff, she pulled out a cigarette herself. You offered her a lighter which she gladly accepted.

"We all know Vik is a bit special.", she said with a smile that reminded you of a daughter that just wanted the best for the ones she loved. "But he's a great guy."

A smile mad it's way to your lips. Even though this day had kicked you in the ass, she was still right. He was a good guy. A great guy even.

He just didn't want to be your guy.

"Oh, I know. He's... one of a kind."

"See, that's what I mean. You just get him.", she crossed her arms, glancing at the shimmering top of her cigarette. "Hey, I'm glad you spent time with him. Forces him to socialise. He works way too much anyways..."

Unsure what she wanted to say, you dropped your cigarette to put it out with the sole of your shoe.

"Listen, Misty, I'm not as nice as you might think I am. There's fucked up shit up here.", you pointed two fingers at your head. "Vik helped me out when I was dying. I'm forever grateful for that."

"But?", her eyes lingered on you.

It took you a moment to figure out the words that would hurt you the least when saying them out loud. But there wasn't a whole much to make this less worse.

"But we ain't goin' anywhere. Because I can't and he doesn't want to. We just get along well enough."

Her cigarette fell to the ground as well. But she didn't step in it. Instead, the warmth seeped into the ground until only a thin strand of smoke remained.

Her gaze was on you and just like the first time you had met her, they seemed to pierce your flesh, saw past the layers of muscles and bones and right into your soul.

She smiled. It reminded you a little of Viktor, kind and soft. But there was more sharpness to her way of smiling. She was nice yes, but not at all cost.

Viktor was the definition of the least resistance. Misty would resist if she had to.

"Silly you.", she suddenly said, taking you by surprise as she bumped your shoulder with hers. "People say different things than they wish for. It's not about his words. The soul decides what he wants."

It was cute that she really lived her persona, choices and longings, while also believing in a higher power that kept the people sane and happy.

A soul.

If something like that existed yours would have been rotten and spoiled.

Partly because of the choices of others who had fucked you over. And partly because of your own stupidity.

That thought made you sigh heavily.

"Fuck this...!", you groaned and grabbed your face with one hand to fight back a headache.

"Does it hurt?", she placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Fuck, Misty, you got no idea. Life is a shit show."

A car pulled up at the end of the road. No one exited. No one called out for you.

"We all got bad days."

"No Misty, you don't understand. Bad days means there have to be good ones too. I... I don't think I ever had a good one in my life. Ever."

Concerned, she eyed you from top to bottom.

It was obvious to the eye that you weren't the weight you should have been for someone your age and height. The only reason why you had to deal with the lower league was because you couldn't qualify for a higher weight limit.

And in order to get to a higher weight limit you needed to put some on. But you couldn't afford that. If you were completely honest, you weren't even sure if you were able to afford to be alive in the first place.

"How am I going to repay Vik?", you suddenly asked out loud. "Fuck, I ain't got no eddies to thank him."

"I'm sure Vik wouldn't want your money.", she tried to clam you.

The door of the car opened.

"I know, but that's just wrong, Misty. I gotta pay him back."

"Pay back who?", a familiar voice made you snap out of your brief meltdown.

Irritated, your head shot up to meet a pair of golden glasses.

"Dex.", you managed to pull yourself together enough to make your voice sound cold. "What the fuck do you want here?"

He took a deep drag from his cigar and shrugged.

"Wanted to see how my champion is doin'.", he said drily.

Your eyes narrowed. Something wasn't right.

"Did you follow me?", you had to clench your teeth to not yell at him.

"Nah. I have people for that. Get in the damn car. We gotta talk."

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