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With both hands covering his eyes, Viktor remained motionless as you let your hand slide into your pocket to pull out a small metal plate and a bag of candy.

The plate had been requirable easily compared to the sweet, sugary treats that could only be found in the noblest of Topside's shops.

It had cost a fortune, but Viktor was hooked on these particular kinds of candy ever since he had been gifted one by a man he had always called Singed.

You didn't give it to him right away though.

"Left or right?", you asked with a smirk.

His lips curled.

"Left?", he asked unsure. "No, no give me right."

Usually, he didn't like to pick right since it reminded him of the limb in his leg. But today he seemed to be risky.

Chuckling, you placed a kiss on the side of his face and wiggled with the bag of candy in front of his covered eyes so that it would make a sound.

Aroused by the sound, he opened one eye.

"Candy?", he asked and couldn't help but smile. "Where did you get it?"

"I had to ask a few people for favours.", you wiggled with the plate. "You want this too?"

Frowning in confusion, he took it with two fingers to examine the shiny surface from all sides.

"Bronze?", he asked. "Thank you. I suppose I could build it into some of my creations. Bronze is good for electric flow."

Rolling your eyes, you flipped two fingers against the back of his head.

"Look more closely.", you demanded, smiling about how much of a nerd he was after all. "I thought your eyes are fine."

"Hey... No need to be rude."

"You know I'm just teasing you."

He smiled softly.

"You'd never do anything to hurt me.", Viktor said with some kind of shimmer in his eyes that could have made ice melt.

For a brief second, your gazes met.

A hot lightning was send through your body. Your cheeks started to feel hot.

Had he always looked this handsome?

Maybe it was just the light or the fact that you were mosh happy about him making it to twenty-three.

Ever since he had been a kid people had told him and you that Viktor would just be a burden and it would be best for everyone if he wouldn't make it.

Many children didn't make it in Zaun. Even the ones without any physical restrictions.

But Viktor had made it.

And you were the happiest you've ever been about that fact.

His amber eyes returned to the metal plate.

Again, he made them dance between his fingers.

Rays of sun got caught by the surface and made it shimmer like gold.

"Hm?", his eyebrows rose in surprise.

"Found something?", you smirked, proudly.

"If I tilt it this way, something appears.", he tilted the plate in a way that you could see. "Did you know that?"

Humming, you stretched your neck to have a closer look.

"I knew that it's supposed to be a message. I didn't know how though. It's surprisingly simple... but also smart to do it this way."

He frowned.

"A message?"


"From who?"

You swallowed.

If you told him, he'd be mad. But if you lied to him, you would do something you've had never done before.

Both you and Viktor had never lied to each other, not even as children.

The only exception was your current health situation. Yet again, you weren't really lying about that since he just didn't know in the first place.

But the look in his eyes, paired with the hint of an excited yet confused smile on his lips made you weak.

You swallowed hard.

"Someone very important needs you to prove yourself.", you said and turned away your eyes to watch the ships in the distance. "Just do what the message says. It won't be dangerous, I promise."

Not satisfied with that answer, Viktor turned around entirely so that he could have a better look at you.

With a small gesture he indicated that he demanded answers.

To avoid a fight, you wanted to get up.

But his hand jumped forward and grabbed yours. His nails gently dug into the palm of your hand.

"(Y/N).", he said softly. "I'm not mad. I just..."

"It's from the academy."

His eyes jumped wide open.

A breath escaped him.

"What?", he almost had to laugh.

"It's a letter from the academy."

His eyebrows pulled together in anger.

"You went to the Topside?"

"I was invited."

"Topside doesn't invite people from the Undercity."

"But I was."

"How? Why?", with a shocked look on his face, Viktor pulled himself up on his cane. "You put yourself in danger for this."

He gestured with the plate in his hand.

For a moment, you stared at the shiny surface before crossing your arms in front of your chest.

"Viktor.", your voice was as serious as it had never been before. "This is a chance to get out of here. Don't waste it."

Sarcastically, he pulled a face.

"A chance for who?"

"You, obviously."

He shook his head, making the thick brown hair on his head dance with the movements.

"If it's not a chance for us, it's no chance at all."

A sigh escaped your lips.

"Think about it."

"No.", he didn't even miss a second to give his answer.

The way he looked at you gave away that he was dead set on his decision as well. Of there was a hill he was willing to die on it would be this one.

"Viktor...", with soft desperation, you grabbed his face with both hands. "I'm begging you. This is a chance that comes once in a lifetime. At least think about it."

His eyes locked with yours.

A hint of guilt appeared inside the brown.

With a sigh, he turned his gaze to the plate to examine it one last time.

"Would it mean that much to you?", he asked.

"It would mean the world to me. You don't have to decide now. Just... Don't throw it away before you thought about it."

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