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Deafening noises filled the room, mixed with music and the cheering of drunk people.

Hooded figures sat at tables in the dark, making business, threatening each other and fighting.

The sound of billiard balls hitting against each other reached your ears.

You looked away from Viktor for a second, your attention caught by some familiar looking person who was leaning against one of the billiard tables.

A cigarette was dangling between her lips. The tip lot up in a deep orange as she took a deep breath.

Her eyes wandered through the crowd, as if she was the guard dog of the place and wanted to make sure everyone behaved properly.

At first she didn't notice you approaching, but as she looked back to double check, a slight hint of pleasant surprise lit up inside those brown eyes of her.

A smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth.

"If it ain't the bigmouth.", Sevika said and leaned into your direction. "Did you follow me?"

Huffing, you crossed your arms in front of your chest and gifted her a challenging smirk.

"Not really.", you replied and raised your chin to check out the rest of her company. "I thought you ain't one of Vander's. What's bringing you to his bar?"

Sevika took a deep breath and blew a cloud of smoke into your face.

"Vander handles the Undercity."

"That I am aware of."

"Good. So you know that this is a safe place. I wait for jobs here without having to worry about others bitching around."

Understanding, you nodded.

"Even the tough ones need closure, huh?", you smiled. "I hope you'll be on my side then, just in case someone does decide to start a fight."

With a shrug, she eyed the crowd again.

"Good people here today.", Sevika confirmed and put out the cigarette. "But I guess I could play the guard dog. For coins."

"Obviously. But I have to decline. My money will go towards booze today."

She glanced towards the bar.

"You came to drink?"

"To celebrate."

"For the boy with the limb I suppose."

"His name is Viktor.", you tilted your head. "And he's fine."

She shrugged.

"Never said otherwise."

"Yeah, but I don't appreciate your tone."

Softly, she huffed.

"You sound like his guardian.", her attention was caught by someone in the shadows. "Speaking of the devil. Where's your little friend?"

Confused by that question, you frowned.

"At the bar, probably.", you tilted your head. "Why?"

A smirk made Sevika brighten up.

The sight seemed so strange, you couldn't help but take a step back.

She didn't seem like the type of woman to smile easily. However, it also had something of a threat, like a warning not to come close.

"Not alone, I see.", she noted and gestured into the direction in which you suspected Viktor. "He got his hands full."

Cursing softly, you bit your lips and hoped that it wasn't some kind of trouble with certain types of women.

Bar fights were no problem, but for some reason, Viktor had a thing for attracting women.

It wasn't surprising, after all, he did have a handsome face. When he sat down it was hard to tell he had a limbing leg.

But the way he carried himself still made clear there was a lack of confidence.

That made him an easy target for sec workers. Or people who tried to make conversation to pickpocket without getting caught.

But as your eyes fell over your shoulder to look for him at the bar, you caught a glimpse of something way worse.

Viktor was indeed in company.

Unfortunately it wasn't the kind you had feared.

He was enjoying himself.

Shyly smiling and looking at strangers faces, Viktor sat at the bar, surrounded by people who were all too interested in him.

Some of the ladies had their hands on him, while the guys offered him a first round.

The sight made something inside your chest pull together.

It was great to see that he was more social than you had expected him to be.

But at the same time it made a deep rooted jealousy boil up inside of you.

You decided not to act on it.

Once he was out of this place he would make new friends anyways. It was only a matter of time until you had to let him go so you might as well get used to it as long as the two of you still shared the same kind of life.

"Excuse me.", you said and nodded your head goodbye to Sevika.

With a smirk, she hummed.

"Sure thing.", she said but didn't let you go immediately. "If you ever need someone to watch out for him, I might know someone."

Your legs froze.


"You don't look like you appreciate him being around this kind of company. But you accept it for his sake."

Her words made your heart jump inside your chest.

Were you really this easy to read?

"Viktor knows how to keep himself out of trouble.", you said while trying your hardest to appear unmoved by the fact that she had just hit a sore spot. "He'll find his friends."

Sevika let a small chuckle be heard. It was a mix between amusement and mockery.

She wasn't buying it at all.

"If he keeps himself out of trouble or not, it doesn't seem to fed him well.", she turned to start playing billiard again. "The guy I heard of is paying well. Apparently."

Intrigued yet suspicious by the offer, you raised one eyebrow.

"What makes you think that my issues are connected to money?"

"Everything is, isn't it? There are only two ways to survive down here. Make it up or get rich. And since no one makes it up, he has to earn some money."

You huffed.

"And what would I gain from it?"

"He would stop taking to others and stay with you."

"I'm not greedy about his attention."

"But his affection, isn't it?", she made one of the balls bounce, gifted you a smirk. "My guy needs someone crafty. And in return, you'd get him all to yourself. Well fed and well looked after. Maybe even healthy."

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