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"Fuck!", you gasped for air. "Oh fuck, that was so fucking close."

Baffled yet shaking with adrenaline, you crawled out from behind the desk.

Your legs were still shaking while the beating of your heart felt like it tried to escape your chest.

A pulse pressed against your throat and made you swallow hard.

In all the years you had stolen from people it had never been such a close call. And on top of that it hadn't been from someone this influential.

Grinding your teeth, you let your eyes wander over the desks.

Technical drawings and lab inventory spread across the three tables. Everything looked so fancy, so much like science stuff, that you didn't know what would he worth taking and what was just normal stuff.

"Fuck it.", you cursed and grabbed everything that seemed like something and stuffed it into your bag. "Silco that fucker... He knew where he was sending me."

With your teeth clenched, you tied the bag across your chest and ran up to the closest window to throw a glance out.

The streets below were dark. All that could be seen were the dim spots of streetlights and a few silhouettes wobbling back home.

The next roof wasn't far but you wouldn't be able to make the jump with the extra weight.

But going back to the window you had used to enter didn't seem like a great idea either.

The possibility that Heimerdinger was still in the hallway, or worse, sitting in the living room, was too much of a risk.

You needed to leave the place through one of these windows.

Your gaze wandered down to the facade of the house.

There were enough decorations and edges to climb down. Yet again, of you would miss one, the fall would be too deep to get away unharmed.

Or unnoticed.

"Fuck...", you cursed again and moved to the window that was closest to the door. "Fuck! Fuck!"

There was another house, not far from that window.

If you were slick, you could open the window and pull yourself over to the other house.

But before that you needed to get rid of the stuffed bag.

Throwing it was no option. The sound of the impact would cause people to notice.

A shadow moved in the dark.

"Sevika!", you gasped and tore the window open to gain her attention. "Sevika! Over here!"

Alarmed by your movements, she jumped down from the roof she was on to get closer to you.

With her eyebrows knitted together, she looked around before moving closer to the edge.

"What the fuck, kiddo?", she asked, her voice barely more than a hiss. "I saw light in the hallway."

You groaned, the bag already in hand to throw it over.

"No time.", you whispered and did a gesture. "Catch!"

With all your strength, you yanked it across the distance.

Eyes wide open, she jumped back, threw her hands into the air and caught it, only to be torn to the ground by the impact of the weight.

"Holy shit!", she breathed. "What's in here?!"

Taking a deep breath, you moved a few steps away from the window. A deep breath escaped your lips.

With your eyes fixed on the other roof, you started running, jumped up to the windowsill and put all your strength into both legs.

Cold air stroked through your (H/C) hair.

Your own breathing echoed inside your ears.

The feeling of zero gravity kicked in.

For a moment it felt like all the blood rushed to your head, making it spin.

The edge of the roof came closer.

But not close enough.

With your eyes wide open, you reached out for safety. But your fingers missed.

You fell.

"Gotcha!", strong fingers wrapped around your wrist.

Gravity hit.

A sharp pain chased through your shoulder as your entire weight pulled you down while Sevika kept you from falling to your safe death.

Biting your lips, you suffocated the scream of pain that crawled up your throat.

"Hold on.", Sevika gasped, sweat shimmering on her forehead. "I'll just..."

Gasping in pain, you let your eyes roll back.

"C'mon, I'm not that heavy!", you groaned, tears in your eyes.

She let a huff be heard, teeth clenched.

"Gravity isn't your friend right now...", her other hand reached down.

You tried to raise your dangling arm and grab it, but it felt like the entirety of Piltover's riches pulled you down.

Beads of sweat shimmered on your forehead. As they rolled down your temples, they left icy trails.

It felt like your brain was about to freeze.

"You need to work with me...", Sevika growled, also meeting her limits. "Stop hanging like a wet sack!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to leave my bones at home!"

"Shut up!", with one mighty pull, she threw herself back with all her weight and pulled you up.

The sudden movement chased some kind of pain through your body that you had never experienced before.

All your limbs froze.

Your face met the cold, hard roof.

Breathing heavily, you remained lying for a moment.

Your shoulder pulsated. You were barely able to move the fingers.

Everything hurt.

Tears blurred your vision.

"Get up.", Sevika jumped to her feet.

She was put of breath, but the caution in her eyes gave away that she wanted to leave as fast as possible.

You tried to move. But your legs were shaking. Everything felt numb.

"I- I can't!", you whispered, shock tying your throat.

She pulled a face.

"My ass!", harshly, she grabbed you by the collar and dragged you along. "This was so loud, all of Piltover must know."

Your nails dug into her shoulders for stability.

"Sorry.", you squeezed your eyes shut. "The bag... Where is it?"

She jump down the roof to a balcony.

"I got it.", she patted her chest to show the bag that was strapped to it. "Quite heavy. Did you take everything you could find?"

"I- I wasn't sure what could be of worth."

Baring her teeth, she reached the ground and went straight for the bridges.

"It better be a lot, because this was bullshit...", she mumbled.

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