Mr. Hammer

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"How's Hammer Industries doing?" Dr. Roland sat down across the small metal table facing the old weapons manufacturer

"Down the shithole per the usual. Why did Pepper and Tony make another goddamn million on their clean energy shit?" Hammer spat

"Calm down Mr. Hammer, if you don't I'll have to revoke your newspaper and magazine rights."

"But... But... But... What about Benedict Cumberbatch? Oh! And Tom Cruise?!?" Hammer sat up and asked alarmed


"Sorry babe." Hammer winked

Dr. Roland rolled her eyes, "Please don't call me that. Now how's your attitude toward the weapons industry and harboring dangerous criminals?"

"I have not harbored one since Ivan." Hammer pointed out, "Weapons give jobs and make the world a safer less-populated place." He smiled brightly like a school child trying to convince a teacher that he didn't blow up the school's library

"Justin, you haven't been out of this place since the incident with Ivan. I know that at prison you had trouble with the other inmates and almost blew part of the prison sky high. That's why you were moved here." She acted like she was explaining it to a child

"I like it much better here." He winked

"Okay we're finished here. I'm going to go deal with other patients." She stood and walked toward the door

"Like who?" He leaned on the table, propping his head on his hand

Dr. Roland gave him a stern look, "That's classified."

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