Chapter 8:Coming back

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The next week

Everyone was getting ready to go

Ash:So are we going by air or by Gardevoir
Brendan:Well I have kids and I don't want them to get a stomach hurting so by air
Nate:Come on whats the worst that could happen
Rosa:The first time you went by teleport you vomit for a hole day non stop
Nate:Fare point
Ash:Let's go

They arrive on the island and head to the Pokémon center has they entered

Nurse Joy:Hello and welcome to the Pokémon center how can we help you
Ash:We are here to sing up for the tournament
Nurse:Okay can you give me your names to check if your in

After telling her are names we were registered so we left the center has we left a he bump into someone he knows well

???:Hey watch it
Ash:it's you who bumped into me kid

Then he looks had Brendan

???:Wait Brendan big brother is that you
Brendan:Hello Max it's been a while
Max:I thought you were dead
Brendan:Dad thought the same but I can see through his lies I was abandoned and now you bumped into my friend
Max:He bumped into me
Ash:How about we have a battle kid
Max:Your on

Has they go to the nearest battlefield the traitors also came and recognized the guy Max is battling and his friends they confronted them

Brock:And why are you people here
Daniel:Can you see we are just watching a battle that are friend is in
May:Ash we know but I'd there anything evil your going to do
Jennifer:Daddy what those she mean by evil
Brendan:It's nothing sweetie she just a crazy person
May:Brendan and who's that
Brendan:Thus are kids and your not allowed to touch them killer

Back the battle

Silver:Alright the battle between the brat Max
Silver:And Shadow will now begin this will be a 1 on 1 battle
Ash mind:Good idea not telling him I'll have to hold back if he uses one of them or actually let me check

Has he uses aura to sense his Pokémon aura and there not there just Hoenn Pokémon

Silver:Alright send out your Pokémon
Max:Let's beat him Mightyena

Ash:Persian let's go

Silver:Battle begin
Max:Mightyena:Use shadow ball
Ash:Dodge it and use power gem then charge and use bite

It collide the attack then he charged had the Pokémon used bite on it and defeated easily

Silver:Mightyena is unable to battle the winner is Persian and Shadow actually no Ash

Then he walk towards Max

Ash:Hey Max look we can do this the easy way or the hard way
Ash:Look I know you have five friends I think you know them well has my Pokémon I know you have them so how about you don't be a bitch and tell where they are
Max:Why should I there not yours there mine
Ash:Yes the ones you lied too and keep them for yourself
Max:Yeah so they belong to me now
Ash:Okay hard way it is

He snap his finger and Persian gets out a slash and points it had Mightyena

Max:What are you doing
Ash:You got five minutes to tell me where they are or Mightyena dies and I'll just get out Gardevoir to get the info
Max:Your lying

Back on the stands

Brock:We need to go help

Until he gets stop by a Garchomp and Luxray

Daniel:You really want to try that
Blue:Zinnia and Brendan take your kids to a safer spot
Zinnia:Right will see you guys on the hotel

Has they hop on Salamance's and fly off back with Ash

Max:Please Ash no a beg you
Ash:Five we'll say goodbye to Mightyena
???:Don't do it Ash
Norman:What the heck are you doing
Ash:Getting back what belongs to me
Norman:You know I can't let you have your Pokémon like this
Ash:Well I think you went hearing but Persian end him
Norman:There in the Sinnoh region

The Gardevoir came out check his head and found the location

Ash:Persian return you got lucky your fathers a smart man Max guys get the room I'll get my Pokémon
Norman:You know this will not be forgotten
Ash:Will see I mean you list to me when my Sceptile was Grover so I think my chances against you are okay and seen Brendan here to I think he would like a rematch against you Gardevoir teleport us

Has his friends leave Ash teleports

Max:Mightyena thank Arceus your okay Mightyena
May:Max you okay
Max:Yeah but we need to get Mightyena to the Pokémon center
Clemont:Let's go

Everyone left except May

Norman:Why didn't you with them
May:Brendan has kids
Norman:What those that mean
May:With what happened I think not see ya Dad

Has she leaves back with Ash who arrive he used aura to sense the area and no one was here but then he felt his Pokémon he opened the door he kept walking to the back has he saw them his Pokémon Servine who is his Snivy sleeping under a tree,Infernape and Hawlucha training,Gabite talking to Swellow he opened the door all the Pokémon noticed him and were in battling positions then he took of his hood then his mask the Pokémon the recognized them figure in front of them they all had tears in there eyes

Ash:Guys it's me Ash
All of them:Ash!

Has they tackled there trainer to the ground Gabite has his old Gible self bite on Ash head Servine was still crying

Ash:It's okay Servine I'm here everything's fine
Servine sad:But they said you died how are you here

Ash tells them everything even the events when he joined team rainbow rocket they actually understood why he joined

Ash:Did Max leave your pokeballs here
Ash:Let's get them and back there's a tournament to win
Hawlucha:Ash who's the Gardevoir
Ash:Oh she's my girlfriend
Servine:Your what
Ash:I'll explain later Infernape can you take to the pokeballs

They leave Servine was a little in the disbelief

Gardevoir:Don't tell me you love him too
Servine:Was it to you
Gardevoir:If you want we can cheer
Gardevoir:Yeah I don't mind I mean it's good to have a girl on the team
Servine:Yeah well but how should I tell him
Gardevoir:Just tell him but I think not right now let him be relax I mean his been looking for you guys for a while

They come back Ash returns them the teleports back  to the battlefield Daniel is there waiting with sylveon and Glaceon out petting both

Daniel:Finally your here do you have them
Ash:Yeah let's go

They walk back then they see and argument between father and son Brendan and Norman

Brendan:Again I don't want you or Caroline near my wife and Children
Norman:Brendan Maple I I'm your father I deserve to see them
Brendan:It's just Brendan I'm not your son and I'll never be and they are not your grand children so never come to me to ask of this again Norman
Ash:What's going on
Brendan:Assholes saying that he could see my children
Daniel:Even knowing that they don't have there blood
Caroline:What do you mean
Ash:Oh yeah we all cheer the same blood so we are family but the blood of you and my mum are gone we are not Maple of Ketchum anymore even Ketchum cane from my mother not my Dad so ya later

Has they leave they go to there room which is big for them

Ash:Well thanks Scott
Scott:Your welcome pal
Ash:When did you get here
Scott:Waiting for you do we can talk
Ash:Well has least out of everyone you deserve to know

Has he tells him everything the had the ceremony and Ash first opponent is Clair

(And seen this a villain thing not a tournament thing this will end in the next chapter sorry guys but as I say just go with the flow)

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