1 - Happiness Feels Like This

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You count the cracks in the sidewalk as you make your way to downtown Gotham. Today is the day that you look at locations for the new center. You don't really want to call it a club because not only did Fish Mooney have a club, but then when Penguin took it over, it was still a club, and now Barbara has a club.

This isn't going to be like those places. Your joint is going to be classy, welcoming to everyone, no matter what their views are, or how they feel that people should be treated. The primal and the civil will all have a seat and a smile at your center, without prejudice and without loathe.

With each step and every thought of your vision, you got more and more excited, speeding up your steps until you were practically skipping. Of course you yourself don't notice your rapid steps. Not until your wrist is caught in the trap of another hand. Jerome. "Slow down, you're acting like you've never looked at a building before, jeez. If you don't go in there cool, he's gonna try to con you out of more money for your down payment."

Smirking at the man, you push his shoulder, "You wouldn't know to say any of that if I hadn't said any of the exact same things to you before we left my apartment." This entices a vivacious laugh from the ginger, the same laugh that started your friendship a year ago when he moved to Gotham. "That's what I do, Y/N, I take things and use them against you. It's one of my many lovable qualities."

Your giggles and playful shoves stop when you come up to the first building. The building is large and has the stature of a box. It looks like little more than nothing, but it's perfect for you, for your vision. You don't even have to see the inside to know that this is your building. This is your safe haven for the people of Gotham.

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The day is coming to an end when you and Jerome finally get back to your apartment. It isn't any surprise when you open the door to find Selina sitting on your couch, "Oh goody, something to babysit." Jerome groans as he's hanging up his jacket with a glare at Selina. The two despise each other, but Jerome holds you as one of his dearest friends, and to Selina, you're like the  other she always wanted, or like the cool aunt, so they refrain from tearing each other apart when they're with you.

Not tearing each other apart doesn't mean that there aren't snarky remarks thrown from one to the other on a regular basis. "You can give up the act, Valeska, it's not like you were ever gonna get any action anyway. Y/N isn't into beastiality." Before the two of them can even get their argument truly started, you face Jerome, "Hey, please don't. Today is a great day!"

This remark gets Selina's attention, "Whoa, wait, good news? What happened? Y/N, what's the good news?"She asks as she approaches you slowly, anticipating your response. Smiling widely, you look to Jerome again before answering her. "My building, I got my building today!"

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