When Did It All Start

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After breakfast Black Hat and (Y/N)
began to walk to his house.
It was a big house shaped like a top hat.
Right when they walked up to the door they heard a loud explosion with the sound of laughter in the back ground.
Black Hat freaks out and kicked  his door openand ran towards where the explosion came from.
(Y/N) however walked inside admiring the place.

(Y/N) P.O.V
Wow... his place is beautiful, but in a evil kind of way.
Wow... first day here and I'm already being called something mean like moron.
I walked into a room that is a lab and see a guy wearing a paper bag on his head, a blue bear, and... uhhh... some kind of lizard girl?
"(Y/N) these are the people you will be seeing for a very, very, very long time.
The one in in the lab coat is Dr. Flug, the bear is 505, and this here is Demencia. Also the reason why I said you will be seeing them for a very long time is because you will be living here".
Oh cool.
I get to live here.
Finally I can get out of that rat infested apartment.
I hated my place.
The neighbor on my right is some loud ass guy who thinks hes a rock star, the one on my left is a couple that literally has sex every night and i should know cause their room is literally next to mine, and the neighbors at the bottom are screaming at each other about who's cheating and who's not paying the bills and all that bull.
Oh thank god I get to live here.
"(Y/N) as of today we will help you move out of where ever you live and get you living in here".
Well ain't that nice for a villain to do.
"By we I mean my idiot minions".
"So get all of your asses to (Y/N) home and pack whatever you think she needs".


That's that, all of the things i really needed are in boxes and in the car.
"Thanks you guys for helping me".
Dr. Flug looks at me.
"I-i-it was no problem. It was T-t-t-the least we could do".
505 looks at me and smiles.
I was happy.
I get to live with villains again.
As we all get into the car and start to drive away Demencia pokes my cheek from behind me.
"Soo (Y/N) tell us... when did you decide to be part of the dark side".
This is the first time someone has asked me why I decided to be part of the villainous side.
"Well for starters Demencia I never did like the heroes, even if I was born and raised by a super hero dad".
Dr. Flug spat out his soda out the window and pulled in a parking lot near a Burger Queen.
"You... were a daughter to a hero"!
505 looks at me with that cute look of curiosity while doing his "Aroo" sound.
"Ooo tell us more (Y/N). Maybe we all could grab a bite while you tell us more about yourself".
I look at Flug and he just Sighs and gave a ok nod.
As we all went inside of Burger Queen Dr.Flug began to ask questions.
"S-so (Y/N) when did it all s-s-start".
I smiled at him.
"Well it all began when I was 7 years old".

"Dad why are you leaving again? You promised that you would stay at home today".
My father looks at me and did his heroic pose and said.
"Sorry my little cupcake, but a heroes work is never done. So your just gonna have to wait for a little while longer".
With that he left leaving me alone with my stuffed tiger plush I named Big T.
I was sad that dad didn't stay like he promised.
I decided to just sit down in the living room and just watch the news to see dad fight crime again.
I hated watching my dad on a screen.
It just seems like he loved fighting crime more then spending time with me.
It was now 8:47 at night and I was already getting ready to go to bed and then my door opened.
"Hey (Y/N) I'm home now, I brought some pizza. Do you wanna watch a movie with me"?
I didn't answer so I went to lay on my bed.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N) what's wrong? What's the matt-"
"Do you have super hero work tomorrow"?
"Uhh I'm not sure swe-"
I then layed it on him.
"Do you know day it is tomorrow"?
He looks at me stupid like.
"Uhh its umm"?
I then told him what it was going to be tomorrow.
"Tomorrow is my 8th birthday. A day you never remember. A day only I celebrate alone".
My father said nothing, but closed the door and went to the living room.
The next day I put on my plain cloths and went to the living room to see my dad fighting crime on T.V.
Just when my dad was about to win against a monster a villain known as Mr. Blinx bursts through the doors and shouted "I FOUND THE HEROIC (D/N) HOUSE HAHAH... eh"?
He looked at me and I looked at him with a blank stare.
He then smiles crazy like.
"So its true... he really does have a child.
So tell me little one what would you do if i was to kidnap you and hold you captive against your will? Would you cry for daddy"?
I then told him the truth.
"No... if anything I beleave that my dad doesn't really think about me.
He didn't even remembered my birthday which was today, I just told him yesterday that today was my birthday, but i have no doubts that he has forgotten".
The villain looks at me looking sad.
"W-well I'm sure your mother will celebrate it".
I look at him.
"I no longer have a mom, she died when i turned 4 years old".
The villain looks at me and kneels down to my height.
"Would you like to come with me? I would do something that will make your father stay with you and never go out doing hero work again.
I may be a villain and i may do a lot of horrible things, but just for today i could celebrate your birthday with you".
I smiled for once and went with this bad guy.

It was 1:27 in the afternoon and Mr. Blinx the villain who took me to his place was making me happy.
For the first time in my life someone was there for me.
My father was always out doing hero work while I was all alone at home just being bored.
Mr. Blinx is a classy villain that likes trapping heroes and doing horrible things to them.
While I was having fun in the house trying to catch Mr. Blinx's cat I see Mr. Blinx come in with a birthday cake.
He was a cruel villain to heroes, but he was sweet to me.
He sang the birthday song to me and I blew out the candles.
Once I did a loud crashing sound came from one of Mr. Blinx's rooms.
My father came in.
"Blinx why do you have my daughter"!?!
Blinx laughs.
"My original plan was to hold her hostage and get your attention, but i had a change of heart".
My father was ticked and then yelled at him.
"Even try to stay home and be a real father to her instead of leaving her to do hero work? Mr. (D/N) when was the last time you spent a whole day with your daughter"?
He said nothing.
"You never once sat down and took a day off. Now look at what I am doing.
I'm making your child happy, and I'm gonna make her more happy cause I'm gonna do what I wanted to do earlier... and that is taking away your glorious powers".

(End of Flashback)

"He trapped my father and brought out a machine to extracted his powers out of him. From there my dad was a normal man. To be honest I was happy because he could finally be at home spending time with me, but he still never did".
While I was explaining my story Dr. Flug looked confused.
"W-w-wait wait wait, even when your dad was h-human he still didn't spend time with y-y-y-you",
I gave him a nod.
"Yeah, he blamed everything on me since then. He blamed me for him losing his powers. He even blamed my mothers death on me. All he did then was mope and stare at the T.V seeing new heroes take his job and him doing nothing but get fatter".
Demencia looks at me sad.
"That's messed up, blaming your mothers death on you... now that's low even for me".
505 gives me a bear hug and makes a sound that was supposed to be comforting.
"What ever happened to Mr. B-b-blinx"? Flug asked.
I smiled at him.
"When Mr. Blinx found out what my father was doing he took me in and raised me like I was his own. He was like a father I never had. He even let me call him papa... papa B".
505 and Demencia awed while Dr.Flug seemed like he smiled under his paper bag.
"What ever happened to him (Y/N)"? Demencia asked wanting to know more.
"He retired and now is on a trip to France to see an old friend of his".
As we all finished our food and walked back to the car Dr. Flug asked another question.
"What ever did happened to your original dad"?
"I don't know and I don't care.
Besides I'm more of a bad guy now.
After all its thrillen to be a villain".

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