A Chaotic Bonding, With A Pinch of Toxic

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In hat manor, all was quite as Ridley was cuddling with demencia.  Demencia wakes up a kissed her man good morning, she slithers out the bed down the hall.  Ridley was snoozing when something appeared before him. It was a small smiling shadow, which then pelts Ridley with many water balloons. Ridley jumps up and looks around. Seeing above him was the culprit Leroy. He growls and yells his name( sounds like this).



Leroy laughs an teleports away. Ridley growls an burns the water. Later Ridley was eating lunch, when suddenly.he hears laughing, he looks up over to see Leroy. Ridley groans an continues eating. As he scoops his food, he also scooped a bomb. He looked at Ridley as it blows up. 

Ridley: LEROY!!!

Leroy falls back laughing as Ridley punches him. Later Ridley was working on road burn when Leroy walked inside. Ridley look at him as Leroy was holding a monkey wrench 

Ridley: don't you dare Leroy

Leroy then hits road burn, causing her to run off. Running over Ridley as Leroy falls on his back. Ridley shoots up covered in wheel marks. He growls as his eyes became flames.

Ridley:[roars] LEROY!!!!!


The whole hat manor shook as Leroy and Ridley were fighting. They roll around causing trouble. In the lab 505 was adding some delicate chemicals in tubes for flug. But then something shakes. Then Leroy is thrown through the doors smiling in his monster form. He cracks his neck as they hear a roar and see ghoul walk in angry. He runs a looms over Leroy's they were about to fight when.

Demencia: Leroy, where are you, 

Leroy smiles an walks off. Ghoul growls but then steps on Leroy tail,( que comic gag) making him open his mouth as Ridley pulls out....flug. Leroy blows a raspberry an teleports.

Flug: I've been in him all day.

Ghoul: yeah, nothing I can do about that 

Flug: fine, so what I heard it doesn't sound you guys are getting along

Ghoul: ugh it's like he hasn't learn anything. We went from two positive chaotic beings to two negatives.

Ghoul walks off.  Later demencia is petting Leroy, sitting in her lap, as she an him watched tv. Then flug slowly tap her shoulder, afraid of getting eaten.

Flug: demencia 

Demencia: Huh, oh hey flug. 

Flug: I need to talk to you

Demencia: alright, go ahead

Flug: alone

Demencia: oh alright 

She then whistles. Then Leroy wakes up a sees flugs, he smiles but then looks at Demi. He teleports away. 

Demencia: you got two minutes

Flug: okay, have you noticed that Leroy and Ridley-

Demencia: oh they so perfect, I in love times to, I got an handsome boyfriend, an a cute pet/son. How can it get any better

Flug: demencia, you realize that your- boyfriend, isn't liking Leroy

Demencia: what

Flug: yeah, there is some tension between them

Demencia: we'll see about that

She slithers away. Leaving flug there, as Leroy appeared behind him, firing an air horn making flug jump. Ridley was in his lab drinking root bear. He hears an noise and puts down his drink. He grabs the target a pins it down, seeing it's Demi.

Demencia: rawr

Ridley: hm, trying to sneak up on me, nice try babe,[kiss her] what you want

Demencia: I, want to talk about you an Leroy, is it true that you guys aren't getting along

Ridley:[pulls her in a sighs] yeah, it's just, it's not the same as it was before, I saw him as this little bundle of chaos I could sculpt. But he got to dangerous, I was hopping time away would have him cool done, but I was mistaken. Now, I don't known if we'll ever be back to normal. Oh well cya later, my toxic lizard

Ridley plants one on demencia. He departs an walks off. As Demi was just sad. But then she gets an idea. Back with Leroy, he readied a giant sandwich. He added the the regular BLT an a hero for a real treat. He was about to eat it when he caller beeps. Demi was calling him. He growls and throws the sandwich down. He appears before Demi. Who's holding a bag. This concerns Leroy until he gets grabbed. Ridley walked down the hall.

Demencia: oh C-fang

Ridley turns around an sees demencia. Before he could react he is pushed back an out into a kiss. He sinks into the kiss. They make out for several minutes before depart. Ridley was too much in a trance to notice Demi hair holding a mace. Which strikes Ridley.  Hours past as Ridley woke up.

Ridley: ah what happen


Ridley sees Leroy in his lap. He growls and picks him up as they start fighting.

Demencia: glad to see my boys up

The two stop an slowly turn their heads to see demencia. Who driving in road burn, as she zoom past cars on a highway over water.

Ridley: Demi, what's the meaning of this 

Demencia: we out taking our second date, to a get away hotel

Ridley: an who's paying for this

Demencia: flug [shows his credit card]

Leroy laughs 


Ridley: an that's why I love you, but what's with the third wheel

Demencia: I see this as a way to have Leroy get to know me

Ridley: find, let's just get this over with, where are we heading.

Demencia: a hotel spa

Ridley and leroy: oooooh

They push the throttle as they head to the destination. Arrived at its gates road burn flattens card as they park. They jump out an head inside. They get checked in and after that relaxed in their rooms. 

Demencia: so, what should we start 

Ridley: oh I got just the thing

Then suddenly Leroy throws a hot towel at Ridley face. They look at Leroy who's in a towel.

Demencia: great idea leroy, let's go relax the muscles, let's go c-fang

Ridley: of course

They get up an exit the room, Ridley glances at Leroy who chuckles. They group was getting massages. When they were being watched.

???: is that who I think she it

???2: yep, tell the hero 

They walk off. Then after awhile they gang walks out feeling good. Then Ridley grabs Demi an pulls her close.

Demencia: that was good 

Ridley: I got just the thing

Then Ridley is splashed in the face with a water balloon. We see Leroy now wearing trunks.

Demencia: yeah let's got swimming

Ridley: just what I was gonna say

Ridley sighs and walks off with the group. Later they are splashing in the pool. Soaking the competition with the biggest cannonball. Demencia laugh when Ridley grabbed her.

Ridley: having fun 

Demencia: yeah

Ridley: then let me help make it more fun

He tackles her into the water. Floating they begin making out. They French kiss as he rubs her skin. They spun around, heating up the pool, causing everyone to feel grim the heat. Ridley smiled as he kissed her neck. Then he sees a shadow above them. Leroy had teleported into the air an unleashed a fiery cannonballs it crashed into the water. Causing a massive tidal wave. Demencia and Leroy laughed, but Ridley, turned ghoul, looked over them. He roars in anger.

Demencia:[stops him] hey, how about I get some ice cream

Ghoul: fine

Ghoul storms off as Demi sighs, she pets Leroy as she walks off. Leroy follows ghoul. As all three didn't know they were being watched. The two figures were sidekicks ad they told their boss. A hero named brute.

Sidekick: see boss, it's them, the ones that work for villainous 

Brute: I can see that, but you think I'm messing with Blackhat boss, then your fired

Sidekick2: no sir, we suggesting we take the female, she's managbel

Brute: you have not clearly seen her videos

Sidekick: don't worry boss, with our powers, there isn't a villain we haven't caught

The two eyes glow. Demencia went to the cafe, she grabbed three ice cream.

Demencia: this will be good

Sidekick: indeed it does

Demencia:[turns sees two sidekicks] an you are

Sidekick2: where are our manners, I'm glacius, an and this is swelter, we're the elemental twins.

Sidekick: enough talk, come with us and we'll promise to go easy on you

Demencia: really, look I've been dealing with a lot tougher heroes than some sidekick twi-

She it hit by both ice and fire attacks. Being imprisoned. Swelter and glacius then carry her away. Back with Ridley was sleeping until he gets hit by a volleyball by Leroy. He growls and gets up. An see Leroy ready to play

Ridley: I'm not in the mood Leroy

Leroy:[monster language] 

Ridley: no I'm not sure when demi returning 

Leroy:[monster language]

Ridley: don't you dare 

Leroy didn't throw the volleyball, Ridley smirk and lays back. But then the monster sprays Ridley with a water gun.  Ridley gets up angry an attacks Leroy.  They go at it over an over until Ridley slipped into the pool. He gets up an sees a laughing Leroy. Ridley gets angered, but then sighs in sadness.

Ridley: why do you hate me Leroy

Ridley gets up an walks off, as Leroy stop laughing, seeing Ridley sit down. Leroy walks to him a pouts. He rubs his head to the Ridley side.

Ridley: what

Leroy: [pulls a locket out his fur]

Ridley: a locket[opens showing him an Leroy together] you kept this why

Leroy: [monster language]

Ridley: because you care about me.[Leroy nods] So all this time you were acting like nothing man we were still close

Leroy:[monster language] 

Ridley: you understand that you were chaotic an need blow off steam, ugh, I really should've seen that

Leroy then hugs Ridley, who sighs an hugs him back

Ridley: looks like demencia finally got us to get along.... But wait where is she

They look around, Leroy catches her sent a teleports with Ridley to the cafe. He smiles the ground as did Ridley.

Ridley: the twins, swelter and glacius, sidekicks for hire. They dangerous. Alright let's find her

The two eyes glow. Outside the brute was loading the Demi into his truck.

Brute: gosh, you heavy

Demencia: [muffled] just wait till I get out of here I'll

Brute: quite, that prison is made by the twins, no one's been able to get out.

Brute placed her in the truck. An was about to drive off. Then his tried get burned off. Brute gets out an sees Leroy.

Brute: you think you can take me small fry

Leroy growls and goes monster. 

Brute: oh I'm so scared

He laughs until ghoul lands before him.

Ghoul: you should be

Brute: oh no

Ghoul: so Leroy, you want to take this

Leroy:[monster language]

Ghoul: well if you insist 

Then they match towards brute. Minutes later, Ridley, Leroy, and demencia head to Road Burn.

Demencia: well that was fun, we should go in a trip more often

Ridley: [looks at leroy] definitely 

Leroy hopes on to his head, then they drive, leaving brute hanging in the air. I'm a jet, glacius and swelter are sipping drinks.

Glacius: it looks like the girl got away

Swelter: I told you that we should've taken ghoul

Glacius: in do time brother, right now we lay low, an accept any mission of the first hero assigns us

Swelter: I like the sound of that.

They drink as the jet fly into another airspace.

Boom that's it for the chapter, looks like Leroy and ghoul are back in action. An who are these twin duos. Next chapter, a battle in the sky in, Bringing Down The Thunder.

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