Ghoul Wheel

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In a dark and mysterious room we see a woman walk through dark hall. She arrives at the room and sits on a throne. She activates the monitor as it, it reveals the ghoul, more monitors reveal different Ridley at different positions and different times of the day.

???: mmm Ridley, it's time we reunited

The female rose out of her throne and walks off.


In another dark room we see bogdog walk in. He heads towards a chest in a light. He slowly opens as light shines from in it.

Bogdog: yes, after so long of searching, like someone was on break or something, but we finally tracked down the monster eggs that belong to Ridley. His client lost us, and is paying us double to recover them.

Bogdog reached into the chest and brings out the Ryno. He walks to the door as it rises, revealing a bright light to the outside. It lights the inside of the room revealing the interior of the monster truck.

Bogdog: now that we are on the island to find those eggs. Bogdog has only one question- why you guys leave me in the ship 

Bogdog growls as he jumps out the monster truck. We see the island infested with wicked plants and winged beast. Bogdog runs on all fours around the island, he's stopped by a giant plant that roars in his face, until it's slammed to the ground. The plant screeches as it's ripped apart. We see mako as she spots bogdog.

Mako: Oh hey bogs 

Bogdog: hey where the boss

Mako: last I saw he was on the shoreline 

Bogdog: got it 

Bogdog runs off. He reaches a pack of plants as we see them slice to ribbons. Landing on the ground we see shredz as he laughs.

Shredz: hah now that was clawsome. Oh hey bogdog  

Bogdog: hey dude how's it going, where's wild 

Shredz: oh he's in the forest last time I checked.

Bogdog: dang it, heads up

Shredz and bogdog faces several plant monsters. But a barrage of claws and punches tear them to shreds. Shredz smiles as the attacker was Glo, she spread her arms and lands in his arms. 

Glo: hey Shreddy, oh hey bogdog 

Bogdog: hey stripes, gotta go

Bogdog runs into the forest.  As he ran through the forest we see Leroy, devil dinosaur and tempest blasting wild plants left and right. Bogdog runs past them as he waves.

Bogdog: sup guys

The pets stop and wave high to bodog before they continue to blast the plants. Bogdog looks and stops in an open area. 

Bogdog: this so feels like a ambush 


Bogdog looks and sees an explosion, he sees flug fly across the air and crash. He gets up and groans before a vine grabs his leg and drags him back into the forest, he passed bogdog who looked confused.

Bogdog: sup doc 

Flug: hey bogdog 

Bogdog: I was heading to the boss, do you need help 

Flug: no, give it a minute 

Suddenly a large Venus fly trap rose out the forest. It started drooling as it lifts flug up. Then suddenly it groans before falling down. Bogdog catches the falling flug as they look at the plant. Something begins walking out the forest. We see 505 fall out as he was captured too. The figure actually walking out was demencia who held her axe. It morph back into a necklace as she spots bogdog.

Demencia: huh, here I thought Doug got to into food for the plant 

Flug: very funny demencia 

Bogdog: hey demencia do you know where Boss is 

Demencia: oh my brother, yeah he's with my hunkamera, he's over there at the glowy thing

Bogdog turns around and looks at the heart of the island, a orange glow comes from there as we hear monsters roaring.

Bogdog: how did I not notice that 

Bogdog runs to the area. Minutes later he jumps and see a glowing pit. He activates his Ryno and steps closer. Then a metal claw graps the edge, bogdog watched as someone crawls out and we see it wild. 

Bogdog: boss

Bogdog rushed and helps him up, wild was covered in vines and other plants.

Bogdog: hey boss you good

Wild: yeah but man I hate dealing with rotten eggs, especially when there one of Ridley's monster's eggs. Can cause the vegetation or creatures to go wild, pun no intended.

Bogdog: so that glow is from the eggs  

Wild: yeah and Ridley is taking care of it 

Then we hear a rumble and the glow stopped. A large object flies out the pit and expands his wings. It was the ghoul as he held the eggs, he destroyed them and freed the essence. Ghoul lands before the two and changes back to normal.

Ridley: this is what happens when goons or villains don't take care of the eggs. I'll have my monster get the apology money

Wild: hah hate to be those guys, let's go 

Bogdog: dang, bogdog wanted to test out the Ryno

They walk away when bogdog ear twitch. From the pit comes the prime plant monster. Bogdog lets loose the Ryno and fires.

The plant is hit by the blasts and it's torn to pieces, bogdog marches to the pit and fires. Explosion go off from under shaking the island. The other plants around the island die out it returns to normal. Bogdog stops the trigger as smoke leaves the Ryno.

Wild: happy

Bogdog: yep

Ridley: now let's go 

Bogdog: wait hold on 

Bodgdog spots something in the rock wall. He walks over and sees a figure. Breaking the rock he sees a creature, it walks out and revealed to be a tree like being.

Ridley: hey it's and ancient beast 

Wild: really, it's a kid plant creature 

Ridley: it's sapling but yeah, there beings are one with the earth itself. They have a tendency to 

???: I am groot 

Wild: let me guess say that 

Ridley: yep 

Bogdog: he said the wild plant turned into evil and locked him up. 

Groot: I am groot

Bogdog: he says he wants to come with us. He was the only one here 

Ridley: hm, alright 

Wild: good now let's get going 

Wild begins walking off. Bogdog and Ridley look at each other before looking at wild.

Ridley: did you forget wild 

Wild stops as he groans

Wild: right 

Later we de fall of them heading to the monster truck, beside it was a destroyed frenzy. We see wild groan as he walked behind the others.

Mako: good things you guys were in the area when the frenzy got knocked down

Bogdog: bogdog agrees

Glo: it was our pleasure 

Flug: indeed we did need the help 

Shredz: plus we make a good gang 

Demencua: yeah what you think Ridley

Ridley: it could work, for now you'll stay at the manor till the frenzy is fixed 

Shredz: specially with the newest pet 

They look at bogdog as groot rode in his head.

Bogdog: he just took me as his owner 

Groot: I am groot

The guys enter the monster truck, the last were wild and Ridley as they talked.

Ridley: you know they're not wrong wild, we don't have any beef

Wild: don't know Ridley, you know how I do things 

Ridley: yet your girlfriend says otherwise 

Wild looks and see mako before looking away. 

Ridley: and the fact you have a sister

Wild: yeah yeah 

Wild walks inside as Ridley laugh. Then as Ridley was about I walk in he senses something.  He looks and sees a drone watching them from a distance. He senses someone in the other side of the drone perspective and grows before walking inside. The monster truck roars and drives/flys off.

-Hat manor 

The monster truck is seen sleeping outside as we visit the guys. Shredz and Glo sleeping on the couch. Glo lay on his legs as they snooze. In flug lab we see him working on some experiments. Then one of his beakers is lifted into the air by vines. Flug wasn't looking as he grabs his for that beaker. But he sees it's gone. 

Flug: what, where is it

He searches for the beakers as another one was stolen. He looks at his table and sees it's gone. 

Flug: what is happening, Leroy is that you, normally you'd just sick a monster or drop a giant hammer on me. 

Flug walks around only to step into a snare and pulled into the air. 

Flug: ahhhhhhhh

He's tossed several times around and hits the wall. We see devil and Leroy by the door watching this. Bogdog is seen running past the door, he then runs back and sees the situation.

Bogdog: groot, there you are 

We look up to see groot clinging to the ceiling as he held flug with his vines. We also see him get holding his beakers.

Bogdog: sorry doc I was getting his bed situated when I saw he was bored. So I said he can take a walk. But before bogdog knew it bogdog couldn't find him. And I see he join Leroy animal crew.

Flug: I see, can you tell him to let me go

Bogdog: groot let him go

Groot: I am groot 

Bogdog: don't talk back to me, put him down 

Groot: I am groot

Groot drops flug as he lands down. Groot runs off as bogdog chased after him. 

Flug: ugh it's only been a few seconds and already I'm getting beaten up by the new pet

He groans as he crawls away. In the kitchen we see Wild making a sandwich. Once it was finished the sandwich was massive. 

Wild: oh I can't wait to dig in. Oh I forgot the fries

Wild goes to the fridge as we see someone eyes glimmer at the doorway. Wild then comes back with a fries that written "flug, don't touch demencia"

Wild: well lucky for me I'm not my sister, now to taste my sand-

Wild looks and sees his sandwich was gone.

Wild: where's my sandwich 

???: mmmmm

Wild slowly turns and sees maki eating the last of his sandwich.

Mako: so good

Wild: mako!!!

Mako: oh hey babe, thanks for food

She smiles until she's grabbed and pulled down by wild.

Wild: that was my sandwich, made for me

Mako: oh I'm sorry, what should I do about it. Oh I know 

Mako large arm brings wild closer. 

Mako: I can offer a different thing to eat. If that'll please you

Wild: [blushed] maybe

They kiss as we see groot run by and bogdog chased him. They both walk back and see the couple.

Both: ooh/I am groot 

In the Ridley room we see him going through his stuff. He then finds a picture of a himself and another person. It was old as Ridley was wearing his old viallin clothes. The person was a female by his side. Then we see ridley was holding the female close. Ridley growls as he throws the picture away into the pile of stuff. He gets up walks to the bed sighing. Then suddenly he bumps into someone. He looks down and sees demencia. His angered expression then turns to a smile. Demencis snuggles into Ridley chest as he lift her up. 

Demencia: hey hunkamera

Ridley: hey Demi

Demencia: kiss me you fool

Ridley: straight forward huh

He kisses her as they fall down. They close the door and begin to make out to the extreme. 

-later that night

Heed is sipping a drink when she gets a message.

Heed: well this is interesting 

In the frenzy we see wild and mako sleeping. Mako was sleeping on top of him when suddenly he gets a message, wild grabs it and answer it. 

Wild: woah 

In Ridley's room we see demencia sleeping, Ridley is dressed as he's messaging wild and heed. He walks off as demencia eyes open to see Ridley walk off. In the garage we see heed and wild and bogdog by Roadburn.

Ridley: you guys ready 

Heed: not everyday we attend a big villain meeting

Bogdog: this will technically be your first. But bogdog is wondering why we don't bring the others, sure this'll involve the big villains but it's a learning experience.

Ridley: nah this is just some villains showing off. Plus it's late and they're sleeping. 

Wild: yeah

Bogdog: wild still isn't use to dying someone who isn't gonna leave after the first date

Wild: knock it off 

Ridley: hey wild is still new to this, anyway let's go.

They all enter Roadburn. They drive off leaving the manor.

- Villain Gala/Party

At the party it's on an active volcano on an island. We see several cars jets even  giant animals park around the gala. We see the Roadburn parked in a special spot. Inside the gala we see several villains, mercenaries and assassins all talking. We see wild scarfing down food as bogdog admired the weapons being showed off. Then we see Ridley looking around. Then a villain walked by and greeted Ridley.

Villain: ghoul how's it's been 

Ridley: heh its good dude 

Villain: I heard you got heed back on your payroll, pretty bold of you to steal from goldheart 

Ridley: for all I connect he stole from me

Villain: oh and hey I seen you Queen around. She's been looking for you 

The villain walks off as this leaves the guys speechless.

Wild: was he talking about demencia 

Ridley: I don't think so

Bogdog: bogdog will get the Ryno 

He grabs his bag and notice he had a stowaway.

Bogdog: seriously 

In his bag he sees groot.

Groot: [shrugs] I am groot 

Bogdog: hmmm

Wild: honest I'm surprised he's the only stowaway 

Ridley: yep, where's heed 

Wild: she said she's looking around, but back to the Queen thing 

Wild grabs the scene and pulls it off to the next scene.

-hat manor 

Flug is scene walking to the kitchen getting a midnight snack. He opens the fridge and grabs a drink. He closed the door as he notice a giant shadow. He slowly turns and sees its demencia. 

Flug: oh demencia, I thought it was Leroy

Demencia: Ridley is missing 

Flug: he's probably getting some alone time 

Demencia: hah hah, I check the other rooms and saw my bro and mako were fine, the same for bogdog.

Fug: well maybe they all went to a party 

Demencia: oh and did I forget to mention that's mention heed is gone

Flug then looks at demencia

Flug: let's see if shredz and glo are here

Demencia chuckles as they walk off. They found the two still sleeping on the couch, Glo snuggled up to shredz.

Demencia: awww isn't this cute

Flug: it really is

Demencia: yeah....... WAKE UP

Her shout caused them to wake up and fall off the couch. They get up and see demencia and flug

Shredz: oh hey guys

Glo: Nya what is it 

Demencia: Ridley and the others are gone

Glo: again!?!

Shredz: and I'm the only one who tracks him

Demencia: yep and let's take the rumble and let's go

Demencia marshes off as the others follow.


At the party we see herd walking through the Hall, passing villains and their stuff. She then heads to the main stage and spots something that shocks her. Then a female appears behind her.

???: why hello heedy 

Heed turns and glares at the woman. Ridley wild and bogdog are seen with the other pets. 

Ridley: so you all decided to follow us

He looks at leroy, devil dinosaur, and tempest, who all decided to follow groot.

Ridley: alright just stick close 

Ridley and the others follow him. At the entrance we see a demencia and the others.

Shredz: wow

Glo: so pretty 

Flug: you sure we can park the rumble like that

Outside the rumble flatten several cars.

Demencia: yeah, now let's go find my man 

Demencia and the others walk off. Ridley and his group arrived to the main stage.

Wild: so this is where the special event is hosted.

Heed: Sensei 

Heed walks over. 

Ridley: what's wrong heed 

Heed: it's 

Announcer: ladies and Villain, meet the hostess with the mostess, the most beautiful and ruthless woman villain in history, the Queen of Monsters!!!!!

This caught Ridley eye. A light shines on a figure. It was female as her eyes gleamed red.


The villains cheer as she made here appear. Suddenly she disappears. Everyone begins looking around. Ridley sighs as he felt someone on his back.

???: hello Ridley 

Ridley turns around and the figure backs up. She had pale white skin, large mane hair,  purple sunglasses, and clothes that screamed power. She takes off her glasses to reveal her red eyes and purple eyeliner. 

(Her clothes but she's wearing heels, and swap the red with purple).

Ridley: hello, roulette 

Announcer: ladies and gentleman I don't believe, Ridley Furnus is here, the king of monsters. Both Queen and King... The power couple are here.

The villain cheers louder than ever. Shredz then hears the cheers.

Shredz: hey I think Ridley's over there 

Demencia takes the lead and runs off. Back with Ridley he glares at roulette. Roulette smirks and lifts his chin.

Roulette: now Ridley my love, my eyes are up here

Ridley: oh sorry I was looking at your organs and deciding which to rip out 

Roulette: hm, then why don't I help you 

She grabs his arm and made him grasp her face. 

Roulette: hm your skin feels warm, did you miss me

Ridley: maybe 

In an instant he tries crushing her head but she moves in instant. Both of them started emoting auras of their monstrous avatar. She then smiles and grabs his arms like a wife would.

Roulette: I miss you too, now come I got a surprise for you 

She leads the way As Ridley played her game.

Wild: this makes me sick

Bogdog: and knowing you boss when your like that, it's always mean trouble

Heed: you have no idea

Leroy watches this and growls freaking the pets out. Roulette brings Ridley to the main stage.

Roulette: ladies and gentlemen, with my darling here we can get on with the show. Now my I present to you the next generation of furious monsters

Ridley: what?!?

Roulette: view the screen boys

Suddenly screens emerged from the ceiling, then playing is an arena inside the volcano. Arriving is bebop and rocksteady.

Bogdog: bogdog knows those guys 

Heed: yeah, and I wonder why they're working with her

Bebop: alright the bait is set, let it rip boss lady 

Rocksteady: yeah 

Roulette glares at the two. They shiver and flee. On the wall was a large steel door. Its starts opening, inside a large pair of eyes is seen. A beast slowly emerges out the door. Once it did the volcano begins to shake. Then Ridley begins to recognize the monster.

Ridley: that's my monster, the volcandon 

The beast was a large reptile monster, a bipedal beast with molten rock scales and volcano shoulder. It roars as the crate suddenly shakes.

Roulette: that's right, you are in the presence of my beloved most dangerous monsters, his forbidden monsters. But forbidden no more. Now on with the show.

The crate opens and reveals a hero, a well known hero with that's as powerful as goldheart. It then sees the monster and soars at it. They two begin to battle, the monster is knocked into the wall as the hero continues punching the monster. The monster had enough and slashes the hero. The hero falls to the ground. The temperature begins to rise as the hero got up, then the monster fires a magma blast. There was nothing left of the hero. The monster roars when roulette snaps its fingers. It calms down as it enters the cell.

Roullete: now how's that for entertainment. 

The villains roars as Ridley wasn't pleased.

Roullete: and he's just the first to come. I have more of the forbidden beast ready to be bought and ready to let loose on those pathetic heroes. Are you ready to take a bite out of this planet 

The villains roar as roulette smiles. 

Ridley: I don't remember giving you that monster, or agreeing to this. Those monsters are-

Roulette: this monster is both our property, remember sweetheart 

Ridley grab's Roullete and growls. Roulette smirks and turns as her back face the window. She brings Ridley closer. 

Roulette: you were the one who seal both of us together, but you gave one of us a little bit extra. 

Roulette leans in as she was about to kiss him, but Ridley backs up.

???: HEY!

Suddenly a creatures lands on the window and lands on Ridley backing him up. He looks and is shock to see demencia hugging him. Most of the villains just left as it was only Ridley gang now all together. 

Ridley: Demi

Roulette: hm, Demi? 

Demencia: it's demencia, and who the hell are you 

Demencia turns and face roulette. 

Roulette: hm, oh Ridley is she one your little Abacos 

Demenvi: snacks, I'm more then that you

Ridley step in front of the two.

Ridley: we'll discuss this later roulette 

Roulette: I can't wait 

She walks off as Ridley grabs demencia and brings them to the others.

Demencia: okay Ridley

Ridley: wild watch them.... Where's Leroy and the others 

Wild: take a guess 

Ridley: great, I'll find him 

Ridley walks off but demencia grabs his arm.

Demencia: Ridley

Ridley face is covered with rage. He turns showing her a happy (forced) smile. He brings her close and kisses her forehead.

Ridley: everything is fine, just enjoy yourself and I'll be with you shortly 

Ridley walks off as demencia sighs. 

Flug: ok so can someone tell me what just happened

Shredz: yeah I'm kinda confused too

Gli: me too

Heed: wild

Wild: no I'm not telling them. It's to personal for Ridley 

Shredz: what now and it must be serious

Flug: you always spoil people's day by spilling their secrets 

Glo: yeah

Wild rolls his eyes and walks off. In another location roulette is walking down a hall. At the end was rocksteady and bebop waiting at a door. Suddenly they saw something following roulette.

Roulette: you know you should've learn how to be sneaky Leroy

Behind her was Leroy as he was furious. The other pets were there and backed him up. Leroy charges a powerful attack and ready to destroy roulette. She slowly turns it around.

Roulette: Leroy, sit 

Her gaze met Leroy, in an instant Leroy froze. His powers stopped as he shakes. Somethings caused his body to move on its own. He falls on all fours and sits just as roulette said. She starts walking towards him as an aura incase her. The pets try and do something but they were frozen too. Leroy struggles as he moves his head to look at roulette. She had a digusted look as she stomps on Leroy's head. She continues stepping on his head with anger.

Roulette: you pathetic little vermin. I do not know why Ridley ever keeps you around. You are the least destructive beast I've ever layed eyes on. I tried every way to convince Ridley to put you down. But he was to mercifully and treated you like a pet. You monsters are nothing but weapons. Weapons I will see to it your used, anyway I see fit. And don't worry Leroy, I'll find a task you'll surely hate 

Roulette was about to step on Leroy head but she sensed something. Jumping back as a pillar of flame erupted. It disappeared and reveals Ridley holding Leroy. He gets into his face and grows. 

Roulette: what darling, I told you I'm not a pet person 

She turns whipping her hair as she walks off. 

Ridley: I understand Leroy, I do 

He walks off with the pets. With the others they continue to pressure wild as he was eating. 

Wild: I'm not saying anything 

Demencia: wild, please 

Wild:....... Fine. You were gonna find out sooner or later. First you need to know who roullete is

Heed: I'll fill you in on that. Roulette is a powerful and strong women, so call her the Queen. She even got the name Queen of monsters. 

Shredz: Queen of monsters?!?

Heed: she's dangerous as her looks. Her skills got the attention of Blackhat 

Glo: so that's how they know each other 

Demencia: yeah yeah but what's that got to do with Ridley

Flug: wait but how come we didn't met her

Wild: cause this was before you guys joined. And to answer you question sister heed has that answer

Heed: yes I will. Back in my training days under Sensei, there was a women by his side, her name was Roullete 

Bogdog: oh 

Demencia: so Ridley had a friend big deal

Wild: oh sis it's a much bigger deal

Ridley: what deal

They look and see Ridley there with an annoyed face.

Ridley: wild?

Wild: hey I don't like either but they should know, especially my sister

Ridley: fine. The reason me and roulette have a history, is because she's my ex

Those words echoed into the mind of demencia, and left the other jaw dropped.

Shredz: you had an ex 

Flug: who's still alive 

Glo: oh my Nya, how has no one found out

Wild: because it was only between so little

Mako: but why didn't you kill her ridley, what stopped ya

Ridley: that league of heroes happen, we all thought it was heed but it was roulette, she brought all of them and heed to the place.

Flug: wait so heed never actually sold you to goldheart and the others

Ridley: nope, it was roulette

Heed: she hypnotize me into taking the credit and before I knew it was apart of goldheart team. And I just remember it now 

Shredz: ouch 

Ridley: yeah and that's the story of me and roulette. And while I was locked up she was using my monster for her gain. But I'll deal with her when the time is right

Demencia: no she needs to pay 

Ridley: Demi, trust me when I say you don't want to deal with her, leave her to me 

Ridley walks off as wild and bogdog follows. Gli noticed herds was hurt and hugs her. 

Mako: well this stinks 

Flug: what should we do, demencia

They notice she was gone.

Flug: crap Ridley gonna kill me. Underneath the volcano was an underwater exit, there we see a monstrous ship is being loaded by bebop and rocksteady. 

Bebop: alright this is the last crate of monster food

Rocksteady: yeah, good thing to, so we can finally take a break 

They talk as Roullete notices this. Her shadow covers them as it turns into a monstrous form.

Roulette: get back to work I'll have you heads 

Both: yes ma'am 

They continued to get to work. 

Roulette: you idiots, I swear

Roulette gets thing ready for departure when she hears someone. She looks and she demencia 

Roulette: oh it's Ridley little snack

Demencia: I'm his girlfriend

Roulette: his girlfriend, [laughs] oh don't make me laugh you can't be serious. He truly lost his taste 

Demencia: only thing he lost is his tolerance of you. So bring it on Queen of monsters 

Roulette: little girl if you really new that name you wouldn't be serious in chall-

Demencia: blah blah blah I'm gonna take you out. 

Roulette scoffs and snaps her fingers. Rocksteady and bebop land before her and attack. Demencia charges at them.

Bebop: prepared to get be-bopped

Bebop does a flying kick but demencia grabs his leg and throws him into rocksteady causing them to fall. Demencia jumps at roulette. Before reaching her she's grabbed and tossed vack by rocksteady. She gets up and bebop strikes her with kicks. She stumbles back only gettin slammed by rocksteady.

Rocksteady: time I squish you like a blueberry 

Rocksteady charges only to be punched by a metal fist. Bebop pulls his shades and sees a figure running at them.

Shredz: here's shreddy 

Shredz tackles rocksteady as they battle 

Roulette: a cyborg bear kid, who would thought he'd get another minion 

Bebop: better turn this around, or boss lady is gonna tear my pig but apart 

He brings out his blasters until glo lands before him.

Bebop: ah what are you gonna do 

Glo growls as mako appears behind her. Bebop is then seen running from the two. On the ship we see flug sneaking his way into the control room.

Flug: let's see what she's up to

Flug gets to work as Roullete shadow appears behind him. The battle continues when suddenly they hear a scream, flug is thrown onto the ground groaning. Roulette slowly lands as she looks at them. Rocksteady and bebop run behind roulette.

Roulette: are you done with this little game cause I have plans to take care of

Demencia: I ain't going anywhere till I have your head

Roulette: oh, so are you challenging me for my title

Demencia: yeah 

Roulette laughs as she smiles.

Roulette: your funeral

Her eyes begin to glow. He hands turn into claws as she sprouts fangs.  She was about to strike when-


An explosion stops the two see ghoul at the hole. He lands along with wild and bogdog.

Roulette: darling 

Ghoul: roulette 

Demencia: Ridley, glad your here now we can 

Ghoul: enough demencia

Demencia: but

Ghoul: wild take everyone and go 

Wild: gotcha 

He nods as they leave. 

Roulette: thank you Ridley, we'll be going now

Ghoul: this ain't over roulette 

Roulette: seems like it is

They take the boat and sail off. At the shore of the volcano we see the guys waiting. Ridley arrives and wasn't happy.

Demencia: Ridley

Ridley's I told you not to interfere with this demencia

Demencia: I was trying to help hunka-

Ridley: I this of you how dangerous she is. Yet you went behind my back. And what's worse you challenged her to a title battle

Shredz: title battle?

Demencia: I'm I'm sorry Ridley

Ridley: sorry doesn't begin to describe how mad I am. This is the end of you stupid little games demencia. We're done 

Those words shattered her heart.

Ridley: and that goes for the rest of you who decided to join her 

Glo: what 

Shredz: boss we were just 

Ridley: [appears before him] trying to get yourself killed, well you almost did. Why don't you use you high tech scanner and see when you being duped shreddy bear 

Shredz was taken aback as he lowers his head. Just then the frenzy descends on them. Wild bogdog walk inside with the pets. Ridley begins to walk with them. Demencia tries reaching his hand but he doesn't take it.

Ridley: heed, make sure they get the message not to return to black hat island 

heed: understood sensei

Ridley: this is goodbye, cya never 

Ridley enters the frenzy as it flies off. Leaving everyone shocked and destroyed. Demencia is on the sand as she lowers her head, tears fall to the sand. In the air is a drone, watching the scene was roulette. She smirks as she arrives at he sea base.

Roulette: oh darling, you are as cold blooded as I am.

She turns off the transmission and enters the base. 

To Be Continued

BOOM that's it for the prequel for what's to come, took longer than I expected. You met Ridley vicious ex Roulette, and she's the kind of woman who won't hesitate to throw you aside. Next chapter, the showdown that'll decide everything in, Ghoul Gamble.

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