Love So Toxic, It Melts

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It's been days since demencia and Ridley got together. And they were inseparable. Each chance they get they would kiss each other. Wrestle with one another. Or sleep with each other. Flug was their personal punching bag always being on the wrong side of their prank. 505 was almost used as monster bait. Blackhat actually enjoy the relationship, demencia to busy with Ridley to bother him. And speaking Ridley, he was sketchy at first but soon started to love demencia even more. Except one. They were sleeping in bed, and Demencia snores. Her largest snoring kept Ridley up, he yawns an looks at her.

Ridley: how can someone so adorable snore so loud. 

He slowly makes his way out of bed, gets dressed and leaves. He finds flug already up and is about to feed a hero in a cage in Demi old room.

Hero: villains, I demand you tell me what your plan is

Flug: lunch 

Ridley: it's lunch, I slept that long

Hero was lowered into the pit.

Hero: well that doesn't seem so bad.

He was in the pit an nothing happened

Flug: wait I thought you said demencia was in the pit. You clearly said your baby 

Ridley : I did,  it nor her[whistles]

We see four large tentacles rise from the pit, it attacks the hero mercilessly. They can hear his scream.

Ridley: do they every get tired of saying the same thing

Flug: nope, as it never gets old watching this

Ridley nods as they drink coffee an watch the action. Later Ridley was in the garage, tuning up the vehicles. Then something looked over him, it was 505 as he put him in a hug.

Ridley: oh hey 505, glad to see you up..... okay you can let go.... Let go... that's it

He turns ghoul. He carried 505 out the room an drops him. 

Ghoul: I told you to let go bear

He close the door. Later Ridley was combining dna to create a new creature. When hands start rubbing his chest. Certain, feminine, talon hands. 

Ridley: what's with the sneaking Demi

Demencia: why you leave the bed, we were cuddling.

Ridley: good point, I bust demi, I'll play late

Demencia:[whisper in wolf ear]  I want to play now, [blows in ear]

She begins to kiss his ear down to his neck, rubbing his chest an bites his neck. Ridley smirks as he wraps his tail around her leg.  He runs around an embrace her.

Ridley: alright, you win my toxic lizard

Demencia:[giggles] rawr

Sitting down, in a chair, he starts rubbing her body. Grasping her breast and but. She giggles and moves his hands to her face. Sticking her tongue out as she kissed Ridley, putting his hands on her waist. Her eyes made a smirking glare as she wrestled his tongue. Ridley was surprised for a second be for wrestling with her. Leaning back in the chair, legs on the counter. They moaned as the proved each one was stronger. Ridley press demencia closer, putting his hand on the back of her head. Turning heads the depart, breath for a minute and continue kissing. Ridley grasped he but making her whine. He pulls her in a bonecrushing hug, dominating the French kiss. They depart as demencia gets up takes off her spike band to her ponytail, letting all her hair drop and then in opens up her shirt showing all her skin.

Demencia: you ready to have some real fun

Ridley smirks and tackles her to the ground. Demi legs dangling in the air. Hearing their moans and groans as Ridley slams his tail repeatedly in the floor. Then sudden his personal line of Blackhat was calling( used when Blackhat wants a special monster shown to a client... or to talk).

Blackhat: Ridley, we have a cilent, report to my office.... An bring demencia 

Ridley: [sigh] just when it was getting good

Demencia: yeah... how long do you think they can wait

Ridley: I do know this quick way to continue they give us, a minutes

They look at each other and continue kissing. Then Ridley bites her next as they both teleport through combustion. In Blackhat office, flug was in there with their client, a trio of villains know for ship robber, The Sinkers. They see a fire geyser and out walks Ridley holding an unconscious Demi.

Ridley: we're here boss, Demi is just tired. Hey the sinker trio, love you guys work

Sinker: thank you ghoul mister, problem isn't the ships, it's the Island we call home

Flug: oh what could it be, someone flooded your base with sand, sharks started overflowing your waters

Ridley: that one time did happen right Demi

Demencia:... yeah... great... Tuesday

Sinker: actually man beast,  it's lava

Ridley: boss you wouldn't be causing an eruption 

Blackhat: I assure you ridley I wouldn't stop as low as cause an eruption, having the island devour itself, that's something, but it seems to being caused by an old client. You remember the spot with that tomb inside the volcano.

Ridley: ugh, that volcano, it was impossible for my babies to get in there, that heat was too intense then any volcano

Blackhat: yes an from the local reports, an excavation site open a channel for the lava to pour out, revealing the tomb

Sinker: yeah dude, I mean lord Blackhat an now gnarly lava is covering everything, we can get enough waves to get to ships.

Blackhat: then your in luck, Ridley, get down there an see what's causing the lava to pour, flug can make a device to neutralize it

Flug: actually I can make an invention to harden the lava and-

Ridley stop him from talking before he could get Blackhat death gaze.

Ridley: you got it boss. Pack you bags hangs were going to the sister of Hawaii 

Demencia:[shot up] Hawaii!!!

The sinkers forgot to mention their island is close to Hawaii itself. In the island airspace, the plane was making its way to the island, Ridley was driving as flug prepares an a large gun. Then demencia starts to massage Ridley.

Ridley: Demi my toxic lizard, what are you doing

Demencia: just relaxing your muscles, you wanna loosen up more before I likely fight

Ridley: an by relax you mean finish our action from the zoo

Demencia: rawr

Ridley: I don't know, flugs in the room... let's do this

Demencia jumps into his seat.

Demencia: don't let go of the controls

She starts kissing his chest, letting Ridley get a whiff of her hair. She then got straight to the make out. The make out got so intense the ship started to tip. 

Flug: what the[looks over] you got to be kidding me

He runs over an grabs the controls allowing Ridley to run all over Demi.

Flug: you guys can't go one minute.

They give him the finger as he groans

Flug: I regret hooking you two up

They soon reach the island. Flug then defending. As they see the land they avoid the lava and reach the village, flug scans the area 

Flug: I think I can find the volcano by using a geometric map

Ridley: oh you could look up

Flug does so and  spots the volcano. After a brief hike they arrive at the tunnel the excavation crew made. 

Ridley: alright, whatever it is, you better get the gun ready flug

Flug: gotcha

They walk inside. Inside the floor was hot. Flug was struggling as Ridley carried demencia,  505 stayed in the shop do to the increase temperature. They reach the inside of the volcano. 

Demencia: thanks for the ride

Ridley: anytime

Flug: would you look at this 

They look at the center, a lava harden platform, with inscription. They see a hole on the other side. A red glow was coming from it, an got brighter.

Ridley: get ready

A cloak figure made it's way to platform and spots the three. It eyes shines, then suddenly rocks encased flug and demencia, making flug drop his gun. The rock reached their arms. Ridley growls an about to free them.

???: warrior, the rocks will continue entomb them unless you show me your might. that show, I guess you're the one who cause the eruption.

???: yes, I'm a warrior, like you, my strength is connected to the earth itself, I seek a powerful rival. Face me, an prove your might

Ridley: an if I refuse 

???: then the lava will not stop, until a challenger approaches.

He stomps the platform as it descends down.

???: follow if you dare

Ridley roars a looks at demi. He kissed her forehead. 

Ridley: wish me luck

Demencia: you don't need it

He jumps down. 

Flug: don't worry, Ridley can handle the heat, probably 

Demencia: you're lucky I can't hit you.

Then they look down. Ridley lands on the platform, as it's in a see of magma.

Ridley: talk about hot under the collar. So let's do this

???: yes, my name is Magmos, warrior of lava.

He burns off the cloak and reveals his warrior body. 

Magmos: now, fight

Both combatants run at each other. They punches collide, chasing them to send back. Ridley notice his fist almost burned.  He jumps an goes an axe kick on Magmos, he counters with an grab an slams Ridley down, then throwing him across the platform, almost into the magma. His claws sharpen an hefires bone claws at Magmos, the first wave push him back but the second wave is burned by Magmos lava.  They exchange attacks back and forth. Magmos appeared fine as Ridley starts breathing heavy.

Ridley:[thoughts] dang this guy is no jerk, this heat isn't making it easy, I got about a few minutes before I pass out

Magmos saw his physique and sigh. But brings out a burning sword. And shield.

Magmos: am here I thought I found a rival, now accept your fate

He charges at Ridley. He quickly dodged the multiple attacks, then magmos gets faster. One slices Ridley chest, who yells in pain. Magmos then shield bash him, launching Ridley into the lava. He watches him sink. Magmos sigh an walk away, he continues the flow of lava until he sees bubbling. A mass jumped out the lava onto the platform. He starts laughing as it was Ridley, clothes burn and a few wounds, as well as burn marks. His eyes look at magmos, gazing into his soul.

Ridley: I must admit magmos, you're fun, but I don't go down with out breaking my fangs on you bones.

Magmos: then you have to break my spirit

Round two commences. Both warriors charge. Magmos swings his sword, but is block by the bones blades emerging from Ridley arm. He parry the attack delivered a slash to magmos stomach. He trips back seeing the wound and looking at Ridley.

Magmos:[laughs] this I gonna be fun

He charges at Ridley. Both of their attacks were relentless. Magmos most deal heavy bone crunching damage, as Ridley did fast blind sighting damage. Ridley then tail whips magmos in the face. He then tackles him, lifts him up and jumps, throwing him into the platform, finishing it with a double stomps into magmos, splitting the platform to pieces. Ridley sprout wings and flys up. As magmos sinks down. He flies through the air to the hole. Freeing demencia and flug as they fly out.  Flug used his gun to fire an ice beam, hardening the remaining lava. They land in town as demencia hugs Ridley, who groaned due to his burns.

Demencia: are you okay

Flug: he has first degree burns and is walking, I think he's okay

Ridley: I'll live, just need a lot of ice.

Demencia: wish I got to punch the rock head

Then suddenly, the volcano erupts, everyone looks and sees wings burst through the volcano, they flap as something came out. A large magma dragon, it was magmos.

Magmos: warrior, our dance is not over

Ridley: glady, step back love, this is about to get hot

Flug and Demi gave him room, Ridley combust into flames and explodes, catching Magmos attention. Out from the flames was ghoul, flying to magmos. Magmos flys to Ghoul. They collide creating a shockwave, they fly back an both fire a breath attack. Ghoul fire manages to hurt magmos as did his. They fly all around the island, tackling each other down or sending them flying. They fight shook the skies.

Magmos: warrior, before we end this I never got your name

Ghoul: my friends call me Ridley, my enemies call me ghoul.

Magmos: then let's end this ghoul.

They then release their power cloaking themselves into their element. The fly at one another. They crash, creating a massive explosion. Demencia and flug shield their eyes. They then watch as something crash near the shore. They run a they see a massive cloud of ash and dust. Through the smoke was Magmos as he roars.

They prepare to attack. When suddenly magmos falls, and walk on top of him out the dust was Ghoul as he roars in victory.

He walks down an changes back just as demencia tackles him an starts kissing him.

Ridley: okay, now I really need tender lover an care

Flug: seeing as you just went though a massive incineration attack, I say a whole ship load of care.

Then they see magmos get up. Demencia instincts kicked in as she protects Ridley. Magmos walks closer...and bows at Ridley.

Magmos: you have defeated me, those you earn my loyalty.

He gives Ridley a horn

Magmos: if you need my help, blow the horn.

Ridley: thank you magmos, it was an honored to fight you

Magmos: likewise, till we meet again, Ridley

He flys into the air an dives into the volcano, he dives in, then the lava hardens. 

Ridley: so, we should get back to Blackhat an give him a debriefing.

He about to call when demencia takes it an stuffs it in her hair.

Demencia: our great lord gave us all the time we need to stop the eruption, we must make sure every part is harden. And your not going anywhere 

Ridley: well I don't know, flug.... Flug

He then see flug in a Hawaiian attire holding a coconut with a straw in it. 

Ridley: oh well

He lays back. Breif change into some Hawaiian attire he is not relaxing in a chair with flug an 505.

Ridley: now this is what I called relaxing 

Flug: yep

505: bow

Ridley: hey where Demi

Then they see a group of hula dancers,  one of them was demencia, making Ridley shot up. She dance away from the scene group to the forest. Ridley looks back an sips his drink.

Flug: so how are those injuries 

Ridley: they hurt, but not enough this, aloha guys

He runs after demencia. As flug an 505 sip their drinks.

Aloha Boom that's it for the chapter. Ridley face an equal warrior in power.  Talk about bringing the heat. Next chapter, From heat, to ice in, Ice Ice Yeti.

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