Primal Mayhem

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The scene transit to the forest of Africa. We see several trees being moved as a group walk through the forest. We see it's a Black Claw Squad, warriors who were hunting something. But what they didn't know is that they were being hunted. A pair of orange eyes watched them from above, holding onto a tree. It leaps off the tree with great speed. The warriors looked around. 

Goon: alright fan out, the buyer wants this beast especially, she wasn't happy for when we lost the dinosaur 

Goon: it's bad enough with that creature, but this one is far more dangerous, it's smart, it has been hunted multiple times and it became the hunter. 

Goon: and this is why we need to focus 

The goons remain cautious. Suddenly the bushes shake, one scared goon fires upon it.

Goon: hold your fire hold it!!

The goon stops the fire. They look and see it a giant log. 


A large figure lands behind them. Before the goons react they are hit by a barrage of attacks, it pounded them senselessly. Then the beast roars as he jumps away leaving a trail of broken bones and trees. We transit to a location, a place full of mountains we transits to a cave, where we see a giant figure loot over the entire forest, he starts hooting before roaring.we then see his fur glow, in the form of a hat logo.

-Hat Manor 

The scene transit into the shredz room. We can see him snoring as glo snuggled up to him. Shredz could barely move but it didn't bother him. Glo arms wrapped around shredz body as she snuggled under his chin. Shredz then wakes and sees glo there. 

Shredz: cute 

Shredz hugs her tightly, waking her up. 

Glo: shreddy-mphff

Shredz rolls along with her as she is crushed.  Then they door is kicked open by demencia.

Demencia: enough snoozing, time to get up 

Demencia walks off in anger. They two looked at each other and laugh. They get up and get dressed, by before glo could leave, she is stopped by Shredz. 

Shredz: hey jelly kitty, I wanted to give you something 

 Shredz opens a box as we see the it's a cute hero bell with the initials, GLO.

Glo: awww, shreddy 

Glo pounces on him and kiss him, they embrace for a few seconds. Shredz smiles as they giggle, glo smiles as she pulls him along. 

- Flug lab

We transit to flug lab. Then we see said doctor run inside full of panic. He starts locking the doors and windows. He slowly hears footsteps approaching the door. He goes in a box as the doors are kicked up. 


The metal doors slid across the ground. Flug shivers as he hears growling and sees shadows in his lab. Then they disappear. Flug slowly get out of the box and looks around.

Flug: thank goodness, they're  gone

Flug continues to walk around until he spots a pool of water. Then he looks up to see his drooling predator.

Flug: ahhhhhhh

Flug tried to run till he's eaten.... By devil dinosaur.  Devil smiles as he starts chewing. Then we see his mouth shake.

Flug: help.... Help... this isn't funny 

Demencia: alright game over 

Demencia walks in with the others.

Demencia: spit him out devil 

Devil growls before spitting flug out. Flug gets up groaning 

Flug: why did you insist making this game 

Demencia: to keep us in shape. Now that my hunkamera is gone we need to get stronger

Flug: and how is playing caveman and dinosuar building strength

Demencia: well not everything has to involve intense workout. 

Flug: but why do I have to be the caveman 

Demencia: when you're the only one shrimpy enough... speaking of which.... You better start running 

They all look at each flug with fangs and laughter. Flug starts running as they chase after him. 

- Africa

The scene transit to the forest, where two people are roaming around. They move past the trees, as we see it's Ridley and heed. Heed was wearing survival clothes as her costumes was sill being made. As they maneuvered she struggled to keep up

Heed: Sensei Ridley, not to be a drama queen, but how much longer 

Ridley: it's gonna be long walk Cecilia.  Plus it'll raise your endurance. 

Heed. I understand, so what are we looking for

Ridley: My sources told me that they are hunting for a strong monsters.  So I believe that if we can find the monster we can catch it and use it as bait.  

Heed: and what shall we do with the pet

Ridley: well let it go, you know how I feel about animals 

Heed: right, let's keep moving

Ridley: that's the spirit 

They continue to maneuver through the jungle. Not seeing the foot prints And broken trees around. 

-Hat Manor 

We transit to flug lab as he's working on some of the tech. While he was covered in teeth. Flug groans as he finally survived caveman and dinosaur.  He was working when he heard rumbling.

Flug: Huh, ahh

Flug turns to see devil dinosaur, who was hungry.

Flug: what is it 

Devil stomach growls. 

Flug: ugh what, you're hungry, you just  Ate, ate meet me.

Devil whines

Flug: ugh fine give me a minute, I don't know why demencia put me on pet duty 

Flug searches through his stuff for dino food. Devil stomach growls more when he sees some of flu a large canister. Thinking it food he goes and bites it. Flug comes in with the bag and struggles.

Flug: ugh... demencia ohs me big time for this, Huh

Flug sees devil eating his Stuff.

Flug: hey, bad boy, bad bad boy

Flug tries pulling devil tail, but fails as he lifts him up and throws flug across the room. The  devil smells the dino food and eats it. Flug groans and get up, then he sees devil making a mess. 

Flug: grr, I got to cook up something to stop this 

Flug then sees a large canister and smiles grabbing it.

Flug: hey devil, [devil looks] go get it 

Devil runs and eats the canister. Devil suddenly gets sleepy and walks away.

Flug: There, that's should deal with him

Flug gets to work. What he didn't know is that inside devil, the canister he ate.... Was a bomb.

- Africa

The scene transit to the mountain wall. We see a large beast roam the cliff as he's tracking something. As he does we hear something 


He looks up and hides, we see helicopters piloted by black claws. The beast grows as they pass. When he does he continues to run, until he hears voices, at the edge of the cliff he sees two people on the ground, eyeing the scrapyard of blackclaw vehicles he previously destroyed. He grows and eyes them. The two were Ridley and Heed.

Ridley: it was obvious the beast is very powerful look how it is, these parts were torn apart... by bare hands.

Heed: I don't want to be a buzzkill but it think we should go

Ridley: ah come now Cecilia, don't tell me your scared of beast, you've seen my monsters in the zoo

Heed: yeah sensei that doesn't help either, why did you think I had big tall superpowered bodyguards by my side

Ridley: cause you were compensating for something  heh he


Ridley: ok... I'm gonna guess because of the big bad monsters I've showed you

Heed nods her head. Ridley chuckles and walks to her, rubbing her head.

Ridley: aw don't worry my student, surprisingly not every monster is vicious

Heed: really, were you sick when making them


Ridley: truth is my babies are chimeras, hybrids, their dna from original more powerful monsters, I like to call the ancient. So old that not even the asteroid could wiped them out, these beings are powerful even I had struggled to defeat. But I did and earns their respect. Most of them anyway

Heed: wow, so do some treat you as enemies

Ridley: hell yeah, to them I'm fresh meat, especially one... so evil and destructive, its presence was a toxic Stan on any city or hero or even villain in its path. I called him... Bruno 

Heed: who's Bruno 

Ridley: nuh uh, we don't talk about bruno...... anyway, there are actually some ancient beings who are gentle giants, who are nice and trustworthy, like me. But who won't hesitate to grab you and shake you like a Ragdoll

Herd: like you

Ridley: now you getting it. Now let's go, cause this is the kind of moment where something large is gonna crash behind us.

Heed: wait what 


something large does crash,  Ridley and heed turn around and see within a smoke a large ape like creature. It was a gorilla, but not your ordinary alpha, nor sliverback one. This beast had horns, a tail, trails similar to a reptile or dino while keeping its apes genes. It was one of the said ancient beast, a Thunderkong

( ignore the dino squad in this story he's the size of This)

Ridely: hahahaha, a thunderkong, an ancient beast model after a gorilla, its intelligence rivals only to its power

Heed: ahhhh

Heed hides behind Ridley.

Ridley: oh come on Cecilia 

Heed: you know I feel about gorillas, they're big and hairy and scary. And that is all kinds of wrong 

Ridley: relax, thunderkong may be catastrophe level beast but they are also kind. It won't attack as long as we do nothing to upset it

The Thunderkong growls as they slowly watch it get closer. Then suddenly Heed bumps into a blackclaw vehicle which causes its missile to fire. It flies passed them and thunderkong landing into the mountain. Thunderkong looks back to the mountain, then to them.

Ridley: yep like that 

Thunderkong then roars and attacks, Ridley goes ghoul only to be tackled by thunderkong. They hit the ground as they battle. Ghoul claws at thunderkong, but they did little. His tail smack slid the kong back. Thunderkong slams his fist down as the shockwave sends ghoul back.

Ghoul: well alright then

Ghoul roars as they continue to battle

- Hatmanor

The scene transit into flug room. He finally finished his work.

Flug: aw finally, peace and quiet 


Flug: I spoke too soon.... What do you want now you stupid dino

Flug see devil dinosaur, who didn't like to good. Devil sways towards flug. Devil dinosaurs falls and groans.

Flug: that doesn't look good.

Flug walks over to Devil and begins scanning him. 

Flug: nothing seem to be wrong.. oh no. Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!

Flug spots the bomb in his stomach.

Flug: that canister was a bomb I was working on, when did I make it- oh yeah sunday Ridley wanted it for Fourth of July, meh oh well. Ok I got of get it out before 

Then he sees the bomb hitting detonation.

Flug: oh oh oh

Devil begins to glow and then 


Flug is sent back by an explosion. He looks around and only sees devil skin.

Flug: ahhhh, devil! Shredz is gonna kill me.

505: bow

Flug see 505 arrive, seeing devil skin. He starts freaking out and sees flug.

Flug: okay yes I blew up his dinosaur. But don't worry I have time to hide this 

Flug begins to cover it up, not seeing the massive whole outside. 


Ghoul slides back as the thunderkong charged at him. He continues to block its attacks. Ghoul grabs its neck as they spin. They didn't know they were being watched.  They trike with their fist. Creating a powerful shockwave.

Ghoul: man it feels good to battle an ancient being, to bad I'm gonna beat you 

Ghoul and thunderkong battle as heed watched.

Heed: wow, I forgot how strong sensei Ridley is

Ghoul land a vicious gut punch. It stuns the gorilla. Thunderkong wasn't happy.

Ghoul: uh-oh 

Thunderkong fur starts to glow. Slowly he roars becoming even more powerful, surging with electricity, the skies darken with the appearance of a thunderstorm.

Ghoul: yep, that's why your a thunderkong 

Thunderkong raised his fist and roars. Slamming ghoul into the ground, a shockwave swiftly followed. The force nearly blows Heed back. Then we see blackclaw grab her, dragging her away.

- Hat Manor

Flug is seen running around in circles panicking.

Flug: shredz is gonna kill me, I ran all the test, and it'll end up getting me clawed, and it won't just be by shredz alone

Flug imagines glo and shredz looming over him with claws sharpened. 

Flug: ok, I have enough time to fleeeeeeee


The room begins to shake? The floor breaks as a  drill appears, it causes flug to fear. The driller appears and inside is demencia and the henchman.

Flug: oh no

Shredz: wooohooo, love this ride. Demencia is it a good idea to appear in flug room 

Demencia: meh, he can always fix it

Glo: hey there he is 

Flug: oh hey guys, how's it going 

Demencia: we stopped to give devil some food

Shredz: yeah hah so where's my boy 

Shredz jumps out the driller and walks around, flug groans as the others search for devil too.

Shredz: devil, oh devil. Where are you boy. De-


Shredz: -vil

Shredz look down and sees red shedded skin.


Demencia: what happen!!! 

Glo: I just got to know him, now he's dead

Demencia:  we were gone for an hour what the hell happened 

Shredz: I swear, who ever did this will pay, they will pay!!!... wait a minute 

Shredz turns and looks at flug, who tried to sneak away. They all look at him as they grab him. 

Shredz: flug, what did you do!!!

Flug: well I wouldn't say I did it intentionally 

Shredz starts to choke him

Flug: ok ok...... I fed devil a canister which wasn't a canister and it turned out to be a bomb and it well blew up!... along with devil

They all stood there speechless. Glo then faints from the information. 

Shredz: demencia, hand me my painsaw 

Demencia hands it as shredz starts to rev it. He growls and moves the painsaw towards flug face. 

Flug: wait wait wait.... Ahhhhhhhh

Flug continues to scream 

- Africa 

Both monsters are still fighting. The beasts both growl as their power surged. Suddenly missiles hit them. Both slide back as Thunderkong growls. 

Ghoul: what was that

Thunderkong gets more enraged and starts pounding his chest. Ghoul looks around and then sees the blackclaw chopper. Inside he sees heed being captured.

Ghoul: Cecilia!!!!

Thunderkong calmed down as he sees ghoul ignore him chasing after blackclaw. Thunderkong was confused, cause he thought they were blackclaw, thunderkong walks over as he picks up the blackclaw parts. He looks up and sees ghoul running to the chopper, to save heed. Thunderkong realized, he was wrong.

- Hatmanor

Flug is about to be chopped to pieces when suddenly the room shake.

Demencia: what was that 

Glo: it came from outside

Demencia: quick, everyone to the hole where something or something clearly flew out of

Glo, 505, and demencia run to the whole.

Flug: I live

Shredz: grr [his next comment at 0:22]

Flug groans as shredz drags him along. Once they got outside the girls were speechless. Confused the boys look where the girls looked. Seeing something shocking. Looming over the city..... was a kaiju, but this kaiju they all knew well.

Shredz: devil

Flug: he must've absorbed the bombs energy growing to unimaginable heights.

Glo: is he even a dinosaur at this point 

Demencia: well whatever the case we got to find a way to help him.

Flug: well obviously the bomb must still be intact, so we just need to extract it

Shredz: I'm sorry we?

They all look at flug as they growl. 

Flug: oh, I see

They all hope into the driller and chase after devil. 


The choppers ascend higher as ghoul continues to chase after them. He scaled the mountain trying to keep up. He starts running towards them when he notice something approaching. He looks to see thunderkong. Both look at each other before nodding, ghoul runs faster making to the edge. He boost thunderkong as he soars into the air. Thunderkong lands on the chopper. 

Blackclaw: what was that 

Then the door opens and they see the thunderkong with his glowing eyes.

Blackclaw: oh sh-

Thunderkong throws them all out the chopper.

Thunderkong walks to heed, who quivers till he frees her. She is speechless as he Carrie's her out the chopper. They land onto the ground as the chopper crashed. Ghoul lands on the ground and changes to Ridley, checking on heed.

Ridley: are you ok Cecilia 

Heed: I'm fine sensei, I really should thank thunderkong 

They see the beast is gone.

Ridley: seems he's ashamed for thinking that we were blackclaw 

Heed: shouldn't we tell him

Ridley: I think he'll be alright, for now we have our own goal, let's go

Ridley goes hound and carries herd away.

-Hat city 

We see the people run in fear as devil is eating a building.

They continue to flee as we see Rumble run towards devil. Inside were the gang. Rumble grabs onto devil tail. Devil looks backwards before throwing rumble into the air. Rumble uses this to land on devil back and grab flug who was in a protective suit.

Flug: do I really have to do this

All: YES

Rumble moves close as devil roars, he throws flug into devil mouth. Devil is shocked gulping something down. They all sit there frozen when suddenly.


Devil burps as the gas covered the scene. Rumble lands on the ground and changes back allowing shredz and the others to run out.

Shredz: devil... devil

Glo: there 

Through the smoke they see devil swaying a bit. He shakes it off and sees the guys running to him, shredz tackles him down. After the hug fest they smile.

Shredz: I'm glad you ok buddy

Glo: let that be a lesson devil, never eat flug invention without knowing what they are

Demencia: speaking of which where is he


Devil barfs out the doctor as he groans.

Flug: this is the last time this happens 

Shredz: well well well 

Flug slowly turns seeing all of them staring at him, teeth bared. 

Shredz: looks like we found a volunteer for caveman and dinosaur.

Flug: oh no!!!!!!

Flug runs away

Shredz: sick him devil 

Devil roars as they ride him, a chasing after him all through the city. 

- Africa

Through the forest we sees the hound running out the forest of Africa, heading into its mountains and caves. But behind thunderkong lands on a branch.  he eyes the two before smiling, he most specifically eyes heed and follows them.

Boom that's it for the chapter, you hav fort Thunderkong, and ancient beast with thunder powers, similar to an ape in monster hunters. And we see the power of  devil size manipulation. Next chapter, shredz gets homesick as heed learns the meaning of true strength in, Underworld Chaos.

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