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Blackhat, the most evil being in the history of evil.  Some say he is the god of evil, the first evil born.  Some know him as Terror, other villains even fear his name. Me, I know him as one thing, Boss. The names Ridley, and if you think this is some goody goody backstory, where he turns this sweet thing into a bad seed, The get slap right, in, the, face. Because this boy, was a bad seed, I was raised in the streets, streets where you had to fight to survive. 

Ridley: (even now I've been doing that)

In an underground boxing ring, the crowd cheers watching the combatants go back and forth. The bigger more muscular one lands a punch, launch the other one into the cage.

Ridley: (now I bet you're wondering, who is that big tall figure, you would think he's me.... Wrong)

The figure sent into the cage gets up and spit blood.

Ridley: (that's me, yeah the scars says it all. The big I'm fighter is the raining champ, he got some power that made him crazy beefy. Me, I have the power: " I don't give a shit what power you have Im gonna take, you, down. Now back to the fight.)

Ridley gets up and starts fighting. Exchanging blows with the big guy. This was the fourth round of this fight and the betters had their money in the big guy. But sadly to say I'm not easily beat. The big guy was now tired. Ridley use to his advantage. Landing many brutal hits on the big guy. He then goes for his gut. Knocking the brusier off balance. Then landing a brutal uppercut. The big man falls hiting the floor. Ridley proceeds to beat the figure down into a bloody mess.  They crowd cheered as Ridley roars.

Ridley:( if you think this is the reason I'm like this, then stop guess a continue watching the flashback).

After the match, Ridley got clean up and went to the boss of the place.

Boss: you did good Ridley, you beat my champion. Good for you

Ridley: thanks, now where is my money.

Boss snap his fingers. His goons bring in a large case. Ridley opens it as he counts the money. He close the case an walks out.

Boss: But the problem is, my champ is to bruise to continue, a the money is gonna dry up. So I want you to compete in more matches

Ridley: sorry but I don't need to fight anymore.

Boss: done think that you can just walk away from me, I'm not so easily forgiving 

The goons pin him down. Ridley grows until the boss snapped his fingers, letting him go. Ridley push through them a left. Making his way past the town he was stalled by shadows. He headed to his apartment, a large Room with cages and test tubes. He set his stuff down and smiled.

Ridley: ah hello babies, I'm home

The animals start bark and growl. He pets several an walks to table. The various test tubes were animal dna and chemicals. People don't know but Ridley is an alchemist.

Ridley: final, with the money I can now continue with my experiments. To evolve, no longer being held back by higher ups an lousy shit heads. 

He begins to work. Then we see a shadow look through his skylight, giving a toothy smile. Weeks has past, he  working on the serums. Perfecting it, testing it on rats. Trials and errors until it was finally ready. 

Ridley: finally 

He eyed the serum. It glow entranced him. He'd strapped himself on a table, connected to various tubes, ready to take the serum.

Ridley:(this is where the magic happens)

he released the serum. Flows through the tube releasing the serum into his body. Nothing happened.

Ridley: well that suck-ahh

He screams in pain, his body starts twitching, stretching, burning. His body began to change, bones breaking, teeth being replace with sharp fangs. His muscles mass increasing. He started growing fur. His eyes turn blood red as his mouth glow. He roars, scaring the animals in the pens. Hours had passed. Then the door bust down as we see the boss and his goons. 

Boss: Ridley, you been absent all week. Your due on your payement

Snaps his finger, the goons looks around. Then suddenly the doors shuts.

Boss: what the

They look around, they see a scratchs, deep claw marks.  The goons saw the animals in the cages, they were scared.

Boss: what the hell happen here

They saw the table, torn apart. A figure stalks them from above. He eyes see them in red Vison, then green, and shifts to their body heat. The goon found the briefcase and shook it.

Goon: money is nearly gone boss

Boss: no matter, we'll consider it a finder fee.

One goon saw a monkey screeching. Not knowing a tendrils were behind him. It pick him up and lift him into the shadow. We could hear crunching sound, the boss and boom looked around. Until something landed on the table. They look an saw a massive hulking beast. One goon shoots at it. But the bullets bounce off him. He grows and grabs his arm, pulling in to bite him in two. The boss starts to fleee. The monster chased him down, knocking down caves. He goes for the door but cages block it down. He ones to the window, opens it, a flees, but gets grabbed by the monster and thrown across the room. He slowly crawls as the monster walks towards him. The boss turns an sees the monster. His huge size. Horrific body.

Ridley: hello... boss

Boss: ridley, what happen to you

Ridley growls and gets closer.

Boss: wait, I can cut you in our deal, you 70 me 30..... 80, 20.

Ridley grabs him and picks him up. He looks at him an smile

Ridley: actually, I think I want the whole.. A-Pizza-Pie.

Opening his unhinges jaws, he devours the boss. Not noticing he was being watched by a Being.

???:[snister chuckle] now that is the talent I'm looking for

He laughs, disappears. 

Ridley:( yep, that's how I turned into a monster, an finally cut ties with that fight club. I decided it's best for me to leave before I cause heroes to snoop around. I was busy skulking until I found my new home, an abandoned steel mill. There I continue my research, the same serum I did on myself, on larger scales, I was in the process of making one when the something happen, something that changed my life.. for the thrill seeking better).

Ridley was working on a different serum when suddenly.

???:[cackles] I must say I'm impressed 

Ridley looked around, he got down on all fours and sniff the around. He smell.. evil. His ears twitch, hearing the sound above them. He looks up and surprised to see him. A shadow morphing into BlackHat, he was speechless he was before him, watching walk upside down on the ceiling.

Blackhat: I thought your fight in the ring was satisfying

Ridley: you watched my fight

Blackhat then appears by Ridley.

Blackhat: yes, from you breaking his face, to this new form of yours. 

Ridley: thank you, but one such as you doesn't drop by to say, hello

Blackhat: I been in... around, looking for someone to do my bidding, a lackey, a grunt, my personal hunting don

Just then Ridley tail smashed the ground near blackhat, Ridley growls in his face.

Ridley: don't ever call me dog

Blackhat: your right, dog is to silly for someone such as yourself, how about, Ghoul

Ridley: hm, very well, what do you have in mind

Blackhat: your powers of twisting dna inspires me, this can be a big thing for my clients. Work for me and you can be the most feared being in the world, right after me of course.

Ridley was shock to hear this. He knew blackhat, and him all of people coming to ask him to join his organization, Ridley watched his videos, they were impressive. Joining him can take his research to the next level.

Blackhat: my organization will give you everything you'll need. 

Ridley: doc what do you want from me

Blackhat smile and extends his hand, monsters figures rose behind him.

Blackhat: your soul

Ridley looks at the hand an scoffs.

Ridley: you think I stupid enough to oh you my soul after a deal like that.

He walks around blackhat, who's grew annoyed.

Ridley: joining the most powerful being, working under him, being his enforcer to these weak prideful heroes.  Giving you my soul... won't be enough.

He now faces blackhat and changes back. He then bows at Blackhat.

Ridley: I give you my most undying loyalty, if I can serve you. My Dark Lord

 Blackhat himself was surprised, he smiled as he nods.

Blackhat: then welcome to my organization, my ghoul

Ridley takes his hand. Dealing his loyalty. They get up as blackhat teleports them away in smoke. They appeared in the Blackhat's mansion. 

Blackhat: let me show you around

Ridley was shown around. A few weeks has past. Blackhat was sipping his drink. Then a knock on the a door was heard.

Blackhat: come in

Ridley in his new head, walks inside. 

Ridley: all is ready my lord, if you would

Blackhat teleports them to Ridley lab( it's flug lab). 

Blackhat: well

Ridley: allow me to introduce you to the first of my demolition class

He whistles, they hear a shriek, out from the shadows come a heavy armored monster. It looks down at the two. It leans down as Ridley pet his head. It bows his head to blackhat.

Ridley: it's has it's  undying loyalty to you my lord

Blackheart: impressive, is everything ready

Ridley: yes sir

Blackhat: good, very good, Ridley

Ridley: what can I say sir,[eyes glow] I live to please 

Blackhat walks out of the place. Ridley orders the monster to leave the den. Ridley heads to his bed an rest his.

Ridley:(that's how I met my boss, how I've grew, and how I've became the most dangerous right hand, not because who I work with, for how much chaos I've done, heh, heh. That's the end of the flashback... or is it).

???: chow time

Ridley open his eyes, he was in his monster form as he was in chains. A prison guard delivered him food.  He throws the plate spilling the food, he laughs and walks off.

Ridley:[thoughts] now clearly after the big timeskip, I bet your wondering, how did I get into this situation, bottom line is, I got ambushed, I know I know, I could've broken the bones of anyone, but not anyone, goldheart and his band of heroes, an open an shut fight, no one know I'm down here, not even Blackhat.

Ridley then sees a tv in the security room, gaurds were crying as their beloved hero Ms. Heed was in jail, and several scenes of seems of three stupid villains, but in an instant, Ridley could see Blackhat shadow, over them: Ridley smiled.

Ridley:[thoughts] looks like I know how to contact my boss, just need a little birdie

But then sees a small rat.

Ridley: or a rat.

He chuckles an his tongue strikes the rat.

Boom that's it for the chapter. Ridley and Blackhat goes way back. Before flug and demencia.  And what happens to him. Note that this happens after the last episode of seasons 1. Now to see how the Blackhat gang bust him out. Next chapter, time to bust out the big guns in, A Ghoulish Breakout.

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