Wanted: Bebop and Rocksteady

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-Hat Manor 

In the hat manor everything was back to normal. Well normal for the ghoul gang.  In Shredz room he's seen sleeping along with a tiny devil. Glo is in the living room watching tv along with Thunderkong. Thunderkong is seen reading a book. In the kitchen bogdog is making a sandwich along with groot. He walks down a hall as he passes a door. 

-wilds room

Inside the room was a large room, on the walls were glass figurines. There was also a pool in the side big enough for an aquarium. In the center was a bed and wild and mako are sleeping in it. Wild and the others made themselves at home after their ship got totaled. Wild was sleeping as mako held him tight, nuzzling his chest. 

-bogdog room

Bogdog opens the door to his room. It was loaded with guns, weapons and everything of tech a man or nerd needs. He walks over and sits on his hammock before watching tv. 

- heeds room 

In heeds room she's seen getting dressed. Once she was ready she walks out the room. She passes the finally room, Ridley room.

-Ridley Room

In Ridley room demencia is seen sleeping. She yawns as she slowly opened her eyes. She felt over Ridley side and didn't feel him. She immediately opens her eyes and looks around. She then felt a tap on her face and looks up. She smiles and sees it Ridley. 

Ridley: were you expecting me to be gone 

Demencia: a little bit

Ridley: well let me make it up to you

Ridley leans down a kiss her head. She giggles as she grasp his face and kisses back. 

Demencia: Ridley I notice something 

Ridley: oh what is that 

Demencia: ever since we beat the ex, you haven't left my side, it's kinda nice but I'm wondering why

Ridley:  well if you must know I'm seeing how your body is reacting 

Demencia: oh [sits up and faces him] afraid I can't handle our sessions 

Ridley: no [pinches her cheek] with the new power, the Queen of monsters power. 

Demencia: oh that, I feel absolutely fine. This Queen of monsters title is a breeze

Ridley: Demi, the Queen of monsters is not just some energy bar of power. It's a dormant volcano. The pressure of power flowing inside you at a constant state. Every inch of your body feeling that pressure. And when it erupts it's greater than anything you can imagine. Stories said that the anyone with the title could barely handle the power. It could tear you apart.

Demencia: heh that's what you said when we did it 

Ridley blushes as he pinches her cheeks as she giggles.

Ridley: anyway, the title can be a painful process, or a calm one. It's different for each user. My process took me a year before I got a handle on its full power. And when I was with she who shall remain nameless (roulette), it was a calm and easy process

Demencia: heh not surprising, hard to feel pain without a soul and heart 

Ridley: yep, but that's why I've been staying by you. Consider it a bit like an everyday check up

Demencia: aw thanks babe. But I know another spot that could use a check up. 

Ridley: what your lips

Demencia: my but 



Ridley: alright one session 

Demencia: no promises

Ridley: I love you 

Ridley push demencia down as they have fun. Outside the manor it begins to shakes and wobble. Back inside everyone began to hear the action. 

Flug: it's to early for this

Glo: Nya why 

Shredz: well so much for my nap

Heed: ugh 

Bogdog: it pains bogdog to have heightened hearing 

Wild: [snore]

Mako: mmmm 

They all carry back to their things. 

- zoo

Inside the zoo as Ridley walks over to a check up station. On his neck was some lipstick marks.

Wild: you trying a new accessories for your neck 

Ridley: ha ha if you think I'm bad then see demencia 

Wild: think I'll pass. So the zoo looking good

Ridley: I've upgraded since the last time you were here 

Wild: oh yeah. Anyway what's the game plan today

Ridley: same as the last week, chilling and watching over demencia

Wild: still surprised nothing happened, given what that did to roulette 

Ridley: yeah, but like I told her each is different 

Wild: oh hey, where's Leroy been 

Ridley: oh about Leroy 

Ridley turns on a screen, it shows Leroy in a dome like object. Blue rays shine on him as he slumbers.

Wild: he still healing 

Ridley: unfortunately those who resist the control of the Queen, will suffer in spirit 

Wild: so leory is benched for a time being 

Ridley: yeah. But he'll be fine, right now I'm doing some check ups. Speaking of which how are you and your aquatic she hulk 

Wild: huh

Ridley: you and mako idiot. It's obvious you have feelings for

Wild: yeah she knows that

Ridley: I mean a lot of feelings for her, so much it truly makes you a brother to a certain toxic lizard. So you wanna talk about why your still sensitive about opening up 

Wild: you know I think I hear bogdog calling for me 

Wild walks off as Ridley groans.

Ridley: she's not going anyway wild. 


Wild walks off. In the living room glo is seen watching tv. She tackled by a shreds.

Shredz: hey glo 

Glo: hey Shredz 

Then walking in was demencia as she shined in a radiant glow.

Demencia: morning guys 

Glo: morning sis

Shredz: still surprised how you can still walk

Flug: [walks in] I gave up trying to figure out 

Demencia: so where's wild 

Flug: he went down the zoo to check on Ridley 

Demencia: sweet, it's nice to have my big bro around 

Glo: yeah and to have bogdog back around 

Shredz: I don't know, wild might be a bit much 

Heed then walks in.

Heed: trust me you'll grow use to wild's antics 

They hear clanging and see wild walking by eating a cake. 

Shredz: hey I was saving that piece 

Wild: oh it was

He proceeds to swallow the cake whole as he walks off. Then shreds looks at 

Heed: well I didn't say it'll be easy

Dementia: wait, bro said he went down to the zoo

Flug: here it comes

Demencia: my hunkamera is down there alone

In an instant she runs to the elevator.

Flug: hasn't even been a minute 

Glo: well that's demencia for you 

Shredz: now all that's missing is 

Suddenly the wall shakes behind flug. Suddenly maki burst out as she's wreaking tempest.

Mako: tempest, don't you snap at me you are taking your bath 

Shredz: well mako is up 

Tempest roars as they plow through the other room.


Ridley is conducting some research on a project when suddenly he hears a presense. He rolls his eyes as he continues working. From a few feet from hit stood a tree, in the tree was demencia d she eyed her target. She lunges out the tree, only to be grabbed and pinned onto the table. Ridley smirks looking at his girl.

Ridley: demencia I'm working 

Demencia: I just wanted to see how you were doing. Ooh what's that 

Ridley: oh glad you asked. Remember that monstrous power glove you had

Demencia: yeah it's my current weapon since my axe was destroyed 

Ridley: well

Ridley lifts her off the table and pressed a button. On rising from the floor is a second power glove.

Ridley: I made you a second one. It's always best to have two giant gauntlets than one. You like it

He sees demencia jumping for joy as she grabs the glove. Storing it in her hair she turns and face Ridley. She lunges onto him causing him to hold her.

Demencia: hah I love it

She kisses him as they fall down.

-flugs lab 

In flugs lab he seen working on some new inventions. 

Flug: 505 can you pass me the thing 

He's handed a monkey wrench 

Flug: ok I know I said thing but I meant the blowtorch 


Flug looks down and sees his clothes burning. He immediately screams and run around. 505 rushes in and blows him out with the fire extinguisher. Once he calms down he see tiny devil holding the blowtorch as He laughs.

Flug: your stealth increased since this you accepted your shrinking powers

Devil laughs as flug groans.

Flug: but it does come with a weakness, Glo! Tiny devil is here 

Devil gasp as he looks at the door. The sounds of fast footsteps emerge and glo opens the doors. She sees tiny devil.

Glo: eeeeeee devil

Tiny devil screams and runs from glo( fun fact he must wait to grow back). Flug smirks as he gets back to work. Suddenly a shadow covers him.

Flug: your not gonna get a me second time

Heed: what second time

Flug turns and see heed. She walks in as the doors close, leaving them alone. She walks towards flug as he shakes. 

Flug: [mind] calm down flug, it's just Cecilia, the girl who wanted you since the last time we met, the one who you left to get help in the rehab jail. The one who return stronger and better then ever now that she works under Ridley, who is his first protege. And you are now working with.

He continues to think until heed is inches before him.

Heed: I have something to give, for a while now 

Flug: oh really

Heed reaches out, and grabs a case she brought in. 

Heed: Ridley decides that demencia not the only one to get an upgrade

Flug: oh... oh really

Heed: yep, cya around Dr. flug

Flug watches as Cecilia walks off. 

Flug: just dr.

Dr. Flug looks at the case and opens it.

Flug: woah

He shocked to see what was inside.

- zoo

At the station demencia and Ridley were scene kissing when suddenly Ridley stopped, holding demencia face. 

Ridley: right I almost forgot.

Ridley poofs a case into his hand. 

Ridley: I decided that the Queen need some new digs

Demencia opens the case and smiles.

Demencia: wow

Scene transit to the living room, where everyone is seeing demencia and flug new look. ( replace the blackhat skull with ghoul skull)

Shredz: clawesome

Heed: impressive 

Wild: looking good sis

Bogdog: bogdog approves

Glo: sweet sis

Mako: nice

Ridley: I do good work

Flug: these suits are nice ridley

Demencia: I love the new colors babe. They scream me 

Wild: now all that's left is for flug to get a backbone and he'll officially be a mayun

Bogdog and wild laugh as flug rolls his eyes. As the others talk Ridley pulls shredz and wild over

Ridley: speaking of men I believe it's time we bring in two guys who deserve some employment 

Shredz: who

Wild: take a guess Freddy 

Shredz thinks about it and gasp.

Shredz: them

Ridley: that's right bebop and rocksteady

Shredz: but they been messing with us for half the time you were gone

Ridley: but they were in my employ, under roulette side. Now that she's out of the picture they have nowhere to go. Plus they did set us free when she captured us 

Wild: yeah otherwise we wouldn't have joined in the beatdown 

Ridley: plus they hold my other mutation projects

Shredz: wait, why would you give a pig stealth and laser powers

Ridley: one causes its funny and two I did it cause I could 

Wild: plus imagine people shock when they see an invisible pig 

Shredz: I guess we can give them a chance 

Ridley: good, we'll take the monster truck

Wild: wait how are we gonna find them

Ridley looks at them and smiles.

Wild/Shredz: right monster king, his mutations 

They follow Ridley as they head to the garage.

- bank 

In a city the scene zooms in on a bank, which explodes. Through the smoke was two figures, one had a long horn and the other a coolish Mohawk.


Bebop: war, what is it good for

Rocksteady: absolutely nothing beeps

Bebop and rocksteady walk out of the smoke holding bags of money. They hear the sound of police as police cars arrive.

Bebop: burn them rock, I'll get the dread

Bebop disappeared as rocksteady brings out his flamethrower. He roars as he burns the cars. 

Rocksteady: burn coppers burn 

He laughs when he hears something. The cops flee as the cars are flatten by a custom tank. It was driven by bebop as Rocksteady jumps on. They drive off leaving a trail of destruction.

Both: my man

Bebop: oh did you see those cops face when I come in driving the dress, hahahah priceless

Rocksteady: yeah it was beeps, but now we gotta go into low profile 

Bebop: oh I can go low alright 

Bebop presses a button on the dash. The tank turns a corner as it begins changing. It shifts into a sweet car, on the side it had the logo bebop and rocksteady, its plate said dread on it.

- warehouse

Inside the warehouse was bebop and rocksteady. There they watched tv as they laugh.

Bebop: whoo I hadn't had this much fun since we quit that jerk of a boss

Rocksteady: yeah, and we've been living on easy street since, only answering to us

Bebop: yeah

They chuckle until they look around. Seeing the empty space.

Rocksteady: though it's bit lonely too

Bebop: yeah, I don't miss the ex boss annoying nagging but I wish there was something else then the quite


An explosion send bebop and rocksteady flying. They see figures in the smoke as they get their weapons ready.

Rocksteady: you think you can take us

Bebop: we'll mess you up punks 

Ridley: woah woah easy there boys

Bebop and rocksteady lower their weapons when they see Ridley shredz and wild.

Rocksteady: woah Ridley, how you find us

Bebop: don't you remember rock he got that special monster king power, he could read our minds

Ridley: actually I don't have that, but your dna is easy to track, especially for its creator.

Rocksteady/bebop: oh 

Shredz: did you really have to blow up the wall 

Wild: well I didn't but it's fun this way 

Shredz: really 

Ridley: anyway, I figure since you didn't get the treatment you would under a good boss, and you're my property, I figured you could work under me. I promise I'm a fair boss

Shredz: he is

Rocksteady: wait your just gonna accept us

Bebop: yeah we literally fought you guys

Shredz: well he did let wild join us 

Wild: oh ok that was good one

Ridley: so, you guys in

Bebop: hm let me think, yes! 

Rocksteady: we are very lonely and bored 

Ridley: hehehe then welcome to the group, come in

They all head to the monster truck. Rocksteady runs back and pushes the dread into the truck

-Hat manor 

The truck lands outside as Ridley, wild and bebop walk out.

Bebop: wow, sweet place

Ridley: what did roulette have you stay in

Bebop: let's just say our rooms are for the dogs 

Shredz: wow that's cold

Bebop: yeah, and it's gonna be real nice chilling here 

Bebop is punch by glo stretch arm. She reels it back as mako and demencia are there.

Glo: what do you think your doing here

Ridley: woah guys easy

Shredz: yeah it's not what you think 

As shredz and Ridley try talking things down. Rocksteady saw this and jump from his seat.

Rocksteady: Buddy 

He pushed wild into the wind accidentally flipping a switch. The monster truck roars and tail strikes the concrete. It tosses the slab as it descend on shredz and Ridley.

Ridley: well this is gonna get messy

Shredz: aw fur

The slab crash on top them. Bebop gets up just as rocksteady runs out the truck.

Glo: it was him

Mako: oh this is gonna be good

Bebop: wait hold up ladies

They see demencia walk to them, grabbing something ok from her. She shows a smile before bringing out her power gloves; with a clap energy surged from them.

demencia: who's next 

Rocksteady: wait doesn't she have you know what

Bebop: I believe so rock

Demencia lunges at the two as does glo and mako. As they fought wild slowly walks out the truck. 

Wild: wow things escalated quickly 

Demencia is seen punching rocksteady repeatedly. Bebop dances his way around glo and mako. The concrete rubble is seen shaking as Ridley emerged. Ridley sees a dizzy Shredz and helps him up.

Shredz: [dizzy] heheheh, here's shreddy [falls down]

Ridley: and there goes shreddy 

Ridley then sees everyone fighting. Annoyed he roars catching their attention and stopping the fight.

Demencia: Ridley, [drops rocksteady]

She runs and hugs Ridley as glo check on shredz. Ridley then explains to them what happened. In the living room they gang face bebop and rocksteady who were eating food.

Mako: oh so they joined the team

Ridley: technically they were always on the team

Wild: but now we have no reason to fight. Well beside the usual reason 

Glo: sorry I sucker punched you

Bebop: oh no problem jiggle cat, not the first time it happen

Rocksteady: yeah the first time was by the boss lady, and the second time, third, fourth 

Bebop: like I said it's not the first 

Bogdog: well welcome to the gang. Bogdog will so you to your rooms

Rocksteady and bebop follow bogdog. 

Rocksteady/bebop: IT SO HUGE 

shredz: wow roulette was a terrible boss

Glo: yeah 

Ridley: well now they'll know the nice side to a villainous boss

Demencia: I know it to well

She jumps into his arms and purrs. Ridley laughs and walks off with his girl. Mako smirks and looks at Wild who walks off. She sighs and looks away. Flug then sees heed and sighs as well.

Flug: will this is gonna be an interesting

He walks off as the seen fades to black.

Boom that's it for the chapter. Rocksteady and bebop are officially on the team, and with their own ride the dread, just wait till Ridley turns it into a real monster. And demencia and flug got some new clothes to kickstart the rest of the season. And some love relationship might start blooming too. Next chapter, another villain joins the group, one Shredz knows to well in, Here's Croak

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