Watch Out For Bruno

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- Hero City

The scene transition to a hero city. It was calm under the night sky.

"??? POV"

Something begins stomping as it eyes the ground. It then looms over the city. It laughs as their claws dig into ground, rotting the grass. Or leaps off the cliff and dives into city.


The creatures opens its eyes to see the destruction it's made. It laughs as they brought down a building. It sees a train entering a station. It walk over to it, crushing several cars and trucks along its path. Its foot lands on a gas station as it explodes.


The explosion caused the beast to laugh as the train began to leave the station. The train badly leaves before the tracks are destroyed. The creature lifts up the train and uses it as nun chucks, it chuckles as it uses train groan to smack more buildings down. Once they had their fun the monster begins eating a train.

Hero: Hault you vile monster 

The beast stops eating and looks down to see a lightning themed hero. 

Lightning hero: fear the power of storms, this shocking experience will drive you back to the depths of which you came. By the might of the heroes that once protected this city, I will-


Having enough of the annoying hero is smashed by the creature. The creature charges an orb and slams it down. 


The light fades as the city was turn into a city of rubble. The creature begins laughing to the moon.

-Hat manor

Suddenly demencia shoots up laughing. She wakes up and looks around. She sees Ridley sleeping and checks its the middle of the night.

Demencia: huh, another dream, oh well

Demencia falls back asleep and cuddles to Ridley.

- hero city 

We transition to the hero city. Demencia dream wasn't just a dream, as the city was in rubble. The scene transit to the outskirts of the city there a figure was walking towards a sunrise. The sun shines revealing the creature to have pink scales and a green mane, resembling a beast Ridley knows to well.

-Hat Manor

The scene transit to flug lab, there he is analyzing more of croak poison.

Flug: hm, interesting 

flug writes it down in his notes, next to it is fires on shredz, glo, mako, and heed.


In the kitchen wild and mako was making food. Mako looks at wild and smiles, wild was working on the food when he's hip bumped by mako. 

Wild: mako 

Mako: what I did nothing 

Wild rolls his eyes and smiles as he makes the food. Mako smirks as she hip bumps him again. She laughs when tentacles wrap around her as wild pulls her in. 

Wild: oh that's it, you asked for you titanic pearl 

Wild smothers mako with kisses as they fall down. 

"Living room"

In the living room the guys were chilling, heed was on her phone as was Ridley, croak was watching tv as he noticed Shredz and glo were cuddling, he groans as he changes channels. 

Croak: hey when is the pizza gonna be done

Ridley: it'll take a few minutes.

Heed: when did bogdog say he was coming with the fries 

Ridley: any minute now 

Bebop: yo yo yo guess how's back

Bebop and rocksteady walk in with the pizza along with bogdog.

Rocksteady: we got fries

Bogdog: mhm

Shredz: hey guys

Glo: how was the mission 

Rocksteady: hah it was easy 

Bebop: yep, just had to steal a large diamond

Rocksteady: then bogdog pick us up from getting the fries 

Wild: hey guys 

Wild walks out with the pizza. Mako giggled ass sways out the kitchen 

Wild: who's up for pizza

Mako: I am 

Shredz: sweet

Croak: yeah 

They each grab a slice and begin eating


The sound of an earthquake catches their attention.

Croak: woah, is that one of Ridley beast

Flug: oh no 

Shredz: wait does that mean Leroy is up

Flug: NO

glo: oh won't demencia be happy

Flug: NO NO

Bogdog: bogdog knows groots been waiting to hang with him

Flug: NO NO NO!!!!

Ridley checks something on his phone before looking at the others. Flug is seen hiding.

Ridley: nope, Leroy still has a phew more days to go before he's up

Flug: phew

Ridley: yep, that's probably just the monsters relax, or blackhat pet snake

Croak: wait what 

Ridley: anyway what's on today's schedule

Shredz: huh, well I don't know what comes to mind

Ridley: well if that's the case maybe I should start looking for more members and train them


They look to see demencia walking. Ridley gets up and walks to her.

Ridley: hey there sweetheart 

Ridley opens his arms, just for demencia to walk past him as she flops on the couch.

Ridley: well didn't see that coming

Glo: hey demencia, are you good

Demencia: yeah, why you ask 

Shredz: you missed an opportunity to kiss Ridley

Demencia: huh, wait what 

Demencia looks up and sees Ridley. She smiles and jumps off, stumbling to demencia.

Ridley: hey are you ok

Demencia: oh yeah. Just a little tired

Ridley: you ok

Wild: you should know 

Ridley: very funny, we didn't do anything last night.

Demencia: been having this weird dream

Ridley lifts her up as he walks her to flug seat, he kicks flug off and set her down. 

Demencia: I was dreaming I was some giant furious monster, and destroying a hero city. I devoured buildings 

Shredz: must've been some dream 

Ridley: oh yeah, and what else happened my vicious queen 

Demencia: then I smashed some electric hero into the road, and then blast the whole city apart

Ridley: oh

Wild: man I'm jealous 

Heed then saw something on her phone that spooked her. She then looks at demencia.

Demencia: [yawns] yeah it was great 

Ridley: alright, [summons blanket] now get some sleep

Demencia: but.... I'm not... tired.....

Demencia falls asleep as Ridley wraps her up with he blanket.

Shredz: awww

Heed: heh Sensei can we talk

Ridley walks off with heed.

Ridley: so what wrong

Heed: the stuff demencia said 

Ridley: yeah that dream

Heed then shows the picture from her phone to Ridley. Ridley sees it's the destroyed city, and reports on the electric hero reconvening.

heed: it would seem it's more then a dream

Ridley: hm, those claws marks, I know them

Heed: from what

Ridley: not what, who

Heed: Sensei? Is it roulette, [hand turns into smoke claw] I'll be up to even the score 

Ridley: no, too messy for her style, and no villain was involved. Hm the location is familiar, right it's close to cities by the coast. I'm gonna do some recon 

Heed: I'll go with

Ridley: no I want you and the others to watch over demncia, I fear her new powers may be causing something to seeker in her

Heed: you sure it's not you sensei, everyone on the island felt your playtimes

Heed chuckles as Ridley flicks her head and walk off.


Ridley is heading to the monster truck, he enters inside and sees croak and shredz.

Croak: hey Ridley sir

Shredz: sup boss

Ridley: what are you doing 

Wild: what's it look like

Ridley turns to see the rest of the boys.

Wild: seeing what's happening outside the island 

Ridley: you sure, mako might get lonely 

Wild: oh not to worry, she'll be just fine, for a few hours

Bogdog: someone is enjoying his love life

Bebop/rocksteady: ahahahahHh

Ridley: and you flug

Flug: I didn't want to be use as a punching bag by the sleep attacking demencia.

Croak: hah how many times have that happen

Flug: to many

The boys all laugh as the monster truck flies off.


The monster truck is flying through the air over the ocean. 

Ridley: ok, we should be close to a hero city

Croak: we really gonna battle some heroes, oh yeah

Ridley: cool your jets croak, they'll be time for you to get some hero action 

Wild: heh, I like had his style

Bogdog: yeah

Bebop: oh look at that

They arrive to city and sees the city in the process of being destroyed. 

Rocksteady: looks like we missed a party 

Wild: oh I hate that 

The monster truck dives into the city. Croak and Shredz watch as people flee off the street, they saw large footprints, around them are large poisonous residue.

Croak: woah, that is sick

Shredz: yeah

Ridley: hm

Wild: hey, something wrong

Ridley: hm

As they fly around a large creature was eyeing them as it stomps away. The monster truck noticed a building completely destroyed, in rubble and acid burns. 

Wild: woah

Bogdog: bogdog does not believe what he's seeing 

Ridley:... it's him, be on your guard 

Ridley takes the controls as the monster truck flies off. 

Flug: him, who's him

Wild: of course that kaiju

Croak: a kaiju, wicked

Ridley: no croak not wicked, this one is an ancient beast, and he's dangerous 

Bebop: oh no, rocksteady, you remember that island mission

Rocksteady: your right, oh man it's him

Shredz: who boss 

The truck is flying when things slow down, appearing from the side of a car is a none other than Bruno. 

Ridley: Bruno 

Wild: Bruno

Bebop/rocksteady: Bruno!!!!

Bruno laughs as he makes eye contact with Ridley, in slow motion he swings his claw at the truck. 


Back in real time the truck is sent flying, barreling through buildings. It crashes into the ground. The truck opens out as the boys walk out. 

Shredz: what was that 

Ridley: that was Bruno

Flug: ugh and why is it here

Bruno roars catching the guys attention. At a distance they see Bruno charging at them. He eyes Ridley and chuckles 

Ridley: how about we continue this conversation in the truck

They head inside as the monster truck gets up. Bruno was right on top of them ready to strike. The truck flies off avoid the claw, as it melts the ground on contact. The monster truck is seen fleeing from Bruno. 

Ridley: bring it Bruno

Flug: again why is he after you

Wild: well you see the missing eye and horn on Bruno.

Croak, flug and shredz look out and see the missing eye and horn.

All: yes

Wild: well the two have a rivalry, and Ridley ripped his eye out and horn 

Shredz: woah really boss

Ridley: yeah

Croak: awesome 

Ridley: it was nothing really, he scratch my back, I leave him with scars to remember me

Bogdog: bogdog doesn't get why he's here and so close to the hat manor

Rocksteady: yeah, and if he takes a few more turns he could reach it, but that's stupid

Bebop: yeah it's not like he trying search for the place you hang your cloak and chill

They all thought of it before gasping.

Ridley: clever beast

Wild: so he's trying to find the hat manor

Ridley: and he'll might as well turn it into his new lair

Croak: why that part

Ridley: wild destroyed his

Wild: heh

Bruno comes in and slaps the truck. It crashes through several buildings. Bruno lands near a pile of rubble and digs for the truck. His smiles turns to confusion as the monster truck was gone. The monster roars as he looks for the others, behind him from a mile away is the truck in camouflage mode.

Ridley: alright, we're safe 

Wild: yeah


Bebop/rocksteady/bogdog/wild: YEAH

They all begin to ready their surprise attack. Shredz smirks when he noticed something, as Bruno was tearing things apart, he let loose a laugh and that what causes shredz to remember something.

Shredz: hey guys

Croak: yeah

Shredz: doesn't this beast remind you of anyone

Ridley: huh

Wild: now that I look at him he does

Bogdog: bogdog cant put his finger on it

Croak: what do it's like one of Ridley monsters

Ridley: no

Croak: heh next thing you'll tell me it resembles demencia

Wild: haha that's-


They all gasp and look at Bruno, he laughs as he reels his head back, mimicking the laughing style of demencia. It left the guys speechless.

Croak: sweet swamp water 

Bogdog: demencia and Bruno, are equal

Flug: so that's where demencia parts came from

Bebop: what you mean 

Flug: well Blackhat never told me where the supplies came from

Shredz: so Bruno eye and horn were used to make demencia

Rocksteady: wow 

Ridley: No way, dang it 

Wild: it could be worse

Ridley: how

Croak: well a lot but the freakish one is that Bruno would want to reclaim his missing eye and horn 

Bogdog: hah, yeah that would be funny 

They all laugh when they suddenly see Bruno looking at himself. He scratches the missing part of his eye shocking the guys.

Ridley: Oh hell no!!!!

Ridley fires all the missiles.


They make contact causing Bruno to fall. Bruno gets up and sees the truck attacking him. He then flees as the monster truck gives chase.

Ridley: there's no way in all things monstrous I'm gonna let him get back his eye

Wild: it also means demencia death

Bogdog: this does explain why she's been having visions. She's been seeing through Bruno eyes.

Ridley: wild toad the controls 

Wild: gladly

Bebop: what you gonna do

Rocksteady: go out there and beat Bruno

Ridley: first I'm gonna kill flug

Flug: I see... WAIT WHAT 

Ridley grabs flug by the throat, slowly dragging him out the truck. 

Shredz: boss no [runs after him]

Croak: so as Ridley gonna kill flug can I ask something, why Bruno for a name

Bogdog: his real name is bruticus the toxic terror

Wild: Ridley called him brink ti annoyed him

Croak: oh, impressive 

Ridley lifts flug out the door. 

Shredz: boss no

Ridley: give me a reason Shredz

Shredz: cause if it wasn't for flug you wouldn't have a girlfriend, well a better girlfriend 

Ridley thinks about and groans, he throws flug back in. They walk back to the controls.

Wild: so no killing flug

Ridley: no, because Shredz has a point 

Bogota: really, cause demencia would still be demencia

Ridley: huh

Bogdog: I mean don't forget he still has Bruno horn. Plus no one told flug to put the eye in demencia. That's what Bruno wants.

Bebop: hey yeah, only difference would be your girl would rock a sweet cyborg eye

Rocksteady: heh yeah

Croak: so it's still flug fault

Ridley slowly turns to flug. Flug tires fleeing he's grabbed by Ridley, as he makes for the ships engine.

Flug: please no, have mercy 

Ridley: save your mercy for the afterlife 

Shredz: boss no 

Ridley: ugh fine. [drops flug]

Ridley then heads to the exit.

Wild: where you going Ridley

Ridley: gonna give Bruno a good old fashion aloha

Ridley flies out the ship. He goes ghoul and soars at Bruno. Bruno lost race of them and looks around. His eyes widen as he sensed something on the other side of the building


the building explodes sending Bruno back. He see the ghoul flying. They both smirk before they roar. They charge and attack. Ghoul tackles Bruno into a buildings his punches level the titan into the ground. He grabs Bruno by the tail and throws him into the ground again. He spins and throws Bruno across the area. 

Bruno skids across the street as ghoul flies after him. Bruno slams the ground as it lights up. Ghoul is then hit by energy beams jutting out the ground. The ghoul soars through the air as Bruno jumps and strikes him. He's spiked into multiple buildings. Ghoul soars up when Bruno hits him with a building as a bat. Bruno laughs as his mouth glows. He fires an energy beam at ghoul sending him into the ocean. Bruno lets loose a roar as he faces the truck. 

He marches over to the truck when he's struck in the head. He falls to the ground as ghoul flew above him. Ghoul smiles as he creates a massive energy orb. He throws it and consumes Bruno in an explosion.  Smoke covers the area as most of the city was destroyed.

Bruno lunges from the smoke and strikes ghoul. He bombards ghoul with various slashes and slams ghoul into the ground. He steps on ghoul crushing him. His tail slowly lifts ghoul up as he laughed.

Ghoul looks at him and smiles. Several beast from ghouls shadow emerged. The shadow beast begin attacking Bruno allowing ghoul to free himself. Bruno breaks free from the shadow beast and was not happy.

Bruno charges at ghoul, ghoul fires a blast breath and blast a hole through Bruno chest. The guys in the truck were speechless from what they saw. The body then collapsed and broke to pieces. Ghoul looks around, aware this isn't over

Above the ghoul, Bruno looks over a building, his body started heating up, burning the buildings. Ghoul senses him and turns, Bruno fires a massive attack, it consumes everything and takes ghoul down. Once the smoke settles they see the city in a wasteland state. And ghoul was missing. The truck saw all this.

Shredz: boss

Croak: the power of the ancient titan

Bebop: do we need a new leader

Rocksteady: oh man, I liked Ridley

Bogdog: Wild?

Wild: wait for it

They continue to watch the battle. Bruno roars as he's unaware of the glow in the hole. Bruno begins to make his way to the direction of the ocean. Bruno began walking when he senses something.

???: I forgot I fun our fights can be Bruno, you gotten stronger 

Bruno noticed the city was changing, the place was being corrupted. The ruins begin changing into that of a monster realm. Bruno looks around and sees Ridley land on the ground. Both of them exchange a smirk.

Ridley: let's end this, cause you are not finding my Queen 

His body begins charging up. Bruno begins doing the same. Energy surges around them, powerful enough to shake the places they unleash a massive energy blaster. The attacks clash. Neither side was giving up.

Ridley, finally had enough, released more energy and overpowers Bruno blast attack. Bruno is then pushed back. Soon a red light covers the scene and Bruno. The smoke settles as the city was destroyed. And Bruno was gone. Ridley falls down and sighs.

Ridley: well, that could've gone better

He admired his work, a massive trench cause by his blast attack, expanding for several miles. The monster truck lands beside Ridley as the guys walk out.

Wild: you couldn't save some for the rest of us 

Ridley: well I was trying to give him a reason not to come

Flug: I say you did just that 

Croak: man Ridley, I must say that was awesome

Shredz: clawesome is more like it 

Bebop/rocksteady: cool

Ridley: heh, alright guys, let's go, it's getting late

Ridley gets up as they head into the monster truck. The truck is seen flying back to the island.

-Mountain range

In the mountains miles away from the city. Heroes are seen investigating a crash site. It was rather large. As they got closer the place shook. Bruno burst out from the crash site and attacks.

-Hat manor

The truck is parked outside, transition to the hallway, ride his heading into the living room.

Ridley: hey guys

Demencia: Ridley

Demencia leaps at him and hugs him.

Ridley: someone feeling better

Demencia: yep

Heed: whatever you did Sensei it worked

Glo: yeah

Mako: mhm

Demencia: I had the weirdest dream

Ridley: oh yeah what's that

Demencia: I was battling you as some big monster, crazy huh

Ridley: oh, and what else happens

Ridley Carries demencia off.

"Flug lab"

In flug lab, he's seen working on his research, complete unaware that a containment device was broken. A creature that resemble a luchador mask is seen slithering into a vents

Boom that's it for the chapter, Ridley vs Bruno, who saw that coming. And demencia is connected to Bruno, the ancient titan, and who was that mask creature (he made an appearance in a villainous episode). Next chapter, return to Mexico for a sinister rematch in, Ghoulmania

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