Part 8: baby shower

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"Okay Blackhat you have Flug out the house great just take him around town for 2 hours that give us enough time" Slug said

"Okay this will be easy see ya later" Blackhat hang up "Blacky come on I want to go to the baby store" Flug grab his hand "For someone who pregnant your strong" Blackhat smiled "That because there baby clothes Oh my goodness look at this there so cute and so small" Flug squealed "We are gonna be here for awhile" Blackhat sighed

Few hours later

"Kill me" Blackhat carry 20 bags to the car Flug carrying his belly to the car "Are you okay Flugy" Blackhat rub his shoulder "It fine just false labor that all let go home" Flug smiled


Flug open the door "Happy Baby shower!" Everyone shouted Flug back away "Aww you guys that sweet that why you got me out the house Blacky?" Flug ask "Yeah but you got into baby clothes" Blackhat smiled

Flug giggled happily and open presents "Okay ready for the gender Blacky?" Flug hold his hand Black pop two balloon







"It two baby girls!" Flug squealed Blackhat smiled "My two demons" Blackhat kiss Flug head

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