Difficult weekend

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Disease: ugh... I finally have a free weekend, Only 1 a year, only a f****** day. and somebody has discussed how much I am worth this year so my boss is giving me more days to work and now this is fantastic. and now my boss has said that my number of working days is not worth what he pays. can you believe that!!!

kon...: at least, the only thing you need is to find someone and experiment on their body

Disease: but you have to know is a not an easy thing, like you just need to stitch and do some things on their body, you're never going to understand the feeling because you are not a doctor, but don't worry is easy to be a doctor, so just take a lesson and then I will tell you what you need to do, you can be my partner that will be easier for me, and then I will stop complaining about how hard for me have a free day

kon..: Never mind, I will never win you in the battle of talking, because after all, you know about the human body more than me, right, DOCTOR?

disease: if that is a joke, I have to be honest that your jokes are like sh*t, by the way why are you in my lab, you're not supposed to be here

on...: I can do anything and be anywhere because Anyway, my work is not stuck alone. not like you, being a psychologist is very easy, maybe you should consider this job too

disease: At least, I'm not called a brainwasher

kon.....: what did you just call me, psycho scientist

disease: Look at "someone" Don't know how to say me, so to say I'm a mad doctor Instead of a crazy scientist

lady: boys, the boss coming, Also, you shouldn't bother him or you'll get some bad endings Kontrolieris Meyden

kon..: gosh, at least you know you don't have to say all my names right, it's rude to me

disease: HA, Meyden

kon...: it is your fault, every time you say my full name he will be like this

                                             something Just ran into Doctor Disease's leg

disease: Eine, Schlange.Can you stay away from my feet while I'm doing my job? ( look at the lady*)so you think this is the cutest snake in the world?

kon..: I can smell the smell of baked solid meat

disease: Let him go, Lady, he is not the type of person who is self-treatment for the patient, Don't think the ability to hypnotize the patient is that he can treat patients, I'm sure I can do it. Be careful watching me will be a replacement person you

kon...:(glared at Disease*)unfortunately, I have my work to do so ..goodbye loser.at least, I didn't complain like some loser. What a failure, huh?

disease: just shut up for me, please. and get the f*ck out too, thanks

kon....: geez *don't be such a rude, because after all, we are gentlemen. we shouldn't say bad things in front of the ladies, right? (look at the lady*)

disease: you know, I think it's time for me to fix your eyes, you blindness. can you see me and her fit each other? oh yeah, you're blind, in many mean, now I understand why you are blind. Probably thanks to your personality and dignity very much

lady: We have more days to quarrel, boys. Now we need to focus on working so don't mind each other

disease: I still want a day off(disappointment*)

lady: all of us want, not only you. I don't know if all of us send a letter to ask for a day off at the same time, perhaps the organization will give us a day

kon..: Wonderfull, if that is likely to be true, I will call other colleagues to help us in this

lady: Thinking in the head * trying to be able to make these two silent *

sir: there is no way the organization going to accept that, believe me. I am at a higher level than you. and of course because what I have tried that way but it's never going to work, but I believe that I can help you in some way. Anyway, I'm the Head of the Human Resources Department

all: yes, sir

                                                                                sir, (go out *)

kon..: bloody hell

disease: damn it



kon...: did we ......did we just

disease: you mean to speak at the same time

kon..: yes

disease: Nah, what the matter with that?

kon....: never mind, a person like you would never understand that

lady: can you please shut the f****** for me please, let me in peace as least one time

both:(bewildered and surprised*)

lady: It takes a lot to make you silent

                                           after a very very very very very very long time          

disease: finally done. how do you think about this, lady?


kon...:I am not those with the same kind of hobby like you, I can't understand what you like in this hybrid bird. she wants to say that.if I were you I can do better, you don't really need to take a really long time like that just to make this" thing". but you're done it anyway the next part is mine so give it to me

disease: whatever, take care of my patient, don't fail like the spider one,I'm not kidding I am warning you

kon...: blah blah blah.. okay I get it, didn't need to say so much about that

sir: gentleman, I have good news.so , should everybody listen to me?The superior said later: When he heard everyone sends a letter, he decided to give everyone two days off.And there will be a day going out for the whole company




All three at the same time looked at each other and laughing

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