Chapter 29

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(Y/n) had declared a rule that, for each class, she could be asked about her relationship once a day. This was after the first night when the girls had managed to catch Minetta... Twice... And the class B girls' thanks had resulted in a slumber party, which began with a lot of questions about her relationship with Hitoshi, ending with her angrily heading for the door stating "We have been on one date to a cat café he visited with Midoriya, but other than that nothing has happened!" Before she stormed out, annoyed and overwhelmed by the numerous questions she was getting about her first relationship.

Sure, being the only girl in the hero course who is in a relationship would mean that you would get a lot of questions, but this was her first relationship and she needed to have time to figure everything out herself, and it doesn't help when all the girls seem to be breathing down her neck. What she needed was this time with Hitoshi.

"Romance stories make everything seem so easy, as though 'I love you' is the end of the story, but it must be difficult to maintain a relationship... I don't even know what you do in one... Go on dates... Hold hands... Kiss... Is there anything else??" (Y/n) muttered to herself, in true Izuku style.

"You okay?" (Y/n) looked up quickly from her position crouching by the vending machine to see Shōto.

Standing up awkwardly as she nodded her head vigorously, (Y/n) started to walk away.

"Oh, and just so you know, every relationship moves at a different pace and looks different. Your relationship is whatever you want it to be." Shōto said, buying his drink as the greenette stopped walking to look back at the half and half boy.

"Thanks Todoroki... I'm not trying to push you or anything, but you sound like you're speaking from experience." (Y/n) said, curious as to how Shōto was giving such good advice.

"Well, yes I am. Izuku and I are actually in a relationship, but we're trying to keep it secret so my father doesn't try to make us break up." Shōto said casually as he opened his canned coffee and took a sip.

"Congratulations on your relationship, and I will keep your secret for you." (Y/n) said, smiling as she walked away.

Now it was the third day, and it was almost time for the test of courage. (Y/n) was partnered with Izuku, and was already nervous. If the series was right then there was going to be a villain attack right around now.

As if on queue, the League of Villains started to attack. Realising that Kota wasn't there, Izuku ran off to look for him.

"Izuku!! Come back!! You will get hurt if you're on your own!!" (Y/n) called after him, running in his wake, not anywhere near catching up as he was using his quirk.

If I can just get there I will be able to steal that villain's quirk, meaning that Izuku won't have to go overboard and destroy his body. (Y/n) thought desperately as she tried to catch up with him.

Barely even able to see Izuku anymore, (Y/n) kept running even though it felt like her throat was raw from her heavy breathing and her legs were in pain from the day's training.

A wall of blue flames grew in front of her, blocking Izuku from view and causing her to stop dead in her tracks. Of course, she knew who had caused these flames, the infamous oldest Todoroki, known as Dabi.

(Y/n) stopped, looking around for the villain that was blocking her path to helping her friend, when she felt someone grab her arm and pull her towards them, causing her to stumble.

She tried to pull away from the grip, not able to see who it was who had a hold of her.

Finally, she managed to put enough space between her and the person holding onto her to be able to see their face, it was a villain. She should have known who it was, after all, there were only four points of pressure on her arm.

(Y/n) tried harder to pull away from Shiguraki, without destroying her clothing in the process.

While she was focusing on getting away from the villain holding her arm, another villain came up behind her, holding a seringe in their hand.

(Y/n) kept struggling, until she felt a pin prick in her arm, it didn't hurt, but it did make her arm ache. Thankfully, her stillness had caused Shiguraki's grip to loosen, making it easier for (Y/n) to pull her arm free from him.

Taking the surprise of her escape to her advantage, (Y/n) abandoned her attempt to find Izuku, and instead tried to find anyone from class A or B or a hero who was nearby. After all, while Izuku is important, she just had some unknown substance injected into her by force, only the villains knowing what that would be.

As she ran through the trees, she felt herself slow down as she grew unnaturally tired due to the adrenaline rush that she would obviously be having after being attacked by two villains.

Her vision began to get blurry as she stopped running and walked, even her walking slowing down and her feet barely leaving the floor, making her stumble many times.

Pretty much as soon as she reached a clearing, her legs gave out, and she fell to the ground.

Toga, Ochako, and Tsuyuu were all in the area, noticing the green haired girl who was struggling to stay conscious. Ochako was holding Toga down, but the latter seemed to be taking it in her stride and blushing rather than trying to get Ochako off her.

"(Y/n), kero..." Tsuyuu said, approaching the other girl, "Are you okay?"

"I don't know... I need help..." (Y/n) said, no hint of embarrassment in her voice as she said that, only stating a fact. She had no time for dithering as she knew that this was an urgent matter.

Using the fact that Ochako was distracted, Toga stole some of the floaty girl's blood, before getting out from her grip. (Y/n) collapsed, completely unconscious, as Toga ran towards her and Tsuyuu, a terrifying smile on her face.

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