Sam has escaped

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(back to Mandy's P.O.V) I turn on the news since I don't have work but Vincent does so I wait since he took the day shift today he is getting back soon so I put my attention back to the tv as the newscast person says "Breaking News a Immate has escaped jail his name is Sam Williams and keep you're windows and doors locked.." Then I went tense as Vincent entered with me not noticing then I gawk the words "Sam escaped?!?!?!, Oh no no no no I am so much danger!" I then whip my head towards the door to see Vincent shocked then I bolt up to him and I hug him tightly as we both hear Kira bark loudly we both run to see whats happening and Sam is there trying to shush Kira but Kira stops because she knows we are in the room then I grab my baseball bat as I tell Vincent to get the cops in the most quiet voice so he does as told then I cough to catch his attention Sam whips his head towards me as he says "Ahh my darling I have been waiting to see you I can't wait for tonight!!" I cock my head in confusion he then chuckles and walks toward me then he cups my cheek I flinch at his touch so I slapped him with all my might Sam fell backwards in surprise as Vincent's voice can be heard saying "Yes officer he's in there." As I cop bursts in with his gun drawn after Sam pinned me to the wall as the officer yelled "Let The Girl Go Now Sam Williams!!" So Sam did as told and growls at Vincent then turns to me as he is taken out in cuffs as he leaves Sam yells "I Will Be Back Mark My Words!!" I flinch and whimper as Vincent walks over and cups my right cheek as he coos softly "Relax he is gone for now." I nuzzle Vincent as I whimper into his chest..

(Bye my little beans hope you are enjoying this series!!~~~~)

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