What if Sam acutully got Mandy

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Kira barked loudly at the sudden  appearance of Sam,                   

So Mandy got up and went to discover what is happening she opened the door a bit too loud and her heart stopped she stood there in surprise, Sam looked at her before saying "My sweet Mandy I am so glad you could join us I am very excited for later!" Mandy began to shake from fear and tears run down her face and Sam began to walk up to her,

Sam grabs the cloth in his hand and he walked behind Mandy as he smirked as he covers her mouth and nose as she cried harder as she sobbed out fear from every where in her body as she begun to see black dots blocking her vision as she lost consciousness,

(Sam's P.O.V)

I finally have my Mandy in my arms again I begun to sniff her hair in delight she smells of Candy Rose I sigh in delight as her dog ran at me in a attempt to protect her owner so I kick Kira in the gut as she yelps loudly at the pain I turn and walk towards the window as I leap through the window and make my way to my car I place her in the back as I toss my blanket on top of her,

(Time skip brought to you from our sponsor Candy Rose come and get at your local stores!)

As we arrive to my house I slip out of my car and walk towards the backseat door I open it and pick her limp body up into my arms as I bring inside as I walk towards my bedroom I mean our bedroom I put her in our king size bed and I tuck her in as I go to take a shower to pass sometime,

(After the shower)

I walk into our bedroom towel around my waist and grab some clothes and change into them as I hear slight movement followed by a loud groan of pain so I snap my head towards Mandy in concern seeing her rubbing her head in pain so I rush over to check up on her as I pout and say "My sweet are you okay do you need anything!" She tenses up and begun to cry in obvious fear so I run over and climb on our bed and hug her and also rub her back as I keep repeating calming things but it only makes her cry harder and I rub her tears away with both my thumb and kiss her forehead and lay her down,

(Time skip and Mandy's P.O.V after he got out the shower)

I wake up in unknown sheets I am seriously confused and tired I hear the door open then a drawer then a cloth drop and someone getting dressed I regain some strength and I get up slightly before falling back down with a loud a** groan and I hear loud footsteps running in my direction and I tense up as I hear Sam's voice say "My sweet are you okay do you need anything!" I began to cry then he climbs onto the bed and began to say 'calming' words and he rubs my back causing me to cry harder from the fear as he rubs my tears away with his thumb and he kisses my forehead and lays me back down and I fall back into unconsciousness..

(How was that my little beans (and Tall bean UwU) hope this was better I love feedback!!!~~~~~~)

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