11. Home At Last

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It was afternoon time. Viggo arrived at his mansion that was on the same land as Vincenzo's mansion in Sicily. The Rosario owned vast property included many mansions and one belonged to Viggo where his family stayed when he came over for business.

It had been a long day but there had been success. He got off his car and saw none other than his six year old son running towards him. He picked him up and carried him as he was walking towards the mansion "Hello Venetziano..." He kissed his forehead. "How are you kiddo?"

Veneziano smiled "Papa... You are back..... I am so happy... Mama said you are very busy..."

Viggo said "Your mama is right... I have been busy... But I am back..."

Viggo could not help smile with amusement on his face as he saw some minders running towards them and out of breath. They seemed relieved to find Venetziano and relieved to see Viggo back. Viggo knew it was not easy to handle Venetziano.

This kid was a bundle of joy to him. The light of his eyes. But to the guards and the child minders he was one bundle of trouble and terror. Venetziano always behaved when he was around so Viggo only heard the tales of his mischief and running away from minders... He was getting more restless and energetic as he got older. He was alot like his uncle Vincenzo in many ways... He was smart. But he liked to mess around with things and people and he loved electronics. He had taken apart every single item in their house that had wires in them and of course put them back together. It was a blessing uncle Vincenzo lived away half the year otherwise this kid could learn so much more, at such fast pace from his uncle who was a genius in electronics. Viggo was not ready for that. He wanted his kid to remain a care free kid for longer. Now that they had landed in Sicily it was bonding time for little venetziano with uncle Vincenzo.

Venetziano asked "Where is uncle Vincenzo? I want to see him... But mama says he is busy like you...."

Viggo said "He is busy Venetziano... But you will see him... I can guarantee that you will see him tonight for dinner... Your uncle Vincenzo made it clear that we cant miss dinner at his mansion..."

Venetziano's eyes lit up "Really? That's amazing."

Viggo thought to himself "If you say so..." This kid loved his uncle Vincenzo way too much.

A guard came towards Viggo as he was walking towards the mansion "Sir. Mr Rupert Rossi have called. They are coming for the Communion but they want to visit the Rosario family in Sicily too on the way... They want to speak to you..."

Viggo nodded "That's fine. I will call back when I get inside." Viggo was Rupert's American business contact. So Rupert talked to Viggo when he wanted to get in touch with Rosarios in Sicily."

He put his son down "Go play."

Venetziano looked into the distance and jumped up and down in joy "That's uncle Vincenzo's car.... He is coming this way..."

Viggo watched his son run to the car that had just stopped a few meters away. Venetziano resembled Vincenzo on many levels and as he grew up his resemblance became more apparent. Maybe he should have just named him Vincenzo junior. Yes. That would have been a more meaningful name.

Viggo watched as Vincenzo got off the car "Where is my favourite nephew..." He then lifted Venetziano up in the air "Here he is..." He then kissed his forehead.

Venetziano laughed "Uncle Vincenzo... Can I come with you for a drive? Please.... Please..."

Vincenzo said "Of course you can... But after I have a quick talk with your father." He then put him down and instructed "Get inside the car and sit next to Leandro."

Venetziano didnt need to be told twice and ran to the car and got in as one of the guards opened the door for him.

Vincenzo walked to Viggo.

Viggo said "He idolises you too much..."

Vincenzo said "You make it sound like its a not a good thing... Would you rather he idolised someone else?"

Viggo said "Do I have to answer that?"

Vincenzo stood in front of Viggo "You didnt come to me after the mission of rescuing Letizia... Why?"

Viggo shrugged "I needed to come here to my wife first... Besides... I thought Vitale needs some space to do what he wants to do... I want to keep my distance. Did you need to see me before dinner?"

Vincenzo said "Yes... You need to call Orlando..."

Viggo said "I will..."

Vincenzo said "Today..."

Viggo sighed "I have just touched down in sicily. My wife and kids want to spend some time here before I go to Rome for your son's communion. If I call him, he would want me to go now which is days away from the communion..."

Vincenzo said "You may not need to travel to Rome before the communion.... If you offer him a deal or compromise he is reasonable..."

Viggo said "Orlando Orsiono is not reasonable..."

Vincenzo said "He will be if you offer him. good deal... I want those documents he has confiscated... They may be very important..."

Viggo said "Fine... Is there anything else you came here for?"

Vincenzo said "Not really... I hope your stay at your mansion here is enjoyable..." He then turned and walked away towards his car.

Viggo watched Vincenzo get into his car and Viggo smiled as he watched him put venetziano on his lap as he started the engine. He watched Vincenzo's car drive away.

A voice suddenly started calling him and that got his attention. "Daddy..."

Viggo turned and saw his five year old daughter who was the exact replica of Vienna when she was her age. "Verona... My princess..." He smiled.

Verona smiled and ran to her father who picked her up and carried her towards the mansion.

Viggo asked "What were you doing right now?"

Verona said "I was playing the piano... I saw your car outside and I finished my song... Then I came to say hello..." She smiled.

Viggo's heart melted at his daughter's smile. She was a year younger than Vinetziano and was such a lady... Her brother brought horror and chaos at the mansion to people but she brought smiles and joy. She not only looked like Vienna but also acted like Vienna when she was this young.

Viggo carried Verona inside the house and asked "Where is your mama?"

Vienna said "In the back garden... In the Rose garden... She is planting new roses..."

Viggo was not surprised. Angelia loved that Rose garden. Whenever she had time, she planted Roses there and took care of it.

Vienna asked "Are we going out for dinner?"

Viggo said "We go to your uncle Vincenzo's house for dinner tonight..."

Vienna said "Really? I need to go get changed... Papa put me down..."

Viggo chuckled and put his daughter down. As soon as her feet touched the ground she ran towards her room. "I will show mama my outfit when I am ready..." She loved dressing up and wearing kids jewellery.

Viggo smiled at her daughter's running form. She was always so polite and lively. Viggo then made his way to the back of the mansion. The Rose garden was a private space for his family at the back of the mansion and was connected to their private chambers. That garden had different colour roses and Angelia loved spending time there when they visited sicily and sometimes she planted some new roses there to the collection.

Viggo entered the Rose garden space. It was beautiful and the scent of Roses were making standing there memorising and pleasant. He spotted his wife watering some newly planted Roses.

Viggo slowly walked towards her and watched her finish watering the plants. Once she finished, she turned and she found herself come face to face with her husband.


Viggo smiled leaned close and kissed her lips "Hello... Missed me?"

Angelia smiled "Of course... I am so glad you are back.... How did it go? Did you find Letizia? IS she safe?"

Viggo nodded "We found her and she is safe. She is recovering... She is with Vitale at his mansion and he is leading the mission on how to deal with those responsible..."

Angelia said "I need to go see her... I want to check on her..."

Viggo said "She is having some rest and needs some space. She will see visitors when she is ready. We are going to Vincenzo's house for dinner tonight... So you might see her then if she is well enough and has recovered..."

Angelia said "Ok... That makes sense... So... Do you want me to heat up some lunch for you. The kids and I already ate..."

Viggo said "I am fine... I have a few phone calls to make now including one to Rupert Rossi and some business files to read... By the time I finish it would be dinner time and we can make our way there together..."

Angelia sighed "I am glad you come with us for dinner... I dont want to go over there without you... If Letizia says something mean to me, our son may blow up... Venetziano has become too protective... He is only six..."

Viggo laughed. "I have no problem with him protecting his mama..."

Angelia said "It is not funny. Even if someone doesnt say please and thank you he will be on their case."

Viggo sighed "You dont have to worry... Letizia's mannerism and her treatment of you wont be a problem tonight... She has changed abit..."

Angelia said "Has she?..."

Viggo said "I didnt say she has changed completely. She has just changed abit... When I talked to her on the way here she was very thankful to be alive and also grateful. She would be careful how she treats people around her from now on... Either way, before I go to my office to make phone calls, I need some love..."

Angelia smiled "You always have my love..." She leaned close and kissed his lips.

Angelia then felt herself being lifted up by her husband's arms. She gasped "Viggo... What are you doing? You have work and you have to call Rupert Rossi of all the people..."

Viggo said "I need some love before I work... We can have some time together before I do my work... Work matters but you matter more to me..." Viggo carried Angelia to their bedroom and dropped her on the bed. He pinned her down and they kissed deeply and passionately.


Viggo was sitting behind his desk and was speaking with Rupert Rossi on the phone. He was nodding "Go on... "

Rupert said on the phone "Now that it is public knowledge, Tristan is coming to Rome to negotiate with Vincenzo, things are changing... This is a public display... Alot is at stake... If things go wrong, we are business partners need to be vigilant and ready. The Rossi enterprises remain on good terms with both O'Neils and Rosarios. We have Irish and Italian roots. This is where we are standing...."

Viggo asked "But aren't you on his side?"

Rupert said "I am neutral Viggo.... I remain neutral... I have to be... I want to stay out of this situation between Vincenzo and Tristan... I dont need to get involved and dont wish to... I am not going to change anything because of this feud... I will operate as normal..."

Viggo said "Then if you operate as normal, then being our client in this particular recent contract you just signed wont make any inconvenience..."

Rupert said "Of course it wont... I remain on good terms with Rosarios and O'Neils... That is my final decision... You can count on me Viggo..."

Viggo nodded "Great... What side is your brother on?"

Rupert said "Roman is a mystery to me too..."

Viggo asked "What do you think he is plotting right now?"

Rupert said "He is plotting against Tristan like he always has done... He would take the Rosario side in any situation..."

Viggo said "I have never figured him out...."

Rupert said "That makes the two of us... I can arrange a meeting for him to see you if you wish... He would never go against the Rosarios..."

Viggo said "There is no need for a meeting..."

Rupert said "The option is on the table... Anyways... You can count on my stance not changing in any ways...I would be neutral..."

Viggo said "I am glad we are on the same page... Now let's discuss some other business..."

After what seemed like hours, Viggo put the phone down. He looked at the clock. Damn it. He still had plenty of time till dinner. So no excuse to not call Orlando Orsino. He reluctantly dialled his number hoping he didnt pick up. But unfortunately he did pick up. It was going to be one long phone call.


Angelia walked with Viggo outside to the front of the mansion. Verona was already outside.

Verona walked to her mother. "Mummy... Can you put it in my hair with a clip so it doesn't fall down..."

Angelia smiled "Of course Verona sweetheart..." She put the flower in her hair.

Venetziano was kicking a ball around by himself. He kicked the ball too hard with more force than necessary and it made its way towards Angelia.

Angelia thought the ball was coming right at her and closed her eyes but Viggo intercepted it and threw it back at Venetziano.

Viggo shouted "What did I tell you Venetziano... You will be careful when kicking the ball around..."

Venetziano put his hand up and said "It was an accident ... Sorry..." He then looked at his mother "I am sorry mommy..."

Angelia felt a shock whenever her son displayed any manners. This kid hardly ever apologised to any one who was not a Rosario. But he did apologise to her. Her son worried her sometimes. He was very emotionless and indifferent sometimes. He was alot more like his uncle Vincenzo at that age and not very like his father, Viggo. He was selflessly loyal to his father. He did anything for his father to approve of him. Otherwise he was a mini Vincenzo in every way.

Viggo looked at venetziano who was still kicking the ball around "Are you coming Venetziano..."

venetziano carried on kicking the ball "Its not dinner time... I want to play..."

Viggo said "You are right. It is not dinner time... We are going to your uncle Vincenzo's house abit earlier. Your uncle Orlando sent me the documents I wanted by fax so we need to go to uncle Vincenzo's house earlier..... But sure... You can stay here and carried on playing... I will send men at dinner time to get you... "

Venetziano looked so excited "We are going to uncle Vincenzo's house early.... I am coming...." He ran to his father.

Viggo chuckled as he opened his car door "Venetziano... Why do you sound like it's Christmas Day whenever you go to see your uncle Vincenzo?..."

Angelia gave her husband a knowing look and sighed "Even on Christmas Day he doesnt look happy when he is told to open his presents..."


Letizia opened her eyes and found herself laying down on a soft bed. She looked at her surroundings. It was in a bedroom that she knew too well. A bedroom at her husband's mansion on Rosario property in Sicily that she had not seen in a long time. She could not believe her eyes. She could not believe her surroundings. Was she dreaming? Had she been truly rescued and she was back home with her husband? It seemed like it. She couldn't believe it.

The last thing Letizia recalled was seeing a doctor, having a shower and changing her clothes. Then she had some medication. She must have fell asleep afterwards.

Letizia was feeling better compared to last night. She took in her surroundings. The bedroom looked untouched. It had not changed at all since she had left it. It was as though no one had touched the place since she had left. Even her jewellery box was open as she had left it. Her fashion magazines were all over her make up table. It seemed like Vitale had not entered their bedroom since she had left.

The door slowly opened and Letizia's heart jumped in joy as she saw her young son peaking his head inside. He said "Mama... Are you awake yet?"

Letizia felt so emotional as she sat up on the bed "Patrizio... My baby..."

Patrizio smiled brightly and ran to her bed "Mama... I missed you so much..." He jumped on the bed and hugged his mother.

Letizis planted kisses on the side of his head whispering "I have missed you too..." She then felt worried "Does your papa know you are here? Do you have permission to see me?"

Patrizio slowly broke away. "I kept asking papa to see you... Papa told me you are resting... Papa said I can see you when you wake up..."

Letizia wiped her tears.

Patrizio said "Mama.... Why are you crying? Are you sad?"

Letizia shook her head and said shakily "No... I am fine... I am happy to see you... I am happy to be back home with you and your papa... I have missed you so much... I have missed your papa so much too."

The door slowly opened and Letizia froze. She visibly shook. She was suddenly filled with fear. She became afraid that Patrizio would be taken away again. She could not endure being away from him again. She just couldn't. She was willing to do anything to be allowed to be close to her son again.

Letizia noticed how  the young lady doctor from last night had entered looking at her with an unreadable expression "Hello ... I am pleased to see you awake? How are you feeling?"

Letizia replied "Much better... Thank you..." She was friendly. She trusted her for some reason.

The lady doctor came inside "I would like to run a few more tests if it is ok. This is just to make sure all is well and normal."

Letizia said "I am feeling fine though.."

The lady doctor said "That is what I told Mr Rosario after I gave you medication. But they wish for me to make sure all is clear and double check everything... They are not home yet... I need to make sure I run the tests and have them ready when they get back..."

Patrizio got off the bed.

Letizia asked urgently "Patrizio. Wait... Where are you going?"

Patrizio said "Papa told me not to disturb the doctor... I will be back mama...."

As Patrizio left the room, Letizia sighed. His son was just so mature for his young age. He was also very loyal to his papa. But of course he loved his mama too... No one had managed to turn him against Letizia even though people may have said not so nice things about her while she had been expelled from Vitale's life. She hoped she could see Patrizio again and his papa didnt decide to punish her some more by banning her from seeing him.

The doctor smiled at Letzia as she took out her equipment from her medical bag that she had placed on the side table. "You have such an adorable son..."

Letizia smiled back weakly " I know... He is my little treasure...." She then hesitated before asking "Where is my husband? Where is Vitale?"

The doctor sighed "They said they need to deal with those who put you in this condition... But they said they will be back by dinner time which is coming up shortly..."

The doctor ran her tests and left. Letizia was left in her thoughts. She waited and waited hoping for Patrizio to come back.

The door opened. She sat up on the bed hoping to see Patrizio but she saw her husband appear at the door. She swallowed hard. Could they fix their marriage. Did Vitale mean it that they could be a family again or it was a rushed decision to say what he had said because she was in distress when she was found.

Vitale closed the door and slowly took steps towards. Her heart started racing. She got off the bed. She could. She was not weak. Her instinct told her to run. She took steps backwards as her back hit the wall. Vitale kept walking and approached her until he was standing in front of her. He looked into her eyes with an unreadable expression.

Letizia stared back at Vitale not being able to form words. She wanted to ask if he meant what he had said? But she didnt dare speak. She wanted him to talk first.

Vitale said "The doctor said you have made good recovery... She is one of the best doctors in the United States. She works closely with Vienna at one of the Rosario hospitals in New York that Viggo managed. She had travelled with Viggo and came here as the Rosario family doctor. Her medical report on you is quite positive... She said you are healthy and just abit in shock. She prescribed resting and sleeping pills if you had difficulty sleeping... Do you want to see her again?

Letizia shook her head "I am fine... I dont need a doctor..." She then looked away "I need a family..."

Vitale put his finger behind her chin and tilted her head towards himself "You have a family... You have me... You have Patrizio... We can be a family again..."

Letizia felt a lump in her throat "Do you mean that Vitale?

Vitale got closer to Letizia and said "Everything will be ok Letizia..."

Letiza looked at Vitale and whispered "Everything? But how? Is all I have done forgiven? Am I not going to be punished more?" She had the urge to look away after asking but she couldn't. Vitale still had his fingers under her chin tilting her head towards him.

Vitale shook his head "You are safe now... You are safe with me..."

Letizia took a deep breath as she felt nervous. She was scared of asking but found the courage to ask "You mean that... Please tell me if you are going to hurt me more... I can bear anything but I cant bear the thought of not seeing Patrzio again.... Please the next time you separate me from Patrizio as part of my punishment when you ban me from being part of the Rosario family, just kill me instead... Thats a more merciful punishment for any sins I commit... I cant do this again... I need my son... And .... I need you..."

Vitale explained  "Letizia... I am not planning to hurt you... I wont... I think Viggo told you about this... I am going to make sure you dont get the chance to do anything reckless that puts you at risk in any way again... I will watch over you... I will protect you... No one will hurt you and I wont let you hurt yourself by making the wrong decisions...."

Letizia said quickly  "I wont cause any trouble... I will not do anything without consulting you again.... I will ask you for permission for everything... I promise... I know I did the worst crime imaginable. Even the Marciano family told me many times my punishment should have been death if I was anyone else... I created a situation that nearly hurt my child, a Rosario.... That is unforgivable.. I know you may want to hurt me and punish me again and again for what I have done even now... Maybe you felt sorry for me when you rescued me and your promised we can be a family again... I dont believe I deserve forgiveness for my past actions ...  Vitale... Please hurt me and punish me all you want... But  I beg you  that you please dont separate me from you and Patrizio again as punishment ... I beg you... " She then sobbed as she finished what she wanted to say.

Vitale pulled his hand away from her chin while looking deeply and silently into her eyes.

Letizia then saw how he reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. He wiped her tears with his gentle touch making her freeze in surprise. He then discared the cloth and leaned close. He attached his lips to hers.

Letizia's knees felt weak and she may have collapsed if Vitale had not also pinned her hands to the wall as he was kissing her. The kiss was so intense. Too intense. He was moving his lips passionately against hers.

Letizia couldn't believe it. Vitale's kisses felt like how she remembered them to be, soft, passionate, gentle and possessive. She didnt need his assurances that everything was going to be ok in words. His kisses said it all. His love was overwhelming her with so much emotion.

Once Vitale satisfied he pulled away and whispered  "I love you Letizia... I love you so much.... You betrayed me... I have not forgotten what you did... But I have forgiven your actions...." He then kissed her again.


Ludovico was at the Rosario property. He had come only for one reason.... To check on Letizia... He was there to make sure Letizia was going to be treated right and she was ok before he left to go on his business and of course continue with his quest of finding his beloved.

He was sitting next to her bed watching her drink water as she was seated on her bed.

Ludovico explained to Letizia how she could locate him and where she could find him if she ran into trouble again and got assurances from Letizia that she was comfortable.

Ludovico finally stood up "I have to go but I am only a phone call away Letiza... If anything is upsetting you or bothering you I want to hear it from you before the problem gets bigger. No problem is too big for me... I am always there for you... You are my cousin. My family... And if Vitale doesnt treat you right, I wont hesitate to declare war on Rosarios..."

Letizia looked up at her cousin "I dont think I will ever need to call you... I will be careful and wont get into trouble again like this time... I will behave... The only reason I will call you is to invite you for family events... You said it Ludovico. We are family. Where are you going now? Why dont you stay for dinner. If you dont stay for me, at least stay for my son. Patrizio loves you already and is so happy he met his uncle  Ludovico today for the first time. He would be upset to see you leave."

Ludovico said "Time is something I dont have Letizia... I need to find my woman... That is my mission in life... Its best for everyone in the family if I find her soon... I do my responsibilities as my father's son... But I cant fully be focused on business because I dont have my woman in my life... You never give up on Vitale.... I cant give up on my woman..."

A knock came on the door and Letizia shouted "Come in".

Letizia looked past Ludovico "Doctor... You have brought another pack of medicine... I have enough..."

The doctor said warmly "This is just precaution." The packet of tablets then dropped from her hand as she noticed the other figure in the room she had just noticed. The muscular handsome man with the black suit had just turned and his handsome eyes had just met hers. As his eyes met hers, recognition crossed them. He said in his usual rough and firm voice that she knew too well "Laurenza..."

Laurenza shook her head as she took a step back "Ludovico..." She then ran and heard his heavy footsteps following behind her.

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